A seventeen year old girl is never in her prime! NEVER!

A seventeen year old girl is never in her prime! NEVER!


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Other urls found in this thread:


>A seventeen year old girl is never in her prime! NEVER!
That will never not be funny.

The closest she came to an actual joke the whole time.

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and people say she's got no jokes

i can't be the only one who wants to see this dude naked, right?


have sex

Who even says that anyway?

Ugly angry lezzies.

Fun has been fucking ruined

Past a certain age, a woman without a family can be a bad thing.

What does she mean by "prime?" Is she talking about sexual prime? And when IS a woman in her sexual prime? I'm morally opposed to pedophilia and ephebophilia and I don't advocate breaking the law, but it's got to be like 13 or 14, right?

>And when IS a woman in her sexual prime?

when the titty has fully formed

It's because, as a deranged lesbo, she thinks she's a man. A man at her age is in his prime.

So 20?

that living ham will change everything she has to be like izzy moner for 2 seconds

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Imagine looking at this in the mirror and saying "Yes, I am in my prime."

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astute observation, user

9months old?

Sounds like she's trying to cope.

If she bleeds...

We can kill her...

17-23 range.
>inb4 american
Tits keep growing and ass keeps developing, 14-16year olds are lanky awkward kids.

why is she so fat? i mean she is extremely ugly why in the hell would you gain weight too
, wew


It's her anti-rape defense apparently

Her eyes are so unnerving

>The closest she came to an actual joke the whole time

It's almost as if she were a monologist, not a comedian; as if she were more interested in making a point than in getting a laugh.

It's almost as if OP is a delicate little snowflake that gets upset when he's not the target audience.

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>It's almost as if she were a monologist, not a comedian

Then why is it being promoted as comedy?

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Yea Forums cant into sarcastic humor

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Real talk though;
Every time this or something like it is posted, it just proves her point.

based and correct

Nice reddit filename you genuine faggot.

mean threads don't make 17 year olds less attractive user

>Circular logic

How does it prove her point? Biology very firmly disproves her point.

consider to engage in the intercourse act

Solid logic

generally speaking, the human body stops growing up and starts "just aging" circa age 25

You wanna know something about comedy?
It has its roots in the court jesters of olde. Court Jesters weren't just for making the king laugh. They came about, originally, because the phrase "Don't kill the messenger" hadn't been invented yet, and the king's subjects needed a way to break bad news to him in a way that won't get anyone under his charge killed. So if you had something to say, and you didn't think the king would like it very much, you told the Jester, who found a way to couch the unpleasant news in comedy and wit.
Ever since, comedy, and especially the best stand-up comedians, all did their best work couching deeply uncomfortable truths behind making you laugh.
Eventually though, it comes to a point where people go see the funny man just to laugh, and his actual message lands on deaf ears. When this happens, you need someone with guts to go up on stage and slap the audience in the face. The audience often hates this, obviously, and there have been many, MANY reprisals, but the end result is better comedy for everyone, because they bring the underpinning themes back to the forefront.
The go-to example is Lenny Bruce, who was arrested for obscenity, but who paved the way for Richard Prior and George Carlin, who are, themselves, more remembered for their message, than for simply making people laugh.

I don't like what Hannah Gadsby did, but I respect her for it, and I appreciate the hell out of her balls to do that on stage. And anyone who doesn't like it is missing the point and is most likely underage.

Not even he wants to see himself naked.

I'll never stop seeing that as Barton Fink

wew, dats some intense mental gymnastics there roastie! """"""She""""""" is still fucking retarded and revolting to the sight, cheers!

3/10 made me basedpost

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Sssss.... nah

>Aristotle taught that comedy was generally positive for society, since it brings forth happiness, which for Aristotle was the ideal state, the final goal in any activity.


this bitch must have PCOS or something

she's a bloated wreck of a human

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Attractiveness and ability to reproduce =/= Prime.

She's referring specifically to self-actuation, about being comfortable in one's skin. No 17 year old, of any gender, knows who the fuck they are. She does, and she doesn't apologize for it, and the fact that this board feels threatened enough by that to bring her up literally every single day in the ten months since Nanette came out just proves how insecure you all are about it.

tldr tranny faggot

You can easily deduce through her behaviour that there is a severe underlying insecurity and repressed anger in her paradigm and personality. In fact, that's the entire basis of her acts.

Nothing 'comfortable' about it.

Go Dilate.

