Attached: rambo-_first_blood_still.jpg (768x433, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


killed for vagrancy in jerkwater usa

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only a few of the police were shown as bad though, most of them were reacting normally to a guy they knew had escaped from a jail and beat up some cops.

I want to see the version with all the Rambo quips that was left on the cutting room floor

He's right, you know.

40% of cops beat their spouses and/or children.

Fuck cops.

and you got those stats from where?

yes, they are.

You sound asspained about it.
They were pretty much how you'd expect hicktown cops with superiority complexes to act towards strangers that looked like potential hippie valor thieves & gave them attitude in the late 70's.

>despite being 13% of the population
You sound exactly like this & you fucking know it.

And he's correct, what is your (butthurt) point?

Attached: 1554846968867.jpg (232x217, 9K)

[citation required]

Yeah, I mean he is, we all know 90% of leftist SJWs are racist as fuck.
>source: same as his

Why is Yea Forums the most bootlicker board aside from /pol/?

>rules are bad
what exactly is the alternative

Attached: anarchy.gif (320x175, 2.33M)

Because most cops are actually decent people & bootlicker meme faggots would be the first to shit their pants & lick boot when drawn down on by one for acting like a faggot because they ask you a question.


Attached: dross.jpg (576x432, 27K)

Maybe stop harassing people.

If First Blood trying to hint at school shootings? Bully some guy and then he goes mad.

This. If they even had the balls to act like a faggot at all.


>Because most cops are actually decent people

no they aren't
cops are the niggers of the state

Look it up on your own, I’m not here to spoon feed you.

I know this will shock you, but school shootings didn't happen then. We've actually had modern guns for like a fucking century with no school OR mass shootings.
Tends to point to the problem NOT being guns & instead being something else that's started popping up since Columbine. Let's not look for whatever that is though.

Almost everyone you meet deserves to be shot
99% of humanity is subhuman


Attached: avaragetvtard.png (400x449, 241K)

Robbing grocery stores to fuel the race war.

Attached: tomshot.jpg (728x636, 101K)

It's on the claimant to prove it. Otherwise we're all free to assume it came out of your ass, like everything else that wont's stay in there due to the massive distended prolapse from all the constant nigger dick.

so acting like a stupid criminal is better then obeying the law? you must either be a teenager or black

What kind of shithole do you live in?


Literally, and i mean literally Incel : The Movie

Attached: pig.jpg (1024x680, 190K)

The more you know.

>What kind of shithole do you live in?

Attached: mutt police.webm (960x540, 1.6M)


it was only that fat baldcel and fat football coach that were being assholes.

Based(also checked)

Based quads

Wow, that list certainly blows the fuck out of the "only white boys do this shit" narrative.
LOT of fucking blacks on that list, & some spics & arabs too.

t. wishes he lived in africa

Attached: black bike.png (514x468, 384K)

What a waste of quads.

Nice, bookmarked for future use. Very interdasting.

You're full of shit

They may be more prevalent after the 90s, but the threat was always there.

>t. pig

The vast majority were 1 on 1 incidents that were infrequent, only a couple at most per decade.

thats one time. did that happen any other time pre 1980's?

t. vagrant

>nobody should follow da rules. police are the real bad guys

Attached: brainlet.png (645x729, 50K)

Top lel mate. You are having a
Laugh rite?

all he wanted was a sandwich
but nig tom callahan said not in my town, we dont serve sandwiches
and then rocky was like thats bullshit, all you have to do put some food between 2 pieces of bread
wild turkey drinker said fuck you, youre going to jail
cobra says on what grounds?
im bored, i just married an aging model and my new son in law is rob lowe

When did Yea Forums become boot licker central? I could get a free shoe shine here.

>40% of cops in some small town in the 80's may have done anything from spanking their children to actually beating someone (unlikely though)


2016 elections

lmao fuck off pussy commie bitches, take a shower. I never met someone who used the phrase 'bootlicker' in real life who didn't smell like a walking dumpster.

