did he deserve it?

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>Thinking he cares what happends in a movie he didn't make

Disney is retarded for letting this guy direct anything, much less their biggest release in 2017.

>hated by millions
>endless discussions about his awful work
>retconed his ideas because they where literally killing the dranchise
not even a tear shed?

what is being retconned exactly?

No he’s a sociopath.

>give a literal who free reign to one of the most valuable franchises in history
so what blackmail does he have on bob or kennedy?

>did he deserve it?
No, he's better than JJ.
>do I care
No, I hope disney and the people who watch its movies, burn.

No one here can answer that.

Maybe Rey’s parental lineage.

>what is being retconned exactly?
>kylos healment
>lukes lightsaber
>reys heritage
>kylos gang
i could go on

>No, I hope disney and the people who watch its movies, burn.
watches marvel capeshit

maybe you should look up what a retcon is. him fixing his helmet is not a retcon. him just having his helmet whole with no explanation would be a retcon

>implying based rian "big" Johnson was the one that got cucked
how are you faggots so delusional? cant you see how alpha this man is? He literally took a shit on jj abrams entire method of storytelling right under Disney's nose.

And after completely cucking jj he still gets to make his own trilogy untainted from that hack's mystery box storytelling

Who were her parents again?

More like what blackmail do they have on HIM to get him to be the patsy & ruin his career.
Seriously, this shit will never stop following him, and 9 will tank before his other upcoming film gets released. Nobody will touch him after.
He'll forever be known as box office poison.

>Rey is now feminine
>Snoke was a nobody
>Rey is a somebody

>it's another "Rian Johnson: Master Troll" episode
Fuck off Rian, nobody's buying that bullshit.

>>Thinking he cares
Oh he cares, that's what so great. This is going to haunt him the rest of his egotistical life.

>I don’t like Disney
>you must enjoy this other Disney property
I thought you reylo gen fujos had killed yourself already

>Impying I watch capeshit
I can't stand that shit.

>he still gets to make his own trilogy untainted
lol No. He's now been reigned in and will not get to have exclusive say anymore.

reminder that "RETCONNED" is a shill meme to make us think that Disney have learned their lesson and meaningful problems with TLJ will be "fixed" and that Rian was the problem with nuwars.

in reality the problems were already present in TFA.

>This is going to haunt him the rest of his egotistical life.
for ever know as the asshole that destroyed starwars, fuck all his movies future and past i dont care if he resurects marlon brando to play in his next adaptatation, he can go fuck a goat

>literal who
he was fresh off of some of the best written television episodes of that year when he was hired, shitface

Luke and Mara. Mara is Palp's daughter A Disney Retcon™.

>he still gets to make his own trilogy
Not announcing its cancellation yet is total damage control.
Not a fucking chance in hell he's making it.

This. I’m going to keep repeating it until you morons realize it: tfa was as bad as tlj, just less explicit so everyone who fell for the hype said it wasn’t that bad. Newsflash: it was fucking horrendous, less entertaining than a high school play.

Based user, but he didn't kill Star Wars, but he did beat the shit out of it, rape it, set it on fire, shit on it, freeze it, then break it, but luckily SW is just one stubborn fucker.

Kys Rian

He unironically deserves to be blacklisted and socially ridiculed for the rest of his pathetic life. He got off easy.

>no proof
>implying based rian can't handle kathleen kennedy
>still mad

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>Not announcing its cancellation yet is total damage control.
>Not a fucking chance in hell he's making it.

Disney did say that after IX they'd "pause". :D

>he directed a few episodes of a normalfag soap opera
Try not to get so obviously butthurt next time, “fuckface.”


>based rian
I remember when making total shit & garnering hate was a "bad" thing you didn't want to do. Especially with a multibillion dollar franchise.
Extinction can't come fast enough.

Your movie will forever be known as the "nightmare SW episode that doesn't matter anyway". I bet when it's all said and done it will be scientifically proven that one can watch The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker back-to-back and be totally up to speed and have all necessary narrative information.