She's comfortable enough to get up on stage in front of thousands of people, tell people exactly how angry she is and about what, and then record it for posterity.
That's pretty damn comfortable.

That's more than many, if not any of us can say

To be honest I don't think he/she must've looked any better at 17.

Her stomach pops out farther than her tits. She looks like an ice cream cone

>being a raging man-hating cunt who's pretending to be a comedian and wants the entire world to know it means she's secure with herself
Wow. So brave.

Brody Stevens did the same and necked himself because he was so uncomfortable.

Nothing about presenting in front of people speaks of your own true nature, you dumb obtuse faggot. Many comedians are severely depressed and anxious.

Today I will remind them.


And yet, here you are, in the Information Age, when she, herself, is naught but a twitter DM away, not even secure enough to tie your name and face to your opinion of her.
You'd know all about what she's talking about, right?

I'm truly impressed at the size of this lad.
Absolute unit

imagine being a man, and imagine how the majority of us can change ourselves to look much better, all you gotta do is workout and diet.

Now imagine being the woman in OP's post and knowing you can never do anything to come even close to webm related

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Me in the suit in back

This is lesbian bed death

is that dick cheney?

>its almost as if

Big Oof

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Most of us haven't even seen any of her material and just mock her because physically she's a disgusting mess and clearly she's a mental case who got groped by her step dad or something.

I assume she's talking about a general idea of a peak, including beauty, wisdom, experience, wealth, etc.
The difference is that a man is expected to be a lot of things, and his beauty is directly tied to exercise, so as he gets older and gets more worldly experience while also maintaining his appearance, there's a clear peak over who he was as a teenager or twenty-something. For a woman, though, basically nothing is expected of her beyond physical beauty and maybe intellect. Most women already don't have the latter, and the former goes out the window for most women by their mid 20s, and they absolutely can't stand the idea of working towards anything, so they maintain their decline while desperately arguing that traditional beauty is obsolete and being a loud, miserable hag is what a woman should really aspire to be

Heh. "Firmly."

dye her hair and you got "adam ruins everything"

What's the guy in the back doing? What's his story?
Is he eating alone? Waiting for his wife?

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she doesn't look 14 to me

>Autistic lesbian ranting about Picasso
The funniest joke was trying to convince the audience she got raped three times.

What kind of expression is she making here

All those chewed-up roastie tears.

These fucking horrible people claiming they've been raped for political purposes is so fucking infuriating

funny how it's always the ugly ones complaining they got raped or are fearful they will get raped

Ohhh so you're from plebbit. That explains it.

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If you see that in the mirror and say you feel "comfortable" about how you look you're not just ugly but a liar as well.

kill yourself

The fact that you think that is what a self-actualized person looks like and not a person wrecked by delusion and insecurity and trying desperately to cope with it shows how autistic you are.

Not him but are you disagreeing with the fact that most people still haven't found themselves at 17?
I know ever idiot who shit posts about it here hasn't watched it but she clearly makes a point that she's talking about how she didn't know who she was then and she does now, it had nothing to do with physical appearance

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I mean I'm a guy with a penis who wants to be a guy so I won't but nice try

Of course they haven't. Most people haven't "found themselves" at 36 or whatever age she is either.
I watched about half of the special, and the idea that she has reached the top of Maslow's pyramid is absurd when she reeks of anger and resentment and self-delusion.
She might be better and stronger than she was at 17, but she is clearly still a broken person and probably always will be.


Just looked it up she's 41 so way closer to her prime , I fucking hated Nanette but posting this one line with zero context thinking it's about fertility makes 0 sense there's so much to make fun of and somehow the retards here picked one of the few points that were decent

>doing desperate damage control for an insane victim of marxism
jesus fucking christ end your own life

Nice buzzwords that have nothing to do with the conversation being had

i find myself jerking to more women over 25 than under 25 but thats maybe because the women over 25 have taken care of themselves while lots of younger chicks these days have just JUSTED themselves and look like hambeasts

That's uh.... interesting hottake you got there

>Attractiveness and ability to reproduce =/= Prime.

it literally means that, at least thats how everyone uses that term

It's not a hot take when it's literally what she says in the special

Ah, then you're just the messenger. Well.... still an.... interesting hottake nonetheless

>he actually watched nanette

top goy of the month

kill yourself

this girl Nanette... she's got balls!

