How hyped are you for Villeneuve's Dune, Yea Forums?
How hyped are you for Villeneuve's Dune, Yea Forums?
I was until they cast Zendaya
She's literally perfect for the role though.
Gotta wait for a trailer to see, my dude. At this point all we've got is a list of 1001 famous people who are in the movie.
Villeneuve makes visually stylish movies so I think he can do the book justice in that sense at least. even Lynch's Dune manages that (most of the time)
Plot wise and character wise, who knows. Villeneuve is only ok as a writer, Roth and especially Spaihts are hacks. Best case scenario I foresee there is a LOTR-style hatchet job that keeps large parts of the actual text of the book but kind of chops it half to death to make it sell.
I'll watch it but I'm not losing my shit over it.
>Gotta wait for a trailer to see
that's a bad decision my dude, you can be sure that the marketing department will edit it in a vastly different way than the final product in order to attract as much of a wide audience as possible, especially considering how slow and methodic Villeneuve usually is in his narrative portrayal
this happens for any big budget film, just look at the trailer for BR2049
>Dishonest Man presents:
>capeshit cast
>Soulless Dune Remake #473059
BR2049 wasn't that good anyway
>in prior to thread being taken over by autism speaks conference
go watch your netflix flicks like annihilation lmao
What you think of the quality of the film doesn't matter, the fact that the trailer and the final film are vastly different remains.
She's just ok
0% hyped
3% interested
I would've cast RyRy
I've seen the exact same posts before wtf
Based, I want lick her sweating pusy
>ruins blade runner
>being excited for him to ruin Dune
They're getting the Star Wars ticket money I'm not spending this's that, Disney?
He cute
Why are you posting this faggot as if it's supposed to incite interest?
Dune isn't a very artsy, experimental, or mind-bending story in any capacity. It's a standard hero's journey like LOTR except in space. Villeneuve will probably still make a good movie, but I don't get why anyone would consider him a "perfect fit" for the Dune story, which is more suitable to the likes of Peter Jackson and Steven Speilberg.
OP is a homosexual and they have a skewed worldview where they mistakenly think everyone is secretly homosexual
Yea Forums likes him since that gay movie was released
My Queen, too bad Dune will flop and only firsy part of book will be adapted
>Dune isn't a very artsy, experimental, or mind-bending story in any capacity.
You're only thinking about the plot points, but both film and literature are not about plot points but the narrative that is presented.
The way Dune is written most certainly isn't standard, giving such material to fucking Spielberg would be absolutely ridiculous. Slow, methodical and extremely detailed, especially in narrations and monologues.
The books of LOTR are written extremely different to Dune, only comparing them by the plot points is pretty fucking plebeian.
only homosexuals like him.
>Yea Forums likes him
literally just one or two homos lusting after his pretty face
I like him and I think he's not really that attractive.
Would have been based actually, she has the perfect eyes for it
Literally seething lmao
Timothy Chalamet is the next big thing, get used to it
she would need to lose some weight and become wiry
this new Dune will suffer the same fate as "Blade Runner 2049"
Great acting
Great Script
Great Special Effects
Great FUCKING music
....but the general audience are a bunch of fucking brain-dead faggots that can't appreciate great film-making, they rather burn their money on Captain Marvel thinking they're make a difference in the world.
Dune will have it's audience, but will flop because this world is full of dullards.
>Great Special Effects
>Great Script
>what is the resistance
>what is wallace
>what is ripping off the genuine authenticity of the original and tacking on contrived bullshit
>only homosexuals like him.
and it's a good thing
I'm reading the book now and getting hyped more and more as a go through it. What I'm afraid of is a BR2049 situation where it's a great movie but not many people go to see it, and combined with a massive budget, there's no chance for a sequel.
If Dune/Arrakis is the only place in the galaxy that spice can be found, and spice powers the Empire, why the fuck is Dune treated as a monkey's paw to be kicked around to the Great House the Emperor wants to exterminate? Why not have it be directly administered by Imperial forces?
what's the problem here?
>a hero
literal autism, he's been spamming it for months now thinking it's a bad example lmao
Arrakis is a Harkonnen fiefdom and the Corrinos taking the planet for themselves would cause all the great houses of the Landsraad to rebel against the Emperor, because he would have too much power.
Timmy is /ourtwink/
I want serious artfilms only cast with big titted bimbos and Dolph Lundgren look-alikes.
>standard hero's journey
The ENTIRE POINT of Dune is that Paul and Jessica ascension to power wind up being the worst thing that ever happened to the galaxy and eventually the Fremen, kind of like Anakin Skywalker.
shouldnt feyd have a bass?
It's completely unnecessary, overused CGI. The original had no CGI whatsoever and looks far more authentic than this CGI shitfest remake.
Are they going to keep the Baron's twink-loving scenes in?
I like Villeneuve, but the cast for this is horrible.
This poster never read a single Dune book
>It's a standard hero's journey like LOTR except in space
will there be any scene where one is forced to kiss the feet of kwisatz haderach?
What am I looking at here
You can complain all you want about how he's as bad as Nolan, but this man actually has a good artistic vision for his movies so it can either be another Dune disaster or maximum kino
All of his post 2010 movies have been very good, with the exception of Arrival although that's more personal taste
Just imagine that all of his other movies have lead up to this, and he chooses one of the most kino scifi material out there
I can't wait
Still looked good, whats the issue?
user in his natural habitat.
my dick is going to explode if so
Niggas head looking like a fucking triangle
Fuckin a^2 + b^2 to find the size of his fuckin head
i wish i could be
supposed to be 2 movies but they're shooting one then waiting for the reaction
so i figure there's a good chance the 2nd half of the story doesn't even get told
I've read exactly one Dune book.
I'll be hyped when it is released and reviewed to be great.
i'll do one better
I think the current piter is good, but cilian Murphy certainly needs to be in the film somehow
>How hyped are you for Villeneuve's Dune,
It's going to be a multikulti disaster
Braposter taking it too far
Every character in the new Dune flick should be played by Timee. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
not hyped at all the Scify channel miniseries and children of dune miniseries are peak kino besides dated CGI. Lynch's shit is a mess
can't wait for another kino where timmy got manhandled by another man
i bet you're a fucking disgusting mutt whose race can't be determined just like her
no she wouldn't Chani was described as plump and fertile not a skinny ass man shaped twig
then do yourself a favor and watch the Scifi channels mini series. I highly doubt the new adaption comes close to topping it
that's not even true. they btfo of everyone including the Bene Gesserit who install their Bene Gesserit mother and messiah son legend on literally every planet as a fail safe to protect their own. Paul and eventually Leto become the exact thing the Bene Gesserit always prophesied but cannot control. It's also largely about a son not being held back by the failures of his father, while trying to live up to his fathers image. In which even Paul fails but Leto succeeds
i've already the book so not really
i'm more curious than anything, i don't know how they'll be able to tell it properly
Why is this turd remaking Dune when Lynch did it perfectly the first time? Something about rights expiring maybe?
HAHA, no.
This really hurts my hype levels
So you checked real fast? Fuckin’ shill.