All things considered, Vice really wasn't that bad

All things considered, Vice really wasn't that bad.
Obviously a Hollywood movie about a Republican White House is going to portray it negatively and needs to be taken with a major grain of salt, but I still found it pretty interesting.

Attached: vice.png (220x343, 42K)

>needs to be taken with a major grain of salt,
Why? Buck Fush.

It was pretty garbage. All style, no substance. It looked more like a youtube video than a best picture contender.

It tried so hard to say something, but it all came out as pathetic whimpering. It pretends that it's showing you the truth, but prefaces the whole film with a juvenile card saying they made most of it up.

I loathe Adam McKay and his pompous, holier-than-thou, foray into the fictitious life of Dick Cheney.

Republicans are objectively evil though. The only reason they have any support is because they’re able to manipulate idiots into voting against their own interests

Filmic looks into any politician’s life is always kinder than reality, regardless of what side of the largely imaginary political spectrum they subscribe to.
Movie was pretty solid, overall. I really enjoyed his wife’s character, except for that one scene at that beginning
>I can’t do anything because I am a woman
>*proceeds to doing everything*
Awful scene, pure current year bullshit. Potentially great scene with a few dialogue changes.
The false credits were great, since we had just sat through a bunch of stuff that showed hey, this family was a bunch of corrupt scumbags (like everyone in government) but there was still hope of redemption, and happiness.
Interesting commentary is to compare how Citizen Kane got Welles virtually blacklisted, and this got nominated for Oscars. Shows that Cheney was merely a lackey fallguy. Still a tragedy.

This movie is incredibly boring. All of the characters are very flat and predictable. As for the politics of the filmmakers, it's so that you can predict what's going to happen with the characters because they're evil republicans

Attached: nigga.jpg (701x696, 41K)

>Shit all over Cheney and Bush
>Give Obama a pass despite doubling down on all of the Bush policies

In a perfect world, they’d shit over Obama too, but this is not a perfect world.

Funny how in one of the final screens of text they go with a "But his emails" conspiracy

>literally two posts in the entire thread talking about the film
Pretend it’s fiction if it helps you. Don’t worry, they’re all satanic pedophiles in real life.
Now comment on the damn film.

america bad
globalism good

go jump in a ditch

this but unironically
fuck mutts

It lost the plot with its potrayal of the "Fairness Doctrine" being some magical Democrat crusade to protect free speech, and not them just being salty that Rush Limbaugh had a ton of listeners.

Also the part where it's portrayed as if Israel had no support for the Iraq War. Maybe the director was trying not to anger his Jewish overlords in Hollywood; but it's more likely he's just another NPC.

Why is it in a midwest steel manufacturer's interest to support mass immigration and oppose trade protectionism?

>globalism good

Okay, enjoy your caliphate, lol.

cheney is a robot hearted demi lich neocon nigger who deserves a bullet in his head
>they’re all satanic pedophiles in real life.
this but unironically

Why are Americans so sensitive the second someone criticises their political party of choice? The bush administration invaded two countries and is directly responsible for most of the mess the world is in today. That's a fact, deal with it. If it was a democrat who did that I'd be saying the same thing

world was already fucked. barbarian horde will be brought into our influence. what's to apologize for? the invasions were just us shaking up the planet as usual, and we will again in ways that you cannot predict. just enjoy the fucking ride, orbiter. you think things got worse after 9/11? you don't know what worse is. you measure all things with two hands.

"Barbarian invasions" are a direct result of destabilise caused by repeated American interventions. America had no sympathy for the countries they invaded, why should we have any for them.

>implying I was being ironic
I watch films to distract myself from the horrors of reality

Your shit party also supports getting rid of abortion rights. Right now the total number of procedures done has reached something like 60 million. Getting rid of illegals is something I also want but how would you feel right now if there were an extra 60 million Americans competing for your job?