Anyone else feel absolutely nothing watching the new trailer?

Attached: REACTION! Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:!teYiQKyC!wXdWGkLob50_WmGSKFKa2YbQWL9J6aWHb5edu1WHMxk

why do i feel the compulsion to bully this faggot mercilessly

Because you're an incel who hates people having fun. It's ironic because you were probably bullied by stronger people all your life.

I can't even remember if I watched it


People who make or watch reaction videos are insufferable

i don't understand Star Wars, what's the appeal?

Not a thing brother.

Nice to see Lando tho, i wonder how they will manage to kill him off?

>"people having fun"
>not hamming it up for clicks and money

because you are miserable and he is not

I haven't watched nor will I watch it in theaters.I'll wait for it to be on a streaming service or something similar.

He's black though

blacked edit when

>Making money can't be fun

This is some top quality cringe

Learn how to make webms yourself.

Is the flailing the worst part, or just another thing in addition to the tears that makes this insufferable?

It was nice to see him, but he looked so dumb dressed in the EXACT SAME clothes from 30 years ago

Attached: 1555140675968.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Fucking this.
Reaction videos are as genuine as female orgasms in bad porn.

>they're going to kill off or ruin the only black character from the OT
You haven't been paying attention.

yeah, i thought it looked weird. like a fan made trailer. visually it was also boring, i don't know if JJ is going for some minimalist style for it but all the shots are so bland, just desert or a grassy field. nothing interesting to draw us in, other than the death star wreckage, but that only raises questions, like what the fuck is it doing in the movie? and then there's palpy's laugh. just odd. i don't think they had any idea how to end the saga so they're trying to use nostalgia to make us look the other way. unfortunately it will work for 90% of the audience since Star Wars is normie shit now and most people don't actually give a shit about the lore.

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what is this thing

people desperately trying to cling to their childhoods

the apex predator in his natural habitat

What's happening? My iPhone doesn't play it

this guy really genuinely was moved to tears by the trailer

Seconding this

I can't speak for everyone, but for me it wasn't clinging. It was a link to it. One of those rare things that could instantly make you feel how you did then, in youth.
And when it gets shit on, it shits on that bit of hope one once was able to feel.


because he deserves it

I liked it when the music kicked in. Also I really liked Palps.

I smirked when I heard my main man Sheev. That was it.

You don't belong here

Fucking disgusting. Utterly so.

The worst kind of scum are the ones who agitate those who "don't feel anything" or think any of this is stupid and naive. Because it is. And if you enjoy it then so you are you.

>no volume
thank jesus

As a kino connoisseur I know the sequel trilogy is irrelevant and the only true masterpiece in the saga is the Prequel Trilogy. Having said that, I believe JJ is at least competent enough to salvage the damage done by his predecessor. It will not be epic or even memorable, but at least it will be watchable unlike The Last Jedi.

When I was first hearing about the trailer I felt a dumb excitement for it, almost like I felt with TFA and I thought my anger had weakened. Then I actually warched the trailer and immediately remembered how much I now hate this franchise.

I can't begrudge him for being excited about shit. Hell, we've all been there, looking forward to things and getting hype is great and I hope everyone has something that makes them happy

but why the fuck do you overact during a reaction video and then share it on twitter? What the fuck is this zoomer shit. Why is this something people do? Can't he just say 'wow i'm fucking hyped' and post the trailer, or maybe draw fanart, or speculate in a blog post? why tf reaction video.

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beat it kid

>Hell, we've all been there
No. He was crying. Normal adults don't cry unless a family member dies.

Give me a link where I can download the mosque shooting and I'll do it

willing to bet he works for disney or was hired by someone at disney. he's in a hotel, so probably at star wars celebration.

ive been here since 2005 i have a right to tell you shit heads that you are faggots

okay fair. at my most excited I have not cried.

Sadly I have the remastered copy an user posted on /pol/ but it is now a criminal offence to share it in my country.



I have no idea who he is... is his gimmick playing up the impotent numale?

