In original TLJ script the ghost of Palpatine was haunting Luke and that was why he cut himself off the force

In original TLJ script the ghost of Palpatine was haunting Luke and that was why he cut himself off the force.

We had this staring in our face and yet people are acting surprised.

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so third movie is retconning the retcons of 2nd movie. Fuck this gay trilogy

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Fart-kino, movie when?

this is what happens when you don't plan ahead

Well it would certainly feel less abrupt if Sidious was reintroduced in the trilogy this way.
They're baiting us and the audiences are, unfortunately, loving it.

Disney rejected George Lucas' script shortly after the deal was done. In januray 2013 George had left from the TFA writing room. They hired a faggot, Rick Carter, a complete stranger to Lucasfilm but close to Kathleen kennedy, to form a team of visualist to throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks. Most of the artwork released was from that period. It's wrong to attribute this to george Lucas. Disney rejected his ideas and he left. Nu-wars is entirely Disney.

George is back on board now incel

I never knew that because anything related to TLJ is dead to me.

That's fine though, it could have only been a small scene
But only writers out of options would make Palpatine the final villain of the trilogy

What original TLJ script, who was it written by? This sounds like it could have been kino.

its too late to fix angthing, fucking fag

Is this the most expensive cluster fuck in movie history? You think Disney wouldn't be so reckless. I guess they thought their fans were dumb enough to eat anything they shat out.

How did we "have this staring in our face" if it was a piece of information that we literally had no access to and wasn't even hinted to by the movie in the slightest?

only Jedi can become force ghosts you fucking idiot that's the whole fucking point of their order's shitty arc

yeah and what does that have to do with anything that was TLJ that we got. oh right nothing

>George is back on board now incel
Source: news outlet shilling for Disney day and night

What the fuck did I just read?

That seems like some very important information that should have been in the movie. You think they would have left that in, but that probably would have made too much sense

>That seems like some very important information that should have been in the movie. You think they would have left that in, but that probably would have made too much sense
They have no idea what they're doing. This is an early concept from TFA development. It has no meaning, it's just a drawing made during the brainstorming sessions. Anyone who thinks there was any real plot after watching TFA needs to shot himself.

Look it's really simple: they want to shit all over star wars while using it as a vehicle for their crappy subversive propaganda.
After they had finished destroying Luke's character Carrie Fisher kicked the bucket on them and they know that no one is going to watch their propaganda without some star wars bait so now they have to try to salvage the hopeless loser bum they left Luke as.
Go be a hobbo fondling sea lion boobies while abandoning everyone who ever believed in you isn't going to get the force sensitive kids lining up to join the ranks.

The book "Art of The Last Jedi", which contains this detail, isn't some secret knowledge, just a book that you can pick up in a book store.

Rian admitted his script was for a 5 hour long movie and he had to take out massive chunks out of it.

And yet, he left the pointless casino sequence in it.

>tfw we get sequel special editions where they digitally add Plapatine in Luke scenes

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who the fuck writes a script for a 5 hour long MOVIE in the first place lmao
what a brainlet

This makes so much sense, why the fuck did they left this out of the movie?

a brapposter has infiltrated the lucasfilm story group

It doesn't, Sith weren't supposed to be able to return as ghosts.

Your lore is outdated. Lucas brought in Sith ghosts in Clone Wars

Says fucking who you dumb nigger

Lucas is also a total retard who should have never been given complete creative control. As far as I'm concerned, only the OT is canon.

He brought Darth Bane literally through a horcrux, he wasn't able to appear out of nowhere like jedi ghosts.

So this pretty much confirms we're only going to see him as a ghost, cool.
Sidious is probably going out of hiding because Luke is gone or something.

Luke was unable to do anything to Snoke for decades so it makes no sense Sidious was scared of Luke.

Maybe Luke was using all his effort to keep Sidious at bay, and now that Luke is gone, Sidious is free to roam the universe.

