Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for the Era Where Everything Went to Shit (2007-2012)...

Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for the Era Where Everything Went to Shit (2007-2012). What were your favorite movies from this era?

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>young people grow up and become old people and new young people are born who have their own childhoods
Why does this concept trigger boomers so much? Christ I'm only 21 but I hope I don't end up as bitter and twisted as you fucks getting jealous of kids because my own youth is over.

based. us zoomers have to stick it to the boomers

Why are millennials called boomers now

I can't even remember any movies that weren't flicks from that era.

>younger people have a different feeling of nostalgia

These aren’t boomers, they’re whiny millennial shit bags

And they push the boomers / zoomers meme because nothing is more insulting than being called a millennial, the insufferable generation that literally everyone hates

it's just a shitty /pol/ meme. and yes,it literally started on /pol/ to label Q followers anything other than straight, white, conservative males/females. because that wouldn't flow the narrative, so they started calling them boomers.

Because it's shocking to us that you faggots are nostalgic for such garbage.

because we had to live through the shit world boomers created and the realization of the future, zoomers were born in the clown word, molded by it, oblivious that there was once greener pastures. *sips*

>t. generation that turned fucking Pokemon into a cultural monolith

Pokemon's not the best show in the world but the first season at least had more soul than zoomer trash like Ben 10 and Johnny test.

>The Last Airbender exists
heh, nothin personnel boomers

Dragonball Z

>the insufferable generation that literally everyone hates
Don't you mean literal boomers? The whole "everyone hates millennials" is a media meme created by click bait spam articles over the past 10 years. Boomers have pretty much run this country into the ground for their own personal gain and have a death grip on power where as millennials have none. Even Gen-X can't into power because boomers won't die or move aside.

Imagine being this stupid.

3pm Toonami

1989 Zoomer here. These Noomers really missed out on the N64.

When all you know is garbage you will pine for garbage apparently.

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1989 is millennial, not zoomer

>tfw 97

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All of this stuff was for people born in the early 90s, like linkin park

go watch your Rocko's Modern Life grandpa

>Linkin Park
>for people early 90s
I was born mid/late 80s and LP became huge when I was in HS.

Fuck yourself belieber

Retarded imagine

Boomer and Zoomer just mean "old person" and "young person" on Yea Forums.

Pokemon's not just a show, retard.

>home at 2:15
if your school day didn't end at 3:00, you deserve to die.
you deserve to be shot in the head, your brains splattered all over the pavement and your family made to watch.

You mean the "consertavism is the new counterculture" narrative? Not really sure what you're getting at here.

The Pokemon anime literally exists just to advertise the games retard. There's your 'soul'


He was technically 10 in 2000, meaning he grew up after the turn of the millennium, making him a zoomer.

god damn you're fucking stupid
go back to /pol/eddit

Geez, sorry Mr Collins.