>so they're very happy about that
So they're very happy about that
A night to remember
Inb4 seething yang niggers and discord trannies
Not a Donald fan anymore but this night was amazing. If the Dems nominate some no-real-platform “just elect me becaus I’m not HIM” candidate, then hopefully it will happen again.
the kino of our time to be honest
>Nate Cobalt.
I want the democrats to bring in so far left they look insane. I want it to be interesting.
It's probably going to just be biden though.
I hope so, can't wait to see America burn itself down even more
There is absolutely nobody on the democratic side that will challenge him due to the candidate undoubtedly having to support reparations, 16 year voting age, Iham Omar, etc. Rust belters are pretty cucked sometimes but even they have reached their limit in 2016, and without the rust belt in play it wont even be close
>grab n grope biden
i kinda wish i could relive that moment at a bar, watching wisconsin go for teflon don. i wont be that ecstatic again
Minnesota almost went red lol
Nope, a creepy old white man will never be the nominee even if he is Joe Biden, not in the party of intersectional feminism
If they actually nom a leftist then maybe the young voting block will actually come out and help them win. They will lose with Biden though. He is republican-lite, has a terrible record, he is bad with words, and he has already proven himself susceptible to getting dunked on by Trump.
We're really not feeling the "great economy" that corporate media is going on about. If the Dems nominate an economic populist, there's a good chance we're going blue again.
t. Rust Belt
>Democrats will run another unlikable neocon
>They will lose again
>Clown world continues for another 4 years
the fact of the matter is there's so many people that absolutely despise blumpfth to the point of talking about him every day, that they will definitely be voting to make sure he's not re elected. then there's probably quite a few of his original base that doesn't support him anymore. it's likely he will lose.
Joe Biden rocks and will win the nom and get ridiculed by Trump for being an open pedo
An actual progressive like Bernie has a much better chance than some Hillary 2.0 like Biden or Harris
I can't wait to relive this when Trump wins again in 2020
Yet his approval ratings are up and better than Obama’s at the same point he’s going to be your president another 4 years don’t get your hopes up ya fuckwit
Why doesn't the right celebrate all of the great stuff Trump is doing instead of constantly reliving the night years ago when he won the election?
That's why they said in 2016, too many people hate Trump so he has no chance
I hope Tulsi gets the nom. She's smoking.
I really want them to run someone halfway respectable, ie above trump's bull shit debating method, but I feel like that would just guarantee a loss. God rule by popular opinion is the worst
the left has already turned on biden
Michelle Obama is just waiting for the DEm field to be absolute chaos before she can swoop in and save the party.
>obama nostalgia
you know the script has already been written for this
Even if Trump has shown himself to be a charlatan to his fervent base, I still can't see him losing. The Democrats will eat each other before taking a swing at him.
I think their economic policy would be popular but they'd get raked over the coals on a lot of other "progressive" shit
The DNC won't allow that though. Get ready for the Jamaican-Indian mutt with the faggot VP.
>Jews allowing an anti war candidate
lol get real
if bernie ran, i think he would actually win because of all the 21 year old "IM A SOCIALIST LOL" college students that would vote for him
I slept through this whole thing and woke up to so much entertainment.
Yeah because it's been like 30 years and you still have no skills other than pressing a button on an assembly line. Learn to code or something, you fucks will forever be teetering this country off the cliff of insane leftist control
I hope Harris gets the nom because she cute and because watching a career prosecutor debate a career criminal to decide who gets to be the most powerful person in the world will be amazing
but there are also people like me who have never voted before but because of the memes and massive butthurt trump caused, will be voting for him this time
im 23 btw so it's not like I couldn't have voted.