>three men and a multi-billionaire corporation couldn't achieve what one man could do
Three men and a multi-billionaire corporation couldn't achieve what one man could do
George Lucas's wife made the original Trilogy with more encroachment by Lucas towards the end.
By saying "Feminist garbage" your argument becomes invalid.
There's a lot of thing in TLJ that make it a bad film but spouting off buzzwords just makes you sound stupid.
Should've had young Lucas for the OT and old Lucas for the prequels.
feminist themes are generally shit but op shouldn't use that as argument. It makes someone look paranoid and bitter.
Does anyone have the quote image that says
"With something like Star Wars you want to make sure there's a plan before starting" - Colin Trevorrow, fired from Episode 9
>star wars
>sci fi
You fucking idiot.
Why make your argument prone to be attacked while there is way more on a fundamental level in TLJ?
It wasn't even good at being "feminist", the majority of women in that movie actively made things worse.
Please add me to your discord
I've only watched the new star wars movies once each. I recently picked up the original, unmodified trilogy at a thrift store for $1.50 on VHS, and I'm perfectly happy with that. Lucas was best at the helm.
Yeah this guy is right,
Should have just been "Outright unredeemable garbage"
>when you realize someday things will get so bad that you will have nostalgia for the good ol days where everything was only empty corporate feminist garbage
Don’t bother, he’s already started to babble about discord trannies. These people are basically robots that care only about identity politics and buzzwords.
this board is so full of virgins
It's feminist garbage but more than that
The feminist part is essential in the critical failure of the film
A military leader can't be charismatic if it's a colored hair women in a dress
Also add that all the actors are ugly and you have a shit film
did star wars make men out of boys?
On what reality these people live? A generation of little girls will be destroyed if they are inspired by star wars.
Pick one motherfucker
All the film turn around identity politics so you can only critise it though it
Everything after the OT is dogshit and if you don't agree you should be put to death
have less sex
have sex
You can use both, they mean slightly different things.
>one man
not op but did you even see the film.
its literal feminist propaganda
this fucking image is such utter shit
you must be a retard OP
George didn't direct ESB or RotJ
It's not feminist garbage. It's feminist AND it's garbage.
I don't know if you are a false flag, but technically you count as one.
Hopefully we'll be dead before it gets to that
The best stuff we got from the OT and even the PT weren't decisions made by george, retard.
Lucas was saved by non "Yes Men" Directors and Editors in the original trilogy.
Forgive me for calling out one of its many big flaws. I forgot that's not how to do an argument
This, the shoehorned feminist shit is far from TLJ's biggest problem.
Admiral Genderstudies dying was a good end at least
TLJ has problems with
- general plot and scope
- contrived events
- implied stupidity of the good guys
- stupidity and therefore lack of threat of the bad guys
- role as a middle movie in a trilogy
- schizophrenic tone
- conflicting message
- character assassination
- failure to establish the new characters (second movie - SECOND)
- baffling direction choices for many scenes, included art student le ebin pop culture connoisseur references
- failed fighting choreography
BTW most of these problems are present in TFA as well. Both movies are bad, but TLJ was considered offensive because it if not hide the author's utter contempt for the material and the audience.
The only redeeming qualities are the cinematography and few little moments like Hux trying to kill Kylo (scene pushed by the actor, BTW).
Anyone that is going to watch episode IX is a loser, an idiot and someone that likes to be spit on and say "thank you".
Kids don't notice or give a shit about any of that. I think people who think this way can't remember what it was like to be a kid. If anything they'll grow up and realize her plan didnt make sense.
I'm tired of faggots like you. "Don't mention anything potentially politically controversial about why this product is bad. Just don't. Blame something else. Anything else. Just don't DON'T say there was some overt agenda to this!"
Not him but is not truly an agenda. Is marketing.
They think, right or wrong, that men will watch this shit no matter what.
And many men are enough pathetic to do it, so they have a point.
Meanwhile, they want to shift the demographic of women that consider this stuff interesting, after they observed The Dullest Franchise of the wizard with glasses attract a sensible number of women.
And we all know women spend. It's really that simple.
Do your part, don't watch these movies, and tell people to watch something else.
I understand why they do it, but Holdo was a genuinely bad character who didn't make any fucking sense. She exists solely to create a confusing feminist message about believing in women.
I concede that in case of TLJ specifically, the ideology of the writers really got in the way.
But I think is more the suits give space to these people because of $$$ thinking that it will work out.
I also fight this narrative because I think that it can be taken as an implication that Holdo and the like is the only wrong thing in the movie, while this is not the case, by a long, long shot.
>it sucks because of feminism
>no, it sucks for many other reasons
Rian should be happy, he indeed made a divisive movie. People still discuss why it sucks so much.
There's a fucking million things wrong with TLJ. But god forbid you mention Holdo. You say she was completely incoherent as a character, and quite possibly the result of reshoots creating inconsistency and nonsensical writing, and you just get slammed cause you're down-talking a character that was obviously politically driven.
There should be no walking on eggshells in any capacity over how shit this movie is.
>possibly the result of reshoots
I do wonder how much truth there is in the statement that when Fisher died, they already had finished everything important with her.
this. OP needs to break it down using big boy words... not play into the trap of buzzwords.
It only makes them look paranoid and bitter for the people who are itching to call you an incel.
>confusing trite and tripe
Mark also liked Colin. He talked about how working with Rian was much more difficult. The story where he had to basically beg Rian if he could say something to C3PO as he saw him for the first time in decades because the script had him just completely ignore him says everything.