Attached: commie.png (324x338, 51K)

> commie bitches
Hi new friend. Yea Forums is a libertarian site you TD faggot.


Attached: 13054628704_eea39157a8_z.jpg (620x412, 103K)

>when did X become bootlicker central
brainletarians are obsessed with this phrase



I don’t hate the cops, but is there ever a time we can admit they took things too far? Hell why is 13/50 considered legitimate, when it’s at best 2% of the 13 committing these crimes? Still a lot, but 13/50 is a misguided meme.

Why is /k/ so obsessed with the phrase 'bootlicker'? Is this some kind of a fetish?

when did you become "everyones a fascist but me"

Any other good films about displaced veterans who can't make it in the real world?

West Virginia.

Only the police should carry guns, goys ;^)


Attached: policeman.png (1300x1094, 1.31M)

what would you replace the police with?

Fuck the police
Fuck the commie liberals

The sooner people realize less government = more freedom, the sooner we can get some real progress.

t. Libertarian

go live in Somalia. if theres no law theres nothing

Yea Forums Jannies

So if you get rid of the police, who keeps the peace?




Militias like the founding fathers intended us to have.

libertarian cop

Attached: libertarian police.png (1348x1243, 294K)

Shetland sheepdogs

Attached: dog-1362985152_org.jpg (960x768, 84K)

So cops by a different name. You have solved nothing.

you have no alternative. all you keep doing is saying POLICE ARE BAD


Agreed. Cops should be disbanded and replaced by soldiers instead. It is the only solution if we are to maintain order and peace in a nation full of communists and niggers.

Attached: Thrawn.jpg (474x462, 49K)

>disband the police and declare martial law
This surely won't end badly.

When was the last time you used your gun to fight the tyranny of the government?

How exactly do police keep the peace? They are not here to serve and protect. You are just an ATM machine to the system. Simple solution is minimal government.. no more laws against victimless crimes.

Police don't need to be replaced, there just need to be major restrictions on their behavior (independent review for all shootings, a ban on no knock raids, no more civil asset forfeiture, mandatory body/vehicle cams etc)


>How exactly do police keep the peace?
Well for one, by arresting people that commit crimes.

Nothing can go wrong if dissidents are executed and journalists are imprisoned.

>user is driving to Wendy's to get his tendies
>His big fat tummy is very grumbly, so he's going quite fast down the highway in the 1996 Honda Civic he saved his NEETbux all summer to get
>He suddenly hears the whirring of a siren, and there are blue flashing lights in his rear view-- his blood runs cold, stomach gurgling. >He shakily pulls over to the side, sweatt from his pale, hairy, fat stomach soaking his Che t-shirt, his clamy hands grip the steering wheel in fear
>The officer pulls in behind him, gets out, knocks on user's window-- causing the young (barely 27) man's bladder to release into his sweat pants
>The state trooper asks how fast he was going, and to see his liscense and registration
>"Um, yes, sir, sir yes, uhm, I'm going to reach, uhm, in the uh, uhm, glove box..."
>He sits in terror as the cop looks over the info. He sees the oppressor suddenly smirk, and the fear this causes forces him to evacuate his bowels, squirting his tendie shitties into his Harry Potter boxer briefs
>"Oh you're Jackson's 'new kid' huh? Heh. You stay out of trouble, I'm gonna let you off with a warning because this is your first offense, but I'll have to let your 'old man' hear about this."
>The cop gives the stuff back, and then quickly drives off to resume his job
>user, his appetite soiled, drives home in defeat, heart pounding, hands shaking, driving ten miles below the speed limit and following all traffic laws like they were religious doctrine
>He waddles inside, trailing piss and shit up the sidewalk
>He descends into the basement, where his fearful face twists to rage. Fucking pig. How dare he. How dare that statist fucking BOOT.

thats what the left always wants, and all that does is make inner cities more dangerous

This is why the second amendment exists. To stop bootlickers like this from taking over. Fuck cops and fuck fascists.

