Bob iger, a conservative white man is stepping down in 2021

>bob iger, a conservative white man is stepping down in 2021
how much worse will disney get when he’s gone?

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hopefully the chinese have invaded by then



>white man
He's Jewish though. Gentiles don't have the IQ to run a company like Disney.

Walt was a gentile , but I do wonder what ethnic group Bob Igers successor will be from ?

They're going to replace him with Kathleen Kennedy

So he's destroyed all that he can destroy?

I know this is a troll but Jews poison everything they touch. Star Wars was the golden goose and they destroyed it within a matter of years. unbelievable. I wish Walt was still alive.

Imagine being Walt Disney and seeing Jews take over everything you worked so hard to build.

Since it's Disney I wouldn't be surprised if they push a minority to be CEO so they can check the boxes of intersectionality, not on their skills or experience.

So expect a Hispanic lesbian activist with no business experience to replace him.

He will run for president and Disney media will shill him like never before


>a conservative white man
He's a liberal Jewish guy.

dunno but if it's a clear diversity hire shitskin I'm shorting DIS

>jews creating
hahahahaha oh my what were they thinking, just stick to buying things gentiles made and optimizing revenue flow

Lol as if that needed to be said cause OP is a fucktard

Omg conservatives are sooooo based and redpilled

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all those remakes of disney classics are flops

Kat Kennedy is gonna get promoted to Disney CEO
Get ready.

this but unironically

>retards brainwashed into banning and hating everything that doesn't support the interests of old, rich men
>based OR redpilled

To be honest, I wouldn't mind being the next CEO of Disney.

It would explain why Disney seems to be throwing everything they can at the movies this year. He wants to go out with a bang

Ibdon't think Disney will ever not have a conservative leaning, white and male CEO. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt it


Non jew walt disney started disney
Non jew george lucas made star wars

Jews run it into the ground
jews ruin everything

Even most conservatives are stupid weenies that dont want to remove immigrants, and think voting fro some conservative will fix things
conservative parties dont conserve anything anymore

This. It's time for radical change.

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They will choose another Iger to run the show, obviously. Diversity based choices are not for the top position of a megacorp, even they are not that stupid.

Light brown and white is such a shitty color combination for a kitchen. The floor color is great, but whoever chose that kitchen didn't tought about the composition.

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You know what we need

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The MCU disagrees

It's America so if a Jew steps down another Jew takes over.

He’s a Jewish democrat you complete fucking retard. I do like him tho.

Iger died 8 years ago but the process of covering up his decaying flesh is becoming too expensive so he needs to be replaced by a new corpse.

Jews are smarter versions of whites

Only good SW movie (Empire) was directed by a Jew btw. And eisner gave us Disney renaissance when the company was falling to pieces under Roy Disney

Basically, have sex

He actually switched from Democrat to independent under Obama because he wasn’t a fan of him. He also was on trumps business team until the US withdrew from the Paris accords (something every other country in the world but the US supports)

Also he wanted to get rid of Kathleen Kennedy but she’s so popular at lucasfilm they threatened a revolt

>woman takes over
>ruins it
>marvel phase whatever is put on hiatus
>we're finally done with capeshit

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>A succession plan is forming

Makes him sound like a goddamn king. Although in reality he's probably more powerful than any king or emperor.

the MCU is soulless trash. hardly an endorsement.

>how much worse will disney get when he’s gone?
Depends if they put a woman in charge.

>a conservative white man

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you mean a Jewish man

>Walt was a gentile
And by the end of his tenure he was betting the company or retarded shit like a corporate megacity with no concept of consumer property

You're a B. Iger guy

What does being higher IQ have to do with it?