Were these films actually utterly reviled at release and later liked because of nostalgia from kids or were they always...

were these films actually utterly reviled at release and later liked because of nostalgia from kids or were they always well regarded?

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Eventually I was able to overlook the glaring flaws and liked it as Lucas trying to finish his vision.

They weren't well-regarded upon release. Now the new generation likes them either because they aren't angry OT purists or perhaps due to nostalgia.

Now that we know just how bad things could have been without George, people are warming up to them

I have always regarded them highly. All that really matters.

The media smear campaign against them was done as revenge by the Hollywood Jews who hated Lucas for Watto. It was like the reverse of the paid defense shilling for TLJ.

Revenge of the sith is still the best you cannot change my mind. Attack of the clones is ok and the phantom menace sucks

Old fans liked them, and young kids wanted more explosions.

People were confused about TPM. Everyone hated Clones. ROTS was fairly well received.

A lot of people gave TPM positive reviews (Ebert). I think critics realized how they got caught in the hype by AOTC. They weren't as kind, neither was the media at large. By ROTS most people were just happy to be done.

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It was probably revenge for his leaving the Director's and Writer's Guilds and decades of telling Hollywood to fuck off.

People are just pretending to like them. Like people saying The Room is the greatest masterpiece of all time.

I remember it being a mixed reaction, leaning towards positive. The older fucks, like me, who were around for the OG trilogy picked them apart, but the younger crowd liked them well enough.

But the old fuck crowd (my age but not me) have been insufferable cunts since A New Hope came out. "Han shot first", etc.

I watched the original 3 starwars on vhs as a kid in the 90's, I thought they were entertaining but nothing special. I remember when Episode 1 came out I went to go see it with my friend and not understanding the hype around the franchise, it seemed overrated.

Even though I was a total casual and not a fan at all I remember people TRASHING the prequels. Like totally bashing them, saying Lucas was an idiot, the films never should have been made, etc

As a kid they were fucking awesome. Pod racing was almost as cool as the lightsabers themselves. Darth Mauls design was equally as cool as Vaders. Outside of the JarJar issue their only real flaw in my opinion is perhaps slightly too much focus on politics.

They were disliked upon release and opinion changed later but that wasn't due to newer generations or a "it could have beem worse" situation. It's not the first time a SW film was hated on release. Empire was shat on but come several years later and it is regarded by many as the best film in the franchise.

they were always liked, just flawed
it's just the dialog, acting and some of the silly scenarios that hold it back from being truly great
the overall story is brilliant

I still prefer the OT, but despite flaws and things I don't like, there's also a lot I do like. Also, whether I like or dislike anything about the Prequel Trilogy, every single second of them feels like they're in the Star Wars setting.

Something most of the new movies struggle with, severely.

>too much focus on politics.
the politics are crucial for palpatine's rise and manipulation
without it, palpatine's actions would have come out of nowhere

As a kid, I didn't care when AOTC came out. Star Wars was like dadrock. Slept thru much of The Phantom Menace until Maul at the end which was badass. We were all into the LOTR trilogy which were much better films, especially Return of the King.

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I remember thinking AOTC was a slog. It seemed heavily self-referencing and the homages tired me out. I didn't see the higher level of analogy that Lucas was aiming for when he compared the Iraq War to the massacres of the American indians -- that's a fairly profound observation of a political loop, it just failed to interest audiences. And characters like Count Dooku come and go without doing much of anything... supposedly he was a Separatist of some sort? They dialed down on the politics but turned up the references and homages to an absurd degree so it feels like the film is constantly switching its tone.

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>feel Attack of the Clones is the most kino, comparable to RotS
>seems to be universally derided
What the fuck. I feel it probably has the most pros of any of the prequels.

the people who were kids for the OT tolerated them even if they didn't like them all that much. some liked them ok. little kids liked them and thought they were better than the OT. but all knew it was star wars. they felt like star wars and most could be content with that. nu wars doesn't feel like star wars. it's regular disneyfied trash with a story as weak as most capeshit. it lost the goodwill of the fanbase

It's a great character drama... but the characters are broad types and the settings don't feel real, you're moving from desert to a vague urban utopia, to scenes from The Searchers and Ben-Hur without a coherent Mystery or Political Thriller plot.

Visually of course it's astounding.

I remember people hating the Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Revenge of the Sith was liked, but later people turned on it.

They’re generally well regarded now in hindsight because it’s obvious these had a specific tone, direction, and set of ideas going in.
What you see when you watch these is a story George Lucas wrote and put onto the screen, whether or not it was a perfect story or he got it all right.

Nu-Wars on the other hand is obvious in its soullessness. It’s the product of corporate boardroom writing. It’s a fucking mad lib story that makes the writers check boxes and fill in blanks to blandly appeal to the broadest possible audience and make the highest possible profit, fuck the story, fuck the established universe, fuck the fans that have been around for decades, fuck everything but appealing the the Disney moms and focus groups that tell us how to make money.

That’s why people like the prequels now.

Because people stopped listening to """"critics"""" and started to form opinions of their own. Its so tiresome and stupid when people just go like sheep to whatever the popular consensus on things were. Prequels are nowhere near outstanding movies, but they sure as he'll are better popcorn movies than most of what we get today

Basically what I'm saying is that the prequels focus on levels of civilization, while the OT deals with differences in acculturation. The Hutts view the world very differently than the Ewok or the people of Cloud City, you can tell that those films were made prior to the era of globalization.

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Because time is a mistress, and isn't the harsh bitch of a wife the present is

no they weren't reviled. everyone fucking enjoyed them and they were great. anyone who claims otherwise is a salty mongoloid who gained community clout when other mongs banded together on the internet. the only people who say otherwise are young retards who probably weren't even born when they released and fell for memes

I think once the edginess wore off, people realized it was the same ole shit like the other prequels

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They're not better than what we get today. They're worse than the Jurassic World movies.

I know at least my theater audiences greatly enjoyed them and this was before social media or YouTube so it's not like I could have heard the thousands of complaints

My TLJ audience was a depressed mess that hated Flying Leia, tried to get excited and yell for Luke vs Kylo, only to watch Luke die pointlessly

How's your night Mike?

>characters are broad types and the settings don't feel real
It's fucking Star Wars they're all like that. They're broad archetypical fantasies.

Revenge of the Sith was a critique of the bush administration and neocon zionists, hence why the (((media))) is constantly bashing it despite it being qualitatively the second-best Star Wars kino after Empire.

The people who hated the Prequels were all pretentious boomers and Gen-Xers who wanted them to be clones of the OT.

Not unrelated incidents imo.

i concur and good point perhaps it's possible many didn't like them but the internet was young and social media didn't exist. I know that in theaters watching the prequels multiple times because I was teenager then who saw them each multiple times they were well received. Shit I remember even TFA was well received and lots of audience appreciation. TLJ i heard literal gasps and people being like 'WTF' when we were leaving and that was on opening night first screening which is usually die hard fans.

My brother was of that time as a young man hating the prequels, now he adores MCU and Nu-Wars and believes the Russia sabotage theory regarding Last Jedi's audience score.

they were terrible then and they're just plain retarded now.

