Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

This piqued my interest. What do you think about it?

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I think Sally's a whore now.

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People commonly mistake stacies for whores.

>satanic propaganda

It's just a phase, bro.


She's worthless to me now.

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Huh? Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
I only see christians seething, and everyone knows their opinoons don't matter.


It's just a TV production, buddy. It's not real, y'know?

>Andrew Lloyd Weber out of nowhere
Fucking terrible

Did Season 2 come out? Did she ever bend over for Satan yet? I thought her whole thing was being in the middle of it all?

It’s okay if you get past the bad parts, sadly s2 deepdives in the bad parts

The show is unironically Women vs the patriarchy. The s1 protagonists are : women’s rights half-witch, gay black dude, black psychic, tomboy

antagonists are following: toxic masculinity white sports team members, white misogynistic male principle, demon woman doing the bidding of misogynistic devil, witch school principle who shows signs of mysoginy and toxic masculinity

Season 2s protagonists are: women’s rights halfwitch, fem-to-male trans (Takes a stand against needing to change physically to be accepted (there’s literally 2 episodes designated to transacceptance)) black psychic, black gay dude

Antagonists are: witch principle that they quadruple downed on the misogyny and toxic masculinity, and misogynistic devil

If you can look past it you’ll probably enjoy it. I particularly smirk when they say stuff like “praise Satan” and swap the words heaven and hell in phrases

Sounds great. Thank you user.

Satan's her daddy but still wants to fuck her.
He also looks like Dennis Reynolds.
She sings a bad song and tries to trap him in a rubiks cube but that fucks up so she has to trap him in the Mexican she wanted to fuck, then they deport his stinky ass to hell.
It was bad.

i wanna fuck kiki in the pusy

the ending didnt really make much sense, nick should have been satan in disguise the whole time

needs more magic and less androgynous m*rtals

I quite liked it, but playing "The Doors - The End" at the season finale is hack shit of the highest order.

Is this satire? Or are there really still people in [current year argument] that care about depiction of witchcraft and satanism, corrupting our youth, like the Harry Potter protestors?

Isn't that from the source material? The source material which I heard exists.

Also: I unironically want there to be more satanism. Because over the course it changed from "We literally eat babies" to "we're just a regular sitcom family".
Like, in Season 1 they were EXITED for the possibility of one of them being eaten by the coven, in Season 2 they're all SUPER afraid of dying for the dark lord. They constantly say "oh witches are sluts and it's encouraged" but then Zelda catches shit for being "a hussy" by all accords it makes no sense.

>gay black dude
Pansexual, actually. I think he even was the one to say that witches and warlocks usually swing any way they want.
>specially noticing which ones are black
Pic related, this is you.
>Takes a stand against needing to change physically to be accepted
Have you watched the fucking episode? She doesn't do that at all. She's protests about being forcefully changed to "stop confusing others". She doesn't want to change for the sake of others she wants to transition on her own terms. But I guess fuck her, for not letting others around decide what to do with her body.
>Complaining about all the misogyny
I mean it's a story about witches and that is quite often a deeply feministic side of the occult, so of course they're gonna deal with such issues. Where the fuck else would they do it? I'm honestly a bit surprised they have so many males, specially in positions of high power, but I guess it makes for a good antagonist and mirrors the church. also:
>reddit spacing
kill yourself.

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If you can’t see the forest for the tree that’s not my fault. The point in “Theo” protesting against being changed is obviously supposed to be a stance against having to change physically to be called the opposite sex, you’re retarded if you think she’s going to have a post-op penis in s3

Also pic related is more like choosing a character in world of Warcraft put it literally says bad guy on top of your character screen if you pick anything white or male
You mean bisexual? Okay fair enough he’s bi woopdidoo

I'm not saying she does, but she LITERALLY says that if she transitions she wants to do it on her own terms and not to keep others around her from being confused. She's not against transitioning in general. She's against being forced to do something against her will for the sake of others. It could not be spelled out any clearer. And of course she's not gonna have a penis in S3, that's not the point either.

>praise Satan
>we haven’t had long pig in a while
>we love Satan
>how dare you disrespect the dark lord

>Satan? We have to do whatever we can to stop him!!!!!

seriously what the fuck?

Shit tier compared to the true Sabrina.

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thoughts on these thighs?

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She was way hotter and more fuckable in mad men

Not the most impressive I've seen, but they come with a whole package.

shit was over the top sjw in season 1, and i don't even like using that word. Got up to the ritual episode then gave up. This series is clearly not redeemable, the only thing that got me that far was looking at Kiernan.

what did she mean by this?

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