But user, you're garbage.
Only because you've been conditioned to feel that way about criticism of progressive ideology.
>"I-I d-don't c-care about S-Star Wars"
>make a billion whiny threads about star wars
>furiously f5 for non-whiny threads to first post "I don't care about star wars"
>randomy cry about star wars in threads about other, unrelated, movies
>"G-guys I d-don't c-care Star Wars is d-dead I s-swear"
why are alt-incel so unaware of themselves?
who are you quoting
Yea Forums
youre not tho
A cis lord?
lol Star Wars didn't define shit. Was just ripping off the space opera that came before it.
>a single literal who some how made good movies.
>Only because you've been conditioned to feel that way
Kind of ironic of you to say that, because it sure seems like conditioning if you're only able to criticize something by using the same buzzwords with no substance over and over.
Why the feminism themes in TLJ were nonsensical have been discussed to death. Do you believe Holdo was a good, well written character?
You're only triggered because someone mentioned a specific issue that doesn't align with you politically, rather than using broad and generic wording.
>still classics
fuck off zoomer. disneywars might be complete shit, but it doesnt retroactively make the prequels good
>muh alt right boogie man
there is no alt right. you can always spot a fucking moron by anyone who brings up Hillary Clinton and her media allies fictional creation the ebil alt right
You're just strawmaning here, you could just cut out your second line as it ads nothing. I haven't even watched the movie, and from what I've seen from clips purple hair lady seems like a shit character. I couldn't care less about the politics of disney films and in general think the heavy politicizing of blockbuster movies are just boring.
What I'm against is the lazy whining and regurgitating of buzzwords that make up what feels like 80% of all criticism on Yea Forums. It's just boring and uninteresting.
>i haven't even seen this movie, but your criticisms of its characters makes me angry beyond belief!
Oh good god. You haven't even seen the film, but decry someone calling it "feminist garbage" as a buzzword? You have no knowledge on the subject being talked about. You have done no research on the subject being talked about. But you butt your head in because someone used a word you didn't like in a manner you literally cannot know if was used incorrectly.
Pathetic. Get out of here.
yeah the prequels were garbage too. Don't kid yourself faggot.
Lucas had little to no input in ANH.
JJ literally did nothing wrong yet
why are jews without plastic surgery so gross
100% incorrect.
You know, your hyperbole does nothing. Sure, just imagine I'm seething and frothing and whatever if it makes you feel better or superior. At least I'm not the person that wastes my time watching these garbage plastic films and then makes countless threads complaining about them afterwards.
Does these movies really matter that much to you? At least watch something of substance.
No user, you are not a person who watches films on a film board. Instead, you are a person who argues over something you no experience in on that said film board.
You're a fucking idiot. Like, I don't even mean that unironically. You should stop talking.
it's feminist and garbage
Did I hit a nerve? Tb h these films should be on their own board with the rest of capeshit and the other childrens movies. It's the mlp pest all over again and is just shitting up the board.
The prequels were shit and no amount of irl retconning is ever going to change that.
So now you're going "u mad." Fucking hilarious. There's only one of us who's talking about a film they haven't seen.
>Taking pride in watching nu-wars
Yea okay
I don't take pride in watching movies. I take pride in confidently know what I'm talking about. Evidently, you do not.
>(((vanity fair))))
Based film historian user. George's wife was responsible for fixing what was otherwise a mediocre film in post-production but was not credited for it.
The movie is a feminist deconstruction of themes of heroism, you can't deny this.
I seriously can't believe that they thought it necessary to introduce another space grandma when the one they already had was perfectly fine but they were obviously stupid enough to do it.
They confirmed old scripts had part of the plot be that there was a New Order spy on the ship and Poe thought Holdo might be it. She is obviously a holdover from that thread but any sensible writer would have recognized that this plot makes no sense any way you try to present it. I mean, how would Poe ever think such a high-ranking Resistance member could be a double agent? It was always a pure idiot plot.
I just wish they had kept the first version of Holdos performance. The way Rian described it it sounds like she was literally autistic, not listing to people because she was lost in thoughts. That would have been far less antagonizing to the audience than making her act high and mighty with no justification or redeemable qualitites aside from her willing (albeit unneccessarily drawn out) suicide.
Yeah and the fact that she never made anything of her own proves it! Oh btw, she was buisy fucking the gardener while he was working his ass making ESB, but hey between the fuckings she was fixing the movie although she said she was bored.
>the fact that she never made anything of her own
You really don't know what editing is do you?
Oh wow, Lucas shot too many scenes on Tatooine, some with questionable special effects, because he couldn't stop trying to write world building into the script that he might as well film if he is going to the desert anyway.
People always place so much emphasis on the huge amount of useless Farmboy scenes, Lukes failed trench run and the dropped Blue Squadron as if Lucas had proclaimed the movie had to include it all and thus be 4 hours long.
The cutter doesn't have to be your nagging wife for you to keep a simple action adventure at a reasonable 2 hour length because no studio would have allowed that to be shown in cinemas. And just because your original cutter was a fucking idiot it doesn't mean that only one person could have done the job.
>You really don't know what editing is do you?
I know, it's when you failed film school and that's all you've left with. That's what happened to her and she was bitter and angry at George and his generation of filmmaker until she realize he had huge potential and hooked up with him. Do you now she left editing ANH before it was finished and there was two other guys working on it?