My condolences...

He also has a wife's son, unironically.
Depresses the shit out of me. His era of nerds is like a lost generation now.

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Now that the Jews got a hold of Star Wars, they made clones of the OT to suit the Gen-Xer faggots, and they sucked.

Lucas got the last laugh.

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best part about them were probably the games they brought with them

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>kino games
>kino designs
>kino lore
>(some) kino tie-in books
>kino cartoons
>kino George
Clone Wars era was kino

>It's fucking Star Wars they're all like that. They're broad archetypical fantasies.
Yeah but in ESB you had actors that would perform more individual or slightly ironic takes on an archetype, and a director that would allow improvisation... you won't find that in the prequels. I think Ewan McGregor wanted to have more comedy in his role but there wasn't enough room granted for it.

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>slightly ironic
What are you talking about. The original trilogy is as vanilla as it gets - that's what defined it.
What you're referring to is merely the actor's charisma.

They were liked. My father, he watched the originals when he was a teen and liked the prequels. Well my father is a normal dude, not a cringe worthy neckbeard. I suppose the biggest SW nerds from the originals era hated it. But it got extremely hated after they were done, the time the internet was booming with social media and shit.

Fallen Order today looked so damn generic, no OT or PT aliens in the backgrounds and so it looks like Disney Wars era rather than right after Episode 3.

Character designs were shit apart from a Sith assassin girl in a helmet

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the politics are the best part

weaker. infinity war was a better movie than the last jedi, and I hate that!

The MCU is superior to the Prequel trilogy in every way other than score.

Critics hated them, but we fans loved them when they came out. We didn’t start hating them until the initial rush of excitement wore off.

>test audience market research quota-driven formulaic dreck is "superior"

yep, but it seems most people couldn't follow it and thats why current forms of democracy dont work

an engineer's opinion on building a plane is worth 2000x more than any of the passengers
votes should have weight by IQ/qualification/experience

and allowing 16 yr olds to vote is really dumb

Name one thing other than score that the prequel trilogy is better at. I'll wait.


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They have never been well liked

People like The Room. A movie doesn’t have that type of legacy unless the people watching enjoy it.

>little kids liked them and thought they were better than the OT.
I was 7 when TPM came out, 10 when AotC came out, both movies bored me to hell
I liked the OT and the Clone Wars cartoon as a kid

Telling a story

>ESB and ROTJ were made by George
Based retard

there’s way to many people involved in politics who would not be if not for the internet.

reminder: people who think marvel movies are peak cinema vote

I thought that they were okay at release, but I grew to appreciate them when I looked at history.
>Confused Matthew sucks ass because of this. History is littered with examples of legislatures who give away power to dictators.

I thought Phantom Menace was fine and there really wasn't anything wrong with it. Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith are by far the bigger offenders.

The whole thing about "midichlorians" in Ep1 got a ton of shit from fans, and Anakin's wooden acting in Ep2 was universally mocked, but otherwise they did okay. Basically everyone liked Ep3.

Since Disney started putting out films, there has been this revolting revisionist movement regarding these films. All of a sudden, they're good movies! Not as good as the OT, of course, but still good!

When they came out, they were treated pretty well. About a year after each released, though people began to really dig in and despise them, saying how they ruined Star Wars.

I have my gripes with them, especially AotC, but overall, I'm a fan. RotS is my second favorite SW film after Empire, in fact.

I think a decade from now, people will look more kindly on TFA, R1, Solo, and TLJ. Once the whole story is completed, people won't care as much and realize they were being children about hating the sequel films.

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Not even close.

They were highly criticized by the film press but people generally liked them and autists who obsess over world building minutiae really liked them I've seen youtube comments on SW lore videos claiming that the prequels were actually better for this reason alone

i don’t get the midichlorian hate

Zoomer scum

Most older fans disliked them. Younger fans and kids liked them. At least when they came out I was a kid and everyone at school liked the prequels even when we watched the originals as well.

Except episode 2's stupid romance tumor.

At least the lead actor is good. It's futile to expect much from an EA game.

World building

ive always like revenge of sith even tho later on i found out that some fans hated it

The sequels have lots of good ideas that are poorly executed, which is the view many people hold of the prequels as well. I don't think the sequels have anything that people can latch onto in the long run however, there are no iconic scenes or lines and the new protagonists are empty shells. Even those who dislike The Phantom Menace can admit the duel of the fates is a phenomenal sequence, the new films don't have anything like that.

Fair points. I think that TLJ had at least the throne room fight if nothing else. Hopefully TRoS will have some great set pieces.

The fight at the end of TPM is still the best lightsaber fight in all the films. It will probably stand that way even after TRoS, too. It'll be hard to top.

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Lightsaber duels.

This. Disney has been long at work on trying to get the rights to Star Wars. They backed him into a corner with their media campaign, made him feel like shit and then made their move. Same happened with Fox and Sony(when they wanted spiderman). If you pay attention to the politics of all this shit, you start to see patterns...

I love this scene because it's a beautiful shot but also just for the absurdity that is the space wizard stopping his hoverbike to get directions from a sandmidget who lives out of a giant moving radio shack

Over the years I've gone back and forth on Star Wars. There were times as a kid when I really loved them and as an adult, when the Disney films came out, they lost a lot of their charm to the point that I was ashamed for taking any of the films seriously. Recently though, I finally was able to put my finger on why I liked them so much, and why I'm starting to look back fondly on not just the OT, but the PT too. SW are glorified, big budget b-movies. I don't think Lucas even intended for it to be taken as seriously as it is. This was kind of apparent with the OT (minus Empire) and blatant within the PT. I mean, look at the sets in the PT. They look like the sets from The Room, in terms of quality. There's hardly any space for the actors to move lol. And of course the OT had Ewoks and other assorted silliness. SW has, from the very beginning, been a farce in execution; full of bad sets/effects, shitty acting, and less than good plot development. But they accomplished exactly what Lucas set out to do - present a cheaply made homage to the sci-fi serials of the 50s. It was Lucas's contemporaries like Spielberg and the media who propped up what were supposed to be shitty b-movies and somehow made them into classics for the generation of kids from that era. Now that Disney has the reins they trying to the same thing but they're falling flat because they completely missed the point of what SW was intended to be. It's a laugh.

>I think that TLJ had at least the throne room fight if nothing else.
Rey should be dead. Don't start.

Worst power spike in the series' history. We can understand, like Luke, her being mystically talented, but that fight was 100% Rian Johnson just rubbing his own cum on his own face.

They're divisive. Nowadays I'd say the second half of AotC really drags and RotS is overwrought. TPM is pretty much a great Star Wars movie, period.

I was in university when these came out. Hated them then but now like them because I don’t take Star Wars too seriously now.

>He also has a wife's son, unironically.
Is the real father a nigger?

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I didn't say it was realistic, just exciting. I do feel that Rey is a bit too Mary Sue, but I think it's going to be explained in RoTS. Whether she be a clone of Anakin/Palpatine, a child of someone else, or what have you. I think there are ways to retcon TLJ without completely destroying it.

