Tfw I just can't find any girls to fall in love with anymore

>tfw I just can't find any girls to fall in love with anymore

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I never fallen in love in my life, all this oneitis talk is completely alien to me.
27 years old.

just watch camgirls and asmr youtubers

When was the last time you went in a date?

Two years ago. It just felt fruitless to me and now I can't see anyone. And all my friends have failures of relationships, most recently my friend got cucked by his girlfriend of ten years just before he was about to propose.

same, ive had 3 girlfriends and every single time i got annoyed with them and broke it off after a month

waiting 10 years to propose... no wonder. she was probably fucking him over since 5 years ago

I'm a 25 year old khv, but I still don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've done everything I can.

how tall are you? and are you obese?

love is bullshit. All they ever gonna do is leave you a wreck.

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5'6, and no.

They started dating at 13 so it isn't like they really were in the place to be that serious for a long while.

I haven't left my house much for the last several months, going back into the world these past few weeks as been weird. I feel much calmer just in general and people can sense it, it's weird. Many qt's checking me out, but surprisingly I don't cling to them to hard like I used to.

Hope this feeling stays.

>chin protrudes beyond mouth
>face tech says I'm a 7.8
>6 inch cock
>skinny fat fuck tho
>no confidence
>tfw 26 and KHV even though I have all the tools I need

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wow same here except i'm not a virgin. did you grow up with a single mother

did any of you autists walk around with a bandage on your nose after watching this kino?

No. I've just been very depressed most of my life.

same OP. I had a gorgeous girlfriend in high school (legit 9/10) and then a girl with a 10/10 personality in college (cooked for me, cleaned, was very funny, smart (studying science), and we fucked all the time).

Well it's been two years since all that and I just feel myself aging horribly, the QTs aren't interested anymore, I haven't fucked a skinny pretty girl in over a year. dating apps just worsen it. I was spoiled and now I understand how garbage dating is. Been on tons of dates. No connection, ever

Luv me missus
Simple as

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You're right around the age where you will stop giving a shit and things will get better.

Just wait, you'll see.

>t. autist

dude just fuck a random thot that'll give you confidence and you won't be so awkward

Start working out. Gives you confidence and the body.

Same.I am not bad looking but i think that i embraced too much nihilism and misanthropy to come back. Everyday feels like shit.

I bet you’re fucking obese LMAO

Not really. I am thin, but not in a noodle way

It's not to late to take the 2Dpill.

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I'm hitting a point in my life where I'm actually starting to give a fuck again, though.

I'm not even nihilistic or misanthropic. I'm a relatively optimistic person. I just can't find that positivity regarding relationships or women anymore.

>wanting to fall in love

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Dude are you saying I should want to take care of and raise a family with someone I don't give a shit about?

we are constrained by biology
even if we realize this fact, we are constrained all the same

What kind of girls are you looking for user?

There there apu

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This is what plagues my life. Every ounce of my conscious being just wants to he free of this tyrannical desire. I'm sick if feeling poorly because of my interactions (and lackthereof) with women.
Even still, no matter how I rally against my desire, I cant seem to best it. I find myself always acting a certain way around women. Admittedly though, as the years progress I'm slowly getting a hold over it.
Maybe in my 30's I can finally start to live my life.

I can't even pick. Tinder's been just swiping left for the last couple of months. It's weird, because last year I've scored 300% more than any other year in my life. I'm burnt out. I really don't know what else to do. I work out like crazy, I diet, I do nofap often, to raise my testosterone. I've had over 30 lovers in my life counting partners, but I guess it's over. I can't find her. Where do I go? Where do I search? I have no idea anymore...

If dubs all of you in this thread will get a gf in expense of mine

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>not just paying a hooker to fuck the pain away

Kek. He really looks like goose

You're supposed to find women ya peedoo

nofap wont raise your testosterone, will actually increase cortisol

Go somewhere fun. Do something you like to do or that interests you at least then you might find a girl you have something in common with.

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