What do we think about him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I've only seen his dark souls 2 video and can safely say he's retarded

I think you should go back to Yea Forumseddit but not before you kill yourself zoomer faggot

Call me an SJW or whatever, but I agree with most of political videos, but by fucking god he is unbearably smug. To the point where I can barely watch his videos, political or just pop culture shit.

Seriously, he has a small bit in a contra video and it's so fucking jarring hearing him faking a laugh at some alt-right tweet.




Have sex

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pretty based

Contrarian and/or retarded.
Leaning towards both.

Anyone who likes Dark Souls 2 over the others clearly has some sort of mental problem.


Youtube is turning pretty left recently and its based

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Are you kidding? Murdoch murdoch is epically pwning the leftards

When Pewdiepie is an actual racist and has the second highest sub count? nah.

Only SJWs and retarded stormfags actually think Pewdiepie is a racist though

>mfw people seriously think Contra is going to deradicalize the right, rather than confirm all their suspicions and disgust

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She deradicalized me tbqh. I had no idea how deep I had gotten into far right shit, it started with memes and happened so gradually it was hard to notice. Thank god for contra.

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Only racists think he's not racist.
Pls go back to r3ddit, nazi.

Mauler completely owned him

That is how those zoomers are getting into it

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Trans visibility is actually a great deradicalization tool.

You’re not a real woman dumb tranny

>”Autogynephilia does not exist.” - Contrapoints
>”The feeling of a sexy outfit on my skin makes my clitty positively erupt.” - Contrapoints
What did >she mean by this?

>She deradicalized me tbqh
Literally how?

have sex

Imagine being guillible enough to "de-radicalize" after being lectured from some daemon-of-slaanesh looking motherfucker with overproduced commentary videos.

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the funniest thing about him is how all his cartoon avatars depict him as a non disgusting gloop

I already have.

based contra saving zoomers


The only good youtubers are the ones with cartoon avatars looking smug. Perferably animals. And they have to have sjw cringe compilations

It really isn't. Ive seen plenty of people grown really annoyed and hostile with them since they invade spaces and try to impose their insanity on others. The worst part of this are lesbian dating sites where you have butch dudes with 6 o'clock shadows and a wig, who insist they're females.

And then there are the AGDQ shitfests.

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>i had no didea i had gotten into far right shit
Watching Jordan Peterson vids doesnt make you 'far right'. If you were into actual fascist shit then Contra would've invoked disgust, and nothing more.


totally not a racist

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Hontra is an anti-feminist who used to make The Amazing Atheist type videos. All transgenderism is sexist regressive horeshit and principled people on the left will eventually realize how dangerous and backwards this movement is. It’s days as being fashionable will end in time.

I mean she is deradicalizing people. The far right has fucked up standards for womanhood that most women don't even meet, so to insult a transgender person based on those standards kinda falls flat.


that humor goes over your head


tfw contrapoints make 750k a month on patreon just cause of his gender dysphoria.

Right, I forgot how racist Laci Green is.

I liked Hbomberguy until he did the transgender fundraising thing.

>I mean she is deradicalizing people.
He isn't and I don't know why you are spouting this shit.


>she is deradicalizing people
I think seeing that thing is doing more for radicalizing people than against it. Except maybe some shitty conservatives, but those are hardly radicalized. I saw that Vice vid of him 'deradicalizing' people, and the crowd were just typical Tumblrites. It's just preaching to the choir.

Also, having a vagina isn't an unrealistic expectation, and all women meet it. Except fake ones, like Contra.

>Lol I'm misgendering people and no one can stop me!

Simply epic, sirs.

She is

trannies freak me the fuck out but i can literally never admit it in real life because i know multiple trannies who are a part of my student socialist organization

unironic post btw

Well she deradicalized me, especially towards the idea of gender fluidity. I know people who've said the same. It seems like you're desperately clinging to something that isn't even true.

>since they invade spaces and try to impose their insanity on others
Yeah, I hate /pol/tards too.

Based and §oy pilled.

Do you ask every woman you speak with to show you their vagina before you treat them like a woman?

I doubt you were really that "radical" in the first place if all it took was a YouTube video to change your view of the world.

The problem is the shady definition of "radical" here. Are these "radicals" everyone is talking about making molotovs to toss into government buildings or just some LARPers with edgy senses of humor and frog avatars?

/pol/tards dont go around demanding you call them Sturmbahnführer and they dont threaten you when you deny them their title.

Nah I treat any woman that looks like one on the presumption they are one, if they dont look like one I dont treat them like one.
And if you need me to tell you that contra looks like a dude....

PDP is a fan of Sargoy, Ian Miles Cheong and Ben "go die for Israel already" Shapiro. So he is probably not a racist, just a complete moron.

Larpers with edgy senses of humor and frog avatars """"that also repost nazi propaganda and promote white supremacy"""""

Yeah those are radicals you fucking retard.

No, i just look at their face and body and figure 'this is a woman' and not a disgusting tranny which is blatantly fucking obvious when you look at pics like and Contra might look somewhat passable in extremely dim lighting, but out in daylight it's really fucking obvious.

If you are "deradicalized" by a tranny shouting bullshit then you were never radicalized in the first place.
>He tricked you into believing gender fluidity
Jesus Christ you might just be retardly gullible

He's just an average nu/pol/tard

When 99% percent of trannies have broad shoulders, adam's apples, and shitty dyed hair, you really don't need to ask most of the time.

Besides, trannies love talking about how trans they are all the time, they'll probably tell you first anyway

Right, so now your definition of a woman has shifted from "has a vagina" to "looks like a woman". You see how different that is? You don't need a vagina to look like a woman, so you don't need a vagina to be treated like a woman. If you're treated like a woman, in most everyone's book, you are socially a woman.