I also hope that they do a little more to tie in the books. Let's hear them talk about the Contingency from the Aftermath books. Let's have Thrawn show up, or at least be mentioned. There are a lot of good ideas from the books that are better than what's been in the films. Can we please pull from some of that? If they go to Mustafar, all the shit with the Vader comic will be pretty important.

I don't know...I like the new movies, but they're just too disjointed. Hopefully IX ties it all together. Then we can move on from the Skywalker family and tell some more interesting stories from this universe.

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The Phantom Menace was pure caca.

People who grew up with them generally like them.

Otherwise, people were confused after TPM came out (think of the post-Man of Steel arguing). Attack of the Clones was generally hated and ROTS was either loved or lumped with the rest.

TLJ deserves no respect except maybe reylo storyline

I actually really hated Reylo. There's no reason for any sort of pretend romance there. The only way I would have been ok with it is if she fell to the dark as well. I sort of wanted TLJ to end with her falling and him rising to the light. That would have been so much better.

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I loved them when they came out because it gave me exactly what I wanted: more Star Wars.

These new movies can suck a dick.

>We can understand, like Luke, her being mystically talented, but that fight was 100% Rian Johnson just rubbing his own cum on his own face.
JJ Abrams burnt the shed down. Rian Johnson pissed on the ashes.

>I sort of wanted TLJ to end with her falling and him rising to the light
same desu
at least it would have changed things up

>Having a woman fall to the Dark Side and kill everyone.
You clearly don't understand Disney or Kathleen Kennedy.

Nah, it's a great fairy tale.

>the throne room fight
Anyone who defends this scene needs to be sterilised

They were thought of as "meh". Not really good or bad. They were financial successes though.

I've always enjoyed the prequels ever since the sequels were released.

>I do feel that Rey is a bit too Mary Sue, but I think it's going to be explained in RoTS. Whether she be a clone of Anakin/Palpatine, a child of someone else, or what have you.
Honestly, that wouldnt really help her case.
Clones may carry the potential of the original (Bobba to Jango Fett) but they still need the training and experience. Same with force sensitive people. Even Anakin who was forseen as the child of prophecy needed training and had his fair share of losses among his victories, as did Luke. Rey has had the least amount of experience and done little else but win and surpass others just because. I dont really think there is any fixing her character at this point.

At least Khylo is somewhat believable considering he's had some training from Luke and Snoke in his time.

marey sue cant be evil or have character flaws so no dice

>believes the Russia sabotage theory regarding Last Jedi's audience score
Legit? People like this actually exist?

The Prequels, imo, suffer from two major issues. The story Lucas wanted to tell needed more than three movies, and he wanted to push technology even when it just wasn't there yet. A lot of people say Lucas' writing was the problem, but Kasdan has clearly demonstrated that wasn't the case. Once you factor in the Clobe Wars series and the character development, things start to smoothe out significantly.

Nothing has come close to the Prequels in terms of work building and spectacle. You can tell there was a lot of heart and effort put into the end product and that's why I can never hate them. I think Lucas' "I may have gone too far in a few places" is a great quote to describe it all.

I think it's clear too you can't pick up a franchise like Star Wars or Indiana Jones or LotR after a long hiatus. Expectations change.

It's crazy how out of touch with Star Wars KK is.
Around two billion more people would like Rey more and buy her toys if she went Dark Side, even for one movie. KK literally thinks all Sith are disliked by the fans when fucking Vader exists

Is he Snoke?

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>Around two billion more people would like Rey more and buy her toys if she went Dark Side, even for one movie. KK literally thinks all Sith are disliked by the fans when fucking Vader exists
She's a Mary Sue. It's not happening.

Not just Vader.

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I know it's not, just that it's simple fucking marketing they can't get right.
They can't even give her a new lightsaber with a different color for Episode IX and make thousands just off that one toy.

Just think what a strong woman she would be if she fell to the dark side to just kill the bad guy and then be redeemed! Lol. It would be like Dark Empire, but Rey wouldn't need a man to rescue her from the Dark.

I wanted Kylo to turn to the light, but at this point, he's irredeemable to me. If they save him in the end like Anakin, I'll be displeased with the choice.

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I'm amazed they still market her with that fucking staff.

Episode 1 was hyped as fuck
Episode 2 was pretty panned thanks to the awkward pairing of Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman.
Episode 3 was mixed.

watch those wrist rockets

Asajj isn't a Sith. She started out wanting to be, but I think she was happy at the end basically being a Sith Acolyte. Dooku wanting to constantly murder her wore her down over time. It doesn't matter, she's dead anyway. Also, if you haven't read Dark Disciple, you should. It was based off a three episode arc from the scrapped last half season of TCW, which explains why it was so good compared to many of the current EU novels.

>Just think what a strong woman she would be if she fell to the dark side to just kill the bad guy and then be redeemed!
>Rey becomes a complete Bastilla rip-off
Kylo Ren already was Jacen with Revan's mask. Might as well.

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Well, Disney is losing money hand over fist in the toy licensing department, so OT pandering is going to happen.

Dude how old are you? OT fans hated them and kids that grew up with them liked them. Now it’s the same thing with the ST. PT fans have just become the OT fans of old.

Costume Design
Special Effects

>If they save him in the end like Anakin, I'll be displeased with the choice.
Same here. The character is cool to look at and Driver is the best actor in the cast, but his writing is horseshit. Snoke's magic bullshit and no one telling him he was Vader's grandson until he found out for himself is enough to make him go crazy.

Some user told me that because he's younger than Vader was, he should get a pass. Literal teen girls obsessed with a school shooter logic.
MAYBE he can be redeemed and turn back to the light beforehand, but he should still definitely die and pay for his fucking crimes.

Do today's kids really like the ST? I think NuWars is pretty irrelevant with the youth who prefer capeshit, and the fandom is mostly comprised of middle aged people who grew up on the OT. That's just an assumption though.

Shit, I never even thought of that. And I fucking love KOTOR.

As TRoS ends, Kylo and Rey go off into the Unknown Region together. A new trilogy of films takes place a decade later when they come back with a new Sith Empire. lol

I'd say they should just make a KOTOR movie, but they'd fuck it up.

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Watch it again. It's a solid movie. The worst thing about it is that its importance to the trilogy is nonexistent.

I think I'd be ok with him turning to the light and then sacrificing himself to save everyone else. As long as it was done with enough time for us to enjoy him as a Jedi. So like, halfway through the film or something.

In hindsight and watching them again; Only 1 was really shit and 3 was actually pretty kino
2 was just hilarious with the School Shooter vibes Anakin was giving off

I'd love it if a competent writer who actually wants to make Star Wars movies for passion and not money took Rey and wrote a good fucking story for her and shoved it in JJ and KK's face.

I hate her character but I want her to at least have a chance in the right hands.

What? All the stuff with Qui-Gon and Anakin's mom is hugely important to the story. At least half of Anakin's issues stem from the parent-sized hole in his life left by his mom and Qui-Gon, a hole that Obi-Wan is unable to adequately fill which Sheev is able to exploit. Not to mention Anakin projecting all his mommy issues onto Padme.