>owning an iphone

I haven't felt anything since 2007!teYiQKyC!wXdWGkLob50_WmGSKFKa2YbQWL9J6aWHb5edu1WHMxk

>Experiencing this level of emotion over a fucking advertisement

The Mouse really did a number on these guys

>My iPhone doesn't play it
you are a legit retard

This reaction is so fucking fake it disgusts me. I have never fucking had this sort of reaction towards any sort of show/movie/whatever, even ones i really loved. Like who does this guy think he is fooling? Furthermore does he seriously think this sort of reaction makes him look good? Honestly at this point this shit feels like satire. Its as if these people saw the whole basedboy reaction meme, and now they are playing off of it.

High estrogen / high emotion

>what is this zoomer shit
Kek. Except this guy is not at all a zoomer. Seemingly everyone who posts these gay ass reaction videos look to be in their late 20s or so. These are boomers through and through

I haven't watched, don't plan to
like with the previous one my only knowledge of the movie will come from Yea Forums's memes

Jesus fucking christ

End us.

You have it 100% right. It is going to be bookended with nostalgia. They shot themselves in the foot because there is no overarching narrative in terms of canon. This trilogy is going to end and KK is going to retire. The next triology is going to be much better and it will be peak kino

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>Honestly at this point this shit feels like satire
It may be legit because he reacted similarly to other star wars trailers

>The next triology is going to be much better and it will be peak kino
>D & D
Fucking kek.

a lot of the reaction videos are like this but this dude is legit tearing up. when I was a teen I used to attend nerd-ish gatherings for shit and believe me these people do exist.

Pic related is a good example of one where the onions is very much dialed on for show (still total cringe tho).

Did anyone else get the vibe that this trailer (and probably the whole film) feels like pure damage control to try and correct what happened with TLJ? Palpatines laugh. Having Luke t least be there speaking (meaning he isnt actually gone). The deathstar. Lando and Chewie hamming it up in the Falcon. Hell even the title "Rise of Skywalker" or whatever the fuck.

Either that or is JJ literally incapable of making a SW movie that doesnt feed off of pure nostalgia?

forgot pic whoops lookat that ONIONS

Attached: STAHRWAHRS.png (741x416, 361K)

>this trailer (and probably the whole film) feels like pure damage control
The trailer & title are pure 100% begging.

There's actually nerds that react and hate it

Honestly I find alot of blacked scenes really hot. Am i onions?

Shit. I take it back

Yes, you also have shit taste

>The next triology is going to be much better

Attached: jim milton.jpg (446x598, 20K)

The teaser is boring, just a bunch of shots of familiar sights but featuring characters no one cares about. The only interesting part of the teaser is Sheev's laughter.

Has no one done a Joker trailer edit yet?

This makes me so angry for some reason.

Why though? Like whats wrong with it? I just typically find the girls they use very attractive. Plus the camera work/lighting/etc on blacked is far better than most porn.

dear god

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have sex

jfc this is good

He pretty much is asking for it just like sluts who leave a bar at 3am alone

The girls in those videos are painfully average at best, my point still stands.

I just wish that this shitfest could make feel like that. I am kind of jelly.

why are people saying that hes having fun, dude looks like he is having a mental breakdown

>hipster soi

love the current year

user said it correctly yesterday, nothing has happened in the last two movie. they take place over like a 3 day period or something.

Genuinely disgusting

holy shit

what the fuck is wrong with you white bois?

No one here understands what emotions are.

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I wonder what the actual star war junkies think of these teasers and trailers. The type of people that used to write these articles

No. Just you. I cried tears of joy, but not like that guy. Mine is the stoic tears welling up kind.

Evolutionary end.

Jedi Fallen Order videogame panel starting

You think he gets this excited when his wife's boyfriend drops off the groceries and he finally gets his onions?

At least there's a Jesus praying for these souls

Wow what a little fucking incel

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this is an epidemic

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The guy on the left is so tired of his girlfriend's friends and their bullshit garbage shows.

GoT never recovered after that shit, was that season 5 or 6?

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Literally blacked gets some of the hottest pornstars though.... it seems like you have no argument as to why its shit. Unless its purely the fact that its a black guy fucking a white girl. In which case why the fuck sre you focusing on the male???