>should have never been given complete creative control
Given by who? He created it from scratch dumbass. It's his.
>As far as I'm concerned, only the OT is canon
Who do you think wrote the OT? Kiri Hart?

Disney doesn't care about tiny details like this so we won't get any in-depth lore development.

that would make sense if this was age of mithology and luke a god containing the titans.
in TLJ he was just some whiny faggot drinking ecologyc milk.

Lucas never had complete creative control in the OT

It's a possibility that this was always intended to happen but Rian is a terrible writer. We already know that he can't get a good performance even out of amazing actors, so it's not out of place to assume that he's lacking in other fields too.

>as far as I'm concerned, only the OT is canon
>talking about a sequel 43 years after the OT ended
ok m8

>43 years after the OT ended
36 years ago was 43 years ago. Good to know.

Hunted by Bazinga
Haunted by Jumanji

>in TLJ he was just some whiny faggot drinking ecologyc milk.
And Yoda lived in a fucking swamp.

>we'll get a new original trilogy special edition with space sloth hanging out in the background mugging for the audience and handing Luke glasses of blue milk on a regular basis

Yeah I remember when Yoda said he wanted to kill himself and that the Jedi should die. Fucking retard.

Unironically he did in the prequels. Maybe not that he wants to kill himself, but he said that Jedi are losing connection to the force and "maaaybe we should tell the senate about the fact that we're useless now".

yeah,but yoda was 800 years old,half dement and phisically fucked.
Luke just didnt give a fuck about everything burning around him.

>Lucas never had complete creative control in the OT
Only on ANH, but they didn't try to edit his movie because they thought it was a dud and simply refuse to do any promo and flush it out. ESB and ROTJ are produced with his own money, he had full creative control on it.

Is that Jabba the Hutt's translator with the octopus head in the background? I always wanted him to come back into it I knew he didn't die in RotJ

>Clone Wars
Yah I'm sure Lucas cares a lot about that shit, my manchild bro

He literally worked on it himself for years, retardbro.


What’s his relation to the evil guy who died last movie (I can’t even remember his name ffs)

I meant the post about Palpatine

>you can pick it up anywhere for only 19.99, goy, aren't you a true fan?
You talk like a fag and your shit is all fucked up

At least I got some nice trips, mom, be proud of me, reeeeeee.

Imagine the smell.
Do you think Rose would be embarassed farting in front of Finn haha?

That was an illusion not a ghost

Why did a brap fetishist write Star Wars?

If they somehow fuck up Palpatine in Episode IX, how mad will you guys be? And by fuck up I mean ruin his personality, character, they did with Luke.

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Truth is that she's constantly farting, that's why she's so bloated, she's actually an alien that turns air into toxic gas to survive.

I don't care. I liked Luke more than Sheev anyway, they can do their worst.

She's extremely valuable as farts are used as a mean of transportation, intestinal gases are the most commonly used fuel in the Star Wars universe.

That's why they started running out of fuel when she left, she was used to farm farts to fuel the hyperspace drive.

>I like Luke more than Sheev

To be fair, Luke was much more fuckable.

Enjoy losing to Rey faggot

Luke was going to have been possessed/under the influence of Palpatine's ghost. Luke sacrificing himself set the ghost free and he wants to get some stupid thing to bring himself back to life or some shit. They should have just named this "Star Wars: None Of The Previous Movies Mattered"

Shut up Kathleen.


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I still don't know why Luke died.
I assumed it was overexertion, but some fag told me "No he just gave himself to the Force like Obi"
Obi-Wan had Vader breathing down his neck, what danger was Luke in that he would just kill himself right there?

Not movies, but MGS4 pretty much did that to MGS2: Retconned a bunch of shit so they didn't have to explain some of the weirder aspects.

>tfw you will never age as gracefully or be as good looking as Hayden

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From some supplementary book it's known that he was preparing for some ancient ritual when Rey interrupted him. Committing sudoku was probably a part of this ritual, but we don't know what else was it supposed to achieve. Terrible visual storytelling, because it literally comes off as a suicide in the film.