>white - check
>male - check
>old - check
>straight - check

>Is he Snoke?
The probability is 1 to 1.

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They were reviled by lots of people at release and still are reviled by lots of people. That hasn't really changed. I think on the margin we've seen more considerate reflection on them but I don't think they've been subject to any kind of grand revisionism in either direction. "At least they were made by Lucas!" is a knee-jerk purism but I don't think it's been as significant as this board and Reddit might suggest.

I think the biggest change between 1999 (TPM) and 2015 (TFA) has simply been the role Star Wars plays in popular culture in general, and a lot of that change was precipitated by the prequels themselves.

I think TPM is the best prequel despite all its numerous problems. When it comes to Anakin in particular I think it's the most thematically interesting. It works pretty well as a standalone movie.

When will she get a movie, bros?

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All the emphasis on his helmet in the trailer make me think he'll try and make Ren the new Sith like how Skywalker will be the new Jedi.
A good ending would be him fucking off to the Unknown Regions like Revan because of the shame he has for taking so many lives, then he can pop up in later films in his helmet without even needing Driver to play him.

fixed it the best i could with shitty mspaint

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What was the last "real" era for movies with soul here?

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They were hated at release. Then when Disney bought Star Wars they started astroturfing "actually the prequels are good" articles everywhere and paying shills to try and make it so half of their investment wasn't worthless.

Qui-Gon casts such a looming shadow over the prequels that I think a lot of people didn't pick up on. His death is the root of a lot of the friction between Obi-Wan and Anakin. Obi-Wan is obviously jealous of Qui-Gon's sudden affection for Anakin in TPM and burdened by Qui-Gon's dying wish for Obi-Wan to train him. He sees Anakin as a promise he has to make good on, but he's not equipped to deal with him. On the flip side Anakin is jealous of Obi-Wan's deeper relationship with Qui-Gon and resents the fact that Obi-Wan is more rigid and doesn't understand him like Qui-Gon did. It creates the bickering brother dynamic that we see particularly in AOTC, where Obi-Wan is notably hypocritical in his "do as I say not as I do" attitude toward Anakin, admonishing him for doing the same sort of things he does.

It has the best concept of the prequels (hardboiled detective Obi-Wan) and the only non-shit fight in the prequels (Obi-Wan vs Jango on the landing pad), but it's otherwise pure garbage.

Personally, I found Qui-Gonn to be what the Jedi ought to be. He defies the council constantly so he can do what is right. He's not tied down by dogma and is much closer to the ideal Jedi than any of the council. Thus the council's dismissal of his claims, which all turned out to be true, shows how ignorant & out of touch the Jedi have been.

The force having a biological explanation in-universe is fine but the way it was handled was pretty shit, it’s just Qui Gon being like ‘Jedi can tap into the force due to their abnormally high Midichlorian count’ and it’s never expanded on within the film itself. The way it was presented implied it was demystifying the force, when it would have been very simple to tweak the dialogue a little so it’s obvious there’s more to it than just ayylmao bacteria.

The prequels were much better written, they had actual characters and story, not a bunch of memes and one-liners that lack any emotion or coherence. Luke is a cliched everyboy "hero" that goes through an absurdly rapid transformation between the fifth and the sixth episodes. Anakin's emotional instability and his exposure as a psychopath are gripping; and his doomed relationship with Padme is touching. In the "original trilogy" Han, Leia, Darth Vader and Obi Wan are complete meme characters, nothing about them is remotely believable or human. And why doesn't anyone care about deaths in those movies? Leia's planet destruction, Luke's stepparents' death, all of the blown up rebels--the list could go on--all the deaths are forgotten moments later.

As for direction, the movies from the "original trilogy" were mostly incoherent, badly edited and full of logical problems. The prequel trilogy is a work of a "vulgar auteur".

I feel neutral about the series overall, and honestly don't care about trolling or contrarianism. Here are my sincere rankings:

1. "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"
2. "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace"
3. "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"
4. "Star Wars"
5. "The Empire Strikes Back"
6. "Return of the Jedi"
8. "The Force Awakens"
9. "The Last Jedi"

Episode 7 and 8 aren't even Star Wars movies. They are Marvel flicks masquerading as one.


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>the phantom menace sucks

No it doesn't. I like the aesthetics in it.

the "actually the prequels are good" didnt really kick into high gear until after TLJ when everyone realized ST was going to be garbage

I was 11 when episode 1 came out, just for reference, and everybody I knew loved them all when they were released. Everybody was excited for each movie and saw them in theaters and loved them. Even in college my buddies and I would watch them regularly.
The people who hated them on release were the adult manbabies who were old enough to have seen the originals on release and took Star Wars way too fucking seriously, and were butthurt that the prequels were geared more towards young adults than adults. It was the Reddit söyboy losers who worshipped the movies, the kind of people who listed Jedi as their religion, the kind of people who went to comic con, the kind of people who collected toys and displayed then on shelves in their rooms aka. their parents basements.
Fucking losers hated the prequels. Those of us who loved Star Wars for what it was--a fun and exciting adventure series not to be taken seriously--also loved the prequels.

>The force having a biological explanation in-universe
It wasn't anything like that. It was
>You have these things in your cells that communicate with The Force. The more of them you have, the more potential you have to be a better Jedi.

Daily reminder that the Prequels are kinos, there's nothing that can even be compared to their greatness.
TPM was absolutely essential to the story, it laid the groundwork for everything to come. And it managed to be a great film for kids and young adults, it was spectacular. Kids especially like the podracing and fantastically choreographed fight scenes. The politics are there out of necessity but it's a great redpill for kids about how things work.

AotC has the best love story ever told outside of theatre, it's classical chivalric love that you just don't see in film. It's a masterpiece visually, you won't find a more aesthetic romance in film. The rest of the film is a mishmash of so many good things that somehow managed to form a coherent whole. George winks with the kino that was Blade Runner at the start and by the end it's like some Edgar Rice Burroughs planetary romance. There's the detective noir plot with Obi-Wan and then there's the begin of the fall of Anakin. The only flaw with it is that George was really pushing it on the technological frontier and some of the tech almost weren't there yet. Like how it was shot all on digital, it doesn't look as great as TPM because of this.

RotS is where George truly went balls deep into classical drama and myth. At this point the technology also had caught up with his imagination and it looked even better than TPM. It's a perfect film, or would be if he didn't cut a bunch of politics due to neckbeard whining.

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>Luke is a cliched everyboy "hero" that goes through an absurdly rapid transformation between the fifth and the sixth episodes
user I agree he's very much a generic hero in Eps 4 and 5, but he undergoes the Vader revelation throwing everything he's held in his life out of context at the end of 5 and we should never bemoan the fact that a Star Wars protagonist did a lot of cool new things and grew in between movies.

Plus him using Force choke as a Jedi for the fun of it is just badass.

When I was a kid I loved the worlds, the designs, the models, characters. Years later I noticed that the story and the script was pretty shitty. Also we had god tier videogames out of the prequels.

