You will never be kissed

>you will never be kissed
>you will never cuddle with a shy, sensitive girl
>you will never be gossiped about excitedly by a girl who loves you
>you will never overcome your introversion and cynicism and learn to appreciate life in the company of a girl whose enthusiasm and positivity is contagious
>you will never be anyone's 'special someone'
>you will never slowdance in your bedroom with a cute, old-fashioned girl
>you will never date a girl who considers you both her best friend and her lover
>you will never lay in bed on a Sunday morning smiling weary-eyed at a girl who is smiling back and squinting a little after waking up beside you
>you will never go for a walk at night with your long-term shy girlfriend in light rain
>you will never listen to Yo La Tengo with a girl who is curious about you and likes being around you
>you will never have a girl awkwardly ask if you would like to meet her parents sometime maybe
>you will never rediscover your sense of childlike fun and goofiness in the company of a girl who likes that side of you better than the depressed, hard-to-reach, negative person most people know you as
>you will never have a girlfriend whose more extroverted older sister feels relieved that her shy, studious younger sibling has finally found a guy who appreciates her and makes her happy
>you will never feel soft, warm fingers tenderly stroking the side of your face

Any movies with this theme?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Man Who Sleeps

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I smell like shit

>chad has access to all of this shit and takes it for granted

Heres what incels dont say in these threrads. That shy, sensitive girl is the 4-5/10 girl that these incels ignore because they think they deserve a 9/10 stacey

“Whatever” (1999)

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I know this feel.

Made even worse by the fact I use to have a gf/fiance. He died in a car crash 5 years ago. I loved her with everything I was. I've tried to move on and date again, but no one wants me.

Sometimes it is not better to have love and lost than never loved at all bros.

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You described my relationship exactly. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking you're not missing out. You are.

>incels will never stop posting off-topic threads
>/r/TheDonald refugees will never leave
>kekistani militia will continue to shit up the board until the inevitable heat death of the universe
>global warming deniers, anti-abortionists, and people who believe in an all-power space djinn are on this board RIGHT NOW

Any movies with this theme?

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She died*

>tfw me and my qtgf are watching the DS9 documentary in theaters next month and than to Vegas Trekcon in August

Feels good,

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>it's a /pol/ reject makes another shitposting thread, with nothing to do with film or tv, about how much of an incel he is and how he's so sad even though he simultaneously posts about how the west has fallen to degeneracy and that all women are whores episode

Girls don’t like guys who self-pity, user.

thanks, you ruined my sunday morning by making me realise how lonely I am again


When everyone you have ever loved is finally gone
When everything you have ever wanted is finally done with
When all of your nightmares are for a time obscured
As by a shining brainless beacon
Or a blinding eclipse of the many terrible shapes of this world
When you are calm and joyful
And finally entirely alone
Then in a great new darkness
You will finally execute your special plan

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>Only remaining friend group ghosted me yesterday
>Saw their snapchat stories of them all hanging out and having fun

I'm still processing the feel. I'm literally friendless now.

Who gives a shit what they like.

Are there actual mentally ill people that are pro abortion?

Absolutely every single sane person should be against abortions, if the world was perfect you should agree that there would be no abortions at all. Yes the world isn't perfect and you can be for the right for a women to have abortion in those extreme situations, but not relativizing and normalizing abortions in the same level of putting on a fucking condom.

>you will never have sex

eh they are out of touch fucking millenials for still using snapchat, better off without em

>No one wants me

Are you sure it's not you who just doesn't want anyone else? Because I'd put money on it being you who can't move and not even wanting to because no one else you've met made you feel that again.

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just bee yourself

Only because a girl not being overweight automatically makes her a 5/10 these days.

5/10s can get banged by Chad whenever they want, which they think means they're good enough to date Chad, and won't settle for anyone lower.

Also there literally aren't enough non-fat girls to go around these days, it's fucking disgusting.