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I agree, Yea Forums can focus on some really dumb shit, but in this case her thinking anything about her is prime is emblematic of her delusions, and more damningly, of the delusions of all the aging feminists who write articles in slate and cosmo and buffpo and wherever else about how men are awful manchildren and afraid of "intelligent women" bc they don't want to wife or date ball-busting middle aged career women.

Imagine posting about something you haven't seen and then getting defensive when people say clearly you have no idea what you are talking about

>Nobel Prize winners make their big discovery at 40, on average

>Your understanding of other people's emotions peaks in your 40s and 50s

>Vocabulary peaks in your late 60s or early 70s

>Life satisfaction peaks at 69

>Men and women feel best about their bodies after 70

>Psychological well-being peaks at about 82

Imagine actually fucking laughing

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is the nanette is right poster fucking serious lmao

That doesn't happen in the special and it never happened it was at another show an audience member said it

@ me you little faggot

imagine being such a cringe inducing pile of shit that people online are constantly telling you to fucking kill yourself because even through text you are absolutely fucking unbearable

imagine being this mad at someone telling you that you are wrong and to watch the source material before making shit up

>ywn buy this Aussie legend a drink
Feels bad bros

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So she went to the police and had reports filed about her alleged 3 rapes, right? I mean she just wouldn't say she was raped 3 times without actually going to the police and offering proof she went to the police.... right?

she will just claim police are a white patriarchy and would never bother to actually bring justice to the suspects

You moron, I'm not same person

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She talks about going to court and how she didn't feel better even after justice was served, stop talking about shit you know nothing about

>posting this one line with zero context thinking it's about fertility makes 0 sense
Which is probably why he posted it referring to Maslow's pyramid and was clearly referencing her delusion. Do you even read the posts you try to rebut, or do you find a post you disagree with and just hurl random, irrelevant arguments out?

Well.... yeah. Wheres the lie?

And that man went on to move to New Zealand

Yeah, the longer this goes on the more I'm convinced this was a giant scam. She was an unfunny shitty comedian and realized that she could grift the shit out of dumb white women and soi men by pulling some dadaist shit.

In which way are they referencing her delusion she doesn't say "I'm hotter now than at 17" she says "I wasn't mature or fully who I was at 17 and being raped at that age changed who I was and now that I had 30 years to deal with it I feel that I now have an understanding of who I am"


I almost went to prison for fucking a 15 year old in Wisconsin AMA

When I was 19 btw. Got extradited from CA and everything



>Richard Prior and George Carlin, who are, themselves, more remembered for their message, than for simply making people laugh
100% untrue

Dykes beat their partners more than any other pair

>She talks about going to court and how she didn't feel better even after justice was served
i love how you just take her for her word

ahem ahem ahem.........Emily Feld

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Thinking everyone is lying is no different

Still didn't even read the post did you?
>the idea that she has reached the top of Maslow's pyramid is absurd when she reeks of anger and resentment and self-delusion.

he looks like a pedophile

are u new or something? thats Yea Forums, no one is that cucked to actually watch that preachy deranged ""woman""

Shut up discord tranny

How. He sounds based to me.



If you are over the age of 18 and the only person you can get to fuck you is 15 you are 1000% a fucking loser stuck in high school

>assuming a dumb SJW cunt is a liar
Yeah, just like how I assume putting my dick into the mouth of a rattle snake is not a good idea

I can smell the roast beef from here. stay angry, jelly over-the-hill bitch

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What did ("("("she")")") mean by this?

Really? 18 with 15 is no beuno? you are a bit puritanical user.

>Animal Analogy

Im a straight cis male so this literally couldn't effect me less

Why does it have to be only? You could fuck 18yos, 25yos, sexy 50yo milfs AND porime 15yo cuties. Life's a buffet. Dig in!


Yikes. Cringe.

Okay Pajheet and Ahmed, I'm sure you are excited for Sharia law so you can bring your Child Brides to america


Look i'm not going to pretend like a teenager isn't attractive even though it's inconvenient. Why wouldn't a man not be attracted to someone that is capable of giving birth?
This is 15 not 11 or 12


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>Im a straight cis male so this literally couldn't effect me less

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It's really easy to say she feels secure when she has the radical left to defend her.

Nothing she said is brave. It's all expected from the, she merely confirmed it.

Me, personally, I don't find making a habit of lying to myself and projecting my issues onto society as a healthy way of life, nor a genuine path towards "career success." She'll be a flopped up nobody in a year, and she'll go on a catatonic melt-down.

So am I trans or a neck beard make up your mind


Are you going to be okay?