>uuhh yeah guys after episode IX there will be a "hiatus" on star wars
Poor fella, he just made an awful flick just let him direct some tv episodes or something you bastards

>just let him direct some tv episodes or something you bastards
late night infomercials if hes lucky

Yes it was genuinely the worst movie I've seen at the kinoplex ever
I didn't think so until I got home and was so angry I was depressed more than usual for 2 weeks.
You can call me a s o y fag but I never bought merch (it was all garbage since I was a kid in the 90s anyway) or even owned legit copies of sjwars but the movie was just so bad on every level it made me emotionally fucked
Hamil/Luke skywalker was my childhood hero and to kill him off in such a bitch way wet fart ending killed the last part of my childhood.
Fuck Disney I'm not watching their sjwars ever again or paying money for any of their crap.
I'll watch clips of the cam rip posted here

He just shot a movie with daniel craig and Christoph waltz

honestly this is entirely their fault
I dont care who is directing, when you make a return to a saga like star wars you need a steady hand
they should have had JJ direct all three, but because they didn't, they wasted an entire movie, the one that was supposed to be analagous to empire strikes back, often considered the best star wars movie, and whats more they've lost a huge percentage of the fanbase
>b-but irvin kershner directed empire strikes back
doesn't matter
star wars may have been successful at that point, but it wasn't nearly as big as it was now, and having irvin kershner direct wasn't nearly as big of a risk, and even then george lucas still had a very strong guiding hand for where he wanted things to go, and still worked closely with lawrence kasdan et all to write the script even if he wasnt directing
star wars was a 14 billion dollar purchase by disney if I recall
its okay to let your friend drive your old beater, but not your ferrari
they let ryan drive the ferrari, when they werent even in the car with him

>He just shot a movie with daniel craig and Christoph waltz
Has-been and a who. Cool stuff.

>imagine his cringe if IX shows a strong Resistance and a living Luke.

I sat in the theater on the edge by myself and watched it. I left in disbelief how bad they fucked up. We're in a cosmic comedy at this point.

I literally said boo fuck this movie and walked out everyone else looked pissed as well
To go from ausfags clapping at tfa to that was what made me go full honk

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I'm so happy that I didn't pay to see it. Watched it on a transatlantic flight and even then the tiny low quality screen was too good for that piece of shit movie.

>directing PR agencies financed career booster tax write offs for studios

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This is so poetic on so many levels. Based Abrams.

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>There's more to Rey's parents story.
Oh no, no, no, no.

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Nobody. She's a clone of Anakin.

So why does the movie title have a
name? Rise of the Jedi sounds better than Rise of Skywalker?
Imagine if we had:

Ep 1 : The Darth Maul Menace
Ep 2 : Jango Fett's clones
Ep 3 : Revenge of Palpatine
Ep 4 : Luke is a new hope
Ep 5 : Vader strikes back
Ep 6 : Luke/Vader Returns
Ep 7 : Rey awakens
Ep 8 : Rey is (possibly) the last Jedi

Only positive thing about it was the memes from here and elsewhere.
Jaw droppingly bad movie.
I'm surprised they didn't fuck up other basic stuff like the cgi or adr but unlike that faggot rian the rest of the crew seemed competent.

Even if this peace of shit came out at the height of sw mania back in the early 80-90s people still would have hated it
>that fucking lame back pedel blaming lucas for the hermit arch
Sure I mean he probably did intend for Luke to go neet on a island because muh flat jedi circle force bs but it wa just handled so bad.
Whoeevr the fuck thought to put pawgs porgs or whatever the fuck in that island scene should kill themselves unironically at least ewoks and fucking gungans did shit not just running around reeing
Anyway I'm off point I could rent for days about that shit movie

They will retcon his 3 film deal next. See how well he handles that.

yes, duh. you're supposed to make formulaic popcorn fodder. he went full on experimental abstract.

to be fair though jj's force awakens isnt any better even by one little bit

They just retconned his entire career looper style
I fully expect him to just stop existing

Skywalker could be not just a person tho. Could be a title like Caesar or something.