>that guy on the back facing away form the screen and not giving a shit
he's just like me

I typed s o y l e n t not onions you faggot ass website.

>dolls on the walls like a serial killer
>trend beard
>bad sense of color
>his opinion mattering

Does anyone have a link to the archives where user made the reaction videos to guy in OP? They’re buried under a mountain of shit, I can’t find them.

>girl in the middle holding hands with the guy on the left while laying on the guy on the right

It's a mirror you dip

based pretending to be retarded poster!

>this is the most beta black guy Yea Forums could find
>he still makes it look cool

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Why the fuck do people do this? Like it literally looks like these people are in a bar to watch a show... why? Since when has this been a thing? Why would you want to be surrounded by people being loud while watching a show? Am I some sort of weirdo for preferring to watch my shows in silence so i can enjoy them?

God, StarWarsfags are pathetic.

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>Middle aged man acting having a mental breakdown watching a kids movie traile
>Why you hate fun bro?

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No, he is not the most beta black guy. But you've posted one.

I just typed "rise of skywalker reaction" and clicked on the first black guy that appeared my dude

Because it's not in the archives, retard.

As retarded as this is it's not as bad as OP's faggot. At least they're reacting to the show itself and not a fucking trailer

I tried something

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The larping nazis are all closeted. They like to pretend they're pissed off because it's a black guy fucking a white woman, but in reality it just gives them an excuse to focus on the man during porno.

okay now this is based

I'm disappointed it took a day for this to be made

Nope. MundaneFatt is a genuine pussy.

Winced during the beginning shot/running-forward-then-doing-a back-flip spot.
Annoyed at the pandering with the Death Star and laugh at the end. Sure to generate a $ billion just by that. If the Death Star ruins and Sheev were in VII that would of been fine. This looks like a make-up/pandering due to the last two movies.


>Feeling the need to defend a YouTuber showing of an extreme hysterical and insincere reaction on a movie trailer
Here's your (you) you fucking faggot, now fuck off.

>some fucking failure of a 39 year old spends years trying to be internet famous
>has like 500 views max on his shitty videos
>suddenly gets 10k and shitloads of attention
yeah you idiots made his fucking year


Not if we bully him to death

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Here you go fags

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Maybe he posted a link to the video knowing it would be easy bait here. Smart move if that was the case.

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>suddenly gets 10k and shitloads of attention
>from a fucking Yea Forums thread
Nigger there aren't even 100 posters in here.

Absolutely based

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>it is now a criminal offence to share it in my country.
What? That can't be possible. What kind of country would make it illegal to share information? The citizens would never stand for it, surely.

Here's a longer version
I couldn't get it to fit the size limitation without shrinking to shit though

Attached: for anonmp4_9.webm (144x82, 2.33M)

>Plus the camera work/lighting/etc on blacked is far better than most porn.
I tend to disagree. I've seen snippets of a few videos to see what they're all about, and everything about them is just so sterile and bland that it ruins any sexual feelings you could have. It feels like you're watching an art show or something on the Discovery channel more than a porno. Everything is washed out in color, they all use the same boring white room, the camera work makes it feel like there's a huge fucking arrangement of people behind the setup and dollies and shit which is never a good thing. It's honestly too professional looking, like a fucking Apple store. Now Blacked Raw, that's where it's at my man.

>he looked so dumb dressed in the EXACT SAME clothes from 30 years ago
He looked fat

James was better.

nvm figured it out I think

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more common than you think

You could've timed it better so he's most climactic when the shooting starts

t. fat with poot hairline


I think thats the point though isnt it? Makes you focus on the people fucking. Also they are really big in contrasting colors (which is the main reason the male is black)

Who knew onions boys could be so based

I don't know, maybe some people like it but for me it feels like aliens trying to figure out what human porn looks and feels like. It's so unnatural

CAVS guy is probably gay

>crying at a trailer for consumerist bullshit
>not miserable

>Anyone else feel absolutely nothing watching the new trailer?
I have not watched it and am not going to.

sauce on this girl?

Idk. I haven't really watched it. I can't even finish watching a guy making fun of a guy watching it.

You need to ascend and stop caring .