Their reputation was kinda up and down for a while. When they first came out, many were disappointed, some outright hated them, but other people were willing to say they liked them or had a more muted reaction.

Then the plinkett reviews came out, and the prequel hate was kinda memed into the stratosphere (see also: Nickelback, Dane Cook, Dragon Ball GT, etc). People who enjoyed them before said they took it back after seeing the Plinkett reviews, and anyone who said they liked the prequels was often directed to a link of RLM's reviews.

Hatred and pessimism towards Star Wars seemed to be at an all-time high during the late 2000s-early 2010s, not just due to the RLM reviews, but also cheesy spinoffs like Kinect Star Wars and Star wars detours, Darth maul coming back with spider-legs, the 2011 Blu-ray changes with Vader saying "No!", and fans were like "This is the last straw George". I remember it being so uncool to like SW during the time post-RotS leading up to the Disney buyout.

Many fans actually cheered when Lucas sold SW to Disney initially. But then the sequel trilogy movies came out, people felt they were rather soulless, and more people liked the prequels again. The week after TFA came out, I distinctly remember people starting to say "Hey at least the prequels had heart, unlike this rehash" and the first big "prequel memes" also started around this time. TLJ just further solidified appreciation for the prequels. Now many people on the Internet legit defend the prequels, a complete turnaround from their extremely negative reputation in the late 2000s-early 2010s.

They were loved when released, but after the nostalgia wore off it was obvious they were shit. No rewatchability. Like watching a 2-hour ps3 cutscene

That Jango Obi Wan fight is so great because it wasn't spinny flips and laser swords, they actually had to sit down and think about how a harden soldier would fight a space wizard.


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It's not surprising that the same people who attack the prequels are always unversed in real film or anything artistic, and that the people who praise the prequels (Zizek, Paglia, Brody, etc) are always literate, educated, and versed in real film.


The fact that everyone points to Plinkett as the authority on why the prequels are bad speaks volumes. Mike Stoklasa is one of the least artistic people on the planet - he can't process movies outside of the conventions of Hollywood films, his approach to narrative is tempered with the same surface-level requisites listed on tvtropes.

Any complaint that people have about the prequels illustrates a weak grasp on film. How many art films would they claim has 'too much sitting and talking'? They would watch the end of Breaking the Waves and whine about dated CGI. Their sensibilities for 'good dialogue' in what is intentionally pulp comes from bad pulp, ie, the original Star Wars, the only pulp they've ever seen. They would similarly view any homage-driven art film and miss the entire point.

Lucas' only mistake in the prequels was doing something daring, original, artistic and literate, not realizing that the manchildren conditioned by the original SW trilogy to loathe anything cerebral would lash out against his cinematic risks.

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>how a harden soldier would fight a space wizard

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I've long suspected that was what Lucas was getting at. The whole saga hinges on Qui-Gon's decision to train Anakin and subsequent death. Had either of those things not happened the story would have played out very definitely. If he hadn't picked the kid up Sheev would have still risen to power and the rebellion might never have succeeded without a Skywalker around to save them. And if he hadn't died then he might have kept Anakin from sperging out and joining Palpatine, plus Dooku might not have fallen. There's a good chance Sheev would have never purged the Jedi and formed the empire.

What's interesting though is the idea that the net result of the saga was a positive because the republic was still corrupt and the jedi stagnant. That Qui-Gon had to die, that anakin had to fall and rise for something better to emerge in the form of the rebellion and Luke, who is a very different Jedi from the traditional order, ad much like his father as he is like Obi-Wan and perhaps even Qui-Gon. Which is why Lucas went with the chosen one angle I think. It's just a framing device for the story because we already know what happens.

>It was like the reverse of the paid defense shilling for TLJ.

I wonder if if the reviewers for TLJ reviewed the prequels before.

>Empire was shat on

By whom?

I really think the problem is that the only explanation we get is through the lens of a hippie simplifying it for a child.
>listen dude there's like these bacteria in your blood and they fuckin TALK to you man, you just gotta like chill out and listen

The problem with the prequels is that they were too smart. People don't want to see engaging political drama and a beautifully constructed romance. No. People want to see "laser swords xD" and "yoda xDDD". The fact that the characters were well-written and were developed make the drooling retards confused. They should just stick with MCU movies. It was too different for monkey brains to comprehend. That you could tell stories in the same universe but not use the same tropes was a unique concept lost on the majority of viewers.

>It's just a framing device for the story
Pretty much, but I don't think the "Chosen One" thing really justified itself. It hurt the story more than it enriched it.

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>beautifully constructed romance

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I was actually alive then and the general reaction was more mixed to positive while the fans of the franchise had a much more negative reaction. Then the general attitude shifted "A bad Star Wars movie is like a bad pizza" implying that even if the execution was poor there is something about Star Wars that is inherently engaging. Star Wars has lost that since it has become so omnipresent, hardly feels like a special event when a movie drops every year and so the magic of revisiting the setting doesn't offset the flaws nearly as much as they did. So the movies need to be strong on their own and people are going to be far less forgiving of flaws, especially after seeing a couple of mediocre Star Wars films in a row.

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The prequels are infused with a bold vision of artistic profundity that eclipses the likes of generic sci-fi movies of recent times. The streamlining process that has begun to creep into the production of every slightly sci-fi-y tinged movie has created an amorphous blob of mediocrity and blandness. The prequels deliver a basic premise of good vs. evil but do it so by utilizing characters that are endowed with humanity. Aside from the storytelling aspect the prequels stand strong on all fronts, from writing, cinematography and set pieces that truly immerse you into a fantastic world full of wonder and awe. It is infinitely unfortunate that this behemoth of a film project is marred by the majority of the populace's inability to assess the genius and lack of intelligence. One can only hope that in eons to come, evolution will have worked in ways as to ensure and maximize the distribution of the gene that thrives in the intellectual minority of our time so that future generations and civilizations will be able to grasp the grandeur of the prequels and see behind the masquerading illusion that is reddit.

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I wouldn't mind if it wasn't there, but aside from the meta angle I think it adds another layer of pressure on Anakin and another level of doubt in the council's treatment of him.

didn't a bunch of Disney influencers watch that plinket review and take his advice about hiring JJ and shit?

The thing the prequels got right is that there is no good or evil from different point of views.

You know an easy way for these hacks to slightly improve Rey in between movies? Give her a new fucking outfit and lightsaber and on a surface level people will think she's a much different character who's gone through a lot of shit, and then your EU stories can fill in the rest.

But she's still wearing the same rags only whiter, is coasting off of Anakin's saber yet again, and I doubt they'll finish the job and add dialogue or scenes that show her growth like how different Luke is in Jabba's Palace at the start. She'll just be perfect Rey you know and love from the start.

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According to news reports from back then it was people who thought Star Wars should always be cheery and bubbly like the end of ANH and couldn't deal with the fact that the villain won.

honestly having rewatched them recently I don't really think they were awful at all. In terms of story the story is pretty consistent and interesting, in terms of the star wars universe it does a lot for world building, in terms of technology this is where George Lucas was seriously putting in work to pioneer CGI in film, and the choreography in the fight scenes was spectacular. Where it failed was dialogue which Lucas is really really bad at writing, and it would have been bad in the OT too if the actors like Hammil and Ford hadn't told him that the lines were crap.

