1000 generations live in you now

>1000 generations live in you now
How? She had less than a couple days worth of actual training and only has a few dated books

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I thought it was 1000 years.

Supposedly Ep IX is set a year or two after TLJ

Power of the vagina, virgin.

Big orgy afterglow.

As Luke's daughter, she had years of training at the temple before Ben destroyed it in autismo rage.

>Film is literally starting on a desert planet and ending on Endor
l m a o


Rewatch the trailer. Luke’s voiceover narrates that 1000 generations of “ALL we know” (Jedi teachings) have been passed on. How did Rey (hell, even Luke) learn that much?

Turns out they didn't know all that much.

She read the book and unlocked the God Mode.

I can't get over the fact the first trailer they show its her jumping over a tie fighter. Not even StarKiller did that.

That's a lot of cum

It's 1000 generations in ANH but Lucas couldn't remember his own dialogue so he fucked it up in the Prequels. Then EU authors made up some bullshit to justify it later.

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

>She read the book and unlocked the God Mode

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It's not 1000 years. Luke says 1000 generations.
>1 generation = 25 years
Ergo, Rey has 25000 years worth of Jedi training in her body now thanks to having a vagina + the book.
This is your "relatable character," lads. Literally the most powerful entity in the history of the franchise & possibly in all fiction ever. Stunning and brave.

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All the past Jedi masters transfer all their knowledge into her by one big force gangbang

so which sci-fi parody will ep 9 rip off? i'm going for galaxy quest

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Nobody who actually speaks English would say "1000 years live in you now" not even in a retarded scifi setting.

I have an awful feeling like there will be some fuckery where ghost luke,yoda, obi etc give rey a file dump and she downloads all their power.
probably the same with kylo
so its the same fight as before but now even more EPIC™
Sounds like something that hack JJ would do.

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Wait, weren't the books pointless? Which is why the whole "have you read them? pageturners they were not" thing tied in?

Is kylo trying to kill Rey in the scene with the Tie?
The way the scene is edited makes me think its a fake out.
Although her lightsaber is angled perfectly to cut off one of the wings, she still has time to move it around

>be bunch of Hollywood elites and self-hating schizophrenic jew writers
>write pandering, wish fulfillment character who has only vague hints of actual adversity and background
> "oy vey! goyim don't like the character we made for them! what do?" can't understand why not.
>be such a narcissist beta, literally unable to imagine giving female lead some kind of flaw or foil
>"I know, Herschel! let's have her be the absolute culmination of the saga! she'll be like Jesus! Goy *love* Jesus!"
>"Great idea Moshe! Also, have her cartwheel over a spaceship."
there is no way to redeem this mess. it just gets worse and worse.

He's talking to Kylo. You Reytards are dumb af.

Shut the fuck up about her already.

>galaxy quest
It's a masterpiece, far ahead their writing level.

He's training her.

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The book probably has a shitload of theoretical knowledge, probably about the Beyond, if that leak is going to be true.
But "a thousand generations rest on you now" doesnt mean she inherited all their skills and she is the ultimate jedi (she is, but because of the bad writing, not because of what luke is sayin), just that she carries on the jedi name / duty

cartwheels over the tie interceptor
smashes through the glass ceiling
rey looks directly into the camera
>equal pay for equal work

>We have to fight Palpatine
>In the first phase of the fight he is going to fly a tie fighter at you...

yeah but it's like highlander. she absorbed darth snokes power now her and kylo will fight in yankee stadium. there can be only one.

>equality is not enough !

>SG and the actual movies make it very clear Kylo is the Skywalker of the trilogy for years
>Rey's parents were never important literally just a headcanon from dumbass fanboys that her parents were important
>they push a romance between Rey and Kylo for two movies with more coming in IX from the sounds of it
>Kylo's theme literally plays when "rise of the skywalker" title shows onscreen

>retarded fucking fanboys

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Stay mad bitch.