JJ has altered the canon. Pray he does not alter it further (lol geddit?)

>L O O S E R

what were they thinking

>to be fair though jj's force awakens isnt any better even by one little bit
I give credit where credit is due. It was a dumb remake of A New Hope, but at least it made sense for the most part and wasn't boring. It was not as bad as the dumpster fire that was ALJ, don't be an idiot. TFA at least worked as a film, ALJ didn't.

I can stand to rewatch TFA, not as readily as the earlier films, but I do not want to see TLJ ever again.

>Skywalker could be not just a person tho. Could be a title like Caesar or something.

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thats not how you spell loser you idiot

omg that pic sides can't hold on much longer

It could be like a new myth/religion/cult but I doubt it.

>experimental abstract.
>yo momma jokes

No, he means Disney gave him a reaming.

>but I do not want to see TLJ ever again.
There's no need. Anything that happened is getting retconned (like the lightsaber) and Snoke still doesn't matter, he was always a front for Palpatine. ;)

He went full on shit you mean.
The film was ok in the middle with the rei Skype force calling kylo then muh dark imagery hole on the island but the rest was just 70s scifi tier zardoz weird or strange mcu quippyness thrown it.
It was a skitzo mess.
I unironically liked Han solo more and that movie had 4 different fucking directors and even more reshoots hell even rogue one was better.
My problem with these new films is that they never fully commit to anything
>O-oh luke is dead hahah just kidding ummm palpatine remember him? F-forget about snoke and ummm hahaha fuck logic and lore Luke skywalker is a edgy asshole force ghost because he didn't get to sneak into kylos tent and take his boipusy virginity.
So instead of getting a brooding love letter homage to a trilogy of daddy issues incest and gore we get sanitised boring corporate schlock which would have been considered tame 60 years ago
Tfa was at least a semi compitent movie it played it too safe and was basically a 1:1 remake of the 79 original
Sadly it still fell apart when it came to giving rei any character or obstacles to overcome.
Terrible creature design as soon as they leave jakku

Jealous fucking incels will never fuck the prom queen

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I'm fine with this I don't care if they literally say it was all a dream and the new movie starts with rei crawling out of the force cave or waking up having being knocked out from the events of tfa
It would be like that token tv episode where the mc has a afterlife/lodge/hotel episode where they are stuck in not purgatory aka lost leftovers
I'd literally take that over what ever the fuck tlj was
It literally had no point but to piss in the wind

>>O-oh luke is dead hahah just kidding
Why do people think Luke is alive in IX? He clearly sounds like he's dying when he's talking to Rey in the teaser trailer. He could be speaking to Kylo, but either way, Luke is still toast.

Luke is a ghost now

I love how crazy this movie is

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Hes a force ghost, I don't think anyone besides that user said that hes alive. He already became one with the force.

>It literally had no point but to piss in the wind
Yeah, I seriously try to wrack my brain for anything in TLJ (it doesn't even deserve to be spelled out) that matters. Hmmmm

Ok, well they killed a ton of Imperial troops and Rebel forces, so they're equal at the end? I really seen so reason not to seamlessly go from VII-IX and have it connect like mating Lego bricks.

*SJWs rent it* *have strokes*

>I bet when it's all said and done it will be scientifically proven that one can watch The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker back-to-back and be totally up to speed and have all necessary narrative information
This. People will wonder "hey what happened to Luke" but it's actually BETTER that they don't know & he died offscreen.

Haha lol his trilogy ain't happening my tranny friend. Bob Iger will literally have him die in a car crash or something before they even do pre production. But nice try though

If he hadn't taken a massive shit on both Luke AND Mark, then sperged out on fans that didn't like it I might agree with this.
As is, no, fuck Rian, he deserves his career death.

Ok, so the point stands, that one is not a retcon, unless Luke can now interact with the real world like Yoda did or are we going to forget that? I just want Disney to keep it straight and pretend that it matters while they're on the clock. Fuck.