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Smart people liked them and stupid people hated them

20 years later, not much has changed

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>it adds another layer of pressure on Anakin
Sure, but it's a cheap, easy layer. I think more interesting options could've been utilized, or explored more deeply than the movies themselves did. Making Anakin the "Chosen One" just reeks of ex post facto inflation to milk the audience. It was redundant at best.

The thing is that the prequels had tons of effort put into them by talented and passionate audiences. So while the story and characterization suffered there was still the world building, locales, music, art direction, and all these other things to back it up. Like I've yet to meet anyone who has honestly said the designs of vehicles and clone troopers isn't cool in the prequels.

Meanwhile the sequels have no world building and are just running off of OT fumes to the point that it suffers. The spark of wonder is lost from star wars that keeps people interested in the world itself. It's just rebranding the OT only 10 times worse with none of the things that would keep people around otherwise.


>How come the council can't sense you when you're so strong?
>having to ask why the villain, who's obviously in disguise, wouldn't cover the biggest thing that can detect him

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What the hell is this shit? The Holy Roman Empire elected its Emperor. Electing a queen isn't too outlandish. Next, didn't this guy see Tatooine? Droids are somewhat rare, require maintenance, etc. Even Owen only owned a few & only for specific jobs which humans can't do. What braindead monkey made this?

My dad was an english professor and he loved menace.

See >by Pat McCallum, Tom Root, and Douglas Goldstein

Latter two are Robot Chicken guys.

>Electing a queen isn't too outlandish.
That's true. Electing a queen for a term is, though.

I dont blame the internet
I blame the current state of political conversation created by the MSM


If only more things like Legend of the Galactic Heroes were created

Electing a 15 year old us the more galling thing.

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1 and 2 were seen as trash but people liked 3. Lotr and the matrix were much bigger draws at the time.

Genes do decided everything though. It's why non-farming aboriginal people are unintegrable in modern societies.

and the education system which kidnaps children for 12 years and fails to orient them to function in life, bring back the trivium and the cane

No, it was only the mentally arrested boomers that hated them as all that wanted was a rehash of ot.
Disney was good enough to give them that and here we are.

>Genes do decided everything though

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Spotting a typo doesn't invalidate an argument.

I can't think of many things in the media that would even dare to bring up the g word

reinhard sama is right that there are some that take pride in family even though they are worthless
genes and environment both count, but genetics are a stronger influence, genes do determine a lot, but aren't everything


this has to be the worst line of dialog ever uttered
I remember I was like 15 and I thought it sounded dumb
AOTC taught me a very important lesson, nothing will ever live up to your expectations so it's best to not expect or hope for much to avoid dissapointment, a good lesson for me, thanks lucas!

what the shit is this?

>everything bad about sw is Lucas
>everything good about sw is literally who’s
I see this failed meme rearing it’s head again.
Please explain to me how a guy that wrote, directed and produced esb and rotj had nothing to do with them.
Go on, we could use a laugh at you disney shills.


Seems like it was trying to be catchy and memorable years later.


How much would the story of 2 and 3 episodes change, if Lucas wouldn't almost completely cut off Jar Jar and he would be a sith as probably was planned?

but jar jar is still trash

Mark Hamill was very invested in the character and he went to extra lengths to show Luke's growth and even pitched his own ideas for the scripts. Daisey just strikes me as someone who shows up and follows directions without putting any thought into the story or world.

I always knew mike stoklasa was secretly a jew who only made those plinkett sw prequel reviews because of his irrational tribal-guided hate of Lucas, but could never fit all the pieces together. Thanks for solidifying it for with that watto info.

Acceptance is the final step. Its time to forget about star wars and think about something else. Maybe start a garden, play cards, or collect something.


Mark Hamill is such a based actor. He didn’t carry TLJ but he sure as hell tried to

the films were disliked long before rlm's reviews though.

People thought the movies were bad when they were released, but since the new trilogy came out, people realised the importance of having 'heart' in movies, and now appreciate the PT on those grounds. They were honest and made with love;Lucas put his heart into them. The new trilogy is made from a soulless boardroom and focus groups. Through the new trilogy, people learnt to appreciate the PT in a way they never realised, but always felt.

Play Kotor?

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Zoomer nostalgia and/or contrarianism

They split the fans base. Some though they were good and others bad.

What was that RLM said about Rey not needing training being "real star wars"?

1 was a big deal sans jar jar
2 was boring I don't think anyone cared
3 was noooooooooooo

And that just about sums up

This is now a KotOR thread

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They were such garbage that I never even bothered seeing ROTS in the theater and don't let any memer tell you otherwise.

Kreia did everything wrong and Dark Side Revan and Dark Side exile are the best outcomes.

wtf speak english you stupid idiot

It's okay, I saw it three times. Lets just say for one of those I saw it for you.

OK, I'll confess,
I only played both kotors once.
dassrite, I said it.

They were judged as fun popcorn flicks for kids, teens and nostalgia for star wars fans
They were judged on technical competence and fan factor
That's it
Disney's star wars and MCU is regarded as a strong statement on women liberation, empowerment and freedom from the shackles of patriarchy, diversity and other marxist shit
It's sickening and hypocritical

Your brother should be smothered in his sleep.

They are actual awful movies with some redeeming qualities who were now called "masterpieces" only and solely on Yea Forums because they didn't liked TLJ, who still is superior to both TPM and AOTC since it has at least actual cinematography and some good scenes and not basic shot reverse shot bullshit without any kind of dynamic and the worst love story plot before Twillight.

ROTS was always liked because it did eleminate a big part of the failed stuff TPM and AOTC did. When I think about it, there is maybe one really bad scene in ROTS and this is the "I love you" dialogue.

Based retard

I think the modern conclusion in light of the new trilogy is.... they are messy, but honest.

>who still is superior to both TPM and AOTC

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lightsaber duels, handsome protagonists, large scale battles, space battles, aesthetics, world building, turns of fate, humor, pacing, creature design, climax

After the darth jar jar theory, they're pretty good. But heck, I was a kid when I watched them and I loved it.

Pazaak is not for everyone you know.

>some monsters took my child!

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

I was in those theaters. People walked out wondering what the fuck they just watched. Only the brand loyalists and the very young were enamored with those travesties.

Saw all the prequels when I was young. Jar Jar was pretty hated, as a kid, I didn't mind him. I really hated Anakin though. It felt really stupid to see anakin is a kid and a goofy lucky pilot too. I wanted to see Anakin as a good pilot, not one that just.... ooops wins!

AotC was ok, slow, the romance subplot sucked, the tattooine stuff tacks on the aunt and uncle like.....did they even know anakin?

ROTS was great, loved it, still love it. Wish it was better, wish there was more, but it's unironically one of my favorites.