>you will never experience young love

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Seriously, what does sex feel like? I’m not even joking, do people actually have sex? It’s suxh a surreal thing and I’ve been a social recluse hermit for so long and I basically have zero experience with the opposite sex socially that it almost doesn’t seem real.

Do people actually have sex?


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I've had some of that before. A lot of that is pure nonsense and no one does it though.

the "doomer" thing has unironically turned in to a fandom and it is the gayest shit imagineable

My condolence man.

i've had it, it's overrated

Oh well, at least I'm not as whiny about it as you.

That’s because reddit found it

if i answer any of these it breaks the character limitations

so i'll combat these too

>you will never overcome your introversion and cynicism and learn to appreciate life in the company of a girl whose enthusiasm and positivity is contagious

that comes with age
>you will never rediscover your sense of childlike fun and goofiness in the company of a girl who likes that side of you better than the depressed, hard-to-reach, negative person most people know you as

if you meet a girl that loves you both goof out and anything completely mental she will instantly forgive you for

most of you faggots waste years putting your self down, but are too stupid to actually put your self in a position to find someone because you think you are too good to be in that position in the first place

Yes user, most people have sex. The average 18-29 year old has sex twice per week.

Seek Jesus and you will never feel lonely again

why do you have to do this to me OP

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Is this really true bros? Please say no

Yes. It's nice. If you've spent a long time beating the fuck out of your dick on a regular basis, you're not gonna feel much the first few times though.

>most people have sex.
>The average 18-29 year old has sex twice per week.
Absolute lies. An average single normalfag is no where near those numbers.

An entire friend group ghosted you? Confirmed for underaged zoomer

>I use to have a gf/fiance
>He died in a car crash 5 years ago
>I loved her

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kill me pls

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twice a WEEK?

Wow. No wonder you’re single, you seem depressing af to be around. Who would ever want to be around you? What a miserable experience that would be. Here’s some basic yet highly effect self help tips: Hit the fucking gym, build some testosterone, get some muscle, eat healthy, get a fucking job, put a smile on your face, be friendly, make eye contact, smile and say hi to people when you pass them on the street, volunteer somewhere for a couple hours every weekend or every other weekend, stay off Yea Forums, read more nonfiction books, and get out in the sun every once in a while. You’ll be happier and all the better for it.

All that shit sounds gay as fuck desu

No wonder you can't get laid

That really only applies to people in relationships.

>you will never buy a birthday present for your girlfriend based on something she briefly mentioned liking and wishing she owned in a conversation several months previously
>you will never listen to crickets in the long grass behind your girlfriend's parent's rural home while visiting them for the first time and be left outside on the back porch with her and look over to say something to her but find her asleep with your jacket covering her and a sweet smile on her face
>you will never meet your long-time crush for a romantic dinner date and feel nervous and unqualified as you wait in her living room chatting with her single mother and have her finally appear in the doorway and feel your heart capsize because of how beautiful she looks
>you will never have a whispered conversation about your fears, memories, hopes and ambitions with your girlfriend in bed at night with the lights turned out
>you will never feel your girlfriend squeeze your forearm as lightning briefly illuminates the room and thunder begins breaking in the distance
>you will never eat Asian food cross-legged on the mattress you share with your cute, tired-eyed girlfriend who looks up at you with noodles hanging from her mouth and covers her mouth because she's starting to laugh
>you will never grip your girlfriend's arm as she steps into the street as the streetlight turns to green and have her look surprised with her eyebrows raised and her lips forming an 'o'
>you will never be loved

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shut the fuck up boomer

Except I did!
Virgin Virgin hahahaha!

Technically the statistic is an average of 112 times per year, which is approximately twice a week. Likely it's a mixture of high sex weeks and low sex weeks.

>go outside
>just be yourself
fuck off retard

kill yourself.

Hate this depreciating shit, it does you no favors. Most of the time people saying they're hopeless aren't even trying; you can still get a different haircut, lose weight, get buff.

I refuse to believe you're all literally goblin levels of unattractive.