>towards the idea of gender fluidity.
So you’re an idiot, and Contra made you abandon right-wing reactionary beliefs for new right-wing reactionary beliefs. I don’t see how you can think seeing men who are slightly wimpy as “womanly” and women who break a little from the societal mold who are assertive and dominant are somehow “manly” is progressive. You don’t see it now, but you’re pushing sexist stereotypes onto GNC people and allowing men to define what womanhood is.

This is going to end in disaster.

it's ironic, dumbass. get a grip. the internet isn't serious business.

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Fascism is just a psychological compulsion, it's not rational nor coherent. One can hate Indians while also loving traps or something.

Sure am glad this shit is on every board.

Go outside, you fucking hysterical mongoloid.

My definition was never has a vagina, it's the expectation of anything that looks like a woman. It's not different at all.

Laci Green has always been a TERF.

Men are better than women at everything, including being women. You've been jettisoned by the Jews, deal with it Big Montana

Imagine listening to the opinions of men who unironically look like this

Like, not even as a joke. They look like this and think it's okay.

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It is when the irony foments nazi propaganda and white supremacy that is observable in the political and social climate of the real world. The internet is deeply tied to sentiments held in the real world.

>Having a strict definition on how you interpret someone's looks
That's not how the brain works.
BASED, now I want to fuck her even more.

Never trust these assholes. They love talking about how bad they were to dramatize their "redemption" all for attention.

>humor is dangerous when it's not affirming the status quo

that's a yikes from me, pal. you don't sound de-radicalized at all. on the contrary to be honest.

But she isnt, as nice as that would be.

>freak me the fuck out

The opposite of love is indifference. It's not normal to feel that way.

Him, Contrapoints and Destiny are doing such important work. They're turning so many disaffected young men away from the alt right and back to sanity.

bugman who enjoys pissing people off
mastered the art of phony internet arguments but had never had a proper debate in his life

so the opposite of indifference is love?

Those are just generic TERF talking points and literally no one outside of that fringe community takes them seriously.

Since when does a layer of humor make actual race supremacy and propaganda ok?

led me out of my alt right phase

so I like him

Check out Destiny then, all he does are lengthy debates where he makes alt-righters and skeptics look like fools.

t. Chungus Dungus

>contra really deradicalized me

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Hour long video about Bloodborne, literally just about the shield and could've been condensed into 10 minutes.
>YouTube """"creators""""

Yes it is? They're hideous mockeries of whats been the norm in society for hundreds of years.



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>tranny thinking they're not the fringe
Brah youve got a shitload of mental illnesses, 40% suicide rate and everyone avoids you like the plague. You are the anomaly, not the rest. TERF's might be bitter radical feminists, but they're right that trannies aren't women.

Enjoy never being a woman, tranny!

I'm sure he does buddy *thumbs up*

He's great. Disagree with his Dark Souls 2 video though

Contrapoints is a pseudo intellectual and a man.
>Contra Contra Points on Race
>Contra Points: Still Stupid

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since when does being edgy make having a sense of humor not ok?

Don’t lump Destiny in with Contra and Hbomber. Destiny is actually substantive and argues honestly and good faith. Contra and Hbomber will make good points a lot of the time but when it comes to topics they are weak on and don’t know the answer to, they make up bullshit and use big strawman arguments. When Destiny isn’t sure about something or thinks he may be wrong, he actually rethinks his position and other positions that depend on the former position to be true. Destiny has an open world view and is constantly making small adaptions when confronted with new information, Contra and Hbomberguy are idealogues first and foremost.

ok sure thing Destiny.


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>The dog is planning his escape
I dont blame him

Ur reddit is showing tranny boi

Except he doesn’t debate people making the best arguments and has relegated race realism to the same bin as flat earth theory lmao.

100 years ago you would be hanged for having anal sex with a nigger. Now it's normal.

That's progress.

shut the fuck up neoliberal

She’s because she comes across as less dopey than a guy like Sargon or Bearing or whatever. She actually talks like she’s read a book and isn’t on a 5 year hissy fit because Anita Sarkeesian or whatever. She’s not gonna be able to turn your average /pol/ user, but will turn a lot of useful allies of theres. Nobody on their side carries themself like somebody who isn’t a fucking psycho. So much that people think a tranny is more mentally sound than anybody on their side.

>shitload of mental illnesses, 40% suicide rate and everyone avoids you like the plague

I knew that ever since I starting browsing Yea Forums.


Always? Why wouldn't it be okay?


probably the best youtuber there is

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>. She’s not gonna be able to turn your average /pol/ user
That's because the average /pol/ user has already encountered arguments like Lewontin's Fallacy and understands why it's unsound. He isn't intelligent.

Hey buddy. There are a lot of people right now who are interested in economic populism, but you will scare them away with the tranny nonsense.

>Being right wing

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>You will never be a woman.
>You will never pass as a woman.
>You will never have a vagina.
>You will never have children.
>At best you will have an open wound that grows pubic hair inside it.
>Nobody will ever look at you and think "damn, she's hot!". They will always think you're an ugly freak.
>You will get older and more masculine looking with every passing day, until you finally kill yourself.

Imagine if you just got therapy to deal with your gender dysphoria / porn addiction in a sane and measured way instead.


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The cause of a high suicide rate is because society has deemed them less than human.

In a wide majority of cases, people that commit suicide have no social saftey net and are social outcasts. This has been true for transgender people and people with gender dysphoria for hundreds of years. Definitionally, being transgender has also meant that you are demonized, and treated like a non-human thing.

Knowing this, nobody would elect to be transgender, but they still do. Transgender people are willing to take the socially impossible position of saying "I need to live as a woman/man, please respect this" knowing full well that many people will not, and many people will brand them as subhuman.

