Westworld Season 3
Only good part of that show was Arnold and the man in black. Go figure
Are they making niggers uglier or is it just me?
>start casting ugly people
is this the last season?
Is her face just big or is her head just small?
>Here's your new Dr. Ford, bro.
Westworld: Africa
>Westworld should be a mini-series
>HBO is so desperate with the end of Game of Thrones they turned it into a (probably) 4 seasons series
>there is no artistic integrity in the industry, just money
Kill me now, brahs.
Kind of, they're casting uglier ones and portraying them as desirable because women who aren't bottom-barrel still aren't choosing them
It's like increasing the intensity from clockwork orange
To be honest, that thing's so ugly you can't properly tell the gender.
>Westworld: Africa
>>start casting ugly people
>is this the last season?
my statement and question still stands
Now I'm actually glad they removed all the nudity after season one.
She looks like an ape
Welcome to Mars.
No way that's a woman....
Disappeared up its own ass, should have been GOT levels big.
>4 seasons
I dunno, it's super expensive and the ratings aren't all that great so this next one might be the last. It's clear HBO wanted it to be their GoT replacement but that really hasn't worked out.
She’s a lesbian.
Season 2 was fucking awful.
Cool, so we get to see Congoworld in season 3.
Jonathan Nolan is a dumbfuck, Why would you let your wife writes your own fucking show, your OWN IDEA? I meant this show had so much potential also a good casting besides Evan Rachel Wood and Thandie Newton
Look at the fucking face on it, you already know EXACTLY what kind of character she's going to play
Hasnt worked out because season 2 was terrible, political motivaded, by poor characters and story, so the ratings went to shit obviously
That's a MTF or FTM I can't figure out? Also are they just casting the most ugly black people these days?
Season 2 felt like a parody of season 1. I barely remember any of it and it lacked any of the emotional impact that season 1 had. None of the main characters were in danger at any time. The human security teams were slightly more competent than storm troopers, and when they became better, the android characters became able to shrug off being shot.
Maybe its because we know the mystery now.
Honestly whatever it is it's an ugly guy or chick even for a black person. And it's fucking bad dye job plus the what decade is this eyebrow piercing ain't doing it any favors.
At this point if Alan Partridge was in S3 I'd rather we see him naked than that woman really.
He could play a black Lex Luthor
And her female partners would have to be fucking blind to even associate with her. She's really fucking ugly as fuck.
Naw she'll be der Fuhrer in Naziworld probably.
The season 2 was pure shit.
>The Scotts, the Nolans, the Whedons, the Cohens, the Wachowskis, the Weinsteins
Why do all the best brother combos in Hollywood go to shit? Is the answer: women?
>an Africa where you can rape and murder without repercussions
how’s that any different from the real version?
Dropped after s02e02, glad I made the right decision.
She'll tell white straight men that the Westworld fiasco was all their fault and that only LGBT PoCs are the Corporation's future. And she'll get an Emmy for this monologue.
She's unironically one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. Hollywood seriously needs to start hiring more "diverse" people instead of reusing the same duds.
I just remembered I didn't finish season 2
Last season.
Screencap this.
They're getting too high budgets. It reduces the need to be creative
is she ludacris sister?
>yo i'm a strong black female and i eat pussy you feel?
WOW what a refreshing new take, 10/10, white males just don't understand
me too
Fuck you coens are still based
Holy shit they still make this dreck? I could have sworn it got cancelled.
I mean it was enjoyable watching season one with Yea Forums, but season two was so fucking terrible I couldn't even make it half way through.
is S2 worth watching? only seen first episode and had no desire to continue.
What species is this?
*smacks lips*
why are they bummed about GoT ending when they have Westworld? am i right?
I agree but critics and fans shit on Hail Caeser and Buster Scruggs even though I liked them. They should just bite the bullet and direct Blood Meridian already.
Most people dropped it after the samurai ep in S2 if the 1st episode was a slog I wouldn't even bother
>screencap-ing a tripfag
>Season 3
>Wakanda World
That Valkyrie chick they shoestringed in S1 and S2 was exactly that. Oh and Thandie Newton as Maevue too. Fuck if this sheboon is added on top of those two imagine the wokeness of S3?
As a white male feminist I totally relate with eating pussy
I really liked S1, but S2 took a nose dive like True Detective filmed and recorded on a 737 MAX.
I'm still angry about how many shitty subplots there were in S2.
Also remember the theories about the initial beach scene being played out in different timelines because there were slight differences such the order of the robots being shot? Ended up being just an editing flaw.
>Most people dropped it after the samurai ep in S2
Thank God I'm not the only one.
Magical Maeve vs Samurai stuff was too much for me.
It only gets worse
>GoT shitfest finally ending
>True Detective turning into a one hit wonder
>Westworld shitting the bed after five first episodes
which Morrowind mod is this?
It's the time for HBO to die.
No reason to keep watching this mess. S2 was comically bad. Hadn't seen such a significant drop in quality in ages.
>kpop reaction image
At least they still have Barry.
There's 2 decent episodes and one doesn't even make chronological sense. Just trash it.
im done with this show after s2. i truly cant think of a season of television that is worse than it, it is absolutely horrendous.
>overused costanza reaction image
got is ending but the prequel will probably be a pretty popular show. the only shows i can see becoming popular are the lotr amazon series, the expanse, and the witcher
She literally has the face of a chimp
Not gonna lie
The Expanse is 11/10
>The Expanse is 11/10
>falling for the mutts in the space meme
fuck off
Will Barry get a S3?
>No more GoT
>True Detective done
>Cinemax shows like Banshee and Quarry cancelled
>Girls couldn't survive Broad City
>Boardwalk Empire and The Wire should've gotten more seasons
>Rome too
>High Maintenance might get one more season
Seriously what the fuck is left on HBO other than Warrior?
Well don't forget the Watchmen Series, I'm hopeful for that.
exactly; it's a perfect recreation!
>be Uriel Septim
>feel like you're coming up on your autumn days now
>having a kino dream
>see this
>"Here's your savior, bro"
this is a beautiful 9/10 ebony goddess by lesbian standards, user
television actor
Shes gonna be a sassy super dyke. Id say kill them all but Im tired and theres no end to this ride. APostrophe? This dyke dont deserve it.
yea im gonna go with a big yikes for that buddy
>being an ultra triple mega infinity cuckboy without even having the balls to contribute his probably shitty opinion on good TV shows
This is going in my Yikes compilation
>kpop reaction
>not just filtering everyone to be anonymous or filtering tripfags entirely
What a disgusting dyke sub creature. Disgusting!
>the expanse
I love that show but let's not kid ourselves
i cant think of any other shows that have potential to be got-tier popular
Wouldn’t this be a 9/10 ebony goddess lesbian
9/10 by normal standards, several prestige levels above by lesbian standards
Jesus fucking christ westworld has become such a dissapontment.
Anyone still watching after season 2 deserves this
GOT had all time right ratings in S07, and will have even bigger in S08. Cultural phenomenom and great show, contrarians can suck dick.
She should be taken away and raped until straight.
Kill them All!
>implying she isn't already
Because I said so, you apathetic waste of space.
If only. I wouldnt touch the bitch myself. Faggots are diseased filth. Theyre not worth your std free body. Especially since you dont want to inadvertantly infect a normal woman with their filth Aids.