What did the television show the Good Fight mean by this?

What did the television show the Good Fight mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It means they're explicitly inserting politics into their shows at the detriment of the story.

It’s just blatant propoganda at this point. I doubt even the Soviet Union had stuff like this

>"Gibson" in the yellow row

Is there a politician named that over there? I'm not american so i wouldn't know. Are they talking about Mel Gibso?

>Assassinate President Trump Bomb Device Explosive Grenade Target Execute Gun Down Kill Slaughter Slay
Real subtle.

Is this from the Star Wars trailer? I can't believe it's legal to talk about assassinating your president in the USA.

Is that actually legal assuming this is real.

>Is that actually legal
Was it legal to kill Hitler?

Wait people actually watch this shit?

>assassinate President Trump
>eliminate Mar-a-lago
>dethrone chameleon man

>I doubt even the Soviet Union had stuff like this
The Soviet Union had stuff exactly like this.


what is the context to this list of words?

Looks like cool wine aunts are getting some kino

Is this like a list of words to avoid so you don't get on a watchlist?

>what is the context
No, my friend. We've taken this out of context. That's the whole point. Aren't you pissed off?

WTF is this pozz even about? I watched a trailer and it featured some obviously Jewish guy being creepy and molesty.



She's the key to all of this. Just like Jar Jar.



>implying any context is defensible

Retarded faggot

golf rumors

Are you trying to disappear?

I mean, it's not inherently racist, but think about the type of people who play golf. You can kinda see why it makes a lot of people uncomfortable.

Is this a comedy show. I've never heard of it until yesterday.


Only true knowers will get this.


Yeah, half niggers who cheat on their wife?
Pretty offensive if you ask me

middle class asians?

i too am made uncomfortable by the existence of wh*Te """"""""""""people""""""""""""

holy hell if that's real I hope they enjoy their extensive secret service visits

>dethrone chameleon man
secretly /ourshow/?

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isn't the best golfer on earth a mutt?

"Punch Nazis"
Is Richard Spencer even a National Socialist or does he just believe all of the same very racist stuff that the people who fought the Nazis believed?


someone's gonna have a wateboarding session real soon lmao

Spencer is more like a Buchanan-style paleocon.

Eric Striker is literal NatSoc.

What is the fucking context? What does this even mean??

And it's absolutely legal to say the words 'assassinate' and 'Trump', that's what free speech means.

freedom of apeexh doesn't mean freedom of consequence.
That 'easter egg' is going to get someone holed up in a room with cianiggers 100%

Soviets did this shit except they killed you if you called it out. As long as we keep calling this shit out they won't ever get that power.

what an elaborately retarded way to get enraged about something so abstracted and immaterial it's almost non-existent

It would be the FBI, if anyone.

And nice Idi Amin quote.

Shit i think Trump is incompetent and an ass but i dont why some liberals act like hes an evil oppresser or a demon or something.
I mean fuck i didnt like Obama either but shit neither seen assassination worthy at all


I fucking knew it was those Thalmor fucks impeach Elenwen now

Does ANYONE itt even know what this is supposed to be? Is it just a list of words for us to get annoyed about?

Idi Amin was fucking based

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I assume it's tongue-in-cheek, but I am fucking baffled that we're at the point that you can say "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequence," and people will actually agree with you.

>"Gibson" in the yellow row
I thought it said "Gibbon".

Attached: gibbon.jpg (3200x1680, 498K)

well, you say NIGGER on the street or online and you'll get clocked and fired.
you say ASSASSINATE PRESIDENT TRUMP on TV, you get your shit kicked in by spooks until you tell them what they need to know.

Lmao punch a nazi

K punch a commie, enjoy your war pussy protip, the guys who own guns win :^)

>cheeto colbert wank
What did they mean by this?

Last three digits of your post number determine your personal target words in the upcoming civil war

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>anyone who isn't a nazi is a commie
>this is your brain on /pol/


Not all not-Nazis are commies, but all not-Commies are Nazis.