So rather than live in a society where people are killing themselves because I called them "he" instead of "she" and I'm grossed out by your non-conformity, then I'll call you she, I'll treat you like a she, I'll let you be. It doesn't insult me or anyone else, it's easy for me to do, and if it means you live a happier life, then I don't care.

>they make up bullshit and use big strawman arguments.

That's just a common cognitive bias and most people do that without realizing it, I call out people on the left when they do that.

Still better than conservatives like Jordan Peterson who deny objective reality in order to promote religious bullshit and reinforce their conformation bias.

Although the worst ones are the centrist liberals who can be presented with factual information that proves them wrong, and their brain blocks it and makes them unable to even process it.

anyone who uses the word fool is automatically a faggot, plus you watch destiny and think hes right so that makes you three times the faggot than a regular retarded faggot

>Not being a chad centrist in 2019
None of you are gonna make it.

i hate all destiny fans, fucking 12 year old pussy

you're literally worse than either extremes, mainly just dumb

>supporting capitalism

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communism is capitalism on steroids, retard

haven't you heard the story of the three bears you literal fascist

Race "realism" is Jewish pseudo-science, main two people promoting it are Koch-funded hacks like Steven Pinker and Charles Murray. It's just a way for elitist Jews to hide their tribalistic and sectarian tendencies that put them at the top of the corporate food chain. Also to justify their disdain towards goyim who they see as genetically inferior.

>tfw am a Marxist who hates trannies and their poisonous backward ideology
TERF uprising when? Where can I make donations?

what did he mean by this

How is the group that keeps everything running as well as it is today dumb? Pretty much every successful non meme politician is a centrist with a slight leaning.

>Knowing this, nobody would elect to be transgender, but they still do. Transgender people are willing to take the socially impossible position of saying "I need to live as a woman/man, please respect this" knowing full well that many people will not, and many people will brand them as subhuman.

Nah, many do it because of lies being fed to them, and because of woke surroundings that insist they're 'genderfluid' or whatever bullshit it is. And then when this illusion eventually comes crashing down, they find that they have caused irrepairable damage to their body, and there is only one way out.

Also there is a cult-like element to trannies. They treat 'detransitioning' with the same hatred as Salafists would treat apostates. It's like a violent cult, very dangerous and very insane.

capitalism works by being scummy and manipulative for profit
communism just foregoes it altogether and kills people to take their shit. Nigger tier ideology.
>grug no work, work no fair, grug take neighbor work, that fair

>communism just foregoes it altogether and kills people to take their shit. Nigger tier ideology.

will to power bitch nigga

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Literally every tranny I've ever interacted with has clearly had serious mental issues

I'm sure it's not related though :^)

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That's just an excuse neoliberal and Neocon hacks use to divide and conquer. Fighting the establishment needs to be a single cause as Assange and Manning have shown.


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he was a neet born into wealth who mooched off his friends and had slaves.
not much of a role model, brosef.

Jokes on you I am non-binary.

he looks and acts like a complete cunt

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massive faggot and closet trannie

What the fuck is peoples problem with "neolibs"?

He hung out with AOC on twitch so it's a based from me

The joke is most certainly still on you

He's such a smug cunt,but i want to pound his boyhole.

Weird considering there's no literature to support this. Transgender people are better off after transitioning a wide majority of the time.

It's hard to imagine for cisgendered people why someone would ever want to be a woman if they were born a man. This leads to the same tired argument you just provided, "they kill themselves because they regret it, because the illusory gender change duped them into thinking they could live as a transgender person". A wide majority of the time, they do not regret living as a trans person, especially those who elect for genital surgery. If you get genital surgery, you went through an extensive process to get to that point.

That's because the Jews that own YouTube and the (((ADL))) intentionally promote them, while banning/censoring white nationalists.

This. They also stop me from getting a gf.

Marx definition of communism is borderline utopian, it's a classless and stateless system in which post scarcity has been achieved and people achieved complete personal freedom. Ironically the only Us politician presenting a realistic plan to get there is Andrew Yang.

>Weird considering there's no literature to support this. Transgender people are better off after transitioning a wide majority of the time.

Yeah until they kill themselves once they hit their 30s. If they happen to meet me it's gonna be even sooner.

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>/pol/tards dont go around demanding
Stopprd reading right there.

is it animal cruelty for an animal to be in the same house as a trannie?

Or .. maybe you can just drop the dumb tranny idpol nonsense and actually try to offer the working class of the U.S. Marxist ideas and see if they bite? Since 2016 we have been in a sweet spot for economic populism. Bernie could win if he didn’t have the baggage of having to defund stupid Muslims and put transgender flags outside of his office.

it cannot work because not all labour is equal.
People don't want to share bandwidth for streaming, let alone their fucking livelihood. You have to understand that altruism goes wholly against human nature, and most people do not give a flying fuck about humans outside theor family and social circle.
I'd literally save a friend's dog over some third worlder or chinaman.


>contra and destiny deradicalized me
>/pol/ is no longer funny
goddamnit I didn't ask for this

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Imagine being constantly bullied all your life, while your family and the entire society tells you to act in a way you feel is wrong. And that's just for liking anime games, imagine you also have gender dysphoria on too of that.

Not an argument. YouTube gave the (((ADL))) trusted flagger powers. Youtube's CEO, (((Susan Wojicki))) is Jewish.

This whole "Contrapoints is de-radicalizing people" is an astroturf campaing and BS promoted by leftist/neoliberal news groups because they're scared of the rise in white nationalism globally. Italy, Hungary, Poland, and Austria all have WN parties in the majority rule right now. Sweden and Germany have strong nationalist parties (Swedish Democrats and Alternative for Germany) that are heavily suppressed by the neoliberal media but still get tons of seats in their parliament.

Stop harassing trans people and they might have a better chance at surviving said abuse.