The Man Who Killed Star Wars just sounds like a great dinner conversation opener amirite?

You could easily put it in comics or just put Rey's training off screen and assume Snoke died of illness or got killed in his sleep. No one who died resistance side mattered, except for maybe admiral ackbar

>To go from ausfags clapping at tfa to that
Was dead fucking silence in the theater I saw it in.
Couple guys looked as numb as I felt.

Delife yourself.

Daily reminder Rian’s next film comes out in November.


You win both dumbest post & stretchiest cope post of the day. Right in line with the modern day franchise.

Lol I bet you a hundred bucks JJ is literally directing Episode Nine as if you just watched Seven and ignore Eight. In some ways that earns back some of my respect if this is true.

wait what
what the fuck

Who cares? Again I don't that movie and it's ending literally killed the brand.
Even if they actually do it and back pedal so hard the earth reverses rotation it wouldn't save sjwars
The series still is a money pit so if the next film bombs I think they will shelve it and hopefully make something that isn't complete shit.
Imagine how bad Disney is going to be when the new blood steps up in 2021 and reboots swars again even though it's barely 6 years since the first mvoe at that point
I don't mind crazy
I don't mind pointless silly movies
I literally don't mind movies like tlj but the fact he thought he was making a star wars movie just pisses me off.
It's not even fan fiction
If they completely dropped star wars from the name and called it something else it would still suck even as a 80s throwback I like dumb pulpy scifi movies but he just fucked it up completely I have never seen a movie of such a large budget and fan hype behind it flop so bad. Yes I know there are bigger flops but you know exactly what I mean tlj was on track to make billions and barely cracked 1 after. Marketing

I was at the phantom menace premier and people only started to hate on that after a couple of years and waay before plinkette
The only good thing about it is that swars Canon is just gonna skip it.
Why would the sjw have strokes? Zardoz is literally them... Ohhh
My mate at the time kept leaving and sat on his phone.
I watched it twice it was much worse the 2nd time.
1st time I didn't mind it.
It went full retard after it left jakku tho especially when rei spouts generic femenism line number 24576131545 >DURRR FIN U ARE MAN I DON'T NEED UR HELP HAHHA (BASHES HIM WITH STICCU) I knew from then it was gonna be a absolute slog
Funny 3 movies later she has less personality than a fucking droid

He's a minor Bond villain, Dr. Subversion and his lair looks like a submarine, but it's actually a split-level house with a broken sump pump.

You, on the other hand, win nothing. Stay mad, faggot.

What was retconned? Didn't notice anything.

>Imagine how bad Disney is going to be when the new blood steps up in 2021 and reboots swars again even though it's barely 6 years since the first mvoe at that point

The reboots are something we won't see for at least 10 years, mark my words. Possibly 20.

Sometimes winning nothing is better.
Ask Rian.

Based Jar Jar Abrams. (really)

I would not be surprised if they massively slashed the budget for D & D's already announced trilogy (or cut it down to one film) & just made it straight streaming series fodder after that.

Lol I'd seriously watch a Looper like kino where they send problem solvers to correct box office bombs by retconing them from existence. Sounds fun

>No one who died resistance side mattered, except for maybe admiral ackbar
True. I say may IX 3 hours long to make up for Star Wars Part Heartache.

Your funny since we know ix is gonna be a hard reset back to tfa timeline so that's technically a reboot less than 2 years after the last movie and 4 after the canonical flick

So he’s just gonna say fuck continuity and fuck cannon. They were dead all along. Series ends with close up of Luke’s eye

That's fucking lame.

Holy shit would this be a great sketch for someone. Especially if it was about retconning TLJ.

Bothans btfo. Fuck you.

Spoiler. Rey is Sheevs daughter.

Pretty sure I've seen that concept somewhere but I can't put my finger on it.
If they made it like adjustment bureau + dark city + 80s throwback it would be great
>mfw we just accidentally made a better movie from shitposting than Hollywood has done in 20 years

OK, but the real reboots are going to happen one of these decades, probably right before we kick off.

