Starwars prequels

>starwars prequels

can you guys tell me exactly what is wrong with pic related? I always thought they are quite entertaining but I recognize they are pretty poor films. Can you tell me specifically what's wrong with these?

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the writing, acting, casting, special effects, and characters

Jar jar
The bad guys are easily replaceable robots
Teenage anakin is a shit actor, I likable character
Padme is a pedo
Boba fett is a Mexican clone boy
Gungans in general and their pathetic war tech
Darh Maul is wasted

Other than that, the plots and schemes and politics are pretty good, as are the effects and fights.

George Lucas

The special effects were pretty remarkable for its time and much worse shit is being churned out today. What part of the characters that is not the writing or the acting did you find offensive?

the plot and world building has more depth than OT

Overall they're pretty good. Some cringe lines and acting in the second film.

LotR has much better effects in pretty much the same years

It's actually wasn't that bad compared to nuwars.

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>What part of the characters that is not the writing or the acting did you find offensive?

Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

The prequels are fine. Their flaws have been discussed and exaggerated for almost 20 years. People have made many edits to remove them. And we are still talking about them all these years later. I just watch them as they are. RotS is great film

They are shit

all of starshit is garbage equivalent to capeshit

the sooner you realize this the better

cow college fag

They are uneven in quality. ROTS is balanced and enjoyable through and through, but the other two had some good moments mixed with really bad cringy shit.

They are not absolute shit as many would tell you. But they are not too good either. Ep.I and II are pretty meh, while III is actually cool, but all suffer from the same things, specially poor structuring, poor dialogue, focusing on unimportant things, changing a few important aspects of the OT and of course, Jar Jar.

Lucas had too much freedom. He is amazing as an idea man, he could create an amazing fantasy world everyone fell in love with. But he's a terrible writer. He created the amazing fantasy world, but needed somewone to create a good story and glue every piece together. That's why Empire is the best film of the whole saga, Lucas was not the writer nor the director. He would give all the ideas but someone had to make it a usable story and tune his bullshit down. The fact that Lucas is a terrible director and writer is showed in the awful dialogue in the prequel trilogy and the retarded and unnecesary focus on certain stuff. For example, even though the political background in the prequel trilogy is rather interesting, Ep. I and II are too focused on the fucking Trade Federation and the fucking Confederacy, when, eventually, they are fucking irrelevant. By the way, the trade federation is really fucking stupid. They put a huge ass blockade around Naboo, while also trying to capture the Queen. It literally took Qui Gon like 30 seconds to sneak right through the middle of it carrying the Qeeen with him

The PT put too much focus on forcing a Anakin and Padme's relationship. I mean, of course it's important to know how Luke and Leia happened and it's a good tool to understand why Anakin went to shit, but Padme is a fucking irrelevant character. It just feels awkward and forced. Also why the fuck was Anakin a kid and Padme a teenager? The prequel trilogy focuses on Anakin and Padme's relationship, focuses on the war with the Trade Fedration and later with the Confederacy, instead of focusing on what's actually important: Anakin and Obi Wan's relationship


Episode II is absolute shit. I and III are great.

I think my biggest complaint with the prequels is the stupid romance shit shoved into it. George can't write a love story to save his life. He should have focused on writing a fantastic story for his movies and shoved the meta lore into throw away books or something else.

Midichlorians didn't need to be explained in the movies. All scenes where they are talked about could be removed and the movies still work. He could have done this is some comic book or whatever for children to get their parents to buy things.

Too much time was spent in the senate and we had all the time we did because they made a cool CGI set they wanted to show off.

There are parts of good star wars movies in the prequels but the bad ones are too glaring.

I just force myself to believe that Lucas chickened out on the Darth jarjar theory and it makes the movies more enjoyable for me

While the OT has a nice political background (tyranical empire, rebels) but we all know what the actual story is: Luke's. How he grows and develops as a person, how he finds out more about himself and his family, and how he eventually fights the bad guys. The PT on the other hand is a clusterfuck of stories. Qui Gon and Obi Wan saving Padme. The Jedis finding Anakin. Padme and Anakin. Obi Wan and Anakin. The Trade Federation. The Confederacy. The secret Clone Army thing. Palpatine turning Anakin. While the OT focuses on Luke, Leia, Solo and Vader, every prequel has different main characters: Obi Wan, Anakin, Padme, Qui Gon, Palpatine, Maul, Dooku, even fucking Jar Jar at one point.

Which brings me to another point: Darth Maul was terribly underused. He has so much potential and could have been used as a main villain for the whole PT and as a smoke screen for Sidious instead of just being some random guy that gets cut in half. Dooku literally appears out of nowhere in ep.II, no background, no nothing, he just randomly happens to be the bad guy and Lucas expected everyone to understand it out of nowhere. He is also underused. When you get to know his background (former jedi, turns to the dark side) he also has a ton of potential. But then it literally takes two scenes of ep. III to kill him.

Midichlorians were not a thing in the OT and it worked well like that. They are unnecesary.

Yoda is presented as a peaceful entity that never teaches Luke how to use his lightsaber and literally tells him that the force is to be used for knowledge and defense, never for attack. And then we see the little green shit dancing and jumping trying to kill Dooku and Sidious.

Also, apart from the stories themselves, the extensive use of CGI was unnecesary and simply looks unrealistic. The >i dont like sand lol thing is really fucking awful. Hayden Christiensen is really fucking awful.

they were shit even for its time.