>its le joke brah xD
Then why do you seethe so much when you're kicked out private platforms?

>You have to understand that altruism goes wholly against human nature,
No it doesn't you mong, otherwise humans wouldn't be social creatures

/pol/ was never jokes, pal

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but everything they talk about is fucking retarded. you’re literally just a tranny lemming

>/pol/ was never jokes

>lol it's just jokes

pick one

>Then why do you seethe so much when you're kicked out private platforms?

because nigger retards like you are using "le free market" as an argument in favor of bourgeois etiquette policing.


He got BTFO'd by Ryan Dawson, Nick Fuentes (of all people), and that one pro-gun advocate with a PhD. He's also afraid to debate Mike Peinovich or Eric Striker.

Moot should delete /pol/ again

are you for real?
We laugh at people getting blown up dude.

Just did last night while you were home dilating.

Hbomberguy is a smug faggot. 'There's no such thing as moderate' lmao, pretentious twat. Contrapoints is annoying when he enunciates things, and is just as smug as the above. Thankfully, they're both irrelevant when it comes to the political sphere - an objective fact, something which neither of the above actually believe can exist, kek. People who follow those two are just embarrassing themselves.

>thread about annoying fag youtuber
>ends up discussing trannies and assorted shit instead of the fag in the OP
Is bombercuck really that uninteresting? His ctrl alt del video was great, but everything else I've watched from him has been trash, or it starts decent but then he goes rambling about alt right when it's not relevant to the topic at all. I've never watched the tranny posted in this thread, so I've got no frame of reference for that.

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But I don't want them to survive the abuse, we need it to hit at least 80% before things will be good.

you're the one claiming you found it funny.
/pol/ is horrifying and it makes my soul ache.

>"le free market"
>capitalism triggers me once it stops being in my favor
Every time.

You think modern gender studies is gonna admit that trannies have a huge overlap between mental illness and that transitioning will just make it worse? Fuck no, they have a narrative to push.

Why would anybody normal, straight man or lesbian woman, ever want to be with a tranny over a biological woman?

>all trannies are mentally fucked up (40% suicide rate)
>choice of flaccid girl dick or festering wound instead of a clean, beautiful vagina, God's cock socket
>zero personality outside of trying to be 'girly' and failing hilariously
>zero fashion sense or make up skills
>angular, masculine face
>hard, masculine body shape

All this reduces the dating pool of trannies to other trannies, or weirdo men with fetishes for chicks with dicks. Lel

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99% of people would stop to help someone in clear distress if they passed them in the street, with no expectation of personal gain.

The fact that you laugh at people getting blown up or whatever is because the internet has warped your brain and removed you from the reality of it.

Back when I used Twitter I followed all of them also even though I hate half of them. Follows mean nothing.

imagine paying attention to anything this (((man))) has to say

>but I do want to abuse them
I know, which is why you're unable to socially function on the internet.

>What the fuck is peoples problem with "neolibs"?

Neoliberal means "free market" "trickle down" nonsense, which in practice means cutting taxes for the rich, giving subsidies to corporations and cutting all social programs so the poor remain ignorant and submissime. It's popular among both the left and the right establishment with people like Clinton, Bush and Trump all doing the same shit. Obama seemed like he could regulate corporations but he ended up surrendering too.

I'm not banned or deplatformed from anywhere though.

people fucking hate beggars, panhandlers, and cripples.
If I saw a car accident, I'd pass it by becausw I don't want to.be liable for anything, you mong

yeah, and?

Who's this tranny and why is he being shilled here so much?

There's also literature to support the fact that many people who seek gender reassignment surgery no longer want to transition after going on a course of antidepressants.

I'm aware, but things are fine now so it can't be too bad.

came in here to post thede

Yeah, he uses his pungent smugness to make himself sound more intelligent than he actually is, using a pompous chuckle to undercut anything said by a right-winger to make himself seem in the right. He recently embarrassed himself by saying that there's no such thing as moderates and you simply cannot compromise on anything I.E. you're either with him on everything, or against him on everything. Also, the tranny is due some sort of controversy by now, so I reckon he'll do say something everyone regards as stupid, descend into alcoholism again, or commit suicide.

>Weird considering there's no literature to support this. Transgender people are better off after transitioning a wide majority of the time.

Kek, you seriously think anyone's going to publish a study that shows this? Enjoy having your career ruined. Academia is a joke and you know it.

>capitalism triggers me once it stops being in my favor
.. yes?
I only care about my personal interest. If we can amass a voting block and elect people that look out for the working people of America and make sure we aren’t living in crumbs then I say hell yeah.

>conservatives finally start acting in their economic interests
>this is a bad thing

Yup, it's kino.

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>If I saw a car accident, I'd pass it by
I said 99% would help. You must be in the 1%. Congrats on your broken autistic brain without empathy

That's because reality is not what your neoliberal pipe dream propaganda says it is, lol.

White leftists are unitentionally BTFO'ing themselves by importing millions of ethnocentric foreigners. See: UK cancelling LGBT education programs due to Muslims.

*citation needed there, bud. Don't worry, I won't report you for misinformation this time but be careful in the future, okay?

Yeah, it makes you realize trannies are radical degenerates with 10 different mental illnesses instead of those cute traps you fantasize about.

Always? If you take anything on here seriously you're retarded.

Is 'deradicalized' code for being turned into a moralist prude with no sense of humor?

This performance art will surely prevent Arabs from being ethnocentric.

I want you and him to murder suicide each other

Yes, I'm sure the whole world was out to get you from the get go. Don't worry! I'm sure chopping your genitalia will solve it!

empathy for people outside your family and social circle is a literal handicap

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>temporarily forget trannies exist
>see something like contrapoints
>rediscover the joy of hatred

the only good leftist yt channel is cuck philosophy

it is totally fucking normal to hate trannies and be disgusted by them tumblrcuck. that shit is unnatural as fuck and should be illegal.