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How is it garbage? Everyone says Episode II is shit but never gives any concrete example except vague shit like "it's long" or "it's boring".

>Only the brand loyalists and the very young were enamored with those travesties.
>only the target audience liked them
Weird that a bunch of pathetic 35 year old manbabies didn't like movies geared towards young adults

>Zizek, Paglia, Brody
>all these intellectuals supporting the prequels
It's true lmao
I don't know if I'm in bad company or not then for coming to my own prequel appreciation epiphanies. I just hope George saw these reactions since the prequels really were his babies.

I find that in these threads the people praising the prequels keep talking about how great the story is and all of Lucas' overarching ideas but at the end of the day none of the Star Wars movies have particularly original stories. What made the original trilogy so impactful was the filmmaking and the filmmaking of the prequels was sloppy and poorly managed regardless of what you think of the story.

>Phantom Menace
People have never liked Jar-Jar, but it didn't inspire the utter disappointment from people RLM would like to have you believe.

>Attack of the Clones
I don't recall much excitement or energy for this, as we all know it's pretty bad. - but it's sins were redeemed years later with the Clone Wars cartoon and Battlefront 2 (the real one). portmans ass at least looks good in those white pants.

>Revenge of the Sith
There was some actual elation that it turned out as good as it did. Hayden's line delivery is still wooden, but his screen presence is actually very good. The Emperor is literally the best character in all of star wars and he dominates the entire movie. what the fuck is there not to like??? also infinite memes.

This, except they hated Lucas for a lot more than just Watto.

I was 23 when I saw AOTC in theaters with my friend and his gf.
I liked it, we all did.
Only Star Wars film I watched in the theaters, although I have watched the original films many times in VHS.
The "people hate the prequels" is a big internet meme and a lie.

The acting and dialogue are both terrible despite having some very competent leads (McGregor and Portman).

It includes things that are totally at odds with everything we've seen in the franchise so far for no reason other than a cheap laugh or Lucas being weird (e.g. cigarettes exist but they're called death sticks, Obi-Wan goes to a 1950's American diner etc.)

Major plot points are introduced that don't really feel earned (there is a giant clone army that the Republic paid for without realizing it and nobody has a problem with that, Padme falls in love with Anakin seemingly off screen).

It completely changes Yoda's character. He was originally introduced as a wise sage pretending to be a crazy hermit. He never acts funny again in Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi after he reveals his true identity to Luke. In the prequels he's either funny Yoda or badass Yoda because that sells more toys. Yoda was the embodiment of the force being stronger than physical power but in Attack of the Clones it was "lol no he's actually the greatest swordsman out of all the Jedi when he feels like it."

I could go on if you want to have a civil discussion about it. There are a lot of ideas people liked in Attack of the Clones that were extrapolated on in other media but the movie itself is pretty lackluster.

>lead actor is good
Fucking how? Because he is a white guy? He was bland shit.

My mother really loved the OT and dislike the prequels She gave up on nu-Wars IMEDIATLY at the moment Han Solo died. She didn't even saw the rest of the movie, she just got up from the teather and went home. She didn't watch TLJ, and after being told about what happens with Luke, she will leave the room if that movie is playing. Me and my brothers tough... We loved the prequels and tough the OT was boring shit. The quirqy characters, the fast and CUHRAZY lightsaber battles, the lore with more depth for autism, and the fall of the MC from grace instead of the other way around was way more interesting to me as a kid than the usual "hero's journey" stiff in the OT.

Now that I grew up... Everything is shit, and the nu-Wars is rancid shit. But still, the prequels are the only SW movies I watch frequently because of nostalgia sake. My childhood glasses make it unable to dislike the prequels, even tough objectivelly they are kinda flawed.

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>Grew up obsessed with OT
>Thought the PT was ok at release, didn't particularly love or hate them
>Got caught up in the "Second Wave" PT hate, post-Plinkett and People vs George Lucas
>Eventual nostalgia set in for the Republic/Clone Wars setting and characters, and swing back around to liking the PT again

That's been my experience with them.

>Smart people liked them
meesa thinkin yousa right! bantha poodoo YIPPEEE XDDDD

They're not liked outside of Yea Forums and it's kids of the time. Though that era of Star Wars left a much, much smaller imprint on that generation than Harry Potter, LotR and half of CN and Nickelodeon programming.

Disliking the prequel trilogy is a good indicator that person is a faggot tbqh.

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People literally cheered and clapped in the theater at the start of the Dooku-Yoda fight, when Yoda pulls out his saber with the force.

Literally memes at this stage

Star Wars is the shonen anime of cinema.

They are some of the few movies I'd call objectively bad. There is just so much wrong with them. That's why people don't like them. Not because of the jews. Just how the fuck did we get to the point where jews are getting blamed for movies being bad or getting bad reviews? It's like you people are obsessed, you see jews everywhere.

They were though. Just because he didn't literally hold the camera or write the actual script doesn't mean he wasn't the overall creative voice.
You're just one of those brainwashed faggots that attributes everything bad about SW to Lucas and everything good about SW to all the other people who were around.

I have no idea why anybody likes this shit, all three films were like a cheap soulless long videogame cut scene. The sequels are just as bad but the prequels were fucking terrible.

Most kids who watched these KIDS MOVIES liked them. The autistic generation X manchildren who wanted to relive their childhood hated them. Good job generation X manchildren, you got episode 7. That's what you wanted right? Everything is the same so now you can feel safe again.


you mean mcu.

Apart from the romance plot of AtoC, they're solid.

What I want to know is if the prequels had truly memorable dialogue, or is it just the internet influencing our opinions with dumb prequel memes

The memes are popular BECAUSE the dialogue is so memorable

I say Chuck's sucked more! I say sneed's sucked more!

>According to news reports from back then it was people who thought Star Wars should always be cheery and bubbly like the end of ANH and couldn't deal with the fact that the villain won.
holy shit absolute plebs

>that image

I don't know why, but I love these old geocities.ws composite images of PT. Somewhere on my drive there's a bunch of images saved from back them. Small as fuck by today standards. Brings me back I guess, when SW websites would switch your cursor to a pixely-as-fuck lightsaber and some Qui-Gon TV spot was 480x260 in dimensions and those 4 Mb took an eternity to download and you could only save them by rummaging through your IE cache files. Hype was different back then.

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So did your genes make you so retarded that you can't even make a single-line imageboard post without making grammatical errors?

your mom is a boomer

Kids barely give a shit about Lord if the Rings

Checked and blessed

TPM got a harsh reception, although going from the awesome OT to having Jar Jar reenact everything people hated about Ewoks on Endor was understandably infuriating to the older fans. People were looking to relive the wonder and gravity of ESB, but they didn't get that. It was a letdown that had a lot of great material and world-building. AOTC will always be boring garbage that has a couple great scenes.

ROTS was well received compared to 1 and 2. It contained a brief glimpse at what the prequels should have consisted of throughout. George had pissed away too much character development time by this point and so ROTS spends most of the plot rushing to line up with the OT. It's hilarious that Sheev instantly transforms into the withered scrotum-head, instead of that ill form resulting from his long suffusion with the dark side. In a more ideal scenario, Anakin would have turned from the Jedi in the second movie, instead of in the later half of the last movie - and he probably would have had better reasons!