>I still don't know why Luke died.
Because Rian is a hack. He died doing the equivalent of a literal Force skype-call, without getting hyperbolic. And his projection didn't even have a proper duel with Kylo, just matrix-and-slow motion style dodging before fading away.

Fucking dumb.

Jesus christ.
I know in another book that Kylo first finds out he's Vader's grandson when another senator reveals it on TV to try and get Leia fired.

If Disney can't put any of this important shit in movies it's a good sign IX will be a cluster fuck. They're damn good at making trailers and getting people in seats though.

Was that written by pic related?

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Plastic surgery leads to many abilities, some of which would be considered unnatural.
You can be as pretty as Hayden, follow your dreams, but pay upfront.

>plastic surgery

I'm suggesting that the envious user should get some.


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wasn't he fired

No, Claudia Gray. I don't mind it, seeing Kylo in the movies as a normal kid in a flash back before his turn and just what exactly caused his Vader worship would have been interesting.

star wars sucks


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>Rey confronts the ghost of Palpatine.
>Rey captures him with bullshit force powers
>Instead of just destroying or sealing him away, she successfully talks him into rejecting the dark side
Can anyone add or modify this into something worse?

especially when you consider that he just spent 10 years working the fields and raising a child. it's a shame that Rachel Bilson missed the hollywood life and dragged Hayden back. why couldn't she just find a job with a TV show that shoots in vancouver?

>George Lucas writes plot outline for the new trilogy
>Kathleen immediately throws it in the trash
>J. J. Abrams writes plot outline for the new trilogy
>Kathleen lets Rian Johnson throw it in the trash
>"we've had this all planned out from the very beginning!"
Shut the fuck up, Kathleen. No one is falling for this. Everyone knows there hasn't ever been a solid plan for Nu-Wars.

>cuts himself off from the force because Palpatine trolled him


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oh,I could make much worse.
like rey mastering the force lightnings and fucking palpatine with them.
something that yoda couldnt do.

I think there's room in our cinema to let go of this stuff, to stop using subtext and innuendo, and to speak frankly about black male superiority. Their testosterone, their huge cocks, their alpha demeanor. All this must be explored in the open, and I think that will release a lot of the pressure that's been building in society, where weak and soft white men are forced to live alongside them.

I think we're working toward a cinema where black male sexual superiority is acknowledged. I look for JJ Abrams to make progress in this area.

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I think the worst case scenario is:
>Rey easily beats Sheev
>Sheev expresses astonishment at Rey's power
>Rey explains to him that she's so powerful because she follows the ways of the Jedi
>Sheev sorrowfully admits he was wrong and fades into the force
>all of this takes place within less than 10 minutes and it's Sheev's only scene

Just reading this made me grind my teeth so hard that I shaved off 3/4 of my skull.

>Can anyone add or modify this into something worse?
The Force manifests as a human and it's Alanis Morissette and she takes Rey by the hand and disappears behind a curtain with her as they both giggle fade to black on two lightsaber hilts fitting into each other.

>Sheev is made of midichlorians

>Yoda was Sidious the entire time, which is why Luke failed and became a washed-up coward lol

>Luke was Yoda the entire time.

I can make it shittier!
>Rey discovers a baby Palpatine clone in stasis
>Rey adopts the baby
>She calls the baby Ben Skywalker

>Finn is Lando's son, Luke was the mother

*Disney Star Wars sucks


>Admiral Holdo is back with no explanation

>Kylo sacrifices himself so that Rey can take babby Palpatine to safety
>his parting monologue to her has him looking directly at the camera and ranting about how she should raise the clone to not be so consumed with rage, resentment and toxic masculinity like he was
>he dies cursing Han for giving him a Y chromosome.

>A good question, for another time.

Grow up, faggot.

>Rey discovers a baby Palpatine clone in stasis
>Rey performs a post-birth abortion
>Planned Parenthood™ ad plays
>Audience claps so loud that it can be heard in another galaxy
>Actual aliens start a war with humanity to stop them from clapping
>Before they arrive the Earth already exploded from all this literal earth-shattering applause
>Star Wars brought to life!
>Enjoy Coca Cola™

>the whole story is a fever dream yoda has while he’s dying.

