Coca Cola is now canon in Star Wars universe

Coca Cola is now canon in Star Wars universe.
Press S to spit on Disney's grave.

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Sprite too from the looks of it.

What is that from?

wait 'til disney merges with coca cola the next year

During the SW Celebration they announced that they worked closely with Coca Cola company to "canonize" their drinks so that they could appear in their new theme park.

You'd think the galaxy far away would be free from product placement, but you were wrong.

Shameless product placement. Expect to see Audi’s or Mercedes tai fighters soon

modern products get themed up in disney parks all the time
or don't you remember the coca-cola cooling station?

So are mutts, your point?

Marvel movies are even worse

>You'd think the galaxy far away would be free from product placement, but you were wrong.
>Diz-knee (to your pocket groin)
>free from product placement

meanwhile, in a movie Yea Forums loves...

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Why are they spherical space-cans?

Whoa! I could really go for an ice cold بдιk ξдk™ right about now.

>He thinks Yea Forums is one guy
>He thinks people can't love both or hate both movies
>Everything is black and white

Cyberpunk dystopia set on earth, you are a retard

Oh boy.

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But that fits with the corporate jew dystopia you retard. Its not like they're in a galaxy far far away.

>He thinks Yea Forums is one guy
all me
>He thinks people can't love both or hate both movies
hate both and love both is pretty black and white
>Everything is black and white
yes, apparently

>most powerful film franchise every created
>now needs product placement to make money

as if you needed more proof that disney fucked star wars this fucking hard

>You'd think the galaxy far away would be free from product placement, but you were wrong.
Are you a retard? It's an amusement park this is expected. Now if you said this was in the movie that would be something

cocacola was invented in 1886 thousands of years after the events of starwars take place.

The Star Wars films is kind of a metaphor for Western Civilization.

You could have made an effort to save it, instead you bitch all day that SJWs are running it into the ground. If you liked Star Wars so much you should have made an effort for it.

I'd think one could easily cognate the difference between real products that real corporations make existing in what is supposed to be a real Earth in the near future, and fake products made on Earth that somehow exist IN NAME AND BRAND "a long time ago, in a galaxy far away".

So unless Coca-Cola somehow exists throughout the known universe, I'm gonna call bullshit.

>product placement of real life companies in my sci-fi dystopias is fine if it's based on a fantasy Earth
based goys

get a load of this pseudo intellectual

>You could have made an effort to save it

How? Please give one single, concrete example of how you or I could possibly have done anything to save either the Star Wars franchise, or western civilization.

Just one.

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>You could have made an effort to save it
How would some random anons have influenced the production of a corporate intellectual property?

The issue is not product placement you inbred retard.

Dr.strange could have brought cocacola to the starwars galaxy with the time stone.

I didn't say you could have saved them. I said you could have made an effort.

You know that would actually be a better movie
>soulless sw characters pitch a product every 4 minutes

>should have made an effort for it
Yes, I'll just hit the bricks and ask Mr. Disney for a job, by gosh! It worked in 1949, it'll work today for you too, sonny-boy!

Maybe time is a loop.

I'm not even a Star Wars fan but it's disgusting to see what Disney has done too the franchise.

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This has authenticity.

>Why are they spherical space-cans?
They're buzzballz

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Same company. At least Marcel Movies are set on earth. No in a galaxy far far away in the past

>Coca Cola is now canon in Star Wars universe

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Underrated post.

That's not an answer. How?

I can now say with 100% certain that Anthropophagus 1980 did better product placement, though most-likely just they had it lying around, than star wars

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>coca-cola stamping its name across a sci-fi dystopia
seems pretty kino to me

All great stories have coke in it like scarface and goodfellas haha

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Isn't that a thermal detonator?

Disney surely would never do something so disgraceful. That would barely be a step above appropriating the image of the recently deceased in a bald faced attempt to increase sales through nostalgia. Only idiots would blindly support such an amoral corporation.

maybe you should shut the fuck up

>Only idiots would blindly support such an amoral corporation.
user, I...

