Do you think they will get this qt to do a documentary on black holes one day?
Do you think they will get this qt to do a documentary on black holes one day?
Wasnt there another woman on the team that confirmed that her algorithm wasnt even used to make a pic?
No since she stole credit from everyone else that worked on it
>t. Incels
So is she jewish? She sure looks like it but theres no confirmation
>ywn rub noses with her and have her make fun of how much smaller yours is
Have sex
This is why you don't work with kikes.
>falling for a fake account created by other incels
She looks like a fucking wombat
That guy came out and said she did more than him though
>that nose
>is a liar
Yeah, because he's a betacuck orbiter who knows that he'll always have the skill-set to earn money without advertising it while she's just another diversity hire.
because otherwise he would be a woman hating misogynist
I this guy runs for political office one day and this comes back to bite him in the ass.
Aren't you supposed to assign writing code to peons while you're supposed to tell him what you want to be written there?
>betacuck orbiter
He said he was gay on twitter. Guess your conspiracy ends here, pal.
>He said he was gay on twitter
It's even on his own webpage
Retard. Though she's not blaming Bouman unlike the other retards think.
The exact same thing happened to me recently. Spend months working on a project, almost ready to push out and reap all the credit.
Just before finishing my manager (a woman) gives the job to the new hire (a woman). There was literally no work left to do. Just publish.
The new hire (a woman) published it. Received all the praise. I got nothing. She didn't say she did nothing. I tried to say I actually did most of that. My manager told me that just because I started it didn't mean I finished it. She pushed the final version so obviously she finished it.
They go for lunches together. The new hire constantly compliments the managers clothes and hair. The manager is very fat and middle aged so eats it up.
I'm still raging. How can a man compete with that?
Have sex, with the new hire and your manager unironically
that girl is based as fuck
They're both fat and ugly. Can't even get a hot threesome fantasy going on
Doesn't fucking matter you incel cuck, have sex with them. It will solve your problems
>no confirmation
>that nose
>guy that did most of the work falling asleep from overexertion in the back
>the stupid bitch that was browsing twitter all day shocked that the black hole image thing worked out
Sabotage the next project and tank the entire company
I want to lick her black hole
stop being a cuck and start your own redpilled all-guy firm
Yes sir
I'm unironically already doing this. I'm subtly allowing a huge problem to develop, and keeping other competent people occupied so they won't notice. Then I'm going to make it the new hires problem and make sure everyone knows it's her problem. She's going to panic. I hope she cries.
is that even legal. wouldnt it cause trouble if it came out you dont hire women
>Working with women
So start hiring women(male)
not if you live in commiefornia
>ywn experience having your balls crushed by her nose
fucking kek'd at the webm.
You're a piece of shit I hope you know that.
Oh and you will never get a girlfriend just so you know
Based Joker user
Fucking incels man. Can't let women do anything without filling their diapers over it.
I still cant believe this shitty clown pepe started by a pajeet on /pol/ picked on
good job user
This, but unironically.
Dios mio, El schnoz monstro...
Am I the only one who thinks she's not cute? The only image where she looks cute is in this image And that's because of the angle and she's hiding her nose
i'd like to document her black hole if you know what i mean fellas
Based as fuck
absolutely based mad lad
>Wasnt there another woman on the team that confirmed that her algorithm wasnt even used to make a pic?
Source: my black hole
no he didn't lol. he basically said "stop saying mean things waaah" but not that she did most of the work or more than him