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>reaction videos
why do zoomers love this shit?

nice work, user

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I thought it was great.

whatever you say kiddo

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emulated friendship

Oh no, how embarrassing

>caring about that guy’s reaction

Have sex



What the hell happened to white people?

is that girl wearing a maga hat at :20?

This isn't a white person, it's an American.

It says "Make Donald Drumpf Again"

define white person

It's probably a
>disembowel Donald Trump
hat, otherwise she'd have been murdered before she entered the establishment



Who the fuck cries over a goddamn trailer?

I just want to see the world burn
I can't take the faggotry anymore

>5 million migrants

Stefania Ferrario

I don't know
Star Wars is dead, I guess

>unironically linking Metokur

What the fuck is that thing on his face

Why are there so many comments on his birthmark/mole? Do you faggots never leave your basement? Loads of people out there with far more disgusting marks on their faces.

t. euromoor

Why? He's a pagliacci. Imagine doing fake emotion videos for clicks, do you think it's fun?

Maybe you should get yours removed if the mere mention of it triggers you so much, soiboi.

>44.5 million migrants
That 56% going down fast.

>end of saga
I have no investment in any of these characters and Leia just looks sad and old.

Paco pls

>bbbut america
face it hans you're not any better off than burgers

based and banepilled

I agree. Sand and snow planets, over and over and over and over and over...

Neither do I. Me dad bought a VHS set with the trilogy when I was little in the 90's. Watched it. It was just a bunch of old ass movies with cheesy effects. They made me feel nothing.

>t. Trekkies

why does it have to be the same as the last one. Stop using Elsa Jean

literally me

Did I improve it ?

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the guy who said it reminds them of the bit in animatrix where the robots are manipulating the guys brain with sensors and making him feel powerful emotions was totally correct, there is something deeply unnerving and unsettling about this that makes me want to bully him

Shouldn't you be out collecting boulders, Jarbo?

I'm sorry you can't feel real emotions.

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>Yea Forums users dont understand reflections
This board is beyond saving

Is that guy excited and experiencing positive emotions from something he enjoys?
What a fucking loser. I hate him.
Fuck that guy


he's ITT

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It looks infected and bleeding.

The only thing I felt was vindication. For years since Rei was shown to be a super-mega-Mary Sue, who could do things even she didn't know how/why she could do them, I called it saying that all the dead Jedi, the "force ghosts" were using her body like an avatar on the mortal plane.

And people called me foolish, stupid or idiotic. That, they said, was TV-level writing. This would obviously make much more sense and be much more satisfying, when it was explained.

Now that Luke's ghost has confirmed, she is the literal meat-avatar of the "The Light Side" I get to lean back into my chair and not watch the fucking movies.

Literally nothing. The TFA trailer was kino, and the TLJ one was enough to make me want to see it. This one I had no reaction to until Palpatine laughed, which just dumbfounded me because I honestly didn't think they could be THAT lazy.

it must be a chair capable of holding IMMENSE weight, you incel loser

>The TFA trailer was kino

You were suppose to say "Have sex."

The original trilogy is some fun sci fi adventure. I never though it wast the best thing ever, but they're fun enough and well made.

Having grown up seeing Star Wars, and then seeing Star-Trek later, I honestly find Star-Trek more engaging, both in story and in lore.

There is only one man that could get me excited. No homo.

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>not rooting for based Bronn to shoot down Khaloreesi
fucking normies

>Yea Forums
Once again Yea Forums does the crime and reddit gets the blame :^)


what do white people put in their water supplies to turn out like this

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Honestly i would fuck the bottom picture....

He looks like my friend Bernardo.


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Light sabers are pretty cool

>Those comments

Attached: soi.jpg (743x835, 82K)

>talks about white people
>posts picture of a spic
what did he mean by this?

I felt nothing until the Palpatine's laugh, which made me go "Oh fuck off", and then the title reveal, which I thought was terrible.



