How come Yea Forums thinks Pierce is cool and "based" because his wife is fat but when I posted mine on here she and I were made fun of?
How come Yea Forums thinks Pierce is cool and "based" because his wife is fat but when I posted mine on here she and I...
Please don't compare yourself to him. The man is an artist
His wife is part of the Architect's Grand Design, a masterful work of art.
You and your wife are just fat and lazy.
Were you James Bond? No? There you go.
was your wife a 10/10 which you gradually fed into becoming your very own masterpiece?
Because you aren’t popular on r/Yea Forums
Post her, I haven’t seen her
Nobody cares about you and your brachiosaurus of a wife
>why is my wife not popular
lmfao implying this is highschool, grow up retard
Post her puffy vag in a hog thread on /s/
She’ll be popular allright.
Probably because your wife was always a fat hog?
Pierce on the other hand is a high-order sexual alchemist. He takes a boring run of the mill "beauty" by conventional standards and transmutes her into the Venus of Willendorf braapcow he always wanted. Turned lead to gold.
What did you do? Pick up some fat chick in a Cumberland Farms parking lot?
This. Look at the curves of his wife, she's shapely with clearly defined and masterfully designed protrusions. Your wife's folds extend haphazardly in all directions with no consideration or appeal to form. A disgrace.
He took a hot woman and made her fat incrementally, thus creating an attractive fat woman. Hence, the Architect.
You just married an already fat woman who isn't hot.
See the difference?
Has anybody ever confronted Piece about the fact that he clearly has taken pleasure in ballooning his wife? I wonder if he would admit it. Surely we aren't the only ones who have noticed?
>when the incels call my wife fat
the chad is a true pygmalion
There is only one Architect, and you ain't him son, you just married a fat chick. You're embarrasing yourself and everyone on this board with your lack of self awareness.
What about tits and face?
Because Pierce could be married to virtually whomever he fucking pleases and seems to be very happy and in love his longtime wife who has let her self go. chad behavior. also james bond.
And you compare yourself to Pierce? Embarrassing
pierceposting is the best thing from Yea Forums in a very long time
actually disgusting
how dare you compare this trash to Brosnan's masterpieces
>What did you do? Pick up some fat chick in a Cumberland Farms parking lot?
I fuck a fat chick (a bit less fat than Pierce's wife in OP) once every week and I gotta say they are fun to fuck, eager to please and horny as hell.
How come so many people feel the need to post shitty pictures of their fat wives on Yea Forums
but the smell
its just a little bit of pepperoni grease and poop