>she married Phasma during the timeskip

This quality writing.

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>Yoda was actually a wet dream of Chewbacca

That sounds very plausible.

Kojima never wanted to do a 4th game, but Sony and Konami strong armed him into doing it

Stop giving them ideas.

>the entire original trilogy is an elaborate fanfic Chewie wrote about that sexy jedi midget he met on Kashyyyk during the war

This is the story we can all agree would finally get Star Wars back on track.

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>A good story, for another time.

He was also on the set of Solo for half an hour. No one cares, shill.

>And Yoda lived in a fucking swamp.
It's almost like the Empire was actively hunting down Jedi and he needed somewhere remote to hide until Luke could be trained.

Luke had to hide for the same reason.

Did Yoda have a sister to protect and decide to abandon her while she fought in a war?
Yoda hid so the good guys had a chance and Vader's son could grow up and turn him from the Dark Side.
Luke gave up completely and wasn't planning on training anyone to pick up the fight after him.

>Did Yoda have a sister to protect and decide to abandon her while she fought in a war?

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>She calls the baby Ben Skywalker

You poor optimistic soul. The horrific reality is it's going to be called "Lucas Skywalker"

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Oh no, no, no

>the baby is black

>Film ends with a flash forward of him continuing the legacy of fighting against evil doers....alongside his husband.

>The audience explodes with applause so strong that it puts Earth's magnetic field out of phase with the Sun's gravity and makes the Earth fly away into a black hole.

Flashbacks don't belong in Star Wars

>The baby is Gungan

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Imagine if the plot had been Sheev screwing with Luke and then when he's alone with Kylo he puts on a helmet and pretends to be his grandpa and tells him how cool siths were.

>Rey easily beats Sheev
>Sheev expresses astonishment at Rey's power
>Rey explains to him that she's so powerful because she follows the ways of the Jedi
>Sheev sorrowfully admits he was wrong and fades into the force
>all of this takes place within less than 10 minutes and it's Sheev's only scene
>Rey discovers a baby Palpatine clone in stasis
>Rey adopts the baby
>She calls the baby Ben Skywalker
>the baby is black
>Film ends with a flash forward of him continuing the legacy of fighting against evil doers....alongside his husband.

We've saved Star Wars!

Not only this is in line with Sheev's characterization in previous movies, but Disney would also love that.

After all these years... the force is finally female.

So, during the panel, when romance was brought up everyone got a bit awkward while the audience went nuts.
And the (mostly unconfirmed) leaks say kylo is actually in love with rey.
How will Jew Jew fix this extraordinary mess, considering that kylo is a sociopathic madman?
If you erased everything after snokes death from TLJ he would pass as salvageable, but rian managed to throw away all development the moment kylo takes over the order and tries to kill everyone.

Did you even read the post you replied to?

Ends in a dance party with "I'm Han Solo" playing unironically


>this is canon, but the Thrawn Trilogy isn't
What a time to be alive

You know it's for the best, they would make Thrawn fart blue farts as an art project or something.

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They were right. People actually praise the prequels now, if that isn't proof what is?

Good, because George wanted to do a Fantastic Journey to the microscopic world of the Whils.

>the whole movie would be about one tiny detail because some journalist said so
Disney had that article came out right in the middle of the whole fanbase destroying Last Jedi and you could tell the writer wanted to trash it as much as possible

>The whole movie would be amazing because George didn't prove himself hopelessly incompetent when no one is there to tell him he's being an idiot
Sure, it's just a conspiracy concocted by Disney that George does dumb shit.

kid's book
kids like fart jokes
brap em early, that's what I say

Sounds like it's time for a ghostfight.

He's also made 6 better Star Wars movies than Disney, so I'll side with him.

basically this. it was stupid when they ran out of space gas.

