Conan is the best Arnie kino.
Conan is the best Arnie kino
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Conan is the best fantasy kino.
No. that would be commando
agreed, this kino needs a 4k remaster immediately.
I thought Predator was.
It's Conan but Commando is also a good pick.. I'll kill you last.
>Twins is the best Arnie kino.
Can we drop this meme already? It's a fucking dogshit movie
Commando is a comedy you brainlet.
Total Recall is the best Arnoldkino
The Terminator 1
Thats Junior though
Why can't they just find another austrian roider, surely they all look and sound the same.
I recently watched Conan for the first time, what's remarkable to me is how gripping the movie is despite having so little dialogue... good shit.
Yes, it's one of the best movies ever made
actually nevermind
>decide to look up End of Days on wikipedia
>the film had a $100 million budget
jesus christ i never new it was so expensive
The world was believable, it wasn't CG shit. Also "diverse" characters actually worked.
>no Cactus Jack
one fucking job.
Does anyone know if a stereo soundtrack exists?
Where's the gap in his teeth... This better not be some Mandela bullshit.
yes there are lots, theres even an Organ version.
The original was literally the last major movie score recorded in Mono. But you can find rerecordings in stereo. they're not as good though
>The original was literally the last major movie score recorded in Mono.
I didn't know this.
Conan has the most kino soundtrack
Fite me
The Mummy (1999) vs Conan The Barbarian
make your choice user
Conan easily
Only one I really disagree with here is Running Man.
Running Man is kino
Lightning in a bottle.
It does have the best soundtrack
Most kino Conan track incoming
pff, check this out
The reason why it's fantasy kino is because it feels almost like a d&d Adventure.
>The scene where Subotai and Conan discussing their gods
>The next scene running off together in the wild
100% pure kino, only the LOTR trilogy manages to capture these feels.
Every track is kino
That is the most kino though
>Surpasses Conan
It is the ultimate Sword & Sorcery film.
to this day I cant decide if this soundtrack is amazing or terrible. commando is just such a stupid movie but its so fucking entertaining and memorable
Jason and the Argonauts is better
I never actually watched the entire movie until Christmas day, a few months ago. I was shocked at how well the movie held up.
A lot of Arnolds films hold up, its impressive
its got some crappy looking wigs and costumes though. lets not pretend its perfect
the kinoest of the kino kino: kinoing the kino. kino.
Be more mad fag
t. feeble wizard
I had no idea James Horner wrote the music for Commando. I had no idea the composer for that movie even had a career, to be honest.
I never said it was perfect, man. Yeah, obviously the effects for shit like the giant snake are quite dated. I just meant that the stuff like that didn't really take much away from the movie. The story and the characters are handled extremely well considering it's supposed to be a somewhat corny Arnold fantasy flick.
Total Recall > All
i bet you dont even know if it was a dream or not
What is the riddle of dubs
>eraser and end of days god tier
yeah, no
You have terrible taste
you really think those are on the same level as terminator, total recall and predator?
They are kino yeah
the will to achieve them
crom laughs at your singles.
I love all these almost equally.
Crom give me repeating digits. And if you don't then to hell with you!
no man is superior to hercules
Commando is just a modern take on Conan.
It will never be bettered. Goose bumps every time.
Forgot link. Closest I can think of are LOTR and The Dark Crystal.
God I hate 80's rock soundtracks
Nah all the wigs and costumes are good. Autists having a hard time dealing with Thulsa's Doom hair are retards. It wasn't meant to look natural; he was meant to look like he's from an entirely different race of humans.
>obviously the effects for shit like the giant snake are quite dated.
Fuck no they're not. If this movie was made today that snake would have been CGI and it either would have looked dated right away or a year from now. Plus the snake barely does anything in the film to hide how limited the mechanics for it were. It looks downright refreshing compared to the CGI used in the terrible 2011 remake.
Dubs aren't strong, boy. Singles are stronger.