Why does 90s media feel like it was in a different era entirely? White people were still white people...

Why does 90s media feel like it was in a different era entirely? White people were still white people, and it was like the biggest neurosis in life was working a boring office job, the biggest political scandal was Clinton getting blown by the secretary. There was a certain carefree and peaceful vibe, like the whole world was still naive and innocent. But it was also less excessive and more sanitized than the 80's. How did the shit accelerate so fast? It can't just be 9-11 and internet.

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Other urls found in this thread:


yeah it was 9/11 and the internet. That made the world global basically.

>why does an era 3 decades before the current era feel differently
how dumb are you OP

>It can't just be 9-11 and internet.
yes. social medias made people insane and the white guilt which followed invading the sand countries paved the way for this fucking brown people worship and PC culture

>Why does 90s media feel like it was in a different era entirely?
For the same reason that the 1970s felt like a different era than the 1990s. Idiot!

there wasn't a peaceful and carefree vibe at all, it just seems like it must have been like that looking back. there was a sense that history wasn't really going anywhere in particular and that all there was in the future was getting a mortgage. Fight Club may look quaint to people now, but it reflects a feeling that nothing was really adding up to much. This was the time that music entered it's current holding pattern, too. sure the problems were less obvious, but if you think people were actually happier you're underestimating what a bunch of whiny cunts people are.

Could you even imagine songs like these being written today?


It feels like they came from an alternative universe where happiness is actually possible.

you know how to spot a zoomer? 90s = peaceful lol


Do you not remember all the people who unironically believed in Satan?

It was actually really boring and cringey, so people kept pushing themselves to further extremes (mild at first: Nirvana, facial piercings and undercuts, PETA) until we reached the fever pitch of absurdity we are at today. All from boredom. Imagine fucking Wayne's World being a huge hit and cultural touchstone.

>yugoslav wars
>rwandan genocide
>somalian civil war
>chechen war
peaceful as shit

>le hooky soft punk-pop
the universe I live where Radiohead, REM and Metallica live has better music. fuck you.

>exactly the same number of Gulf Wars as the 00s
basically utopia, it set the stage for the greatness that was to follow

90s music videos really had a different tone, people just seemed happier

Girls in porn were still unshaven though.
Bad times.

Every decade's content is decided by a big event.
The 40's had movies all about gangsters and misery because everyone felt like shit from the war
In the 50's, due to prosperity, all media was cheery sci-fi stuff or cowboy heroics.
In the 60's, 'Nam led to counterculture films being made and the 70's oil crisis led to movies about misery and futility again
The 80's were an economic boom and the 90's saw the commies die out so of course everything was cheery and happy in media, then 9/11 happened and the internet led to culture being fragmented and not cohesive as it used to be.

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It wasn't just the internet and 9/11 it was also 2008. Also people are becoming more radicalized because of post 2008 economic problems and the fact the US has more or less become a failed democracy at this point. And a big economic crisis is likely right around the corner since all the economic indicators are pointing to something big happening around the end of this year or early 2020. You can pretty much fully expect WW3 to start some time in the 2020s.

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This is exactly what I mean. It's like this sourness and negativity has completely driven out any kind of sense of joy from popular culture.

>biggest sport star
Michael Jordan
>biggest music star
Michael Jackson
>biggest murderer
OJ Simpson

Every decades has a weird feeling to it.

1950s: It looks uptight and very professional. Looks surreal in hindsight but beautiful.

1960s: Movies start to loosen their tie. The right amount of sexy without being slutty.

1970s; Movies take off their pants. Porno era.

1980s: VHS has fucked the quality and violence is out of control. Enter Arnold.



Then it seems like something went wrong around 2007 and then again in 2014.

Anyone else feel like they were born in the wrong Era? Like my life would be perfect if I was born in the 40s

Not based

Ska music sucks ass and there as just as many blindly happy songs nowadays, they just don't initiate a sense of nostalgia for you like these do.

Should also mention Colombine


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>Friends theme

It was a different era. Just like people in the 90s said the 70s and 60s were differen't eras. A couple of years ago I would've agreed with you but I'm so tired of seeing the mopey post and the same cliched "9/11" answers. Get over it and try to make the best of this and the upcoming decade-- the 90s are over and it will never be like that again.

attention people

real 90s guy here

there's a big difference between which 90s were talking about for example

1990 to 1994 is way different from say 1998 or 1999 1997 to 1999 were basically a MINI version of 2000 they were still 90s but it was a mini version of 2000 in a way to 1991 was very different and had its own 90s thing it was what id say really 90s even 1992 had its own thing and 1994 so from 1995 to 1999 it was a different version of the 90s

anyone from the 90s knows im telling the truth or they should know

>Why does 90s media feel like it was in a different era entirely?
It was. It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

“A celebration of the jewish people”:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Attached: jew_covers_.jpg (1781x726, 506K)

no social media.