>I said 99% would help.
You have it exactly the opposite way around. This isn't even an opinion, there have been multiple studies showing most people do not give two shits as long as it doesn't effect them directly.

missed the mark entirely. Reddit is more your speed.

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Omar is Muslim and she is the one calling out the establishment for blindly supporting Israel. Manning is trans and she is fighting against the entire military industrial complex. Sanders cannot win on his own.

You slacktivist (((trotskyists))) are the ones that are not helping form an unified front against the estavlishment, probably because most of those groups were infiltrated by the CIA decades ago.

> Obama seemed like he could regulate corporations but he ended up surrendering too.

You honestly think there is a choice? If you go against them they'll just put a bullet in your head and elect someone that plays along with them.

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Whoa buddy, take a chill pill man, I don't mean any harm.

Plenty of people do. Someone just shot up a mosque and posted on /pol/ (8/pol/ but still) before. Don't underestimate people's stupidity

I'm a NazBol who supports a commie revolution because it will ironically lead to corporations that promote globalism being destroyed by nationalist white proles.

IRL, when society breaks down that way, the urban liberal areas will collapse into in-fighting between the various ethnic groups. Rural and suburban areas will have an advantage due to their racial/ethnic solidarity. Niggers will loot Starbucks while white leftist cucks beg them to stop.

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lmao Tarrant is a spook

stop being a cuck and go full natsoc you dumb faggot

Sure. Everything you don't like is the CIA or Jews

so, in reality, you are just a terrorist?

>>conservatives finally start acting in their economic interests
>vote for Israel's greatest ally, with a 38 billion aid tip

Most people feel repulsed when they look at trannies.

Most will be polite and won't say a thing, but the repulsion is still there. You're physically repulsive.

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Go away succdem.

>if evidence contradicts my feelings I will throw it away

facts don't care about your feelings, snowflake


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>e recently embarrassed himself by saying that there's no such thing as moderates and you simply cannot compromise on anything I.E. you're either with him on everything, or against him on everything.
Cool, any link to that? I love it when smug cucks like that embarrass themselves.

>Eric Striker
Does he have a channel or website beyond TPS?

Yeah, I wanna cause terror in the Jews and globalists.

gender is pseudoscience coined by a literal madman who made two brothers fuck each other and commit suicide.

>studies and journals all published by people who think the exact same way and mob anyone who doesn't toe the line

hahahaha retard

Attached: 1352298374255.png (441x411, 82K)

Link them

Him and "Borzoi Boskovic", another Nazbol, share this channel:


They have livestreams occasionally. IDK for how long though, since Jews are trying to censor social media so hard.


He deleted the post (because he realised how fucking brain dead retarded it is) but here's someone mocking it with a sizable following. Mauler also reacted to it in a smug way but I can't be bothered to go find his tweets.

He is good at making fun of complete idiots like Sargoy and Prison Paul. He has a good sense of humor and his video on Sherlock is goat.

Omar is a Muslim so she is stupid. Manning is a tranny so he is stupid. They may have said some smart things about some issues, but a broken clock is right twice a day. You should only align with people who can ideologically pull their own weight and don’t make everyone look bad by association. Do not allow the regressives contaminate the progressive agenda.

>Three arrows
Are we living in the era of left YouTube link bros


Yeah I know. I discovered Borzoi a few weeks ago on twitter but he got suspended, he used to write good shit. Got any other similar stuff to recommend?

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>Assault professor

Attached: Ted Bundy.jpg (266x368, 15K)

They exist because Jewish neoliberals that own Google/YouTube allow them. They're not actually gonna lead to Marxism, just more SocDem with rainbow aesthetics; also slowly decreasing the value of labor with mass immigration.

Attached: Ben Garrison things you'll never see Saudi Arabia immigration.jpg (720x486, 71K)

There's a stream called "Goy Talk" on YT, but it's semi-hidden.

Ted K is anarcho-primitivist, not a commie troglodyte like you

this but so unironically

he’s not even leftist like that though. well I’ve only seen a few of his videos admittedly namely the kpop one

I fucked her


The science in support of gender identity is coming from Biomedical sciences, sociology is secondary. People only starting accepting God was dead until Darwin explained how evolution worked.


Boogie too. That fucking nazi.

Yeah I discovered it thanks to that clown world pepe guy.

Who said I'm a commie? If anything I'm new to this stuff and would like to know exactly what Nazbol is, I like these guys because they're pro-environment but right-wing.
My understanding is that being nazbol means you're in favor of tradition, family, etc., the traditional domain of the right, but also against free market capitalism because it leads to all this shit we're seeing today. Am I right or completely off the mark here?

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>supporting having your political power usurped by rival ethnic groups that hate you

Literally why?

Attached: Norman Rockwell white Americans painting.jpg (750x1024, 148K)

Dont expect a nonwhite to understand empathy for his fellow man

Feel sorry for you.

>What is the fucking Milgram Experiment
A basic level of psychology education proves you factually wrong. People do not care if it does not directly effect them
I could probably find thousands of more studies but these are the most famous. The fact that you don't know about them proves you are a gullible idiot who thinks humanity is good.

Hail Honkler

Attached: Honk Clown Pepe niggle me this Joker.jpg (492x609, 37K)

>Blank slate crap that justified communist mass killings
Ah yes, Hume and Locke. Popular empricist-socialists. God this guy is such a fucking retard lol. Is this the power of wh*te nationalists?
>Psychological differences must be due to racial/genetic factors
If we're talking purely about intelligence it's already proven wrong nytimes.com/1976/04/18/archives/an-iq-study-of-black-children-in-white-homes.html
"In the tests, the white children, who generally were adopted at an earlier age than the other groups, scored 1 1 1 on the average. The blacks averaged 106, and the Asian and Indian children, usually older when placed with new families, scored at the national average of 100.
Continue reading the main story

For measuring the change in the blacks, the researchers presumed that the IQ of the children would have been about 90 if they had been reared by their natural parents. The figure was based on data about the natural parents and about other black children of similar background reared in black families."