Feels like this constitutes high treason.

Red pulled as fuck

it's sad because I really loved the good wife. im only slogging through this sjwfest for dianne & kurt; if those characters leave im dropping it

Doesn't sound like free speech to me, senpai.

>tfw billion dollar corporations can openly call for political violence

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>Assassinate President Trump
>Rocket Kushner
>Hit Mueller
>Platform Hillary


extremely based


it's a web series

No, see, they're just artists who are part of the resistance. They like to feel like they're powerless against an overwhelming foe because everyone likes an underdog story, so you can't let their massive corporate financial backing and utter control over popular culture and the creative and educational fields get in the way of that.

lmao the one time I see a Good Fight thread here is when it triggers you retards even though it's in season 3 now. and I don't understand these "it's propaganda now" posts when it was blatantly leftist from the beginning. fun fact: Yea Forums was mentioned by name twice in season 1, once in season 2 and once again in season 3 so far.


well i hope they're ready for an extensive secret service visit to explain their choice of words

It would have been if the Russians actually did.

Cringe. Imagine taking the time to do this. Pathetic.

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baste nd redbilled

What is this face meant to convey?

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throwing 5 year old children off of the third story balcony at a mall because of the color of their skin and having the democrat propaganda machine protect you


I started watching after I finished The People v. OJ Simpson which I thought did a really good job at dealing with political themes without inserting actual politics in it and I was happy to see the Good Fight was doing very much the same but now this is just ridiculous.

the good wife was like that too, it had a lot of politics but it was all made up and not connected with real life

never herd of this show. But if it pizzas off magatards then it's probably good

Does some word get filtered to this or are you hungry?

This is some predictive programming

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None of you dumb niggers know what freedom of speech is


Threats aren't covered under freedom of speech.

it is exactly programming. they should be in jail.

media has responsibility related laws. a normal person could claim those words were accidentally in that order, media cannot.

Explain it, then.
Only imminent threats.

>No Problem Child 2

You had one job


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What would people say if it said "assassinate obama"?


Gun down shell hit?

hard to believe, but yes, the dnc really did kill seth rich.

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This might be one of my favorite paintings ever. Seething envious kikes are so hideous.

it's ok to punch white people who express political opinions

Yes, Mel is notoriously blacklisted for being anti-semitic.

oh certainly you have freedom of speech but writing certain words or saying them or emailing them etc gets you a very specific visit by the Secret Service

>freedom of apeexh doesn't mean freedom of consequence.

I really wish people would stop saying this unironically.

>teehee you said governemtn bad! Well your concequence is death teehee! See what I did there!
>You said you didn't like this president? Well guess who is going to the working camps! Thats a concequence!

Dumbest fucking shit ever.

this whole episode was about how "nazis" should have less speech rights than others.

Kids are in cages
A rapist is on the Suprene Court
Wants to erect a wall to keep out Mexicans and already tried to ban Muslims
YOU can "be" a moderate, but if we're about support of current political leadership... no, there isn't a middle. You're good either with what's happening, or you are not. There are times when things are bad enough to be effectively binary


The Soviets would have someone in your workplace work against you and talk shit about you to your colleagues. If that failed they would incarcerate you in a mental institute.

If you were a rel enemy of the state they would send you you a special gulag that was on an island where there was no food. Cannibalism was the only solution.

>Assassinate, President, and Trump in order

Wtf is with these people

It was nice knowing you, user

You don't have to imagine, he already did it. Now who's the stupid fuck, cause I'm cringing all the way to my dickskin with your elitist post

probably a phoneposter

>I really wish people would stop saying this unironically.
Agreed, it's fucking maddening.
Anyway, I would imagine the laws that guarantee an individual's right to say those words don't extend to a media company potentially rallying crazy leftists. They know their audience and how deranged they are.

Oh, fuck off.

>hang wringing talking points that are either completely fabricated pedocrat lies or actually a good thing (border security to prevent human trafficking)

Isn't this illegal? How did they get away with it.

