Say something nice about Max Landis

Say something nice about Max Landis.

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He was okay on RLM

1/3 of his hairstyle is acceptable.

Is he a honkler?

Chronicle is pretty fucking good

>dress like a faggot
>rainbow hair
>paint nails
>is actually somehow straight

Imagine being so devoid of integrity that you choose to steal a stereotypical gay man's look

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You high?

In the end, he dies.

He has some pretty good ideas at times, but he’s so self-impressed with his marginal talent that it becomes unbearable.

hey max, get a real 40 hr a week job and then write a screenplay, the experience might improve your writing

he is the worst member

worse than foucault and the other big beard nerd

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Giant faggot but still less of a faggot than the people that tried to #MeToo him over nothing

>liking Beardfat over anyone else
opinion discarded

His dad killed two Asian children and beloved character actor Victor Morrow.

Those hilarious MeToo stories about honking a horn

he has murdered less people than his father

Has not, to my knowledge, murdered two Vietnamese children.


>rainbow hair
>honk honk

AP Style changed to classify those words as interchangeable two years ago.

This isn't AP. Use correct English.

he could probably manage to film a scene with a helicopter without killing people and using his connections to jew his way out of manslaughter charges and prison

Dirk Gently was pretty good.

he raped those women by being a spaz around them. based.

He dropped some truths on his YouTube channel

He didn't kill 3 people in an on set accident that could have been prevented very easily.

Sorry, my bad. I'll try to do that fewer often in future.

He’s killed fewer gooks than his dad

He got to spend time with Jenny Nicholson and her adorable autism... he's a lucky man.

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The first season of Dirk Gently was really good.


wrestling isn't wrestling was enjoyable

alright on rlm
Bright was good, he seems like a decent ideas guy
He gave some girl online good advice about how she chooses bad men iirc

I don't believe you.

>he's less of an evil scumfuck than his father
>The Death of Superman was funny enough for a 15 minute Youtube video