Roland West

So he was gay, right?

Attached: Roland West.jpg (1200x675, 178K)

I have that same jacket.

So it's confirmed then.

he was just an old lonely man. you'll understand when you're old, too

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holy shit

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reformed gay

>looks out for a damaged man in need of help
>sits and prays with him while holding hands
>must be gay
This is the current feminism school of thought. Because women can’t be friends with each other the way men can, any male bonding is seen as homosexual behavior, or worse, toxic masculinity.

Rolan... dem puzel keedz

Attached: the banderas special.png (640x632, 312K)

>my parter. durin the war. was a lrrp
>god, i wanna s-lrrp his bbc

This guy has it right, neck yourself OP please

but I'm not gay

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Attached: Maggie Roland.webm (1280x544, 3M)

deeply closeted, but he's not gay

The fuck is this from?


Yes you are.

Attached: YhY4oHC.jpg (640x480, 49K)

wait, if he's deeply closeted that means he's gay right?

He's compassionate. So in woman speak, gay.