>He boots up his 2003 DELL computer, and hastily opens the first imageboard he sees, fingers typing in a flurry as he dictates his posts through his loose, mouth-breathing lips with seething fury
>"Fucking pigs. Worthless statists robots should HANG, WITH ALL THE FUCKING BOOTLICKERS. ACAB!" He's shouting passionately by the end.
>His mom shouts for him to keep quiet, because she and her new husband are having 'alone time' and user's shrill shrieking is ruining the mood
>This prompts user to peek his head out into the kitchen that lays above his cave
>"It's alright honey, I've got to get going anyways, I've got an early shift today." A man follows her into the kitchen, throwing on a blue uniform and affixing a badge to his chest.
>He rustles user's Thinning hair as he walks past him
>"Have a good day champ!" He winks at his wife, who approves swooningly of the affectionate display towards his autistic step-son
>user shudders, but does not resist, stuck to the floor in fear as he watches, helplessly, as the Cop approaches his dear mother, who greets him with a giggle and a kiss
>And as he watches them kiss, he sees it-- a brief, hardly noticeable, slap on the ass which elicits a soft gasp and giggle from the giddy wife.
>user seethes between buck teeth, under his breath, "40%..." With tears in his eyes.

I may be wrong but i'm pretty sure what you describe has happened in other places in history.
It did not turn out well for them.

you tried

Attached: 1541025959127.gif (615x548, 18K)

That's because America has always been there to intervene. If America is the one enforcing peace then there's no one to intervene.

It's true that most cops are good people, but that doesn't mean you need to adamantly defend all cops just because they're cops. Some of them are actually gigantic faggots.


I'm pretty sure its happened before America was born.

That's great but how do any of these relate to vietnam? I have been falsely accused.

> signing up to kill people and take their second amendment rights from them
> a good person
choose one

>IRL: Y-yes officer.

Unless you're one of those Sovereign Citizens Americans have been laughing at.

December 1, 2000 San Diego, California 0 1 (the perpetrator) A 15-year-old Junipero Serra High School student who showed off a handgun on campus and threatened to shoot a classmate, ended up accidentally shooting himself, causing minor injuries.[319]


>user seethes, practically hissing beneath his scraggly mustache as his drooping eyes furrow weakly
>"What a fucking bootlicker..." He takes in a deep breath as trembling chubby sausage fingers begin to work on his retort
>Tears stream down his fuzzy, blubbery cheeks as he quivers in rage at the audacity of such a fascist to mock him this way!
>He has not showered in 13 days

Fuck pigs, get a real job. Nobody wants you around anymore

Too bad your fingers are too fat to operate any form of firearm.

I do.
Cops protect me from ravenous niggers.

Attached: alberto barbosa.png (265x258, 90K)

The niggers are in the right this time though.

I used to call people bootlickers on /k/ until I married my police wife. She's a dom in bed and pegs me every night now. She makes me say 's-sorry officer' with every thrust of her massive dragon dildo. I have to lick her boots clean every night before I'm allowed to go to bed.

Attached: cat.jpg (550x550, 20K)

t. shitskin

My opinion boils down to:

>I have met cops in real life that are cool people
>I have never met an adamant cop hater who wasn't insufferable

so a violent lawless third world country is better then having police merely exist?

Niggers are right for wanting to murder random people?

The rise in spree shootings correlates very well with the fall of the classic serial killer. The failures of the unsustainable school system in a late-stage society make those actions manifest much earlier.

This is a meme. Cops have free reign across all of Latin America yet crime is astronomical because people like the gangsters more than the crooked police. Meanwhile, in cities like NYC crime rates are lower than they've been in decades despite the fact that police conduct is more restricted than ever.

Have you met user?

>conceding the police is eager to kill you if they're in a bad mood
I bet you thought this post was it, right chief?

I have. He is usually very retarded.

No,but apparently the police are.

>the police go around and murder random people
You're black aren't you?


the polcie are underpaid and extremely corrupt in south america. if you limited there power they would all just quit and you would have anarchy. I dont know how to fix those countries problems

Pussy, pay them yourself then

By killing off the shitskins.

taxes pay for cops. so, we all pay them

Attached: tv.png (499x413, 320K)

You should not be a brainlet and realize personal anecdotes are irrelevant in a topic that involves millions of people

I already do.
By paying taxes.