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I don't think anyone who is a real sw fan wants rey to be a skywalker, we don't want to taint that line with this shit character.
>Rey's parents were never important
then why the fuck is it the only thing you can really say about the character?
Is there anything you can say about rey outside of her abandonment and interest in finding her parents?
shes a hollow shell and the lineage thing was literally the only thing interesting about her
>muh fanboys obsessed over it
almost like we were led to believe it was going to be important
expectations subverted i guess.

Dodging a ramming Tie fighter is probably the best way to train against the infamous ultimate attack, the Sheev Spin™

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I don't understand how stupid people can be sometimes.

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No, some retards actually are obsessed with the idea of Rey being a Skywalker. Like that would somehow make her a non-shitty character. It wouldn't. They just car about nostalgia and iconography.

It's obvious to everyone with a brain that Kylo is the Skywalker and real heart of the trilogy. I guess it's too difficult for you brainlets to wrap your head around a character being a Skywalker unless they are acting like a shitty clone of the OT trio like Rey/Finn/Poe.

>Rey has da saber and da falcon she must be a skywalkerrrr

Read a fucking book.

At least the trailer does

>we were led to believe it was going to be important

It's important to Rey but it's obvious there's something fishy about it from the beginning. Maz literally tells her her parents aren't coming back and she needs to move on.

Rey's story is about finding her belonging, she thinks here parents will give her that but they won't. They abandoned her on a shitheap planet so she has to make her own belonging. This is pretty obvious if you actually pay even a little attention.

because she's a strong powerful woman you sexist bastard

spoiler: picture of Rey finding her belonging in IX

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>she thinks here parents will give her that but they won't
A fact she accepts after Maz tells her, making the continuation of this subject in 8 completely pointless. Rian put it in there because we the audience wanted to know, not Rey. It's the laziest, most pandering way he could have written it.

Its the characters sole driving force unless you count her mentor collection
with that in mind, coupled with her OP force powers, anyone who understands the universe would be greatly interested in her parentage because it would be the reasonable explanation for her power.
The writers of these movies do not understand sw however and had no plan, so the audience gets jerked around and rug pulled and zoomer nuwars faggots like yourself pound your chest about some nuance that only you picked up on because you're not an idiot fanboy.
fans have explained with head cannon for years but this shit is unsalvagable.

>a fact she accepts

No, she doesn't. Rey has always known the truth, but hides it away. Kylo literally spells this out to the audience and to Rey.

She cries when Maz tells her becuase she knows it's true, but then she clamps down and literally fucking runs away when Maz tries to give her the saber.

It's a metaphor for her running away from her problems and her "destiny". Refusing the call to action or whatever it's called. Then guess what? She runs straight into Kylo Ren for the first time anyway and Maz tells Finn Rey is "exactly where she needs to be" when that happens.

Rey still never admitted to herself the truth of her parents, she was looking for guidance in TLJ. She literally says this and Kylo acts like a guide/teacher of sorts for her emotionally and you know the rest.

I don't even like Rey and think she is boring and horribly written, but it's obvious what they are trying to do with her.

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Nothing can top the OT in sense of story, symbolism, cultural importance, success. Disney knows it quite well and are therefore not even trying.

Ah, the Treason Spin.

No man can counter it.

Her sole driving Force is finding her place, she thinks it's her parents but has always known that was wrong deep down. It's a coming of age story for her and Kylo.

She is a dumb Mary Sue but that's not an excuse for fanboys do cling to a shitty theory that never had any basis in the writing.

Especially when there is already a Skywalker in the movies as a main character.

>She had less than a couple days worth of actual training

It was literally less than ten minutes.

>Rey is greater than Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Qui Gon Jinn, Every member of the Jedi Council, Luke Skywalker, and any other Jedi you can think of... And why? Because she downloaded Kylo’s powers and did zero work. Also read some books, maybe

This is literally what’s happening. Long time Star Wars fans, are you ok with this?

I don't give a fuck because it's obvious Luke is talking to Kylo and not her.