He burned himself out with his playstyle which damaged his shoulder. Still a top tier player though.

Holy fucking BASED.

t. liberal


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Read the room, retard.

What does this mean?

imagine being this BASED

How the fuck is this a show

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>literally trying to use subliminal messaging to get people to become terrorists
Imagine if someone tried this with Obama.


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not in germany


Cool and epicpilled

Man network shows are so dead, I've never ever heard about this shit before.

fuckin lol

remember when saying that you want to kill the president of the united states was a federal crime?

t.v would be banned nationwide for a month and Obama would send the military down the streets to hunt for the viewers.

actualy yeah
they wanted to do a public judgement so they would had probably punished a soldier if they killed the guy

Imagine that someone got paid to do this

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Jesus, it's been like 3 years, give it a rest with the anti-Trump tears.

Obama's more a fan of drone strikes

Got em

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MK Ultra trigger shit

I would quasi defend Good Fight, because this season has been dropping some MASSIVE red pills

The main arc is that the entire law firm found out that their founder (and father the current boss of the firm's ex-wife, who helps co-run it) was serial rapist and that countless women at the firm were raped by him. They are currently running a HUGE cover-up of the crimes he committed and the ex-wife had to basically begger herself when her cuck husband found out she was going to divorce him/purposely taking abortion pills to kill any potential kids they might have had and divorced her first and threatened to reveal the truth about her protecting her father, the serial rapist

The resistance group that is doing shit this season? Founded by a con artist who pretends to be an Obama administration member that fleeces rich, snotty liberal/SJW assholes out of their money. Diana hides this from her victims, so she can use them to terrorize Trump, even after Trump's kids got her Republican husband a job running the Chicago Veteren's Affair Bureau.

They also did a Taylor Swift episode where they state up-front that all of the Nazi-memes about Taylor are actually by SJW types, trying to bait her to denounce the alt right and only manage to do so by way of threatening to murder not-Taylor's tranny brother. They also doxed and destroyed the lives of a Not-Proud Boys group and the guy who gave the "Always Be Punching Nazis, Especially If They Are Richard Spencer" framed a Proud Boy for assaulting him after he initiated a horrific beating on the guy for no good reason and then had a neocon cuck Republican LIE so that the innocent victim went to jail.

Also, Diane ruins the life of one of Trump's former mistresses, after she called Diane out on her lying to her about the NDA she signed about the affair (Diane lied saying it was poorly worded and invalid and she called her out on the lying; so she outed her anyway and destroyed her).

Where do you guys even find out about these boomer TV shows? Most TV is shit are and I know you all spend more time shitposting than watching TV and you choose to watch this?


What's the connection between rich stoners and Trump?

WHAT? What the fuck are you talking about?
This can't be real.

except the people watching this won't begin to think, instead they will agree with all corruption. Have you forgotten that this is a clown world?

>Hollywood and liberals are currently so unhinged that the next Democrat president will be so emboldened by their own propaganda that they'll get themselves killed from the backlash of their anti American policy prescriptions
What morons, it's like they're trying to get themselves "hit on the head" by their boldness

Lacross is a rich white teenager/college student game. Liberals HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Lacross players, because they tend to come from money, are mega chads in terms of being alpha male jocks who are white, for whores who want to fuck an athlete but won't fuck niggers, and it's synonymous with being the type of person who went to a rich kids school/college since poor fag schools and random state schools don't have sports programs that include it.

Also for context: the Duke college students who were framed for rape by a lying nigger bitch and an SJW District Attorney were part of that school's Lacross program. And the SJWs at Duke who were calling for the Lacross team to be murdered without trial for being "rapists", were never punished or fired from the college. Nor were anyone at other schools fired for calling for innocent people to be killed for a false rape charge.

And to wrap the bow on the package, the entire Duke Lacross Fake Rape Accusation scandal was the inciting incident that turned Richard Spencer into the white nationalist he is today, due to how he saw the nation and the media wanting to destroy innocent white kids for the sin of having parents that could send them to a good college, on the basis of a lying nigger bitch who hated white people.