The 35mm trailer makes me view the film more as a work of sculpture... I think if Lucas had the films transferred to look like this on Blu-Ray a lot of the criticism would be negated. Otherwise it looks like a cartoon.


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Turning Anakin into a cringy, borderline autistic manchild was the real flaw.

It's a Van Gogh case.

>W O R L D B U I L D I N G

As if boring political discussions and some new alien designs make for great world building.

No. He's just some garbage fanfic character that an edgy 14-year old would come up with.

>the characters were well-written and were developed

Only character that gets any development is Anakin and it's done so shittily that holy fuck it's embarrassing.

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yeah thanks Michael Bay can't tell wtf is going on here.

The acting and dialogue were the ONLY bad things about them.

I saw Phantom Menace in theaters in 1999 and I fucking loved it. I had seen the OT before it and like it too. People try to push all kinds of narratives but the prequel hate is at least half-meme made up by 00s tv writers and then picked up by internet talking heads like RLM.

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This. The overall plot is good but the execution is greatly flawed.

Many of the characters are pretty good - QuiGon, Maul, Palpatine, Obi Wan and even Dindu.

Anakins character was totally failed.

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That looks absolutely stunning.

Literally a James Dean tier Chad
God, how I love Georgie boi

Revan’s gonna be black.

Fuck all you boomers who wanted Anakin to be some generic hero Chad.
Fortunetly, George gave him a personality of someone who actually has the potential to fuck up everything for everyone

It's not fair how he's been able to keep his magnificent hair to this day.

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>Fortunetly, George gave him a personality of someone who actually has the potential to fuck up everything for everyone
Fucking this ^

not being a greedy jew will do that to you

you mean angsty teen fucking retard

Did you know it is an autistic trait to hyperfocus and obsess over small insignifcant errors in type?

Daily Reminder that "The Force Awakens" is a masterpiece and just as good as any film in the original trilogy.

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I enjoyed all six films as a kid but always thought AOTC was the worst. Then when I got a little older I fell for the "ROTS is the only good prequel film" meme. Now though, I consider all three to be pretty lame, with TPM being the least offensive, AOTC is bad but still better than nu-Star Wars and ROTS is just boring.

Star Wars and Empire are the only ones I'd argue are truly good. Jedi is only good for the scenes with Luke, Vader and the Emperor.

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What kind of retard post is this? Maul is not a character at all, let alone a good one.

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They were hated upon release by adults. Kids like everything and bought toys. Nostalgia and retardation are only explanation If you still like these movies. I dropped Star Wars at the phantom menace it’s kind of amazing to me that people still like this crap unironically.

Best part. Only a genius like Lucas could for see the rise of the Incel

All dictators begin as autistic manchildren user.

How did he go from this to Jabba? Is this the power of the diabetes?

I strongly disagree with qui-gon and maul.

I think Lucas took a misstep when he killed Qui-Gonn, but of course he needed poetry because Qui-Gonn's death rhymes with Obi-Wan's death in Episode IV

They mostly prefer capeshit but I’ve still seen enthusiasm for Star Wars. It isn’t the same though. Mostly it’s OT fans who loathed the PT and see the ST as at least a step up.

Personally, I see the ST as a step in the wrong direction because they keep shoving that “everyone is special and can be the hero” shit down everyone’s throats

>be a slave till you're 9
>be separated from your mother and indoctrinated by emotionless, celibate monks
>jedi treat you like shit because you're different (joined too long) and masters don't trust you (as seen in Episode 1 where they judge him like a piece of meat)
>be told to suppress all your emotions
>be groomed by the greatest manipulator in the galaxy, and he's your only non-Jedi friend and the only one that's not stupidly hard on you all the time for your humanly mistakes
>be given a god complex because you're told you're literally the chosen one and soon to be most powerful person of all time
>have nightmares about your mother dying, but be told by Jedi to just ignore it
>finally get chance to see your mom
>she was tortured and raped to death and dies in your arms
>have to fight on the front lines of a galactic war for 3 years
>have premonitions about your wife dying the same way the ones about your mother came true
>freak the fuck out
>Jedi still don't trust you, ask you to spy on your best non-Jedi friend
>put you on council but don't promote you to master, even though you're top 5 strongest Jedi in the galaxy, making you seem like a joke
>still turn in sith lord who promised to save your beloved wife because of your loyalty to the Jedi
>Jedi don't trust you again and don't take you to arrest the most powerful villain in the galaxy
>go to help anyway and see Jedi, who was a dick to you your whole life, about to break his own rules like a fucking hypocrite and murder a prisoner
>see last chance to save your dear wife, freak out in a split second decision and cut douchebag Jedi's hands off
>now feel like you've fucked up so hard you have no choice but to join the dark side, hey at least you can save your wife...


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normal audiences liked it while the autistic star wars hated it because it went against their fanfiction

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it was neccesary, but the mistake was not being able to get qui gon back for AOTC or ROTS

but that's more because liam neeson was tired of starwars and wanted nothing to do with it anymore

I don’t get that at all honestly. I see this argument but I’m not sure where it stems from exactly.

>dude i edited this kid to look like not-sheev and now he FUCKING LOOKS LIKE HIM

The sequels being abominations doesn't makes the prequels good, you contrarian fucks. You're literally nostalgic. You miss the early 2000s (no SJWs, raunchy movies, etc). You're one step from posting SOUL/SOULLESS. Also, never forget the complete fiasco that was Lucas refusing to release the OT it its original form instead of the pukefest he thought looked good. Now I have to download some autist's recreation if I want to show someone how Star Wars actually looked.

The Empire Strikes Back is so far above as a piece of art than absolutely anything else with the Star Wars brand on it that it's not even funny.

The most blatant places I have seen it is in TLJ. One being where Rey’s parents are supposed to be insignificant nobodies but she’s super strong in the force somehow and two being that stupid fucking scene at the end where the random slave kid on the casino planet moves the broomstick with the force.

Revenge of the Sith is unironically the best Star Wars fìlm.

^Fucking this honestly

I never liked Ep 1, I thought Ep 2 and 3 were awesome as a kid. I liked the actual wars and large scale foot battles
Now I still like them, they have a different vibe from the OT but it's no like the OT didn't have weird melodramatic acting and didn't sometimes go for style over substance. The PT is bloated and has a lot of throwaway content though and definitely falls into Lucasisms much more than the OT ever did.

The force has always been random though. This was established in the PT and especially TCW. It can have genetic properties but there are children born with high midichlorian counts when their parents don’t. It’s like magic in Harry Potter. You can have non magic parents and be born a wizard. You can also have wizard parents and be born without magic powers. I don’t know why this is attributed to the ST.

He was bringing the separatists together under the direction of Palpatine to create a visible enemy to give an excuse for Palpatine to accrue even more power.

One of the most beautiful scenes in all of cinema is a space wizard stopping his hoverbike to get directions from a sandmidget who lives out of a giant moving radio shack.