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Attached: tvanon.png (500x750, 537K)

>literal videos of cops abusing powers or lying


Attached: wifes son.png (600x800, 956K)


Attached: policeman_3.png (866x1300, 939K)

>Angry black man incapable of even formatting his post correctly because his black fragility has wavered in the face of people taking the piss out of him, so as he resorts to reposting the same meme over and over, his fingers begin to shake and his vision fills with tears at the sheer audacity of the fucking white man

Yeah and I'm not a cuck willing to pay someone who would be pumping gas otherwise to have the ability to harass and extort me just because I'm a bitch tittied white boy afraid of niggers

>that run-in babblering mess of a post
He's fuming, fellas.

>.t bitch titted white boi who has BLACKED.com as his Google Chrome homepage

As long as they do it to spics or niggers its fine. Only an issue when they're abusive towards white people.

blacks get shot because they don't comply.
Whites say "here's my ID sir" and fuck off
niggers start a song and dance followed by unsheathing a gun

>ruby ridge and waco
>not federal bureau-niggery
Stay on topic, libertoddler, we're talking about local law enforcement.

>small town cops good
>big town cops bad



Have to point this out cause you retards actually believe in facebook tier memes. The sign is shooped, the man isn't holding the sign.
This video is real of a typical /pol/tard and his memes as he cucked by cops.


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usually, yes.
small communities are tight knit and cops will let you off unless they know you're a drug dealer or some shit.

Which is practically never, because Whites don't chimp the fuck out as much so cops don't have to do that.

Oops, I mean, cop man racist bad fascist boot man >:(

the only ones who do chimp out are white trash retards nobody gives a shit about

Jesus,and to think I'm debating with retards like this guy on this thread makes me shiver. I'm gonna go and shower.

Any guesses as to why he's pushing that stroller?

who cares if this black kids are "against trump" they cant vote or anything

Federal power is bad.
Big government is bad.
It siphons influence over the people further away from local representatives (who will more likely understand the needs of their constituents) and closer to the centralized, cancerous imperialist state that is Washington DC.

He is literally just standing there. Jesus fuck you are stupid. You could have a legitimate criticism that they are dragging children to this political shit fest but instead you focus and try real hard to come up with mental gymnastics to justify your cuckold fetish.

Friendly reminder if you’re a white male you’re more likely to be shot by a policeman than if you’re a black male (^:


>they’re importing more and more brown animals as they kill off your own

>He’s trying to hurt you, he’s trying to hurt you

Know who the enemies are, learn their tactics, avoid their poisons plan accordingly. Fight back

Attached: 2ABBC48B-98D1-4FFD-8353-E957DDB8AAB9.gif (464x347, 2.76M)

Why is he standing right THERE though? Where's the parent if he's not acting as one?


Privatized companies offering security services.

Then kill yourself pussy

Everyone owns a gun. I want fire fights I’m the street to get groceries


And what happens when local representatives are corrupt?

imagine if he was black

>Where's the parent if he's not acting as one?
probably taking the picture? The hand holding the sign appears to be feminine(white) so its probably the black father. the guy is probably the white mothers incel brother that browses Yea Forums and was forced attend the rally if he wanted to earn his tendies. Was that enough of a cucokld story for your fetish?

The other alternative is that its just a random dude, in support or just walking about that stood there.

Attached: z.jpg (639x836, 59K)

Because whites are spineless yellow cowards who suck up to and submit to any kind of authority lest they actually have to defend themselves

that happened IRL

Attached: chocolate Ram.jpg (400x627, 201K)

More like "Kingshit cops who got too comfortable being in charge of a rinky dink Colorado town and treat a non-psychotic exmilitary hobo with contempt are bad"

That's right, lick it harder champ.