>fuck continuity and fuck cannon
TLJ does not deserve to be considered either.
If JJ actually had the balls to straight do this & Disney allowed it, it would restore some of my faith in it all. Not a chance it happens though.

Perfect post

^that's BOOM BOOM! not "canon" which is like *click* or scholarly and trusted as truth.

Literally none of that is a retcon

Spoiler, Rey houses half of the force ghost of Palpatine, which is why she's adept at the force, Snoke had the other half, once he died those parts joined in Rey.

Ah yes remember parody and comedy? Fuck me western culture died the moment it stopped laughing at itself and minorities and started laughing with minorities at white men because hahaha Fu k those old men who bootstrapped thousands of years of culture civilisation and technology
Good I'll be long dead my fren

Unironically this^

So how will they kill off Lea in this movie?

They won't.

She will kill Kylo Ren herself and she'll do it from behind and he won't see it coming. Screenshot this.

..taking her and her son out in an epic explosion of Force release.

sounds kinky

Kylo: That thing i said about your parents. It was merely a ruse to make you join me. You are Sheeves daughter making you practically a Skywalker.
Rey: OK

Not really a big retcon

It's about family.

So the mirror lied to her?

Not that user, but the mirror never said anything, it was literally just a fun house mirror. honk honk!

As much as I absolutely despise TLJ, you have to admit.
He was rushed on time.
He's inexperienced.
He had JJ's garbage-ass reboot to work with and was desperately trying to get away from it

But the dumbest part is how he replaced payoffs with nothing because some twitter fag somewhere statistically would predict any outcome of any mystery box

>hating based Rian for pulling the cord on SW
this man is your friend, he knew this franchise couldn't be saved so he did what everyone wanted but no one dared.

Following your idiotic analogy the CEO of Disney himself should have directed the movie.

Stop implying that his piece of shit works are good.

Kylo tells her they were nobodies

She'll an hero herself into the force so Rey can snort her force ghost & become teh most forceful Jedi what ever forced.


anyone else suprised that he also made Looper? It was miles better than TFA

Looper actually gave me some hope for TLJ, despite not being perfect. It was at least a little inventive & a bit dark. Boy was I fucking naive.


Do you know what a retcon is? Rey's heritage sure but come on dude, get a dictionary.

Looper was an absolutely garbage film that upon watching it again a few months ago, I generally couldn't believe that they let him direct TLJ. I mean it was a complete mediocrity.

The fuck is ALJ

Idk why people thought anything Rian touches would be so good because of two episodes of Breaking Bad.

Directing a television show doesen’t mean shit. Everyone knows that the Creator/EP controls everything on a TV show in the way a Director controls everything on a movie.

Any actor who is on a TV show more than four years gets a token chance to direct. You really think Jon Hamm was putting out Season 5 Mad Men kino all on his own in his directorial debut?

They let fucking Emmy Rossum direct on Shameless and Steve Carell directed on The Office.

I don't know about everyone else, but I just find it funny how superficially they're attempting to win back audiences without admitting they fucked up. I can only imagine how fucking stupid the actual film is

>let him direct some tv episodes or something
Fuck no. If Feig's "movie jail" was a real thing, Rian should be subject to capital punishment for his offences


Haha I know right? I prefer filmmaking by corporate committee. Giving the filmmakers any kind of control is a bad move.

The Phantom Menace referred to Jar Jar, idiot

>Rey is Palpatine's daughter
>She actually becomes evil in the last third of the film
>Kylo has to team up with Poe and Finn to defeat (and kill) her
Honestly, how would you react?

Explain what exactly is dumb about it you faggot

Too little, too late

That would actually be awesome and might make me return to the franchise

>Trailer opens up with we've passed on all we know, a thousand generations lives in you now
>literally The Last Jedi
>implying it's retconed
r u dumb?

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When they reveal that Rey's parents weren't actually nobodies, someone will say they were "from a certain point of view." Screencap this post.