You will never have a picnic with your belter gf.
is Belter the best body type?
She's too tall and her breasts are too big.
>pancake ass
>mosquito bite tits
>pencil thighs
>5/10 face
Manlet pedo
>>pancake ass
lol what ?
I'm 6'1"
did she do anything wrong?
pencil thighs are patrician
long girl is long
>that neck
>mfw no marfan syndrome gf
no, it makes you homoerotic
Does she have marfan ?
You mean Luna syndrome you fuck
Why are white peoples preferences always so close to pedophilia? Is this a testosterone issue?
Sure you are little guy
wtf no they are not
Take this fawning shit to > where it belongs and quit being such a beta bitch.
Non nigger women dont have gorilla asses.
What is homo about that? Men have thick, beefy thighs. Pencil thighs are distinctly feminine.
>Is this a testosterone issue?
No, just further proof of our refined taste and superior aesthetics.
What's with the fish?
One time I saw a girl with a foot long neck on tinder and her bio read “I have an extremely long neck” only and I thought “haha nice photoshop” and the next day I was driving and saw her walking on the sidewalk and, let me tell you, it was not a shop
She looks like an alien
The next season better come soon. I hate all this waiting.
I know. She is so fucking hot
Low test
Tips fedora
It's going to be kino, though I bet they'll do to the alien planet arc the same thing they did to Book 3 and compress it into like 3 episodes.
is this photoshopped
if you have to ask
No. Her name is Lyudmila Titchenkova.
They will make it 10 eps long and have the medina/outer/inner stuff in the background
>Copy that
Whose this longfu
she'd make a good Na'vi