GRRM on 60 Minutes interview

>"The series has been extremely faithful compared to 97% of all television and movie adaptations of literary properties”


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He's talking about seasons 1-4, which were extremely faithful to the source with only minor differences. He's also talked about the show being completely different now.

He's not wrong. Coming from an 80's/90's perspective where adaptations were almost completely different, GoT was very faithful.

>not 96% OR 98%
gonna need [citation] on that figure Georgy

r\asoiaf on suicide watch


grrm hard at work

based D&D

It's perfect
If fans ask him whether he got any work on TWoW done, he can just tell them that they already know how it's all going to end.


Compared to most other adaptions that leave out important characters or combine multiple characters into one the series has been very faithful. It's just that the writing went to shit after a few seasons.

GRRM has disappeared so far up his own ass that he’s forgetting his own work.

why can't his publisher just lock this nigga in a dungeon until he finishes?

he doesn't need to do press. normies don't care

considering what most movies/tv shows do to their source material, he's right, they are very faithful. especially s1-s4

I'd post the college humour sketch but that would inflate their view count

>I eat 97 pounds of food a day
Damn what a talented guy.

>Coming from an 80's/90's perspective where adaptations were almost completely different

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The original story was fucking garbage to begin with

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How the fuck is anyone still watching this? I dropped it in season two when they introduced stronk independent nurse girl.

Also, I just realized it's been almost eight years since the last book was released. What has that fat fuck been up to?


Counting his money and eating at McDonald’s

D&D are working with ASOIAF from 2006, i cant blame them that GRRM with tons of time didnt finish his books before season 5.

did Anderson Cooper never meet a nerd before?

One more day bros.

>tfw britfag
>tfw have to wait until after work Monday before I can watch

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he's talking like he's already finished at least TWOW and knows where he's going.

it would make sense to withhold release until after the show as it's very obvious that TWOW is where it starts to diverge the most.

>He's talking about seasons 1-4

He isn't but, he can't outright shit talk the show so he has to give the safe answer.

I agree with you though seasons 5-7 feel completely different compared to the first 4 probably due to the lack of source material and D&D / the writers being legitimately terrible. Characters have stopped developing and it's more about getting Marvel tier "epic" moments that people will talk about on social media even if the writing behind these moments is abysmal.

Good, less retards in this world.

He isnt specific about 80s/90s he is talking about overall perspective and he is right, The tone, magic from ASOIAF was perfectly captured from the books by D&D, its *mostly* gret casted television. Show has some low points, but the same can be said about GRRM books honestly, his last two books are pretty mediocre. And the fact that he didnt wrote his last two books before they catch up its his fault, he had tons of time.

>Show has some low points
The show is crap beyond Season 5. Written for morons who love Walking Dead tier TV.