If we're talking about behavioral stuff "heh these nogs are uppity, that must be because of genetics and MAO-A inhibition" which as I read is one of the core points in this retard's arguments, Asian men have the same percentage of variance with black men (around 50percent) so that throws his whole argument in trash. Putting this aside also, difference of variances between races isn't much higher anyway. It's like 20%. This guy is a fucking mong.

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that is literally exactly what modern academia does man. if they don't like what you have to say it won't get "peer reviewed" which means you won't get legitimized and you won't get published, you'll be a laughed out of a career for trying to go against whatever the fucking current leftwing narrative is

it’s affect you fucking illiterate you’re making us look bad

lmao imagine thinking this when the youtube algorithm is the single greatest far right weapon right now

You can literally watch a documentary about Vietnamese carpet making and your feed will be full of Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson

Milgram Experiment is about authority and nothing to do with alturism. Bystander effect is about how people are less likely to help when there are lots of other people present. You idiot.

The real redpill (or """radicalization""") started for me some months back with parallaxoptics.wordpress.com/2018/11/12/on-woke-capital/amp/

cringe post that didn’t use the original
niggler image

The "Soviet New Man" was literally a blank slate philosophy; and Lysenkoism was literally denialism of DNA promoted by the Soviets, because the idea of inherent genetic traits triggered them.








Whatever, he is still an idiot.

What. Mine is just full of music and horror shit, you sure you didn't get linked their videos or some shit?

Meanwhile your country is ruled by ethbocentric Jews who hate your guts and will drink your blood and harvest your organs if they feel like it.

Only decent one there is destiny

I have no respect for people that yell into echochambers and never attempt to debate or engage with people they disagree with

Call destiny a basedboy manlet all you want, unlike that corndog swallowing fag contra and echochamber three arrows, he actually tries to argue with people he disagrees with and doesnt just make unchallenged 30 minute long videos rambling about their perspective

Debate is the only way to formulate any opinion, i pity people who get their political opinions from 30 minute unchallenged rants

cope you fucking subhuman

>killing someone because they tell you to isn't about alturism
>THE FUCKING BYSTANDER EFFECT isn't about altrusim
sorry m8. You are the retard.


thats a man baby

There's an epic twitter account parodying the "woke capital" thing. twitter.com/WokeCapital

This is a libertarian website, fuck off.

is that jenny?

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No they literally aren't

>difference of variances between races isn't much higher anyway. It's like 20%.
>muh lewontin

But that's a sociology paper with really superficial and shitty interpretations of ancient studies with n=1. They cite a histology paper from the fucking 90's, for God's sake.

What's far more interesting is how there seem to be far more trannies now than in the 90's, likely because it's a fad for the vast majority of them, rather than an actual medical issue like that paper seems to imply. The cases where you're actually dealing with hormone insensitivity are a minority, today.

I know. I'm a white nationalist myself.

t. CIA

Yeah it's right there on the link I posted my m8

>hate trans
>"hey everybody I'm trans, suck it, heres why you're wrong"
>wtf I love trans now

It must be sad living as a literal retard. Good luck out there with your naive sensibility that people are inherently good.

>wage cucking
>obvious tranny walks into the coffee shop
>this dude is obese, has stubble, wide forehead, and is dressed like a 4 year old girl in ridiculous pastel colours
>try to hide my disgust, gotta keep my wagie job
>he asks for a decaf in a ridiculous high voice he's clearly putting on
>says his name is Stephanie
>holy shit he's even got a purse
>He's so disgusting, I've really got to call him that?
>Fuck it, no coworkers out here and only a few customers
>when his coffee's ready, call for him
>he pretends not to hear
>wave him over
>"Steve? Your coffee's ready sir."
>he takes it wordlessly
>his face is beet red
>packs up and leaves immediately with his coffee even though he set up his laptop looking like he was going to work for a bit
>never got a complaint filed against me

FUCK delusional trannies. Making me call you ma'am and say your made up name should be a hate crime.

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Anyone? Where can I read more about this nazbol stuff?

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can you imagine someone coming to a user board and get annoyed when other ppl opinions differ

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Saudi Arabia only exists because the US protects them and their Al-Qaeda proxies.

>It must be sad living as a literal retard.
It must be indeed. Go read the studies you quoted and their conclusions instead of posting here.


It's better than RollSpam 3

>things that never happened.xml

>hp lovecraft helped him cope with becoming a fag

I already have. You, clearly, did not.
If you really think the Milgram experiment isn't about altruism then you are brain dead.

Dugin's Fourth Political Theory

>lmao imagine thinking this when the youtube algorithm is the single greatest far right weapon right now

What in the fuck? You're so disconnected from reality it's cringeworthy.

YouTube's algorithm actively suppressed right-wingers, and especially white nationalists, who often get banned and/or their videos deleted. James Allsup, Ramz Paul, and other WNs have all been targeted before; and they have realitvely low viewership. YouTube actively promotes ContraPoints because the Jews at the top are scared of white nationalism. That's why Contra gets articles written promoting him in major national-level Jewish media.

(((Ben Shapiro))) is a Zionist neocon, and Jordan Peterson is a Zionist-adjacent centrist; and they both oppose white nationalism. You tards can shit on them all you want.

Attached: Ben Shapiro USS Liberty.jpg (1080x863, 90K)


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>30 minute unchallenged rants
I used to listen to styxhexenhammer who makes videos like that every day, then I heard him arguing with Destiny on a stream and he sounded like a fucking retard.