>Forgetting italy loves pepsi more than coke

Well, if I were wealthy enough to go to Star Wars land at Disney World, I would appreciate details like this desu. Better than just seeing normal Coke bottles for sale in the Tatooine Cantina which would be immersion breaking.

Proof for my statement

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Star wars has been nothing but a commercial for 40 years you absolute zoomer

didnt all the products placement brands on BR went bankrupt with the exception of Coke?

Oh, that's like a low key diss, Disney must be hoping that Coca Cola won't find out.

ibm and atari are still around

This is from the theme park, not the movie. Who fucking cares

No, they're not. AT Games owns the license to some of their games, but Atari Inc and Atari Corp are quite dead.

>A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away
Coke/Sprite is literally millennia old and worshiped as a religious experience in our timeline

They have literally said that Coca Cola drinks are now canon in the Star Wars universe, it's a quote.

I thought this was in the movie, who cares about the theme park you dork

Sounds like an excellent business deal, what's the problem?

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It's a consumerist curiosity like the links between Coca-Cola and Santa Claus. And now Star Wars. All of which are American institutions they're big enough that it doesn't matter.


That's not an answer to your plea for an answer but it does clarify what I actually said.

How is probably through actually trying to join Lucasarts or Disney, and/or trying to get involved in politics or something community related I guess. If SJW landwhales managed, I'm sure you could managed.

>Forgetting italy loved pepsi in late 60's and 70's

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Are you a communist or just a full blown retard. Disney finances much of their money by selling junk food from other companies, hence "Dole Whips." The only way Disney can keep the parks somewhat affordable is marketing synergy with companies.

Just like how Star Tours was paid by Kodak.

>If SJW landwhales managed, I'm sure you could managed.

Except this is predicated on the concept that all voices in society have equal weight, and thus equal ability to sway socio-political decisions, which is untrue.

The reason SJW landwhales manage to exert so much outward force and change industries and society in their image is not because their opinions and ideas are convincing or hold merit, it's because they scream loudly and throw tantrums and damage people's reputations with targeted hate campaigns if they don't get their way.

An industry will bend over backwards to prove they're not racist, but they will LITERALLY NEVER spend any energy catering to someone who claims to be concerned about the quality of the product being delivered.

That's for Finn

B-blade runner is KINO

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they really haven't. they said they designed a custom can for the theme park to make it look neat

I'm stating that I can like Star Wars and hate Blade Runner, or Vice Versa, or like neither or both. You apparently have zero reading comprehension.

yeah apparently you're a fucking retard. Disney's film division is not the same subsidiary division for the parks and all are profitable as stand alone's. they don't rely on licensing deals to keep the parks affordable at all, they price the entrance fee's based on upkeep, investment and expected profit percentage

eh just let it die already please god

fuck this thread, now I'm thirsty for a coke, brb going to 7-11

is sierra mist okay?

Get a pepsi and support the exploitation cause

This is literally the worst, it's worse than being raped. Please come back George! Please save us! We need your originality, with substances like "death sticks"!

I miss death sticks guy

You mean "Elan Sleazebaganno"


>unscrew cap
>now have a piece of plastic the size of a mandarin orange you have to deal with


>Needs crowdfunding to get a video game console made

>Elan Sleazebaganno
im confused as to whether i should be surprised or i should expect lucas to make up such a name.

this, fuck everyone defending it. I haven't seen the movie but looking at the cityscape coca-cola would be seen as a relic of ancient american culture by then.


>I haven't seen the movie
The original Blade Runner takes place in 2019.

your point? BTTF 2 had flying cars 4 years ago.

i never heard of that one either, jesus christ. i thought it was just a meme that george lucas needed handlers.

Why would Coca Cola be seen as an ancient relic only 30 years after the year in which the film released? The aesthetic of the movie is a corporate-run, bleak cityscape. Having known brands reinforces that.