Attached: 1549344987205.jpg (534x578, 61K)

>Try to destroy civilization
>peacekeeping class uses violence to restrain you from doing so
>"wtf I'm innocent fucking pigs BOOTLICKER"

better than licking negro/tranny shoes

>user seethes, practically hissing beneath his scraggly mustache as his drooping eyes furrow weakly
>"What a fucking bootlicker..." He takes in a deep breath as trembling chubby sausage fingers begin to work on his retort
>Tears stream down his fuzzy, blubbery cheeks as he quivers in rage at the audacity of such a fascist to mock him this way!
>He has not showered in 13 days

If you don't have the curiosity to actually seek out the information and it were to be true you're just being a faggot

>40% of cops in some podunk town in the 80's potentially spanked their kids or potentially even their wives


Isn’t that Blue Angel?
Absolutely based

Millions of people are irrelevant to me. Not him, btw.

Cops are NOT your friends, they are simply people doing a job, you might think they are based nigger killers or something but they would actually be more happy to kill a white person to try and get good press. Police worship is a remnant of old America where all the cops were on the side of white people protecting them from nogs, nowadays they are just an extension of the state and won't hesitate to kill you to secure their pension. Police have literally zero morals and are trained to deal with everyone as if they are a black person.

That's on you as a group of constituents, and you each have more influence over those local reps than anyone does the federal ones.

>dude all cops are based and normal people
>but we need the second amendment because one day the government will use cops as a fascist army to oppress us all

Attached: 06C0693F-CCEE-4926-B06A-EB05407193FB.jpg (596x524, 42K)

why the fuck would I defend myself when I'm not a criminal, you stupid nigger

The researched cited in the 40% article seem to be from the 90s actually. Either way not sure why you think its not realistic. Veteran homes also suffer from similar shit due to PTSD and all the other shit they bring home.

If you honestly cared about cops, their lives or the importance of keeping the federal government reach small, or any other bs excuse, you would actually acknowledge the shortcomings of cop training and the lack of psychological healthcare they receive that results in their high domestic violence. but of course you don't actually care about any of these peoples lives you are just a bipartisan hack so you side with what ever the left has a problem with

Imagine being this retarded

yes, contingencies are for people who don't have double digit IQ.
Shocking, right?

the scenario in question was being asked for ID.
What the fuck do I have to defend myself against?

A contingency against the police ... because you know the police are government stormtroopers ... ok glad we agree,

these retards think that "when the time comes" the cops and military will side with them, because they clearly did in or when they shot that rancher in the bundy shitfest

The United Mutts of America


they are, but they are also the guys who fuck up robbers and rapists.
I don't fear cops because I have no reason to.

This. Modern cops are the 21st century equivalent of, “just following orders” people. No moral convictions. No sense of right or wrong. They are there to carry out the edicts of bureaucrats.

Zoomers don’t remmeber that before Islamic terrosism was a thing, the police used to crack down on rural conservative gun owners/militias and labeled them domestic terrorists. All they know is “niggers hate cops, so I have to love cops”

What woke me up was seeing a video of some cops smash in a pastor’s window and tase him at some checkpoint. I’m not even religious but that’s super fucked. And I just know that if ever confronted with the fact that they tased a man of god we’d just get some 1945-ish tripe about how they were, “just following protocol.”

They typically do not catch robbers or rapists. Stastically a police will almost never be there to protect you from a robber or rapist, he’LL take your statement afterwards, and maybe there will be an investigation, it for the most part the cops are just there to settle domestic disputes and write tickets for people trying to drive to work. Want to stop robbers and rapists? Get a gun and don’t live in some commie shithole like California where the nanny state has to (ineffectiveness) defend you from crime.

As far as justice goes for rapists, pedophiles, etc. in one of life’s many ironies, those people are often killed in prison because their conduct is frowned upon by inmates. And if you ask me, killing rapists and pedophiles is justice.

too bad rapists and pedophiles literally own and run the planet

How's the lawsuit going, Mr. Jones?

Remember when the cops were right about Jussie Smollet? kek

Remember how he got off and is already going back to acting?


/pol/ was a fucking mistake.


Don't worry I got my pass.