Spaniard ;)

the awww and the 4u are perfectly sincronized

Why is that girl at :20 snapping her fingers?

based and anakinpilled

I think these fake reactions play a large part in my cynicism towards the movie. I already don't feel much, but contrasting that feeling with these sensationalists leaves me with an empty feeling toward the material. Doesn't matter if it's Star Wars, Marvel, video games, or whatever.

you have to be 18 to post on this board

I made a better version without the obnoxious intro

Attached: Jar-Jar-Star-Wars.jpg (968x681, 23K)

I forgot the link

just remember that is the best pic that dude took out of maybe thousands

it kinda hides the broad shoulders and biceps

Because clapping might trigger some people. Yes, seriously.

>there's a basedboy version of Drogo

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Why do I get the feeling this was shot in Portland, Oregon?

snapping is quieter than clapping so others can still hear.

its being polite. not everything outside your room is SJW, trigger warning bullshit.

Seeing Lando back was cool, but that was really the only reaction I had.

The rest was just nothing because Rey is such a boring and uninteresting character.

>star wars is for hardcore fans again
>casualshits"feel nothing" about it
good. TLJ unironically filtered out all the plebs

sounds like a really inconvenient trigger to have as an americlap

Star Wars is dead. Star Trek is Dead. Docto Who is dead. The MCU has now got a terminal infection of Feminazi/SJW politics that will eventually grind it down to dust.

Just feels like everything's coming to an end, I mean, how can white men stop this unrelenting faggotry spurred by women, niggers and their numale white guilt enablers.

Face it, we had a good run but the building is infested with too many cockroaches and there's nothing we can do!!!FACT!!!

>I have no idea where the story is going.

it filtered out pretty much everyone, fren


Incels being pushed out of everything they love. Suicide is your only option once normal people bully you from anime and 40k

>how can white men stop this unrelenting faggotry spurred by women, niggers and their numale white guilt enablers.

get married and have 2 or more children?

Have sex

Well, you’re a faggot.

Please tell me that's fake, like they've put the Star Wars trailer there instead of something else he was watching. The absolute fucking state of men nowadays.

jesus christ you're a faggot

Now THIS is Baneposting!

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Me. Once you know about the Jews, you can't fall for their charades anymore.

Maybe you are the one that is incel user

Not fake, I just saw it on YouTube. His comments matched things that happened in the trailer.


It's so you can clap without being loud, although the only setting this is appropriate, or where it's most used is poetry reasons. Basically she's being a hip faggot.

It means it's time to put down childish things and start reading literature and taking up real hobbies, you useless piece of shit. Stop caring about someone else's fantasy

i gotta be honest all i wanted out of the new trilogy was a sheev cameo, im still holding out hope snoke is sheev to.

Attached: sheevy sheev.png (343x503, 396K)

>I had my speakers muted because of work I was doing
He was jerking off while his wife is at the spa

legit mental illness. these subhumans have nothing worthwile going for them in their lives but social media, videogames and 5-6 blockbuster a year. genuinely sad.

less white people in filmmaking = worse films

Have you ever considered that there might be people in the world who don't care whether something makes them look good? Those people are happier than you.

He and his wife seem pretty miserable though

Attached: 1555082266996.jpg (605x658, 83K)

Looks like a Shazamfag. Why do you adult males cream your jeans over children's movies. Ya fuckin losers.

dogfart>>>>blacked raw>>>blacked

that was me watching the 2016 election with my girlfriend and her retarded friends, but i had a secret smile and erection

this gave me aids

Someone edit it with the Christchurch shooting please.

God Imagine being invested in this assembly line garbage this much

Waaaah waaaah stop attacking this random YouTube retard waaaaah abloobloo

he looks like his family is being beheaded in front of him

I was surprised that the black actor is still alive

This is the Burlington Bar in Chicago.


Apparently you're a Trump supporter if you think there's something terribly wrong with a grown man breaking down in tears because of the trailer for the next shitty Star Wars movie.

Excellent bait, 10 retards including me gave a (you)

I kind of did feel something right before The Force Awakens came out. I actually saw the Last Jedi as well but then I really said what the fuck and can't believe I didn't see it all coming with TFA honestly. Back then I was kind of fooled by the first movie in 2015 but I honestly don't care and have realized how shitty Star Wars pretty much always was. It's explicitly for children and pretty much is the only way it can be enjoyed, being a child.
But yes to answer your question I felt absolutely nothing having just watched the trailer right now.

