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>it's real


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Why do you do this

I'll never get these threads.
A friend's kid once said "Oh hey it's a bear" when we were all near the woods, and then "haha made you look" when we all looked.
I told her it wasn't an accomplishment because anyone who doesn't fucking look when someone says "oh hey it's a bear" is a fucking total moron.

Attached: jack-nicholson-isst-pommes-und-burger.jpg (854x480, 38K)

I've been dead once already, it's very liberating

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hey look its a bear!

you think they could hire a better shooper

There's something really charming about an multimillionaire bringing tupperware to a game.

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Oh hey it's a mare

Attached: shetland-mare.jpg (941x1280, 205K)

His life is really fucking sad. Look it up.

>says that shit to someones kid
i think you're the total fucking moron

never have sex

no you. don't have children, fucking psycho.

>In 1974, Time magazine researchers learned, and informed Nicholson, that his "sister", June, was actually his mother, and his other "sister", Lorraine, was really his aunt.
Damn son

>oh no a bad word
She was 15. Good parents teach their kids to not repeat whatever they hear anyway.

>kid doesn't look when someone actually warns them about a bear cause they "don't want to get got by that"
>gets mauled
he did her a favor.

I've been volcel, fuck your mother, just like your brother

fuck off pajeet you wish you were volcel

>teaching her about safety
>teaching her about social etiquette
>teaching her basic logical thinking
I'm glad you're a permavirgin because you'd be a really fucking terrible parent. fucking retard.

>thread derailed
Luckily it was a shit bait thread anyway.

>teaching her about social etiquette
>curses and acts like a turbo enlightened gentleman in front of someones kid
don't have sex, don't procreate, stop consuming oxygen actually.

Jesus fucking Christ your kids would be moronic pussies.

useless input coming from someone who will never have the opportunity to create children

>would rather their kids think not looking when someone says "hey it's a bear" was the way to go cause it's probably a trick anyway
You said some dumb shit & got called on it, just fucking move on already. You look like far more of a turbo autist than anyone else here.

>pearl clutching this hard
I want in on this (You) action

the initial post had nothing to do with what you said but rather the way you said it, aka acting like a turbo autist, it's why you hang out with parents and their kids and don't have any kids of your own.

Man, you are one bitter fucking loser

>be american
>get eaten by bears

>but rather the way you said it
I refuse to censor myself for anyone's kids & everyone that knows me is well aware of this.
There is no such thing as "bad words". Even if you disagree there's 10,000 other places they're going to fucking hear anything I say, so there's zero reason to self censor & if you want them to talk a certain way the responsibility is on you & not me.
Plus the fact that we're not talking about a 5 year old here, she was fucking 15.

>implying it was said venomously & her parents weren't laughing at my statement
You fags are the only onesw assblasted over this, nobody there was, even the damn girl.


Didn't get a sticky:
>Michael Cimino
>Agnes Varda
>Seijun Suzuki
>Nicolas Roeg
>Jacques Rivette
>Andrzej Wajda
>Andrzej Zulawski
>Vilmos Szigmond
>Etore Scola
>Abbas Kiarostami
>Tobe Hooper
>Dennis Hopper
>Jeanne Moreau
>Lauren Bacall
>Bud Spencer
>Sam Shepard
>Martin Landau
>Anne Wiazemsky
>Juraj Herz
>Milos Forman
>Vittorio Taviani
>Nelson Pereira dos Santos
>Ermanno Olmi
>Shinobu Hashimoto
>Chuckle Brother
>Mike Nichols
>Neil Simon
>Scott Wilson
>Carol Channing
>Albert Finney
>Bruno Ganz
>Stanley Donen
>Bernardo Bertolucci
>John Mahoney
>Don Rickles

Got a sticky:
>Gay nigger from HBO's vampire soap opera
>Mom from some old American sitcom
>Dad from some 80's kid comedy
>Dog from Bush's Baked Beans commercial
>Junkie retard only known for shoving a toy car up his ass
>Junkie retard only known for some faggy normie "musical" show
>Billy Crystal
>George Clooney
>Washed up old fart only famous for a 5 minutes meme role in Kubrick's worst movie
>Midget from Austin Powers
>Old Jew from the Battletoads show
>Logan Paul and KSI
>Some country redneck

Can't stop laughing

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