>implying your reddit ass is not both

There must be court records then... right?


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This is actually me

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Maybe I don't know if Australian legal documents are released to the public

>A rich, beautiful, talented, desirable woman who can have sex with practically anyone she wants is "past her prime"

>An unemployed, obese, talentless, disgusting manchild living off his parents who will never have sex with literally anyone is "in his prime"

in b4 "no im actually a rich doctor lawyer and have sex with hot babes all the time". don't lie to yourself.

When Hannah dies, there will be international mourning. When you do, literally nobody will notice except your immediate family, who will celebrate their lives being freed of such a disgusting, embarassing leech.

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Australians have a lot of rape genes honestly. Apparently rape was considered less of a crime that stealing so they got a choice to go to Australia

>Real talk
this nigga arguing about memes

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>When Hannah dies, there will be international mourning

>her balls
something about this part rings true

>Men and women feel best about their bodies when they're starting to really break down and become incapable of basic operations like walking unaided

>feel best
It's because all through your life you are constantly wanting to improve everything about yourself and hating your flaws and at that age you decide there's nothing you can do and are truly happy

>My Jewish Brethren, the goys shouln't be exterminate-

It really depends on each individual because people grow at different rates. Could be as young as 15 or as old as 27.

OP have you considered the possibility that a middle aged lesbian’s idea of a person’s “prime” has nothing to do with what men want to fuck

I understand what you’re getting at, but at the same time, you have to understand what she’s getting at too, otherwise you’re just a juvenile moron

now, i don't know who you're describing with
>A rich, beautiful, talented, desirable woman who can have sex with practically anyone she wants is "past her prime"

are you describing hannah gadsby here? there are certain people for whom this description makes sense, like kim kardashian. but whether or not you are 'in your prime' is something ascribed to you by society, not by onesself. it's no different from knowing whether or not you are attractive- the only thing that matters is what other people think of your attractiveness, not what you think about your attractiveness.
and moreover, i don't think anyone was saying that neets are in their prime. this point of your post is correct and cogent, and it's easy to see that a lot of the joking about hannah gadsby here is in part projection or an expulsion of self-hatred towards a target (in this case hannah) from the average Yea Forums poster.

what age do footfags consider prime

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Sounds like self loathing, self deprecating humor.

That being said, she is not funny at all

There will be mourning in multiple countries and continents. That is de facto "international mourning".

Who will mourn when your obese, disgusting, lazy NEET body shuts down, user? Can you honestly name ONE (1) person? No.

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Hannah is the female equivalent of a nerd faggot. Nobody likes nerd faggots. Everybody can at least tolerate a Chad faggot. If she were a Stacey dyke, she'd get the progressive stack points AND people would like her for who she is.

Hmm so zero actual evidence to even offer a whiff of a suggestion that she was raped; let alone raped THREE times? Interdasting...


You sure got him there.

Didn't you fuck a horse too?

Im a 24 year old in new york how do you expect me to pull australian court documents

Nobody said she's at the top.
But the sheer, simple fact that she can get up on stage, say what she says, get paid millions for the privilage, and then live rent-free in the minds of Yea Forums posters is proof that she's far closer to that top than anyone in this thread.

Your worldview doesn't allow for physical and mental confidence in someone who isn't physically attractive, so you feel threatened by someone who is confident, but not attractive. Which is literally exactly what her point is.

>Your worldview doesn't allow for physical and mental confidence in someone who isn't physically attractive

Well I would if it didn't come across as self affirmation and downright inauthentic aggrandizement.

>I have self worth! I need to tear down teen girls at the same time to make myself feel better! not them! me! teenager bad me good!

where's the bloody shitposts?

You clearly didn't watch Nanette.

I did but I can look at it for what it was, apologia for fat messes

>have sex
You're not describing hannah

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another proof that men are just naturally funnier

>desirable woman who can have sex with practically anyone she wants

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Incel cope.

News flash: actual normal human beings (that leave their rooms, do meaningful work, and dont poop in jugs) find her legitimately funny, insightful, and entertaining. If they didn't, she wouldn't be a rich, famous comedian.

They find you repulsive and obnoxious.

This is simply reality. No amount of mental gymnastics or "rephrasing an argument to sound silly and putting it in ALL CAPS" on your part can change that, and you come off as legitimately misogynistic.

I'd suggest you have sex, but we both know that can never happen. Instead, stay bitter I guess.

