Muppet lookin ass
ALERT: "People" who look like this are about to throw a huge hissy fit over this tweet.
>A 'literally who' show that nobody has ever heard of tries to virally market itself by trafficking in 2016-era memes
How brave and au courant...
I'm just offended at how ham fisted it was
someone who looks like this just posted your post
As a centrist who believes that eliminating all nonwhites is just as bad as non eliminating all nonwhites, I find this highly offensive.
Literally nobody even watched the trailer. They had to get bots to boost the view count.
that's fine. Nazis punch back.
They're trying too hard to go viral.
I mean, I liked The Good Wife
are nazis responsible for half of the violent crimes in the US?
lol the idiot that runs up the back to try and punch it and gets run over
>commit violence against people on the basis you don't like what they have to say
>decide that they are nazi's because their opinions don't match yours
So when people resist violence with more violence, they will welcome it, right? Their opinion is that you can't treat civility with civility, so are the "neo-nazi's" supposed to accept this without retaliation? Since when is advocating for civil war a liberal thing?
The punch was the best thing to ever happen to Spencer and ensured his extended limelight for a year or so.
Without it, Charlottesville would have never happened, or have been such a big deal.
Look at him now. After Charlottesville, he's done a few events at universities, and the rooms have been almost empty. In retrospect, the punch was the single-most helpful event of his career, which gave him leverage that he could never maintain off his own back.
So CBS is having niggers call for other niggers and their handlers to assault anyone they dislike, huh? Great idea, mongoloids. It could never backfire.
the problem with that is if you're an actual nazi then your core beliefs automatically disqualify you from being "civil"
there aren't any
>Since when is advocating for civil war a liberal thing?
Since April 12, 1861, user.
>if you're an actual nazi then your core beliefs automatically disqualify you from being "civil"
Cringe and kikepilled.
nazis were decent people trying to protect their homeland from jewish subversion, why are we the bad guys?
the problem with that is liberals will label anyone an "actual nazi". Actual nazi's don't exist anymore, they're either old and retired in South America or dead.
>it's the /Samuel (or should I call him Babatunde?) got tired of his entry-level job at Abe's and starts to stir up some shit/ episode
why not "punch a nazi, kill a communist"?
we can all get behind it
This isn't true. Assaulting someone for their political beliefs is cringe as fuck.
because Liberals are starting to like the idea of communism, and don't want people to realize they're the ones with Nazi ideology.
Good Wife/ Good Fight are legit great shows, regardless of agenda
Both look like fucking scum
Do you want to die in a civil war? Because this is how you start one.
>nation is politically divided
>people who are not Nazis are being labelled as Nazis
>people are being told Free Speech is over
>people are being attacked violently in the streets over politics
>double standards everywhere
>people openly marching against the rights of others
The left preach free speech but attack anyone who practices it. They preach non-violence and then start violence. The left is going to provoke a civil war and then die in that war and lose everything they ever fought for because the winners of that war are not going to be kind. They are going to do to the liberals what the liberals have been doing to them. If this is what liberals are airing on television now, then things are beyond the tipping point and the situation is about to get a whole lot uglier. Libs need to stop this shit before it's too late for them.
>start war in 1861
>dont abolish slavery until 1863
>immediately draft slaves into union army so you have more bodies to throw at confederates
>150 years later people still think the war was about something that didn't even happen until 2 years after the war started
>Lincoln was a slave owner too
I wonder what men were dying for from 1861-1863, cause it sure as hell wasnt slaves
Guess who else works at CBS? It's the neo lib kike puppet Col BERT himself.
>I wonder what men were dying for from 1861-1863, cause it sure as hell wasnt slaves
States rights
kys tranny
Last year white supremacists were the leading demographic responsible for murder related hate crimes.
it's so funny watching NIGGERS claim that this country belongs to them and that speech like Richard Spencer's doesn't belong in it, but guess what? USA was created as a white nationalist country and it was white nationalist until 60s.
It's because only white 'supremacists' can be charged with hate crimes. A nigger killing a white guy isn't a hate crime, but it is the other way.
These look like the kind of guys who pretend to be feminists, rape a woman then try to gaslight her.
>I wonder what men were dying for from 1861-1863, cause it sure as hell wasnt slaves
The 10th Amendment. It's not like it's a secret. The Secessionists explicitly said this is why they seceded legally according to their rights to do so.
The most annoying part of all of this is that, even though I dislike Nazis, I know that they're not referring to actual Nazis. They're talking about anyone who is conservative.
Le 56% face
I don't think a civil war will play out like you'll think it'll play out
>Always going about how you want to start a race war and how it's time to lynch minorities
>P-please don't bully me by saying it's okay to punch nazis, where's the civility?! Why are you so mean to me?
How convenient it's only okay whenever you do it and nobody punches back.
neocons have killed more civilians than nazis ever did, so there's not much moral highground there.
More like a northwestern european nationalist country, there were a lot of fellow whites that were looked down upon.
>Last year white supremacists were the leading demographic responsible for murder related hate crimes
Out of ALL the murders carried out in the US in 2018 what percentage were "hate crimes"?
>Conservatives are now akin go nazis
About time you admit it.
interesting, and what was the source of these stats if I may ask?
Nazis: I want to put people into concentration camps and gas them
Leftists: I want to punch Nazis in the face
Nazis: wtf how could you say that?????
>5mil views
>only 15ish likes
this fish is extra slippery today
It'll be over pretty quickly. The armed conservative side would quickly overwhelm the unarmed liberal cities. The conservatives own the White House, the military, the Senate, the state militias, survivalist groups, and all of the armed citizens. It's a very uneven fight. Liberals would be surrendering within the hour. These people have a spine in a large crowd to punch one guy who they label a Nazi. But when faced with a real armed opponent they have no way to respond except to die or surrender.
>I want to put people into concentration camps and gas them
at no point in the last 3 years has anyone defended anyone who said this.
>There's a clown there
>men all trying to look like cutting edge hipsters and not desperate losers or have just given up on that entirely
>women are just making petty social power plays or are whales only in it because it's the only place they're not allowed to be made fun of
this image captures 90-some-odd percent of twitter leftists
Replace the last line with liberals and centrists.
Yes, that's what Nazis in 1938 said. Who is saying that now? No one.
Liberals: Everyone I don't like is a Nazi
Normal person: But I'm not
Liberals: Shut up Nazi I'm going to punch you and put you in a concentration camp and then gas you.
Normal person: You sound like a Nazi
>people minding their own business
>see this
>more and more people lean more into the devils arms
I go to this broad away from all this hypocritical political shit but apparently I can’t even enjoy basic entertainment without a who nigger rapper#15,678 that was injected with large amounts of money to make a shitpost.
fucking leave and take your tard wranglers with you.
What's the context?
Do you actually think Liberals don't own guns or aren't in all of those organized government groups ironically or...?