We had technology, but people still talked to each other. When people saw amazing 3d graphics in arcades and music was all about Europop with singers in silver alien-like bodysuits with the newest CGI effects, there was a sense that the future was here and it would be shared, and that technology would always benefit mankind. It was a more innocent time. A more hopeful time.

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No, not really. I don't like this time period much but then, I can't really think of a better one to be alive in.

None of that music is ska.

t. ska fan



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I graduated high school in 2000 and you’re right but pretty much all decades are like that. 2000 to 2005 culture was considerably different compared to second half.

The Mayans were right and the world ended on 2012
We've been in purgatory since.

The Holohoax is the key to understanding the fall of the West

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> border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less,

That sounds quite liberating, actually.

Computers happened

The world actually ended in 2012 you are living in hell, it will further deteriorate and get more and more absurd and hellish

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You are like the guy claiming his favorite music isnt vaporwave, its electrowave and there totally is a difference. Sure within your own personal niche there might be. But for all intents and purposes it IS Ska.

Not just economically 2008 but Obama’s presidency and the liberal agenda pushing ruined us as well. That’s when all the pro-fag degeneracy and coddling went to 11.

>then 9/11 happened and the internet led to culture being fragmented and not cohesive as it used to be.

It's been 20 years though. Can't we go back to happy media again?

Based Jews exterminating white soi bois. I don’t see the problem.

Just like now. 2019 is worlds apart from say 2014.

>That sounds quite liberating, actually.
The internet was a great thing until around the mid-2000's or so when (((big brother))) took it over.

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>people still talked to each other
anybody have that video with of a bunch of teenagers filming themselves in a store and talking to people and people just seemed so positive and trusting each other, talking and laughing with strangers easily, didn't mind being filmed by strangers at all; the same people revisited the place decades later and basically ir was so depressing

I’m not even a big ska fan but all those songs are standard pop music. Ska music typically has brass instruments.

>be gay kids
>borders bad
>white people bad

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People were alive then.



those were natural phenomena as a result of the reverberating effects of our """end of history"""

as opposed to nowadays when literally every global conflict in existence is manufactured by the CIA for oil money

As long as the internet exists, no.
The internet, by it's design, generates conflict. Humans weren't made to talk that way. Even what we're doing now, is wrong. We're filling in for actual social interaction. While 30 years ago, you would have joined a student's movie club, now you shitpost here 24/7.
The only thing that can save us now is a solar flare or something to fry up those fucking satellites.

Not a single nigger

Fuck, marry, kill in that order from left to right.

you were allowed to have a personality back then talking was normal be being white was normal working was normal being a kid was normal

I don't care how much boomers say the 90s were better, I wouldn't want to go back under any circumstances. I could never live without the internet, even something as simple as listening to music would have been a huge chore back then whereas now I can listening to anything in recorded history within seconds on my phone.

>you were allowed to have a personality back then
you still are, you must be incredibly inflammatory by nature if you think that's what it's all about

Depressing to watch that and know life aint like that anymore

Fuck the internet. I had a trampoline as a kid. Now I argue with you fags all day.

Kalergi Plan

the sequel

there is shitty happy pop music out the ass today. Ed Sheeran and Coldplay are millionaires because of how soothing they are.

there is nothing like Radiohead, REM or Metallica even though two of those bands are technically still together and making albums. I could throw Nirvana, Blur and Tool in if I wanted to attract trolls.

>I could never live without the internet
good goy

ps- limewire, kazaa etc. was a million times better than anything today, free and user controlled

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kings island is still based
>when you see it

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Music is literally something only dumbasses care about.

me 90s too.

basically the 80s continued until 1994 when Kurt an heroed, and the 2000s started in 1997 with the release of Ok Computer. nothing in particular happened in 1995-6. the decade barely made an impression on its own, which is what I would say was its defining feature.

Internet existed in the 90s dumbass.

I wish I was born in 1970 and not 1980

yeah, it's all the nigger and spic assholes everywhere now that have made people shut down their sociability, it's why everybody is always in defensive mode now, let your guard down and some darkie will be all over your shit

The only reason you say and think this is probably because you are so young you have really never known anything different.

90s were the last gasps of the Pax Americana. We had won the Cold War and were on top of the world

Shit started falling apart under bush but Obama really heralded in this sense of decay, bitterness, self-loathing, and everything just sort of falling apart

Sure, music is just an easy example. The same goes for film, I can download anything almost instantly rather than going to a video rental store and hoping they have what I want in stock. The opportunities the internet provides to learn and consume art/culture are beyond what previous generations could have ever imagined. Most people don't take advantage of it and just sit around on social media all day, but normies have always been vapid and nothing will ever change that.

>people at a theme park are happy and carefree

holy shit how did you conduct such groundbreaking research?

