Gets recognition for his role in stranger things

>gets recognition for his role in stranger things
>gets a role as the star of a film
>movie career withers and dies within a week of release before it gets a chance to blossom

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Trump curse

how can he have a film career when you LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD

Trump has a fucking voodoo witch doctor in his cabinet placing curses on all these people I swear to God

Everybody has a bad flick. Most have a couple. He'll be fine.

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Said he wants to punch half the US population in the face

What happened?

>>gets recognition for his role in stranger things
>>makes speach about trump
>>gets a role as the star of a film
>>movie career withers and dies within a week of release before it gets a chance to blossom
you forgot what ultimately killed it

You typcially don't start a movie career with a massive financial and critical flop.

He looks shockingly like one of my old professors

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It’s not voodoo. God is on his side.

hellboy came out you cave dwelling nerd.

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just go around and punch people's faces, just UHNG, just FUCKING CRACK'EM ONE

So he's in Hellboy? I'm sorry, I dont follow shitty movies.

oh that's the actor doing Hellboy now? lel

what the producers missed on this one is that people weren't watching hellboy for a hellboy comic movie. they were watching it for a guillermo del toro movie with ron perlman as the lead.

Anyone who defies Trump deserves it at this point desu

Where his neck at tho

He's not a very good actor anyway. He always sounds like he's just reading his lines off a sheet of paper.

>Trump is God's punishment
checks out

Ron Pisshands
I just can't watch him in anything anymore without feeling disgust.

It’s funny how obvious he hates working with Millie and prefers to work with Finn on the set of stranger things

>Del Toro shits on Trump
>wins an Oscar
Yeah, Trump curse.

And he is balding.

And literally nobody gives a fuck apart from insecure shallow faggots like you. Hairloss is manly as fuck. Women dig it.

You are wrong, I am bald and I know better.

What happened during the speech killed it

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isn't that the guy who made some le revolution punch nazis speech during a fucking award show?

he could star in a Fraiser reboot, at least.

Sounds based af if true tbqh.