Dan Harmon is the Yea Forums of television writers and you only hate him because you hate yourself

Dan Harmon is the Yea Forums of television writers and you only hate him because you hate yourself.

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We hate him because he appears to be a pedo.

So just like Yea Forums, then?

We David Simon you fool.

community never survived pierce

Ok Dan.

No david simon said mean things about trump on twitter therefore he's dead to me.

>we hate him because he is us

Unironically, that's why I hate him. I'm a lazy manic-depressive pervert who writes comedy too.

I'm just more humble.


Dan Harmon is a disgusting pedophile and there were some deep deep digs on this maybe a year or more ago on /pol/ before Sarah Silverman and this weird other multimillionaire guy showed up and paid off the site so every thread was deleted and people got banned for a couple weeks for discussing


This sounds legit

Seth Green and Eric Wareheim are pedos so I wouldn't be surprised.

I hate him because the work he produces is subpar.

sure thing Chaim but go ahead and look it up if you don't believe it

Is "X is a pedophile" the new "X is a communist"? Gets kinda hard to trust when the go-to put-down of anyone now is that they rape babies.

how about you go and look it up and then feel like a fucking retard? alternatively try kys

Dunno , everytime I hear him talk he sounds like a jagoff , I tried listening to his podcast it was nothing but him whining non-stop

He’s an actual cuckcold so maybe he is like a lot of faggots here.

itty bitty baby

are people really mad that he had some edgy joke video 20 years ago? i get it on twitter but Yea Forums just uses this excuse because they don't like him anyways

>Dan Harmon is the Yea Forums...
Are you new here?

Go write that damn movie already, Harmon. Rick and Morty sucks.

Can’t wait for his animated movie about MJ’s chimp.

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Actually, I only hate him because he hates himself. Can't stand people that seethingly hateful toward themselves. It's so offputting and even if some of that anguish lets him occasionally have good ideas or creativity it doesn't change the fact he makes himself so much of his art. At that point you can no longer separate art from artist, and so then his art also suffers.

Which is funny because I love Doug Stanhope, a dude who is arguably 1000% harder on himself

i don't even know who this faggot is
but if he is really like me then his ballsack is unwashed and stinky

i love community

i dont care if he's a pedo his reference based comedy is shit to me

itty bitty boat