Ash vs Evil Dead

were you sad when it got cancelled Yea Forums?

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Those mexicans ruined the show that's why

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Yes, I was.

I am a bit upset yes. we could have gotten Mad Max Ash and THEN it's cancelled..

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It was the best replacement for Supernatural, too bad Supernatural outlived it

No, it had maybe 3 good episodes.

With new hotness

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Every night at 9 PM EST, I was there for Season 3. Highlight of my week was watching Ash Williams deal with having a daughter and goof off killing evil with two worthy sidekicks.
But I knew what was coming. I saw the commercials, STARZ. The feminist show set in old England. The feminist show set in some South American country. The feminist show set in New York. And who could forget the token black show featuring just enough white people for me to remember the title. Not that I'm going to advertise it here.

And, of course, the descriptive commercials. THE FUTURE IS: BLAH BLAH FEMALE BLAH BLAH BLAH. Yes, we get it, it was her turn. And yes, I knew that not even two black love interests, an Italian pretending to be a Jew, and a buff Hispanic could not save the image of Ash Williams as a total pig. Bruce Campbell should really apologize for being a white male; it's his fault the show was cancelled.

So thank you, STARZ. Thank you for redpilling me more than the over-representation of Jews in the media, more than race realism being lost in a tidal wave of academic activism and political correctness, more than even FBI crime statistics and national debt Ponzi schemes. You opened my eyes to the truth that they truly want to take everything from us, the white men.

When you finally push us too far and the police side with the fascists who will overturn democratically elected women, and the hicks come out of the woods with their assault rifles and rope and start a civil war, and this country burns, at least you'll have ripped our hearts out by cancelling Bruce Campbell's show after trying your best to ruin it. You may lose the war, but you won the only battle that mattered. The battle for the true sequel to the true ending of Army of Darkness.

Feels bad, man.

They did it to themselves by having such a shit supporting cast. Should've been a revolving door the entire way through.

i went to elementary school with kelly, ama

have intercourse

was she good at math?

Shit was comfy. Gonna miss it, got 30 hours more of evil dead I never would have had without it.

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No. It wasn't even Evil Dead. It was a parody of the franchise. It's like they took the tone of AoD, made it less funny, added obnoxious character I begged for them to kill off, and set it in the ED universe with a chubby denture wearing old man Ash. How is this acceptable? There was 0 tension and there was a shit ton of bad CGI. ED is a fucking horror movie. ED2 is a fucking horror movie with comedic moments only derived by Ash's leap into madness. AvsED is a dumb buddy comedy with pointless characters, lame villains, cringey effects (with occasional good effects), piss-poor attempts at humor, and other gay shit i'd rather not get into.

as good as any other 8 year old

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>have 3 seasons to write something resembling an ending
I never watched season 3 but I'm still upset.

I agree however in defense of the show Ash was always remembered in pop culture as the badass quipping army of darkness coward. So the show based it on AOD more than anything. Only the pilot balanced the original ED tone well. Raimi directed of course.

Thanks for reminding me I still haven't watched the 3rd season. I love all 3 movies (2 the best) and really liked the first 2 seasons. The black chick with the big tits was pretty distracting though.

Kinda? I liked the show overall but it was uneven as fuck. The pilot (and most of season 1) was fucking fantastic. Season 2 dropped the ball imo (there was apparently some drama behind the scenes with directors/writers being swapped etc) and went in a direction I didn't care for (gross out humor/gore, a shitty big bad, etc). Season 3 was righting the ship but then it got cancelled.

Campbell blamed piracy for the shows cancellation and technically he's right but the show doomed itself since no one ones to pay for an entire channel just for one show.

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You can't tell me, if you like Evil Dead, that you didn't think at least Season 2 and 3 were great.


They just missed the chance to make a good comeback of Evil Dead.
But instead we got some zoomer shit with dumb "comedy" and extra characters that nobody cares about.

The only interesting thing to come out of this shit show was the cliffhanger finale. What a waste, we could have had that instead of the garbage leading up to it.

Show me more images of this lady's boobs.

Piracy had its share but most of the people pirating were turning around and buying the dvd/blurays as they released.

The real issue was Starz being bought out sometime late into season 2, the new owners had no faith or interest in continuing the show and only let season 3 happen because Starz had already greenlit it.

Nothing short of every single fan of the show buying into the service for the channel along with recruiting multiple others that had no interest in the show doing so as well and everyone watching it live and all the reruns that night could have changed the new bosses minds and even then itd have still been a long shot.

Yeah if it was a Netflix show I bet it would have more seasons, Starz doesn't even exist in many countries

>dat feel when we'll never get a Mad Max setting AvED game following the ending of the series.

From what I remember everytime a season of the show was put on Netflix it did phenomenally well and that when the show was initially canceled there were early talks of getting Netflix to pick it up but Bruce or Rami or one of the other bigshit was just pissed off enough to say no

As someone who's seen almost every great horror movie from 1920-1999 and conisder's ED their favorite horror movie of ALL time, yes I can say with confidence it wasn't great at all. The best thing to come out of the series was the pilot and occasional cool moments. They turned it into one massive joke with no character development for Ash or any signs of real danger for the main cast (and if something bad does happen ITZ A GUD THING 4 TIEMTRAVIL). Everything in the second season from puppet Ash to the horrendously bad villain who looked like evil Coop from Twin Peaks was a giant failure. 3rd season tried to improve it but I would never call the series a great successor. If you think ED should have gone in this AoD-esque overly quippy tensionless direction.. fine, but it's not ED to me.

I still need to watch the third season but yes, I am sad. Probably one of my favorite tv shows ever. I wish there were more shows like this that were just good, bloody, action-horror fun. Everything takes itself super seriously all the time.

>The best thing to come out of the series was the pilot and occasional cool moments.
I thought the opposite. The pilot was underwhelming but I wanted to give it a few episodes before judging it. It started picking up, and then season 2 and 3 I thought were insanely well done, especially with the throwbacks to ED1 and 2.
>If you think ED should have gone in this AoD-esque overly quippy tensionless direction.. fine, but it's not ED to me.
Fair enough, I can see that, although I think the more comedic style fits better as a TV series than serious ED1 style horror would. It's really just modern Bruce Campbell in an ED inspired setting, enjoying his return as Ash. I like Bruce Campbell, so I found the show very fun.

>I still need to watch the third season
If you have Amazon Prime, here's an easy way to watch it. Sign up for STARZ free trial, get through the season within a week, then cancel.