Terrible self-masturbatory "movie" basically made for validation bias to living failures to never get up from failure.

I can see it happening, today a lot of people hear each other through certain group chats on WhatsApp or whatever, and once you're out of the loop that's it

Nah, I will. Sorry you don't believe in yourself.

>t. idiot who always respons with "roastie getting toastie" anytime he does not like a post

just keep beating yourself up because you are afraid of becoming an adult

My feel when I’ve done at least three of these.

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I'll be your friend nigga

Think about how much higher the number would be if they removed incels from the data

Only beta males need gym to get girls desu. I'm skinny as fuck and get laid regularly.

just be confident bro

Blade Runner 2049

>t. toastie roastie

If you had all of this, you would wish to get your lonely life back after 2-3 years tops.

Become a Chad dont give a fuck about feelings all woman are whores anyways

Just fuck them in the ass

Jesus fuck is everyone here this self-absorbed? Go outside and talk to people, even if it makes you uncomfortable and awkward and feel like throwing up. Go meet people, change your goddamn self-deluded views on how you think the world should work and go figure out how it actually does work.
Stop staring at a computer crying about how lonely you are when you're making zero effort to not be lonely.

checked and based


He accomplished it, so why can't you?

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I've been through similar things multiple times in my life. I'm done with the friendship meme, it doesn't exist. No such thing as true friends, people will always ditch you or drift apart the minute it becomes inconvenient or they find someone else to hang out with.

>just dont be sad my man :^)
kys lmaoooo

Shut the fuck up, you don't know the effort I've been putting for years and shit is still the same, I don't even look like the same person nor I act like the same person I was years ago, with a steady job and friends and shit is still the fucking same.
How about YOU fucking go outside and leave us alone

>Just fuck them in the ass
B-but that's where poop comes from?

Have sex

whats the point anymore

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It feels amazing but still is seriously overrated

How could you so completely miss the point of what was being said in Whatever? It's not about ugliness, but about how isolation scars a man and fills him with cynicism and bitterness to the point where he wouldn't even know how to cope if something good happened to him. It's about being alienated and broken to the extent that you're like a beaten dog, recoiling from touch.

I'm ugly on the inside and out.

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Based. They're living life on easy mode anyway. Oh well Heaven will feel comfy again once I get back-again.

>"I love you user!"
>"I'm sorry for being moody user, you know I didn't mean to hurt you!"
>"It's ok user, I forgive you."
>"Because I love you silly, why else!"
>"Was work ok today user?"
>"Argh, you know me so well!"
>"I'm so glad we met user!"
>"I wish we'd met when we were younger user!"
>"Thank you for helping me user, I appreciate it"
>"You don't have to tell me what's wrong, just know that I'm here for you okay?"
>"That was such a fun day user!"
>"Do you think I'd make a good mother? I think you'd make a good father, you know"
>"Shh, it's okay. Just rest your head in my lap for a while"
>"You spoil me user, you know that!?"

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I guarantee she cheats on him lmaooooo



this board is just r/milliondollarextreme during weekends

>It feels amazing but still is seriously overrated
It's usually not amazing, but notice how they immediately followed with overrated.

>Intelligence is chiefly influenced by socio-economic status

>>"I'm sorry for being moody user,
lol women do not apologize when they're wrong, user. No, they make you feel bad for being right.

What the fuck is wrong you faggots? Kill yourselves and leave us alone already
fuck you and stop feeling sorry for yourself

fuck off roastie, your holes are no good here

you're whining about the gayest shit though, like if you had this ideal edenic relationship with your gf nothing would bother you, its pathetic.

>I got all these friend points and job points and I still didn't unlock a gf
>what the fuck?! why is life so unfair?
Boo hoo

>this board is too /pol/
>this board has too much cape shit
>this board has too many star wars trailers
>this board has too many people from Yea Forums
>this board is r/milliondollarextreme
anything else ultra faggot?