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she's barely known in the US, user

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Well at least we have another example for future generations for you know, what crazy looks like.

i'll give you that, she's entertaining

Don't forget.

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the webm with the seinfeld theme edited in is so fucking great

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>actual normal human beings
ugly fat women*

I'm getting ready to abandon this thread to finish watching Overlord and I need you to tell me something. You're baiting, right? If you don't want to admit it now, at least admit it before the thread dies and I'll check the archive tomorrow.

That's a huge bitch.

>Incel cope.
>News flash: actual normal human beings (that leave their rooms, do meaningful work, and dont poop in jugs) find her legitimately funny, insightful, and entertaining. If they didn't, she wouldn't be a rich, famous comedian.
>They find you repulsive and obnoxious.
>This is simply reality. No amount of mental gymnastics or "rephrasing an argument to sound silly and putting it in ALL CAPS" on your part can change that, and you come off as legitimately misogynistic.
>I'd suggest you have sex, but we both know that can never happen. Instead, stay bitter I guess.

Attached: I'M IN MY PRIME!.jpg (500x333, 56K)

Go back to twitter.

The Amazing Jonathan. Now HE'S in his prime. Not this slag.


hannah is saying that it's tough when you're a 17 year old girl to hear that you're in your prime from people older than you. because it then implies that you have nowhere to go but down, and that's not a very comforting thought. so she'll insist that she's in her prime for her own sake so that she and other people who watch the documentary don't have to feel like they're past the golden years.

but it's important to ask whether or not this assertion is a truth or a self-delusion. there are several ways in which we can say that getting older is correlated with stagnation and degradation. for a majority of people in america they find a shitty job after education in which they will work tirelessly for stagnant wages until they reach an older wage. most people don't get to experience white collar work, and for those that do it is it's own kind of stagnation and degradation- endless title chasing and stress rather than the doldrums of low skilled labor. age also leads to physical deterioration in that you can't as easily improve your body or hold on to youthful facial features that humans biologically find attractive. there's plenty of ways in which being old is in fact not the sort of thing we would associate with being in one's prime.

to be in one's prime implies confidence, maturity in physical and mental respects, good social ability, and a lack of stagnant life. it's true that most 17 year old girls might not have the confidence part of this down. but what matches most closely to this definition is college life. in college, one has the ability to expose onesself to new things socially and educationally and has a tad bit more confidence than this 17 year old might. a person in college is not quite as mature as an older person, but is mature enough to make their own decisions while also retaining the malleability that youthful people can have rather than having a reified brain. confidence is the outlier, but the truth is there's very few humans who have it.

damn you NEET incel wh*te boys get triggered easily, don't you? truth must hurt.

enjoy staying at the absolute bottom of society, worthless virgins.

literally who? oh, he's a man so that makes him automatically "in his prime". top kek, so epic, roasties btfo!

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you'll never be a woman m8

Do trannies look at themselves and say they have achieved self-actualization?

Was she one of those hot 15 year olds that can pass for older, or were you getting it on with some Honey Boo Boo-like troll?

Because, yes, one of those deserves a harsher punishment than the other.

I haven't left yet. You had better reveal your intentions before this thread ends or I'm going to be steamed.

>the webm with the seinfeld theme edited in is so fucking great

le epic women defener


>mfw just turned 37

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I knew it. 13 and 14. I was right.

But she wasn't funny. She wasn't witty. She wasn't engaging in satire or giving us truth.

It was nothing more than veiled propaganda.

>a 40+ year old woman rapidly approaching menopause is in her prime

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interesting take
glad i read it

>You literally are going downhill even before high school starts


How can you be a fucking Australian and have no sense of humor.
Isn't their whole culture being dicks to eachother?

>But she wasn't funny. She wasn't witty. She wasn't engaging in satire or giving us truth.

The ten solid months she's spent on the front page of Yea Forums begs to differ.

also ego-stroking

>But she wasn't funny. She wasn't witty. She wasn't engaging in satire or giving us truth.

>It was nothing more than veiled propaganda.

It's funny, because that's literally and exactly what people said about George Carlin


literally just because people are making fun of her 'im in my prime' comment

Real talk THIS, nigger!

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>It's funny, because that's literally and exactly what people said about George Carlin

Is that why Liberals love him so much? I never found him very funny, just assumed the humor was relative to the time.

