This guy seems like an alpha mal-

>this guy seems like an alpha mal-
>i wanna get a vasectomy

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dude already has two kids and wants to Fuck whores without worrying about creating bastards. Seems pretty based.

Is smoking a Cigar in a swimming pool ideal?

How does he looks so good balding?

>believing he ever actually intended to get a vasectomy

imagine on purpose wanting to literslly castrated yourself lol.

>wants to cum in whores and not get them pregnant

whats the problem?

>violating your body and drastically affecting your testosterone levels for cummies
holy shit truly based and onion-pilled

cigar's not even lit the fucking fag


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>affecting your testosterone levels
it doesn't affect your test levels.
prove me wrong.

Tony doesn't have to micromanage his testosterone like a fucking basedboy

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His test levels are already permanently fucked, he’s an overweight nearly 50 year old man, there are eunuchs with better test levels than Tony.

You're literally mentally ill but you'll never seek help because you think psychiatrists and all Jewish tricksters lol. Enjoy being here forever

holy fucking faggots

>cigar isn't lit
>holding it with his lips like a nig

have sex

what the fuck

>vasectomy? Ugh...I would never get one. I would never inhibit my ability to reproduce.

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>thinking bear mode is not extremely high test
fucking retard

weebs deserve the chair

>mangling your balls and vas deferens
>where testosterone is made in the body
>"It does nothing lol"
even then it's such a cucked and pathetic mindset. Guys who get vasectomies are just fucking disgraceful

what are even saying? Use your words. What's going on big guy?

i know this sounds dumb but i always assumed James Gandolfini was gay.

What's with you fags really not wanting to bust balls deep with no worries

implying those fuckers wouldn't be the first ones in line to get snipped

Your test levels still go down retard

You don’t have high test as an overweight 50 year old. Your body still carries some of the effects/development of the test you had as a young buck but you’re not producing it to the same extent anymore.

lol cope

>Having a son like AJ and a coalburning daughter
Can we really blame him?


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>>prove me wrong
>offers no evidence or proof
testosterone produced in the testes does not enter systemic circulation via the vas deferens. unless you're operated on by Dr Magoo, your balls are untouched and therefore not mangled. 25 year old childless soibois getting snipped so their wife's boyfriend can pump seed into her 24/7 are the cucks. tony soprano not wanting any more damn kids isn't.

This is such an embarrassingly stupid post, and I hope you feel ashamed, user. If you’re a fedorafag, literally the only purpose of life is reproduction. It’s a little hazy on why it matters at all, but that’s getting into deeper philosophy.

uh yeah uh hi im in London hbu

OP, it depends on the reason. If it's to be a cuck, you're right, but it can also be ultra alpha male. Seeding many kids isn't necessary manly

have sex

Fedorafags and polfags are two sides of the same mental illness coin


i also think you should have sex

Go Dilate

>neutering yourself is ultra alpha male

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>t. man who wears a dress and cut his nuts off

have sex incel

I told my gf to go home for the weekend, sorry

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If I had 4 or 5 kids I'd be okay with a vasectomy. Especially as my wife got older. I don't want retard kids.

>proves he doesn't know how it works but still arguing
What a fucking retard

I'm actually the product of a failed vasectomy. My Dad got went to some hack doctor to get snipped and then a little while after my mom got pregnant with twins.
>Inb4 mom cucked dad
Nah, turns out my dad legitimately got ripped off. He got checked and yeah, it didn't work. His insurance refunded him and everything. The doctor he went to was apperantly really old, and he did the procedure in a non regulatory way. My mom ended up miscarrying the twins, so afterwards they just decided to have me, since the whole family was already hyped for another baby, and that's how they had me.

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Not him, but that's an admirable trait. I can tell he's a true man. Fighting until the bitter end.

Proportions. Believe it or not, he looked worse with a full head of hair.

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Don’t need a vas if you fuck in the ass

>fucking whores

woah sure got him

>murders people
>gets vasectomy
UGH WHAT A FREAKING DEGENERATE SOIBOY god, my favorite youtubers will tear into this clown. Clown world!!!

He didn't want to at all. Carmela pushed for it but then in the end it didn't happen.

Also, it feels like every single scene with AJ has him getting btfo.

>t. Incel that will never have children talking about people getting vasectomies
Its so simple, it irritates you guys because you failed to attract partners and have kids, so someone that doesn't want to do that anymore INFURIATES you

I think OP is either baiting or didn't have the attention span to understand what was happening. Tony even went on a rant about "not violating Gods creation"

this is the weirdest compliment I've ever gotten

Should he get bitches pregnant so they can give birth to cuck betas like you?

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It's called being a stupid idiot.

for max comfy? yes. +scotch.

you'll feel like a $1,000,000 bucks.

Men who worry about their testosterone levels are basically women