I can't stop laughing at this face

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someone post the bane edit

I like the protruding eyes

>onions wars
who gives a shit

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>Stefania Ferrario

It's beatnik tradition

interracial pass >


I'm so fucking sick of this onions filter

need to dress niggers the same so people recognize them

pussy should have went longer

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No you haven’t ya fag

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Jesus Christ shut up about your porn habits you oddball

you need to understand that these are sad and lonely people that want to "share" meaningless fake emotions with other retards because of their empty lives. They can go back home, sleep and wake up the next day and it will be bearable to be a mindless drone without hopes or dreams til the next "event".

Aww. The poor guy is clearly "differently abled".
We shouldn't make fun.

I swear this bar is one of the grossest amalgamations of people I've ever seen that aren't at a con of some kind.

your friend has a turbo faggot name, does he like to choke on cock and other homosexual practices?

>The Che Guevara shirt
>The rick and morty figurine
The memes literally right themselves

Attached: Reaction to Alone at Sea - Steven Universe!.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)


>mother of burgers
every fucking time

Attached: muh sides.jpg (637x480, 47K)

>knowing her name
Kill yourself.


Take your meme words and go back

americans are a disgusting, pathetic race

Based and triggering

>that tear rolling down his face
I wish I was retarded as this faggot

>that fat girl in the love heart top giving no fucks whilst the others autistically sperg out
lmao good on her

>Basically she's being a hip faggot.
yup. I mean, just look at her.

What is his name?

>you need to understand that these are sad and lonely people that want to "share" meaningless fake emotions with other retards because of their empty lives.

Real incel take. It's because they are extroverts. They like sharing emotions, they like being emotional. they love being around others, it is what they find fun. They like it so much that when they have a show they like, having people around them enjoying it with them, believe it or not, enhances the experience for them. Believe me, I'm not this sort of person, but seeing incel takes like yours trying to put yourself on a pedestal for preferring to watch something alone rather than with others is pretty cringe, my nigga.

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People that "hate" religion but love a science fiction mythology that follows the same principles.

nice timing

>Only religious people are allowed to appreciate fictional stories

Good to know some atheists are so autistic that even fictional religions make them butthurt.

>Real incel take. It's because they are extroverts. They like sharing emotions, they like being emotional. they love being around others, it is what they find fun. They like it so much that when they have a show they like, having people around them enjoying it with them, believe it or not, enhances the experience for them
You wrote a lot when you could have just said "They're attention whores"

>Star Wars fans are oppressing Christians
hot take


>being social is synonymous with being an attention whore

thank god none of them are going to reproduce

I'd have a beer with him. Everybody else seems like massive faggots.

Did he delete his video? I can't find it anymore.

I've seen some of this garbage show to ask this, why are they cheering for the abusive dyke? Isn't that anti-tumblr or some shit?

Seeing these people get THIS into fictional shows, is it indicative of autism being more widespread these days?

No. Just people normalizing spergy behavior more.

>incel this
>incel that
it gets fucking boring when that's all you have to say when you are just butt hurt user. I get that there are fuking mindless drones doing stupid shit all over the place, this is not news, but stop trying to sell it as the norm. They are just that, mindless consumerist drones that have empty fucking lives. You can tell since they live to tell others about their meaningless adventures. Probably you feel too identified by the people participating in that small webm and you don't like to be reminded about what you are. But rest assured, not everyone pointing out how sad you are is an unfuckable boring bag of shit like yourself.
As much as I can and I will express disgust to this behaviour and that doesn't mean I'm not going about my life happy, doing shit I like, have caring friends, family and girlfriend at home.
Seriously hope you can find half of what I have and you will also understand how ridiculous that people is and how stupid they look.
Friendly advice, just chill and stop answering to everyone with the "incel" canned answer, got old too fast when unimaginative faggots repeated a million times the first month.

>his wife is at the spa
you know that she is busy being railed by the massurer

GOT recovered after Hardhome.

>owning an iphone
are you under 10 years old or over 60?

Resolution is too low to be sure, but looks like there are some sweet stains on his shirt.