>And to wrap the bow on the package, the entire Duke Lacross Fake Rape Accusation scandal was the inciting incident that turned Richard Spencer into the white nationalist he is today, due to how he saw the nation and the media wanting to destroy innocent white kids for the sin of having parents that could send them to a good college, on the basis of a lying nigger bitch who hated white people.

Wonder if that bitch and that DA know this fact. They created a monster with their evil actions and radicalized the perfect specimen (attractive, witty, articulate, able to play the martyr gracefully) to red pill people.

nicely put user. made me smile. I was thinking about this earlier today. The insincerity of it as opposed to the counter-culture of the 80's and 90's.

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why aren't the jew broads tits bigger

Oh shi-

Golf Courses likely have Deep Underground Military Bunkers under them (DUMBs). Hence the reason US Presidents are always golfing while the US Military is doing major shit.
I’m not sure about Mar-A-Lago, but it was owned by the US government for years before it was sold to Trump, and it was given to the US Goverment to serve as a Presidential retreat like Camp David.

Totally worth it for this post.


Doesn’t include SNEED.

that's bullshit but i believe it

Has he fucked the White girl yet?


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What’a a movie about good fences making good neighbors?

No, he hates white people and basically got the token red head lesbian fired after she got framed by an evil ambiguously Jewish lawyer who idolizes Roy Cohen, for drug possession.


>A rapist is on the Supreme Court

If you actually believed the Kavanaugh rape story, you're a brainlet.

>ambiguously Jewish

Pretty sure he had a Jewish last name. Curly hair and big nose were a give-away also.


Me? I hope he actually did rape what's her face. Not even being sarcastic.

Me on the left

based and appreciated

Yeah, I wish we had some of world's largest banks and media corporations on our side, like the leftists/neoliberals do.

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the guy in the trailer is meant to be a bad guy right



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Sorry. I take it back.

I'd rather not


The people investigations that trafficking camp in New Mexico, on the property owned by that cement company, found that there’s a major coelation between Golf Courses and Cement producing factories.
Gold courses are mainly Landscaping, so they shouldn’t need lots of Concrete, bunkers however fo need crap loads of concrete.

So it's secretly reactionary propaganda and controlled opposition like all American media.

>Buchanan-style paleocon.
hes a irl fascist

What does that mean?

I guess the 1st amendment will allow for it, but telling people to commit a crime is usually illegal.

Not in Nazi Germany

I honestly forget that Maia is a lesbian. she could be straight and nothing would change.

it actually is. this season is completely crazy. Although I wish they'd drop Diane's obsession with Trump. it's fucking boring now.

>someone who doesn't understand the 1st amendment is now going to explain what is allowed under the 1st amendment
>freedom of speech means I can say literally anything I want to anyone I want in any order I want with no consequences

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Maia needs to do explicit cunt licking scenes I love her in game of thrones

They're such retarded sacks of psychotic shit that the only way they can see themselves winning an election is if they're running against literally hitler.

The absolute state of western civilization garbage and refuses. Daily reminder that Europeans do not control their own destiny.

>that trafficking camp in New Mexico, on the property owned by that cement company
That whole thing got memoryholed so fucking quickly.

t. retarded faggot

doesn´t the fbi have to look at every single thread made against the president?

>implying the P.P. tape scene wasn't kino
Fucking plebs

>but think about the type of people who play golf.

Half-asian, half-blacks that cheat on their wives?

>And it's absolutely legal to say the words 'assassinate' and 'Trump', that's what free speech means.

Nobody's (legitimately) claiming otherwise aside from trolls.
What's being discussed is the nakedly partisan rage on the part of the writers, and the hypocrisy of how this would have caused a nuclear shitstorm if it happened under Obama and not Trump.

>freedom of apeexh

Did you have a stroke?

>That 'easter egg' is going to get someone holed up in a room with cianiggers 100%

You're completely delusional and probably a false-flagging leftist.
There will be zero legal consequences for this.
However, there will be social ones: Namely people calling the people who make this show and the people who watch it seething partisan retards.