Because you were a child then

>nothing in particular happened in 1995-6. the decade barely made an impression on its own

true but at least this came out then
was a big thing back then

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different planet

Letting poor people on the internet made it worse.
The internet was so much better before smart phones let every dumbass woman and ghetto start posting.

Schizophrenia is scary

hey rabbi

>everybody is always in defensive mode
speak for yourself incel

This schizo spams this shit every day dozens of times. Fucking bizarre

hey rabbi

Are you kidding me?
They didn't even have iphones at the times!

I liked it too, but we'd all be shitting on it here if it came out today and Jeff's dad would be a stand-in for every Jew meme.

If you just had sex all this angst and obsession over Jews would go away fyi

hey rabbi

I’ve noticed this true like 90% of pol spam here is 1 sperg crazily enough

>t. Never was on the internet in the 90s with pedos, wizards and bulldykes
AIM chat rooms author's lounge


retards only got consoles to play games like now, and they didn't have internet access. most people didn't have PCs. there was something similar to an actual barrier for entry to social media, and the online marketing was all obvious spambots.


Well you’ve got entire generation of zoomers who hate themselves and are hellbent on bringing everyone else down with them. The carefree lifestyle of Gen X simply doesn’t work in 2019.

>It can't just be 9-11 and internet.
it was the internet. instant global communication between people at every level of civilization. the world got real small real fast and the sense of one's responsibility to their fellow man has skyrocketed. politics have become unignorable.

1990-1992: the early 90s/the 80s under another name

1993-1995: the mid 90s

1996-1997: the early late 90s

1998-1999: the late 90s/proto-2000s

I was a teenager in the 90s and you can shove your nostalgia up your sister's cunt. today is nothing more than the obvious logical extrapolation of the 80s and 90s.

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I don't think zoomers hate themselves, gen x was the most nihilistic generation actually.

Spotted the millennial

this. turn your brains off. this whole discussion is problematic and racist.

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>there is shitty happy pop music out the ass today.
It sounds like shit though and every single one of them has had the chorus replaced with some retarded "bass drop"

Based JQ poster.

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It was a better time. I pity anyone born after 2000

>turn your brains off. this whole discussion is problematic and racist.
i haven't said anything to that effect. you are a paranoid who projects the enemy onto anyone who doesn't give you the proper buzzwords to identify with.

None of those songs have a walking bass line accented with rhythms on the off beat nor do any have a skank guitar rhythm. Because they're pop rock songs. None of them are ska music or derived from ska music in any way.

Nah this time period is more comfy.

Absolutely fucking cringeworthy post my man


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who else here /2000/
feels weird that im an adult

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Every decade doesn't end until a couple years into the next one.

1972: post-nam depression starts the 70s
1982: Vidya game crash starts the 80s
1992: Rise of gangsta rap/Cobain killing himself starts the 90s
2001: 9/11 starts the 00s

Found the hook nose

Why do you spam this stuff day after day after day? Why can’t you just have sex?

>pilpul allows ashkenazi jews to fake IQ tests

>Why can’t you just have sex?

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based fellow incel virgins rise up


I was a teen back then too. The 90s were cool til 96. After that they started to suck.

>give you simple hints to better yourself and live a happier fulfilling life
>insist on obsessing over Jews more
Sad, you’re beyond help!


There are no problems you dumb fucking cunt. Life is still fucking great. Fuck you.
Kill yourself


>keeps samefagging to himself
>thinks only one boogeyman is jew posting
>calls other schizophrenic

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Yep 9/11 and the internet (all part of the globalists' plan).

That's your opinion brah

Why don’t you diet, exercise, get a girlfriend, socialize, find a job? You’ll find it more fulfilling then screeching about Jews all day

This is the reality of it.

Why do you refuse any help? This isnt a healthy lifestyle

Don’t care about your Jewish obsessions or whatever

damn, user, beat me too it
but i'd say gas chamber for the third, clearly a jewess.

Here's some actual ska. Listen to the rhythms.

>linking your own deleted 6 month old thread that you’ve since reposted hundreds of times

Why don’t you dilate, get a boyfriend, socialize, find a job? You’ll find it more fulfilling then screeching about people who dare name the jew all day

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Reality is scary

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Remember the future we were promised?

Where did it go?

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>being this hostile to change
Sad. Your brain is completely fried on obsessing over Jews. Imagine what your parents think

it’s not the Jews fault your life has turned out this way. God just hates you.its why he made you an incel that go 2 seconds without screaming about jews

unless this is bait i feel sorry for you

>Where did it go?

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It really did feel like the future was on its way. We were on our way to Star Trek and then around 2008 we totally shifted gears and the globohomo multiculti wasteland started. Now we're talking about whether or not we'll have to start eating bugs and living in fucking pods so we can pack more people in.
The future was murdered.

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Smart phones ruined the internet.

Boy am I glad I don't live in California. When their judgment comes down on their heads, it's not gonna be pretty.