Interesting, I saw it mentioned by some right wing reactionary from my country but gave it no thought. I'll check it out thanks.

I know.

The author is a PhD in Biomedical sciences you fucking illiterate burgernigger.

Milgram experiment is about people's reaction to authority figures. Says zero about your claim that people aren't inherently alturistic, if people are left to their own devices absent of the authority figure they don't hurt people in the way seen in the experiment. That's the whole point.

Maybe white nationalism/race realism just isn't that popular or appealing to normies. I've been browsing /pol/ for years and even I don't want to watch some autist break down gene and IQ studies for an hour.

they are trying to turn this website into a safe space for leftwing and force out all rightwing ideas and comments dude... I don't want Yea Forums to become like reddit or anywhere else on the internet where you can't speak freely of rightwing opinions due to all the cucks mods and cuck people that just shout you down when you say something they don't like

>Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson
>Far right
Is this the fabled intellectualism of the left?

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Same with Lauren Southern

I have never agreed with destiny on anything, but if he was locked in a room with Hbomber, sean, three arrows and Contra, he'd be the only one I'd save if that room spontaneously combusted.

>Where can I read more about this nazbol stuff?

Look for Limonov.

Yeah and im doing a PhD in molecular biology. Having a PhD doesnt make one's word the gospel of God, and the author should know that citing shitty histology papers of 20 years ago won't fucking fly in any peer-reviewed paper, but it WILL fly in a sociology-related article that's meant to promote a narrative.

Styx is a Satanist/Pagan LARPer who got into libertarianism. He joined Sargoy in arguing against white nationalism, and got BTFO'd by Mike Peinovich and "Jazzhands McFeels" (Fash the Nation host).


Based. On the rare occasion I see a tranner outside its cave I feel this overwhelming urge to kick it's teeth down its throat to try to knock some sense into it. They all dress like retards too.

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The Thing on the Doorstep is literally a Trans story.

>Maybe white nationalism/race realism just isn't that popular or appealing to normies

It's extremely popular with virtually every group on earth except white leftists, lol. Go tell a nigger to stop supporting racialism and see what happens.

Attached: racial identity by race Pew Research Center.jpg (1199x1200, 169K)

Jesus Christ, how can someone login in their account, write this, read it in its entirety, and still post it publicly on Twitter? Did he realize how incredibly unhinged he sounds when he states that the Left vs Right political spectrum is a conflict that involves one side being entirely incorrect and immoral, while the other is completely correct and virtuous in all aspects?

Hell, I lean moderately Right-wing, but I don't even agree a lot with what my party stands for, especially when it involves foreign policy. Yet apparently I don't exist, but if I did, I'm a delusional madman that believes that maybe, the other side has a point, and that a moderated view of politics somehow indicates my pretentious view of a complex world and society involving morality, my conscience, and the definition of right and wrong.

How does anyone take this guy seriously?

Based and redpilled

desu you have to take into account that blacks in the US were completely uprooted, they have no ancestry beyond the plantation niggers. It's a terrible place to be. The US was probably doomed from the very first day people brought black slaves.

I see them say that a lot actually, especially on Reddit and Twitter. It shows how intentionally mis-informed they are.

You can be a leftist and still use shock value humor. You can be a conservative while also not blindly supporting the establishment.

>Says zero about your claim that people aren't inherently alturistic, if people are left to their own devices absent of the authority figure they don't hurt people in the way seen in the experiment.
A fucking doctor saying to continue is all it takes for people to kill someone? Yeah, of course, someone completely ignoring his altruistic sensibilities for something so little, It says absolutely nothing about altruism at all.
And the Bystander effect, Where someone actively ignores a person in danger also has nothing to do with altruism.
And the last study, where only 10% of the people in a hurry helped the person in need, does that say nothing about altruism too?
You are a gullible idiot.
Now fucking reply to me with "You are right they don't say anything about altruism" so I can laugh at you.

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preferring 2 over 3 is the right choice though.

Ben Shapiro literally says he enjoys killing civilians. The guy is an Ultra-Zionist.

The US is lower on average due to it being a country where multiracialism is forced on people via schooling/propaganda. Go to other countries, and ethno-nationalism is even more popular. Japan lets-in less than 60 Arabs per year, for example.

They're both disappointing for different reasons but at least 3 is pretty to look at and doesn't control like ass.

Zionist =/= white nationalist

Zionists went to Congress last week and kvetched to try and make our speech illegal.

>Yeah and im doing a PhD in molecular biology

Prove it.

Also even if you are not lying (unlikely) that still means you are vastly less qualified than a PhD in biomedicine from Harvard. Especially for this subject.

Same boat
I know this retarded one who's kinda right wing and has alright taste in media so I'm conflicted

That's par on course for any Zionist, though. If you tell me all Zionists are ultra far right when it comes to Israel, maybe you're right, but it's a different discussion.

I've heard worse. Like the people who say Gavin Mcinnes is a white nationalist. l o l

Tribal group think. "This guy is left wing, I am left wing, so I'll defend this guy no matter what." This is true of the right too by the by, but the left commit more acts of hypocrisy, more acts of flip-flopping on certain issues (recent example is Trump saying he'll specifically send illegals to sanctuary cities and the left REE'd in reaction), and more acts of opaque insanity that their mindless defence of these cunts is mind boggling. Even people in the centre and right WILL leave their mouth pieces if they do something dumb or stupid. This is, however, is the advantage the left have online. They're more unified because they lack any shred of moral decency.

Modern White Nationalists are White Zionists, they just copied Jewish ideas and tried to apply them to their own tribe, poorly.

Most Zionists are also Ashkenazi Supremacists, they even hate Jews who are darker skinned than them.