If you enjoy a dark cola soda that's not mast produced on Coke's level then you are a fool. There are plenty of sodas produced on local levels that can be enjoyed otherwise. If you enjoy a mast produced soda other than Coke then you are in the super minority that deserves the dumbass commercials you receive. Root beers and cream sodas are the ways to enjoy sodas, when done well. Original Coke is the best soda in that venue. Fuck off if that offends you or you enjoy pepsi. You know it to be true.

I dunno, there's something almost charming about some of the names that George Lucas comes up with. In the same way that there's charm in a retarded kid's crayon drawing. You know it's sincere. George Lucas genuinely came up with something that bad. With Disney it takes an entire marketing department and a room full of screenwriters to get the same shit out. I hated George Lucas but at least hate is an emotion. With Disney all I have is this immense, crushing apathy.

massed, not mast. Yes, I should have proofread my post and I'm an asshole for replying to do a correction.

It should have said dr pepper.

Massed produced isn't right either, moron.

Then it would be stepping into godzilla 1985 territory

Empire strikes back

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The Star Wars fag in me is angry.
But, my damn inner bottle autist wants the fuck out of that.

It was ahead of its time

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I would watch this. Just man up and admit you’re making a space balls sequel.

>George Lucas genuinely came up with something that bad
Or he was phoning it in. The Prequels and Disney Wars suffer different problems: with the Prequels it was a Lucas focused mainly on money and not on making a good film, and so his decisions weren't based on what he found good or engaging but rather what could rake in more money through merchandising. He was pretty good at this, and a lot of the designs in the Prequels hold up pretty damn well, though the more spectacle and aesthetic focused nature of the movies did make the characters and story suffer as a result. A lot of background stuff was just superfluous and I think towards the end Lucas was more invested in just getting his product out the door without much care towards the details (see Darth Icky). As you said, Disney Wars is a more design-by-committee affair but with people who have no clue as to what the fuck they're doing. They're bumbling retards who don't know how to press artists for good designs or how to press writers to make good scripts or stories. It's the worst of both worlds.

At Disney World, in the Animal Kingdom, there's an attraction succinctly called "Dinosaur"
The general idea is that you are a time traveller who travels back to dinosaurian times, populated as they are by animatronic dinosaurs
In the queue as you wait for your time machine there are three pipes, one red, one yellow, one white
On the sides of the pipes are some complex-looking chemical equations
Those equations represent, respectively, the primary ingredients of ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise
Because at one stage the attraction was sponsored by McDonalds

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This is still my favorite film of all time, but dystopias are not aging well. You could give Brave New World or 1984 a happy ending and no one would bat an eye.

>try to offer critiques about the film
>get called a sexist

I did try...

Majority rules. Majority is dumb. Majority is controlled by oligarchy. Next question.

Oh man I remember when drink companies were trying out grenade shaped bottles when I was a kid.

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but why not Dasani?

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Who would automatically link Ketchup Mustard and Mayo with McDs? I can't even tell you one McDonald sandwich with mayo in it.

There's a document on Wikileaks about CocaCola killing 10 children in Africa and hushing it up.

The McChicken you uncultured prole

Why would they kill them?

why does coke have a cock drawn on it?

We're really living in a clown world.

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he never said that

black hole sun, won't you come.

It was one of their drivers ran over a large group of kids.

did he look like this?

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Is...Is it wrong that I like the bottles?

That doesn't count. Have you never been to a theme park?


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This is a commentary on consumerism. Star Wars is a celebration of consumerism.

Oh, that makes more sense.
10 is a lot tho

no they're pretty cool
rampant corporatism isn't cool and this instance of that isn't cool but as bottles for containing drink liquid rather than symbols of an America in which mass media and conglomerate industry are far too comfortable as bedfellows they are pretty cool and I like them

ackshyually the fact that they put that logo in such a shithole dystopian future really condemns coca cola because it means they contributed to the demise of the world and survived, so it's basically reverse shilling.

Wait, so did Don Draper become a Jedi Master?

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cultural critique aside, this is actually the amount of soda i would drink as a single serving. knowing coke, its design would be just short of a comfortable sexual device. they always add something onto their bottles, some plastic seam, to keep it just short of pleasurable.


The grenade bottles are kind of neat. Id buy one.