On second thought, I guess there is some support for Sith ghosts
how else would there be evil Force areas on planets, like the tree

If you want to convince people you have any sense of taste whatsoever necessary to discuss film you might consider not talking about the prequels as if being responsible for them is a positive.

>dumb yourself down for the morons that think TLJ is masterpiece and Rian Johnson is a genius

can't stand this hag

>We had this staring in our face and yet people are acting surprised.
It wasn't in the movie dumbass

damn, no wonder the resistance was reduced to like 12 people

If you want to believe every idea Lucas throws out is something he'd actually do then show me where Darth Icky ended up appearing.

>"If I'd held onto the company I could have done it, and then it would have been done," Lucas said. "Of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it, just like they did Phantom Menace and everything, but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told."

He's literally just insulting people who hated his prequel ideas by suggesting something even more ridiculous.

I think we would have gotten something like that one Clone Wars episode.

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That piece of shit cartoon and the other disney toon shit are complete Bullshit. Only ep.1-6 are canon. Most of the fans don't even know about those shitty cartoons, and I am glad that they dont promote it, not even in the shitty battlefront has anything on those toons.

Only from marvel.

>Clone Wars is bad

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sounds like one of the books of evil luke

Battlefront 2 literally launched a prequels DLC this year because fans wanted it and the next 2 heroes are rumored to be from the cartoon.
Only people who watch the cartoons still care about the prequels and play Battlefront, the overlap is there.
Not to mention all the fangirls Ahsoka has.

The way the sequel trilogy is panning out should be no surprise to anyone who has seen JJ Abram's LOST. The show was really engrossing and had constant 'mysteries' being introduced, but as it went on it became obvious that nothing was actually being planned ahead and there werent really any answers for a lot of the plot questions that had been developed. They literally had no idea where this thing was going from the start.

>Be Disney exec
>Acquire Star Wars for 4 Billion dollars
>Have to make as much shekels as possible off my investment. Has to beat the returns I would have gotten if i had simply invested the money instead.
>Know Star Wars fans will sell out theaters for the first few movies Disney makes, no matter how bad they are.
>Come up with devious scheme to make an intentionally bad Nu-Trilogy
>Then, when the fans are starting to become disillusioned and lose interest - announce the nu-trilogy is no longer canon and we will make another trilogy to replace it!
>Milk the suckers again for all they worth

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>he says this unironically as the only thing that keeps Battlefront 2 EA alive is by EA constantly pandering to fans demand of Clone Wars content
>and bringing in new game mode and even new character classes like Capital Assault and infiltrator classes (ARC Troopers and Commando Droids)
>and calls the GOAT kino that is TCW series "a piece of shit"
Fuck off DIDF.


Disney actually paid like $8 billion for Star Wars, then also had to give George Lucas the largest private stockholder holding in the company for an outsider (I think he's tied with the Job's family), plus they spent another $2 billion making an entire park for just Sequel Trilogy Star Wars then spent what, like $30 billion buying Fox? Then you had Solo which was a complete bomb.

>tfw when he lost a soccer-aid match by fucking up his penalty in the shootout
>tfw he looked absolutely crushed
why can't my Ani just be happy?

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>not trans muslim

um sweaty, that's not very tolerant

>actually paid like $8 billion for Star Wars
wait what?
I thought it was 4 Billion total.
But yeah, considering all the investment value, opportunity cost, inflation, desired margins and so on, Disney were expecting every single movie to be TFA-tier successes, and they still needed like 10x of those to pay it out.

Clearly this whole SW investiment was a major fiasco


It was 4.5 billion in direct cash but then Lucas also got other benefits like being tied for the largest outsider shareholder in the company.

>A few years back, the God of War writer mentioned actually getting to read some of the Star Wars Underworld TV show scripts where Sheev was given a backstory that involved a failed romance.
>IX writers turn this into an easy springboard for "lol Incel" jokes.

If they mess with Sheev i'll be peeved.


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Probably because they didn't expect a movie 50% based on unused concept art.