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No he’s not

And what the fuck did he even teach her besides telling her what the force is? I haven't seen TLJ since it came out, but wasn't the 2nd lesson basically him just shitting on the Jedi?

That would make kylo the "last jedi". He's the only one left that already had proper training and he confronted/killed snoke.

so her motivation is to find a motivation

reys dad is kylos grandfather

I wasn't okay with nu-wars the second they threw out the EU

>He's training her.

It almost has to be that, right?

Nothing can defend against the Sheev spin

t. Reycuck

There is no "last jedi". Luke was only saying there will be more after him, as in more than one.


Might not be Kylo piloting that TIE

It looks similar to Kylo's fighter from TLJ but it is a different model.

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I didn't say she was a good character. Part of the reason she's so shit is because the audience can't connect with her because she doesn't even know what she wants. The entire story is her figuring it out.

It's a coming of age story for Kylo too, but he actually has ideals and goals. Rey just fucking floats around the story.

Thank God the trilogy is ultimately going to be about him probably anyway.

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You can see his hands and shirt+cape in the scene. Not to mention there are screens of him on a sandplanet.

The SILENCER he had in TLJ was just a prototype anyway IIRC.

This, ST is setting up New!OT with Rey as Anakin equivalent, and Ben restoring the Jedi Order.
>The Rise of Skywalker
It's right in front of us all.
Screencap for when I'm proven right.

Episode IX canonically takes place about a year since Episode XIII

The only thing Rey has really wanted for herself in this entire trilogy was to save and be with Kylo. Relatable to be honest.

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Luke's ghost has been pestering her with advice 24/7 since the end of Episode 8.

Why is Rey brown?

Daisy confirmed in an interview that Rey has only started reading the texts and that she still doens't know a lot of things.

Luke is talking to Kylo anyway and since Kylo is training Rey he is probably the one who will help her with the texts too since it's confirmed they have a lot of scenes alone together.

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artistic preference? I don't know, I didn't draw it. She is kinda tan in the trailer though.

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>is ultimately going to be about him probably anyway.
it should be but i feel like its too late for that.
they spent the first two trying to force rey while kylo was clearly the most interesting

IX is going to be a two parter.

Dude just turn your brain off

>trying to force Rey

She has screentime and POV, but he's the center of everything and always has been. Rey hasn't done shit for two movies. Kylo made all the moves for the plot and probably will even more so in IX since he is the last Skywalker and it's literally in the title.

>Kylo finally gets to make his dream come true and teach his waifu

That would be intensely satisfying if it actually happened.

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she's probably jumping into the back so they can tag team someone else


Finally I cant wait for the prime chad Sheev to come back and fuck Ray in front of Kylo

>He's training her.
Just download it, you faggot.

>let the past go, kill it if you have to
>next movie is called "The Rise of Skywalker".
I don't know, I enjoyed Solo and Rouge One just as stand alone action/sci-fi flicks, but this new trilogy just hasn't been doing it for me. I remember when I saw TFA, it was alright, but it felt like something was missing. When I saw TLJ, I remember feeling like the pacing was all over the place.

>1000 generations live in you now
isn't this the actual reason for the second X chromosome

I agree, but like it or not Rey is the protagonist, she is supposed to be the lead but she is so weak that even a weak villian can outshine her.
If Rey was a genuinely good character you wouldn't think of kylo as the lead, you'd just see him as a conflicted villain

if only

more ep ix spoilers

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I mean, they've literally called him a protagonist before and have said multiple times that the story is both Rey and Kylo's. It's not just about Rey's writing. He's the last Skywalker heir in a story heavily about the Skywalkers to the point that it's called part of the Skywalker saga.

No, because they wrote the story to be about Kylo and Rey as the new gen so if she was a good character she would actually pull her weight more but still not be more important than him. He will always be inherently more important than her even just a little bit because he's the Skywalker in this Skywalker trilogy.