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They're repurposed xmas bulb bottles.

How am I supposed to get these back through airport security?

I don't care. This franchise has been dead since the 90s. I haven't seen anything after TFA, and I don't plan to.

SW has been whored out since the beginning, dumbass.

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Got a sensible chuckle out of me chief.

God Almighty you're fucking stupid

>I haven't seen it but I've still got a hot opinion
Shut the fuck up, there's also an Atari billboard, do you think it's advertising fucking Atari?

Wookiepedia article when?

It's just mass produced user

Clearly says CANK CAJK on it, that's Armenian for "not a bomb"

Walt Disney had nothing to do with it.

By leaving Yea Forums forever

Implying Star Wars hasn't always been a machine for consumerism

Holy shit this.
If you faggots are so worried about Western civ, then grab an AR and pull a Christchurch. Don't sit on your asses and cry all day.

Nice, underrated kek

That's not Descartes

It's literally the point in Blade Runner...

They resist vaccum better


> Have a CoVK and a Smile

Dinosaur has the most kino pre show in the Disney parks. Go watch it.

Her Wookiepedia entry when?

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>product placement in Star Wars
the gates of hell have opened and the dead walk among us

kek well played

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I think all the white peoples should just embrace Chinese civilization and become allies. Chinese like white people, and their culture isn’t as chucked as ours. We should cut our losses, burn the whole thing to the ground, and see how blacks and Muslims like it when the Chinese are in charge (hint: Muslims get really oppressed in China).

that's not taking place a long time ago in a galaxy far far away
that is a translation of our world
that is a dystopia where corporations run rampant
such an image makes sense and has context

Well when no one wants to buy the action figures because all the characters are ugly minorities, you have to make the money up somehow.

Is this GR?

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Susan Propp, Coke's vice president of strategic partnership marketing, believes that the Galaxy's Edge Coke bottles, which will only be available for purchase in the land, could even become souvenirs and collector's items for park-goers. "I think guests will probably drink one to stay hydrated or enjoy it in the land and then probably throw one in their backpack and take it home," she said.

>drinking coke to stay hydrated

Holy shit look at all the spergs trying to perform gold medal level mental gymnastics to get out of this one. Posts that make Yea Forums lose their shit are what I live for

I already want one.

It's all so tiresome

Expected profit doesn't take over-priced novelty coke cans into account?



>it's because they scream loudly and throw tantrums and damage people's reputations with targeted hate campaigns if they don't get their way.
This isn't correct either. They hold the opinions that those in power have deemed "right." They win because the game is rigged for them to rig, not even because they throw tantrums or bully companies better than Christian soccer moms.

*Sigh* remember the good old days guys of episode one Pepsi cans and free film cells in lays potato chips? I miss 1999! :_:

>Instead of "I Want to Buy the World a Coke" the series ends on Yub Nub
Based kino

Fuck, it's working. I want a coke now. Convince me otherwise.

have their ever been like tier 10 movies with like tier 1 products? like Luke eating Great value potato chips?

Back in the 70's, Pepsi reigned better than coke in italy, Because pepsi and heroine go together well

The mayo is the best part, too.

They no longer have cocaine
European exploitation. the end

Hi-C Ectocooler?


>I think all the white peoples should just embrace Chinese civilization and become allies. Chinese like white people
It looks like firefly predicted it perfectly.

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Star Wars: A New Hope - Special Edition

The cantina scene. Han and Chewie sipping CGI cans of refreshing CoVK

Why would they be in vacuum?

There is one single film that has stupid mouse characters in it that isn't a corporate piece of shit, And that film is Umberto Lenzi's "KNIFE OF ICE" 1972

They would likely be in a vaccume considering how retarded the films are

You're not the brightest, are you?

Cans don't get recycled. California gets to keep all the soda tax.

Very Sith.


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That's Surge dipshit

BTW -- these are just the Christmas ornament cans with a different cap and label. At double the price.

American Innovation!

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>coke is cannon

So it went from soft drink to a huge gun. I don't see the problem.

Cans = Bottles.