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>George can't write a love story to save his life.

he wrote the OUTLINE of a good love story. it's just that all the dialogue and characterization is trash and Amidala is two different characters depending on whether she's ovulating or not.

>pasting a guy's face on a CGI body is remarkable

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Bad writing, bad acting, bad directing, an over-reliance on CGI, and most of all, bad editing.

they are good as their own thing
but horrible compared with OT

same shit with Disney sequels
people think they are total shit but they are only just inferior to the original ones

Having said all that, they're still better than The Last Jedi and Rogue One.

Well user, what about I tell you about the stuff they did fairly well first.
>Great Soundtracks
>Great Battle Scenes
>Great Saber Fights
>Ewan McGregor

Honestly I can't think of another redeeming aspect of the prequel trilogy that was good and this idea that the nu-trilogy being worse than this pile of garbage is completely delusional and worse than trump derangement syndrome.

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>but I recognize they are pretty poor films
Well there you go
Specifically for me it seems George wanted to just get to the points in the story he cared about most and ignored the rest of the plot, so nothing flows organically.
>Oh I really wanna show the Clone conflict and the birth of the Stormtroopers!
>Okay but first I gotta have a reason for Obi-Wan to get there
>How do I get from A to B...
>Oh well he gets into a random cantina and asks a random X character who we never see again about the information he needs, and the character actually knows and tells him because that's the only purpose for him in the film
>There, now we can get to B
Many instances of this happen. It's just lazy writing. Reminds me of the opera Rienzi, which the composer Wagner later disowned as one of his "immature" works, saying something like he only thought of it as a collection of big scenes and that he'd fill the rest in after composing those. The prequels have that same feel and have many memorable grand setpieces and visuals, but fail at the most basic parts of decent movie making, because those "small" parts like the fucking dialogue not being delivered almost solely in sort-reverse shot were never George's concern.

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they are pure kino. I mean Sheev is in every one of them, and that's just one asset

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My two cents are that the worldbuilding and imagination were their biggest strength, since it then allowed for other stories to be told in the same setting. I don't like the first two and think the third's okay, but the shows, games, and other media made in the prequels era are all pretty great. I appreciate the movies for that

prequels gave us many memes and kino feels
sequels gave us only cringe

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It was the mature quality installment for the old franchise that older fans had been asking for, but all kids want are loud noises and constant movement.

>Complaining about the politics in the movies about the war

imagine being this much brainlet

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>Padme a pedo
She was 4 years older than anakin and their relarionship doesn't become romantic until they're both adults

>but I recognize they are pretty poor film

So whats the problem? I like Red Sonya but I know its a shit film

The first one was a very mixed bag. It was the only prequel that somewhat looked and felt like a Star Wars movie, it's major mistake was starting off with Anakin as a kid, overplayed by a pretty poor child actor no less, and having a plot that feels a bit inconsequential. Apart from introducing the major characters and establishing the tensions that would eventually culminate in the Clone Wars which isn't as immediately engaging as the self explanatory conflict between Empire and Rebels.

The Second one was an all around garbage movie and still stands as the lowest point of the entire series. Kid Anaking is replaced by Hayden Christensen who I'm sure is a nice person but can't act for shit, Obi Wan's detective subplot is harder to follow than it has any right to be and it ends on some of the ugliest CGI vomit ever commited to film. I didn't actually kind the romance all that much and it had one scene that I enjoyed, that being Jar Jar proposing the legislation to grant Palpatine emergency powers but it says a lot about a movie when fucking Jar Jar is the best thing about it. If I had seen it in cinema I might have never watched anither Star Wars movie ever again

Revenge of the Sith is mostly an unironically good movie. Still in parts ugly as sin and Christensen still doesn't sell his role but the plot is solid, the emotions actually don't fall flat and scenes like the Order 66 or the ending are actually quite resonant. It's arguably among the better Star Wars movies in general and almost makes the previous two worth it. Al ist.

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Anakin's fall makes no fucking sense at all, and audiences only accept it because they knew it was coming. There's simply no way he would agree to murder every one he ever knew because Palpatine- who has just admitted he's spent decades lying to the entire galaxy- said that he could *maybe* save Padme. It's ridiculous.

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>Great Soundtracks
>Great Battle Scenes
The OT was great without them
>Great Saber Fights
The OT was great without them
>Ewan McGregor

Show me better CGI characters from 1999


Order 66 is the most fucking retarded and lazy piece of writing I have ever seen. Since the OT had only two Jedi left in the universe, and Episode III still had tons everywhere, how convenient would it be just to implant a special secret mission on the clones to kill literally every one of their leaders without no one in the whole fucking republic or jedi counsil ever noticing?

They could have build an amazing total war reminiscing of WWII or something that would be so fucking destructive most jedi masters died as a result, and the few left had to hide like Obi Wan or Yoda since the Empire rose from the war's ashes and started prosecuting every Jedi left as heretics or whatever

but no, they had to go for the stupid, senseless option

The prequels could have been amazing movies if Georges Lucas had hired other people to direct and write the screenplay.

If your CGI looks like this shit, then you don't use CGI. That's why the OT uses tons of costumes and special effects instead of archaic, unrealistic CGI and it works amazingly.

vid related was only two years later btw and the CGI in Ep.II and III are still fucking awful

Fellowship was 2 years later and had vastly superior CGI.

Terminator 2 was 8 years prior and still had near equal to arguably better CGI.

another example: The Hobbit trilogy relies heavily in CGI while The Lord of the Rings trilogy only uses CGI in thing they absolutely needed to use CGI and it is very clear which one is superior despite their time.