Remember when an algorithm-generated selection of articles on the Fox News website randomly placed an article with a thumbnail of a weapon next to an article with a thumbnail of Obama, and liberals (including on Yea Forums) raged over it being a Fox News conspiracy trying to encourage assassination attempts against the President for a fucking week?

Now, outright putting written directives to kill the President in your libshit prime time propaganda show is fully acceptable.

How times change, huh?

Attached: Obama is a Victim of Fox New Propaganda!.jpg (614x279, 45K)


The intro is god-tier. I never skip it

Not really, but TIA (this is America), so the law doesn’t apply if you side with The Institutions and the oligopoly of people who own them and head them

It was times of war, retard.

>freedom of apeexh doesn't mean freedom of consequence.
It means exactly that though you deranged tranny

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Honestly this.

I unironically believe women who lie about rape and try to ruin someone's life over it deserve to be raped.
Make an honest woman out of them.

>Wants to erect a wall to keep out Mexicans

But there's literally nothing wrong with that.
Are you ADVOCATING for illegal immigration?

I wish people would know the meaning more.

They'd lose their shit for weeks and we'd never hear the end of it being used as "proof" of "the institutional racism of the evil modern-right targeting people of color".

See: Leftists are 100% about double-standards.

>Golf Courses likely have Deep Underground Military Bunkers under them (DUMBs). Hence the reason US Presidents are always golfing while the US Military is doing major shit.

That's crazy but it also almost makes too much sense to not be true.

Following the lead of their billionaire president :*)

So what's the context of the scene?
Not that I wish to imply Trump supporters would ever deliberately present things out of context to justify their autistic and righteous outrage.

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What is the point of this?

If I wasn't sure that I'm lonely, the fact that I saved this verifies it to some capacity

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>anyone who uses the phrase 'punch a nazi' unironically is a commie

Read more.

Once the war was declared yes.

How do you feel about Trump posting a video that intercuts footage of a muslim congressperson and the 9/11 attacks, shortly after somebody was arrested for saying they were going to assassinate her?

>presenting things out of context to justify false outrage

Yeah, that's totally a consistent thing with "Trump Supporters". Not anyone else, that is actually doing it constantly for years on end.

Attached: Liberal Media Lying About Kids in Cages.jpg (1024x557, 121K)

fucking retarded keyboard commies
like seriously insane and ridiculous how they constantly talk about punching nazis because nazis are bad while pretending to support an ideology that murdered hundreds of millions of it's own citizens across an entire century
fucking pathetic

Attached: absolutely fucking retarded keyboard communist trash.jpg (720x853, 31K)

Have sex

>someone was arrested for doing something bad
>that means that person x is immune to legal criticism
>but also it's okay when people do something bad to people I disagree with
You're a fucking retard

Is it a reference to the 'Trump Russia Collusion' story that the media peddled incessantly for 2 years which turned out to be completely fake?

>anyone who isn't a nazi is a commie

Nobody said that though. There are plenty of people who are neither nazis OR commies.
But the people who literally go out looking for nazi boogymen, and justify political violence with "muh nazis", are pretty much exclusively commies.

>some people did 9/11
>some people
>some people
>some people
fuck off you mudslime piece of shit

>it's ok when we do it

Attached: mommy.jpg (604x534, 47K)

Why does someone, somewhere, wanting to hurt a politician, automatically make that politician immune from social and political criticism?

>baselessly implying somebody had to do with a terrorist attack

kill yourself

I watched the first season but had to quit midway through the second. It just became insufferable.


>It's OK when my side is confirmed to do it on a daily basis for literal years on end, funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into promoting provably false narratives, so it's not hypocritical if we baselessly accuse our opposition of doing the same thing

You really don't get the concept of not throwing stones when you live in a glass house, do you libshit?
Don't go accusing your opposition of doing things that LITERALLY DEFINE your party, faggot.