He is a dual-protagonist and center/heart of the story. Rey is just a pov that was upposed to be a daul-protag of sorts but she's just a discount shitty version of him because theydidn't bother actually writing her well and instead decided to rely on nostalgia/iconography and unfortunately that is good enough for some people to "like" her or think she's "badass".

teaster trailer BRownvotes creeBing up to 11%

I just want them to do cute shit and then fuck.

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I'd guess that they will take the Dune references of the original to their logical conclusion and have Rey gain access to the memories of all the 6 gorillion Jedi who will also be part of her consciousness, but instead of genetic memory (as in Dune) this comes to her through the Force, hopefully through some arcane ritual instead of pure marysueing but after TLJ I'd abandon all hope. (PG-13 and Disney so the equivalent of the sietch orgy is out of the question right off the bat.)

It might be that this was already hinted in Rogue One. "I am one with the Force, the Force is with me."

At this point just make another Last Airbender movie instead

But then she wouldn't be able to spend hours or days alone in the desert with her husbando

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Find out just how many generations or years ago it was in Disney's Star Wars The Old Republic the Live Action Series, featuring the creative minds behind Game of Thrones only on Disney Plus Streaming Service where you can also find all of your favorite content from Marvel Entertainment, National Geographic, and more.


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>Nobody who actually speaks English would say "1000 years live in you now"
And yet, Lucasfilm was incompetent enough to allow a grammatically incorrect title like "The Rise of Skywalker" slide.


very nervous desu

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>But then she wouldn't be able to spend hours or days alone in the desert with her husbando
She could reach into his mind, give it some stimulation after the download, and then they'd fuck.
>Learn how to write, faggot.

That's probably what they're doing. She's taking more from his head and he's teaching her how to properly utilize it. Then when it gets dark they huddle in his cockpit for warmth and fuck.

It's more romantikku if they are sneaking way to be alone together under the guise of "i-it's just for training because we NEED to do this and go out of our way!"

>Learn how to write, faggot.

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>5 years of training for Luke
>he can jump 15 feet and block blaster bolts from 8 guys

>a life time of training for anakin
>he can jump 30 feet and run really fast and choke people

>2 days of training for rey
>she effortlessly lifts boulders and weightlessly leaps over tie fighters

They may as well just go full DBZ retard and just have rey flying around flinging around star destroyers, she's already comically over powered. At this point just have her implode galaxies with her force power it makes no difference

That would mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that is maternally passed from the mother to the offspring through her egg, not the X Chromosome, but you are right that this is passed on from generation to generation through females (grandmother to mother to daughter, ect.). Now that I think about it, I wouldn't put past these hack frauds to try and say that some omnipotent force ghost of all jedi past got Rey's mom pregnant or that Sheev did some fresh coonery like take a sample of Anikan's mitochondria and do some long forgotten sith genetic splicing to add even more mitocholorians to Anakins to create some super-duper force sensitive to control at a later time that is related to the Skywalker lineage. But that would be too smart for whatever crap they actually do. Either way the Mouse-jew is not getting my sheckles to see their garbage. Also multiple forced and sterile romances between diverse characters you know nothing about or care for. Happy 2019

Does anybody have the shop of this picture with Daisy as the Alien? Please post it.

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IX takes place one whole month after TLJ... with that time, Rey would kick Yoda's ass without even moving.


have sexual fren

>the ghosts of previous generations of Jedis haunt the surviving Jedis
>the burden used to be shared among the group but now they all concentrate on the last Jedi
>Luke can't handle all those haunting so he cut himself off from the force

>Implying that people are doing that nowadays, even outside of Yea Forums.

isn't it years?

>She had less than a couple days worth of actual training and only has a few dated books

Do we know RoS takes place that soon after TLJ?

>They may as well just go full DBZ retard and just have rey flying around flinging around star destroyers

This would be fucking awesome. I guess we are looking for different things from this movie.

She is no man.

She's also a Bene Gesserit.

*Force Awakens blocks your path*