It always puts a smile on my face to see those fortunate to live in 1st world conditions post their naive and condescendingly ignorant advice.
>Hit the fucking gym
Needs money.
To get money you have to get a job.
To get a job you have to get education, training and experience.
Without those you are stuck in minimum wage.

You can't
Hit the gym
Buy and eat healthy
Move out of the basement
"Build" testosterone
But you can go out in the sun and read all the books you want
Maybe after you get stuck in self-help hell you can start posting ignorant advice on mongolian basket weaving boards as well!

Without those basic requirements
You can't
Put a smile on your face
Be friendly
Life is complete and utter garbage with VERY little chance of making it in any meaningful way if you are past school and made every wrong choice imaginable that didn't place you in an opportunity to thrive and grow, in any capacity.

The only solution anyone in this situation has is luck and in large part your own wit at how well will you manipulate other people to give money to you, starting with those who support you.

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kys neet, your life is no good here

butthurt, much? i don't even feel sorry for you

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If you missed out getting the chance to fuck a 15 or 16 year old girl in your life I honestly feel bad for you. Their pussy is like a tight slippery glove

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Man i've been there for real. I got expelled from high school for some really dumb shit despite being an A student, had to finish the last 2 years online. I would go weeks barely saying anything, because I would be alone on the computer all day and a kissless virgin. Working out helped a ton and was the sole reason I was able to pull back

ahhhhhh another Saturday night spent on Yea Forums discussing why am I still a kissless friendless virgin

never get's old

social media creates depression

It's weird because I've browsed this site for a decade and it's probably the reason why I didn't turn into an incel neet

Something can be great and also overrated

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What are your interests? Find one and just join a facebook group thats local. Go to a hangout and there you go new friends

Overhype. A 16yo cunt is a legit bad time. When she fucks you over you will tell yourself how tight her hole was to cope.

>just lift weights bro

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Yeah! Tomorrow's topic is "Why the Jews are responsible for everything bad in the world" and then on Monday we'll be discussing "All women are whores: why?"
Trust me, it's gonna be a great set of discussions

misery loves company, user

>Get a jar of jelly
>Microwave it for 5 mins
>stick your dick in there

Minus the stickiness its kinda like that

Arguing with retards, it all ends up in a stupid shit created in /pol/ or /r9k/, I'm so sorry for you.

Have sex.

There was a time where I thought that would fix all of my problems, but believe me, it really doesn't.
Does it help? Of course. At times the only reason I've been alive. But there's so much more to life than being in a relationship.
Try to find happiness in your everyday life and other forms of happiness will start presenting themselves to you, as trivial and asinine as it sounds.


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Facebook groups stopped being relevant around two years ago, especially random strangers from facebook groups actually meeting.
Every facebook group I've ever been in just either has only a few people who constantly post with or they all get overrun with spam.

People that post this almost deserve to be boiled in oil.

try losing your virginity when you're 13 to your tight 12 year old cousin, you fags will never know kino

Nothing hurts man more than being virgin
Normies and Roasties will never understand the pain and emptiness that we feel

Not necessarily, you'd be surprised how many high school girls fuck college-aged/ even older guys. It's actually getting more common that it was before, they do it because it makes them feel "mature". And this is from personal expirience in high school and out of it

Run outside and do some pushups. Jesus Christ, how shitty is your country?

When you get older, like close to 30, you don't really care anymore. The only way I care about it is that I'd rather not die a virgin.

As a divorced user, let me tell you that one of the best pleasures in life can be being left the fuck alone. Hate being alone? Now imagine being forced to live with someone that makes you want to die. The grass truly is always greener on the other side.

I turn 30 in 18 months. It's actually over for me.

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It's ok, I'm gonna catch up on some of this stuff once I'm broken enough to act on my serial killer fantasies.

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Thread theme:

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Except nobody here, especially you, has ever even been anywhere close to that level of destructive experience that indefinitely scars a man.
What you're experiencing is rather, the fear of growth and wanting to stay a manchild forever. Seeking a higher meaning to it is called confirmation bias.