Attached: Liberal Media Reality vs. Narrative.jpg (1355x1600, 584K)

>baselessly implying somebody had to do with a terrorist attack

You didn't understand the point of the video, did you, libshit?

>You really don't get the concept of not throwing stones when you live in a glass house
Evidently you don't.


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Once you're done literally shaking, would you mind explaining what was she said that was wrong?

>baselessly implying somebody had to do with a terrorist attack

Yeah, that's almost like baselessly accusing a politician of being the cause of a "rise" in "White Supremacist violence" for literal YEARS on fucking end.

The only difference is that 9/11 was something that actually happened, but a "wave" of nazi hate-crimes didn't and is provably made-up by fear-mongers.

Attached: retarded keyboard commie trash.jpg (800x599, 79K)

MULTIPLE people have been arrested for trying to assassinate Trump.
And yet you're OK with people not only criticizing him, but being allowed to call for violence against him and his supporters.
Funny how that works out.

Nice meme but I think you posted the wrong one. None of this has to do with communism.

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>Yeah, that's almost like baselessly accusing a politician of being the cause of a "rise" in "White Supremacist violence" for literal YEARS on fucking end.
Once again
>it's ok when we do it

If it wasn't for double standards they'd have no standards
they ALWAYS lie
they ALWAYS project
and nothing will EVER be good enough
there's a reason why actual commies always end up murdering a shit ton of their own citizens, not even absolute power is good enough for them, they're insane parasites who cannot create and can only consume and destroy

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>baselessly implying somebody had to do with a terrorist attack

You're an idiot.
She's a terrorism-apologist. Or rather, she's an apologist for ISLAMIC terrorism.
The point was that her attitude is one of nonchalance and acceptance to an issue which created the single deadliest single event for American civilians in the entirety of American history.

>MULTIPLE people have been arrested for trying to assassinate Trump
From a cursory google I see Michael Steven Sandford, but who else was arrested for that?
>but being allowed to call for violence against him and his supporters
The show didn't do that.

>no counter-argument, just deflection and ad-hom

So you don't have a counter-argument? OK. good to know.
Thanks for bumping the thread anyway.

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You're literally the one using the "t's ok when we do it"-argument.

How are you not getting this?
Is the Estrogen you inject interrupting your Neurosignals?

>is killing ennemies legal in times of war
Gee, what do you think?

As far as I can tell she didn't say anything that could be sincerely taken as terrorist apologist. She was only saying that she doesn't want all muslims to be judged for the actions of few, which is decidedly reasonable.
I think the way presidents (not just Trump) cosy up to Saudi Arabia is a much bigger problem.

>we need their voices

They always say this but they never explain WHY we or ANYBODY "needs" them.


You're not giving me much to work with here.
>electionfag doesn't know what sage is

no u

Weird, it's as if it isn't true and nobody needs them

The same reason comparing the appearance of a Democrat politician to a sci-fi film character on Twitter gets you fired and permanently blacklisted, but calling the democratically elected President of the United States a "monkey" on prime-time television is just business as usual, so long as he's a Republican.

You're fair, game, they're untouchable.
It's Open Season on you, while targeting them is a "hate-crime".

Attached: Bill Maher Being Racist.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

>As far as I can tell she didn't say anything that could be sincerely taken as terrorist apologist.

Willful ignorance.

>m-muh video-games
Get laid incel

Not an argument. How do her words make her a terrorist apologist? Explain in the context of her speech, le epic selective gotcha quotes don't count.

the best part is that you aren't even a woman, you're just a completely feminized worthless piece of shit

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>we're at the point that you can say "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequence,"
Funny that people don't realise these are the same thing. If your speech is compelled by the threat of consequence it isn't free. Shouldn't need explaining but there we go.

>le epic selective gotcha quotes don't count.

OK so literal unedited quotes don't fucking count?
Fuck off. You aren't worth arguing with.
I sure hope you're being paid to shill like this.

Killing people is wrong. Shocking, I know.

>quotes don't fucking count
Why would you say such a thing? Of course quotes fucking count.