What is your favorite killer animal movie? Which do you think are objectively the best? Mutant variants allowed

What is your favorite killer animal movie? Which do you think are objectively the best? Mutant variants allowed.

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I saw a Sci-Fi channel movie about giant 3-foot mosquitos, dont remember the name but it was absolutely terrifying.


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I remember watching some shitty movie as a kid where a super deadly spider is imported to america from some shithole country through a dude's coffin but forgot the name. Anyone know it?

Jaws is still the best, unless Jurassic Park counts.

Hairy butt hehe

Ghost Shark

Arachnophobia. That movie fucked me up as a kid.

>bites something it cant possibly eat
dumb spider

shark tornado!

Is the venom of that spider deadly to humans?

>Poultrygeist : Night Of the Chicken Dead
put me off fast food chicken for life.

Fuck these spiders

My parents got some bootleg E.T. VCD when I was little and it wasn't fucking Speilberg. It was a movie with some munchkin/gremlin(?) creatures that hatched in a basement and started causing trouble. I remember green goop but not the title.

No, but it can cause some bad effects and is really painful.

>everybody hates spiders
>everybody loves Spider-Man
explain this shit. you can't

You tell me

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>Bites from sparassids usually do not require hospital treatment.

Yeah, but unlike Thankskilling, the poultry didn't rape anyone.

i chcked my bed for spiders so many times because of that movie

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its The Brood by David Cronenberg.
that movie fucked me up.

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What was it?


Cool powers, likable and funny character. He's not a spider. Pretty easy.

Why don't they make giant spider movies anymore?

Gremlins has that cutesy shit that I don't remember at all. Critters look familiar but I've watched the trailers for all 4 movies and didn't find it.

What would you do in this situation lads?


same, before I saw that movie I used to go outside and catch spiders and make them fight to the death in a jar. I don't think I slept for months after seeing that movie.

When I was a kid and saw the previews I thought it was just going to be John Goodman doing a ghostbusters with spiders.

Doesn't ring a bell. I'll try digging up the disk.


rape the puddle

doesn't look too bad. Just walk it off and for christ shake, put your pants back on.

Critters were prison escapee's from space.

Spider-Man isn't a little eight-legged man who goes around crawling up people's legs and biting them in the ass

rape the puddle of that hot chick before they eat me so i can have sex before i die

the incel can't move tho

Does 'The Relic' count?

best sequel in the history of sequels?

Yea he looks like he’s fine but that birthmark is fucking hideous

Eight legged freaks

Not it. I remember a father and his kids being the main characters. I think they leave the building at some point and theres a forest and a trailer or something.

Poultrygeist was kino, especially the documentary
>disgruntled crew members getting into fights which the cameraman then films
>a set extra being covered in sight-blocking makeup for TWELVE HOURS
>almost nobody was paid on the production
All the Troma documentaries are really good.


thanks i'll check it out.


Go back and watch it as an adult. It’s basically 100% comedy. Shit has a spider sex scene in it.

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Nope. Found the disk though. It says Munchie on the box and there's a goofy alien eating pizza. They though it was suitable for a kit. Seems the movie was actually Critters 3. It has Dicaprio in it. The trailer didn't have any scenes that I remembered.

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>not Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws

The original is okay but the sequel is actual kino.

No but they hurt like fuck

Best Cronenberg film right there.

Can't wait for Critters bite back with Leo.

Artifacts and traditional Chinese subtitles. A real taste of the 90's. Leo should play the mentor who teaches the younger cast how to fight off the critters.

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other than the most obvious ones like jaw I would say Rogue (2007), a very very good movie

If you get bit by one you will have a painful erection like your cock is going to explode from blood pressure for hours

no, that's a giant huntsman spider, pretty docile and harmless desu. bites are rare
if it were a brazillian wandering spider, who looks equally scary, you would be dead

So this Indian looking dude named Mario had the eggs in his truck and they fell. My question is where did he get them from?

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does godzilla count?

You're talking about Banana spiders. That’s just a Huntsman spider and its bite is about as painful and dangerous as a wasp sting.


Phase IV is probably my favorite and a pretty great film regardless. It actually builds tension and atmosphere instead of just going totally goofy.
There are some good killer rat movies as well. There's one with a little boy with a rat friend and one cheesy Italian one with rats attacking people in a post-apocalyptic village.


Just don't drink the juice bro.

>sex with clothes on
Took me out of the movie, who does this?