Why are they doing that? Why that comment?
Because they need to believe that she's wrong.
Because they need to believe that "Prime" means "Physically attractive"
Because that's the only way these people can feel they have the upper hand against women like her, otherwise they have nothing. Less than nothing.
Because if people like her can be taken seriously, if "ugly" people can stand up on stage and do what she does, then that means the vast majority of Yea Forums just wasted their lives.

Why can't she just face herself and lose weight? It's not even that bad. Just fucking do it.

Thanks for proving my point

If we had a picture of “where’s the bloody jokes” guy he’d be on the front page instead. A real hero, speaking truth to power.

...because it's funny when an ugly person says that. If Louis CK said that a 17 year old boy wasn't in his prime everyone would take it as a self deprecating joke, because he's fat and old. This woman is also fat and old yet she is being totally serious, which makes her seem ridiculous

That's true of GC though, he's the classic example of comedians not being able to separate their politics from their humor.

the problem with this is nobody thinks she has achieved anything
nobody is jealous of some obviously untalented small-time long-time slogger accidentally becoming the pet of the world's liberal set because they happened to sort of give up and just bark about i wuz raped instead of doing a set and this happened to resonate meme-style with people in the same boat.
Hannah gabsby is the pussy hat womens planebro or whatever that guy who stole the plane is referred to by

sky king

We just spent how many hundreds of posts in this one thread, debating it.
Not counting the hundreds of threads in the past several months

There's clearly something there. If there wasn't, what would there be to be so butthurt about?

isnt 57 a prime number?

You dont seem to be able to distinguish between mockery and butthurt
Do you think the endless threads about JOnah hill getting made fun of by that french reporter are also butthurt?

Never actually watched any of her stuff I just like the memes also she looks like a fat stephen colbert.

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But what is there to mock, in this case?
>Hur dur she no make peepee hard
That's all it takes for months upon months of posts?
Hundreds of disengenuous arguments, thousands of misrepresentations, all to mock someone for saying they know who they are?
Nah man. If that's really what you believe, then I have a bridge to sell you

wait what are you arguing? you're saying she got under our skin or something
really dude it's because she's fucking hilariously fat and andorgynous and her croaking out i am in my prime juxtaposed with that is just straighforwardly very funny. how can you not understand that.
basically an ugly woman trying to tell off men is just eternally amusing to rehash because she *has* no power. the only possible power a woman has "you can't have this pussy" isn't there
but she doesn't realise that, she thinks she can speak to us from a place of anything other than absolute disregard and that's funny afresh every time you see it

She's more masculine at this point.

yes really that's it. Ie. the exact same reason Jonah is being mocked, because the French girl finds him ugly

With her it's even worse though, it would be like Jonah saying 'brad pitt isn't in his prime, Im in my prime'.

you might be someone who for some reason doesn't feel any joy in "punching down". so you think we musn't just be doing that


going to have to deal with it loser

Attached: COPE.png (645x773, 49K)

>I interoperate a word however i want

i fucked a 12 year old when i was 14. THAT is prime, and no girl i had after that was the same. mostly because every other girl ive had sex with so far is overweight and an adult even when i was still a teenager

I'n still waiting for the revelation that this autist is actually a dude.

Admit it. She is actually funny./ She deliberately pushes so hard in this serious activist direction it wraps around and hits the funny bone.

Attached: jordan desert buffet.webm (640x900, 1.79M)

Where does she say this?

All that does is reveal how narcissistic "she" really is. Men are attractive to younger women for reasons that are ingrained into us on a fucking cellular level. They are healthier and with a greater likelihood of producing healthy offspring. To ignore that just so you can belittle other people and pump themselves up over how "self-actualized" someone is is just pure self-centered arrogance. Go 'self-actualize" some of your aging, defective ova into another kleinfelter autist.

It's a joke you fags, stand-up comedy is all self-effacing shit these days

I'm really starting to hate this place now, everyone is a political analyst but can't help themselves from sperging out. Why you men and women saturate your mind with such negativity, I will never know. There is no education here, only a food fight, except the food is the shit that you all eat up and regurgitate to one another.

Attached: 01001110 01101111.gif (631x616, 181K)

not everything is shit, theres truth here and there.
Yea Forums evolved, everything its way more political and psychological.
the caturday and puddi puddi days are gone but you can find them in reddit or imgur.

haha! right on, bro

>highly acclaimed
By who?

critics, keep in mind that every news outlet like SALON or BUZZFEED are the same critics that write those cringy (and its a good thing) articles
literally any college kid can be a critic or "commentator"


She's explicitly stated that she wasn't joking when saying that.

The cap is 28