>Yeah, of course, someone completely ignoring his altruistic sensibilities for something so little, It says absolutely nothing about altruism at all.
But the sensibility is there. It talks about the effect of hierarchy, and in fact supports the idea that people by nature would prefer not to hurt the person.
>And the Bystander effect, Where someone actively ignores a person in danger also has nothing to do with altruism.
In the case of the bystander effect it's that they know it is right to help but because on uncertainty because of the crowd dynamic and the sense of difussion of responsibility no one individual steps forward. Without the crowd present about 80% do help.

Jesse Lee Peterson is the next Hitler, obviously.

Attached: Jesse Lee Peterson BASED MAGA nigger.jpg (1800x1200, 319K)

Well, it's only natural. I'm not from the US but I understand blacks fighting for their own place in that society, especially after all they've been through.
That's fine, the problem is that whites have been indoctrinated into being the ultimate cucks. But now it seems they're waking up and of course the (((people))) up there are afraid.

>Modern White Nationalists are White Zionists

Okay, now you're just shitposting. Nationalism existed since the dawn of civilization, you retard. Jews don't have a magic exclusivity to it.

Are you gonna tell me that Robert Mugabe is a Zionist?

Attached: Zimbabwe Mugabe redpill large version niggers leftism.jpg (3904x1788, 1.51M)

Center right is just code for "pro-establishment sheep".

>prove it
I'm working on the molecular biology of P63 in developmental defects of ectodermal tissue and its effects on limb development. I'm not going to post any personal information for a fucking online tranny fight.
>Also even if you are not lying (unlikely) that still means you are vastly less qualified than a PhD in biomedicine from Harvard. Especially for this subject.
Im really not; you dont need to go to Harvard to see how her sources would get torn apart if presented to her peers. In this field, the difference between high impact labs and lower impact ones are their competitive nature, usually matters of funding and work mentality, not so much a firmer grasp on the theory behind it.

You see the PhD behind her name and take her word as infallible; a very naive and dangerous thing to do.

Reminder that the most sane political position is becoming self sufficient so you are prepared for the collapse.

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>and in fact supports the idea that people by nature would prefer not to hurt the person.
I never said people were fucking psychopaths retard. If all it takes is some fag in a lab coat giving orders for someone to kill a person then he is NOT altruistic. There is no sensibility there.
>Without the crowd present about 80% do help.
Did you not even read the other study I posted
Doesn't matter if there was a crowd or not, only 10% of the people who where in a rush helped the dude in great pain.

But science is the modern religion, and scientific studies (only the ones that aren't "controversial") are the word of God, didn't you know?

>That's par on course for any Zionist,

Zionism is ethno-nationalism, it's far-right by definition since it implies mass discrimination based on ethnicity.

Ben is also far right on all issues including supporting illegal wars, opposing gay rights, denying global warming, supporting corporate deregulation.

>Did you even read the other study
Yep and it's not worth discussing, it was a sample size of 40 people

It only made me more radical by the virtue of having to rethink and reassess my beliefs.


Most of the alt-right are just re-branded Neocons. They aren't gonna support actual ethno-nationalism, at least outside of Israel.

>Zionism is ethno-nationalism
Yes, for Jews only. For everyone else, especially white countries, is multiracialism and multiculturalism.

>opposing gay rights
That's right wing, not "far" right necessarily.

>supporting illegal wars
>denying global warming
>supporting corporate deregulation
How the fuck is any of this inherently right wing, let alone "far" right?

>If we're talking purely about intelligence it's already proven wrong nytimes.com/1976/04/18/archives/an-iq-study-of-black-children-in-white-homes.html
>"In the tests, the white children, who generally were adopted at an earlier age than the other groups, scored 1 1 1 on the average. The blacks averaged 106, and the Asian and Indian children, usually older when placed with new families, scored at the national average of 100.
>For measuring the change in the blacks, the researchers presumed that the IQ of the children would have been about 90 if they had been reared by their natural parents. The figure was based on data about the natural parents and about other black children of similar background reared in black families."

I don't know where the article got these figures, they're not accurate.



It's now known that the genetic factor in IQ manifests itself by adulthood, so the IQ measurements of children isn't accurate. From the Alternative Hypothesis link above:

>The most well known study in this literature is often referred to as the Minnesota Trans-racial adoption study. In this study, 265 children had their IQs tested at age seven. At age 17, 196 of these kids returned to have their IQs tested again.

>When tested at age seven, the Black and Biracial (Black and White) children in this sample had significantly higher IQs than their groups do on average in America. However, by age 17 their IQ scores had fallen to meet those averages almost exactly.

Mind you, I admit that the mainstream right is mostly pro-free market and anti environmentalism, for some retarded reason of identity, but those are definitely not extremist positions in the slightest.

>If we're talking about behavioral stuff "heh these nogs are uppity, that must be because of genetics and MAO-A inhibition" which as I read is one of the core points in this retard's arguments, Asian men have the same percentage of variance with black men (around 50percent) so that throws his whole argument in trash. Putting this aside also, difference of variances between races isn't much higher anyway. It's like 20%. This guy is a fucking mong.

Not the 2-r repeat variation of the MAO-A gene.

>5.5% of African American men, 0.9% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men have 2R.


>In summary, Blacks have higher levels of low repeat MAOA alleles than Whites do, and this in turn causes them to have higher crime rates, and that this explains part, though not all, of why Blacks have higher crime rates than Whites.

lol okay. You have gotten to the point in the argument where you just ignore information given to you.

Nationalism only started near the end of the Middle Ages you fucking illiterate Amerimutt.

No I don't, a 1973 study with 40 people (divided into 4 groups) is insignificant.

>no proofs

Nice larp.

Looks like a weak faggot. Also I don't know who he is.