That Daniel Radcliffe movie where he gets lost in the jungle and a bunch of fucking worms are crawling under his skin.


Big ass prehistoric ocean predators that got trapped in a cave or some shit.

No mention of Cujo yet?
I work with dogs, often with unfortunate pasts, and the possibility of being in a similar situation makes it really resonate with me. Also, a lot of the people in this kind of work are women who couldn't realistically fight off a large dog with murderous intent. The whole scenario is frighteningly realistic, unlike so much of Stephen King's other work.

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Fun movie

For me it's Razorback, Tremors and Eight-legged Freaks.

this tbqh


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Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

valley of gwangi gang rise up

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fuck yeah

I enjoy all sorts of them, from smaller animals that attacks in swarms, to big hulking monstrosities and even actual creatures instead of animals.
I think sharkino has always been my favorite kind though.
Creatures that burrow into your skin and kill you from the inside out in body horror tier sequences are also another fave.

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A movie with a building, a forest and a trailer, and critters in the basement is most likely going to be Critters 3 with child leo dicaprio.

>just urban legends and movies they say

the monkey creatures are unironically very scary.

"Spiders" (2000)?
Absolute KINO

Maybe not my favourite, but I rather remember "Mimic" pretty fondly.

The Mist

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No complete myth, those horrible infections are caused by bad immune systems and drug resistant bacteria

Post what shark movies you've watched guys

>Jaws Series
>Sharktopus series (1-3)
>Sharknado series (1-5)
>Swamp Shark
>Sand Sharks
>Snow Sharks
>Ice Sharks
>2-Headed Shark Attack
>3-Headed Shark Attack
>5-Headed Shark Attack
>Megashark Series (1-3)
>Dino Shark
>Ozark Sharks
>Jersey Shore Shark Attack
>Dark Tide
>Ghost Shark
>Ghost Shark 2
>Malibu Shark attack
>Zombie Shark
>Planet of the Sharks
>Atomic Shark
>Dam Sharks
>House Shark
>Sky Sharks
>Deep Blue Sea (1-2)
>Shark in Venice,
>Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre
>Jurassic Shark
>Empire of Sharks
>Shark lake
>Toxic Shark
>Pirhana Sharks
>Mississippi River Sharks
>Super Shark
>Shark Night 3D
>Shark Zone
>Red Water

Probably more that I forgot.

Which of the lesser known shark movies would you recommend
bonus points if it's not scify tier garbage meant to be cheesy as fuck on purpose

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Ghost Shark 2 is probably my favorite shark movie, it's completely insane and I love it.
House Shark is also good simply because it is the biggest shitpost of a movie I have ever seen. The shark is literally a guy in a suit.
Dam Sharks is okayish but the basic concept (Sharks building dams like beavers but out of human body parts) is amazing.
Dino Shark was surprisingly decent, but it was one of the first ones I ever saw so I might be biased.
Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre wins the title for best name.
Empire of Sharks has a ridiculous villain but is otherwise mediocre.
The entire Megashark franchise is a glorious trainwreck.
Shark Zone has a massive bodycount and plenty of cheese. Plus they use tiger sound effects for the shark.

what movie is that?

Jaws 3D

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Remember it's a nice movie. Nice props and effects. The final showdown in the basement was a little disappointing

I even read its novelization...why did I do that...

Each Spider-man movie has about 3 seconds of screen time showing spiders


Gremlins and Critters are very much different types of films. Gremlins rides the line of a Christmas movie, horror movie, and black comedy better than 99% of films that even attempt it. Critters is a horror / body horror movie through and through. Gremlins 2 is a better film than any Critter sequel could ask to be. Anyone that puts Gremlins and Critters in the same conversation deserves to be heavily observed, questioned, and beaten depending on the context of said conversation. Critters isn't on the same level, but it's a series worth referencing.


Jaws. The most slept on American treasure & yet it was the very first (((Blockbuster))).

It's fantastic. I love From Russia With Love, and my admiration for the old crusty sailor character and his finality adds the cherry on top. Great stuff.

Sharknado series is in the list you just missed it

Who else a conoisseur of ratkino here

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not him but The Reef and The Shallows are pretty good.

47 Meters Down is alright too, though it's probably the worst of the resurgence in shark movies from the last 3-4 years

>Uwuuu, I'm getting hungry, senpai!

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>some shitty movie

Get the fuck out you worthless faggot.