What would you do with this power Yea Forums ?

What would you do with this power Yea Forums ?

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kill all jews, niggers, muslims and chinks.

There is no other answer than this




Thank you

what about the irish?

When you have no minorities to hate you'll begin picking off the lesser whites, and then eventually it will just be you tugging your dick to two goats fucking. In the grand scheme of things your life will not have changed much at all except for there being fewer people in the world.

What about fags?

theyre white

kill people who watch capeshit but do not read comics
they are reason this shit is spammed every few months. nothing against comic nerds, go on enjoy it

Get the tumour out of me, then


what a mad man

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I'd kill the anglos.

kill all capeshitters

have sex


>no beaners

Thanks friend

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someones gotta do the Manuel labor

perfectly flat, as all things should be

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I'd snap this faggot out of existence.

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this guy gets it

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I would give everything total empathy and then watch as the food chain collapses. Then I would reverse time to the point right after I gave everything full empathy and give everything full view of all time across all possible dimensions of choice and also total free will and then let whatever happens happen.

create my perfect wife who can pound me all day with her giant futa cock. also probably make it so i don't die when she's slamming me with a 15 incher

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but who was Manuel?

2 chicks at the same time

Gay and pedo