I get all the hate this got but those people fail to realize that always sunny was long dead.
It was a shockingly shit end to another shockingly shit season (The Bathroom episode was the most miserable episode of a sitcom I've perhaps ever watched) It's been multiple seasons since this show was dead and buried but this episode dug the corpse up and raped it.
Then why did you keep watching it, you dumb mother fucker? Oh yeah, you're gay as shit.
>all the hate this got
Did this get literally any hate outside of this board? Don't get me wrong, I agree it deserves the hate. I just don't think it actually received it in the first place
Nah the worst episode was the Charlie home alone parody
>dance to show he's a fag
>it's with a woman
What was meant by this?
But contrarianism aside, we all agree that this episode was a work of art right?
The dance was very good. It just did not belong in an episode of the situational comedy "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia."
>The dance was very good.
Was it though? Or was it the physical embodiment of the emperor's new clothes in dance form?
This. I haven't watched any of the newer seasons, the old ones are perfect.
The female reboot of the gang beats boggs was pretty funny...
she represented his feelings towards women and god, how he felt because he had to reject her and heterosexuality, he has to reject god. So the dance resulted in her telling him "it's ok" was god still accepting him for him, and thus him coming to terms with his sexuality. it's a good dance, if you like that sort of thing, it just doesn't fit the show. They've always been experiment in term of story, but this being way off tone was is the real problem.
I gave up on the """hilarious"""" home alone episode.
Glad I did.
>I just don't think it actually received it in the first place
Pretty much. The only people left watching the show are those who like the character dynamics so much they'll watch literally anything.
With no other context this scene is actually pretty kino.
I hate niggers.
For the record, they literally didn't explain what was going on with Dennis' family did they?
>With no other context this scene is actually pretty kino.
Congrats as outing yourself as a braindead idiot
for me seasons 11-12 were mediocre, and i was hoping they could revive it in season 13, but this episode was the final nail in the coffin.
ive been rewatching the show and while the first 5 seasons are great, you can see the cracks starting to show as early as s3
>you can see the cracks starting to show as early as s3
It was pretty good, from a technical standpoint and artistic one. Plus the whole surprise of Mac being a capable dancer.
It just really didn’t pay off as a season closer. It could’ve been juxtaposed with something funny, but instead it’s just left as a weird contrast in a comedy.
This picture is perfect proof of why no sane man should ever want to get married and if he does, it's proof of institutional brainwashing
This episode made me want a fit dancer gf, she was cute as fuck.
the real redpill is that jewish women age like milk
How the fuck did you get that from the dance?
I've never watched Sunny and assume that anyone that does so is a massive fucking douchebag, however, this actor will be able to look back on this scene when he's an old man and see himself at his absolute peak. That's the only thing that makes this special!!!FACT
Sunny used to be fucking kino you homo
It literally is, don't fuck around
>I just don't think it actually received it in the first place
unfortunately this
>The dance was very good. It just did not belong in an episode of the situational comedy "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia."
This, something this profound doesn't belong in a show that coined the term "Niggers hanging from rafters" and having two members getting addicted to crack so they could go on welfare
>Sunny used to be fucking kino you homo
I'm sure you watch Supernatural and Big Bang Theory as well!!!FACT!!!
Well you'd be wrong cause you're an idiotic estrogen boy
>coined the term "Niggers hanging from rafters"
is that a common term now?
i stopped watching as soon as they turned into singing black people. always sunny went from pure kino to absolute trash so quickly
Not gonna lie I fapped to rob after this episode
fuck off back to discord with this forced shit tranny
because of what he says, "it's god, but then a women.." and because he's coming out, and because he's kind of dance fighting with the women, getting close to her then throwing her away, and when he loses the fight she looks like she'll step on him, being what he expects from god, but instead she holds him and tell him it's ok.