For a Few Dollars More > Fistful of Dollars > The Good The Bad The Ugly

For a Few Dollars More > Fistful of Dollars > The Good The Bad The Ugly

i really cant get into the good the bad the ughly. for a few dollars more was way more entertaining

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finally, an opinion I can get on board with.

For a Few Dollas More is flawless, the new 4k remaster is glorious.

>I am the most contrarian person on 4chans


That's because you cant comprehend the deeper meaning of the good the bad and the ugly in which you must give up your own hatred and join apart of something larger to gain your ultimate reward, IE it has parallels to the Christianity

Tuco is saved by blondie from bounty hunters, then when blondie saves him from the rope and turns him loose (he just as easily could've let him die and kept the money) tuco goes after him to get revenge. Angel eyes comments that Blondie is Tuco's protecting angel just prior to blondie parting ways with tuco. Parting ways here is part of tucos test to see if he deserves the gold, as it leads up to Tuco choosing to care for blondie after wanting revenge for what he's done, because he wants that reward

Tuco works with Blondie to get to the ultimate prize, the gold. He cant get there himself, he has to have help, much as in Christianity one must accept Christ to receive salvation and defeat death. You cant do it alone

This image is further proven when Blondie saves Tuco from angel eyes, after commenting "we'll have to earn (the gold)". Without blondie, Tuco would have died before reaching the gold. He is once again a "protecting angel" taking tuco from a two bit criminal, through hell and back (the civil war) and ultimately helping him defeat death so that he can receive his reward for accepting blondie as a friend not an enemy

This entire theme is reinforced when blondie saves tuco from being hung one last time at the end of the movie and mentions how ungreatful tuco is after all the times he's saved his life.

It is a much deeper movie than many would give it credit. As such some find it to be too much and prefer earlier entries for their simplicity.

have sex

>have sex
If you cant comprehend the good the bad and the ugly, you haven't done it

>hey baby, lemme tell you all about my faggoty theory about the good, the bad and the... where you going baby???

Contrarians easily identify themselves by claiming For a Few Dollars More to be the best.


Ultimate opinion coming through
Fistful of Dollars>TGTBATU>For a Few Dollars More

TGTBTU>FoD>FFDM is the a patrician choice.

Ahem 2>3>1

This is patrician, every other claim is pleb. End of discussion, @ me all you want, you are still plebs.

literally backwards you fucking brainlet

The Good The Bad The Ugly > Once Upon a Time in The West>Fistful of Dollars>For a Few Dollars More

Fuck all of you. It's 3 > 2 = 1.

LOL pleb, kill urself for your wrong opinion

For a Few Dollars More is objectively the best, there's nothing contrarian about admitting it. GBU is the most epic but it's also where some of Leone's weaknesses come through. For a Few Dollars has none.

2 > 3 > 1
But we can all agree 2 is best

what was his name again?

Attached: el.jpg (666x360, 33K)

have you guys seen marisol?

Attached: Ramón_Rojo.jpg (396x438, 86K)