ITT: Movies you like but most people on the internet seem to hate

ITT: Movies you like but most people on the internet seem to hate.

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Which criticism of this film is most unfair according to you?

Same here. I mean, I don't love it, but I felt it was enjoyable for what it was when I watched it in cinema. I get a lot of the criticism directed towards it, but I feel some of that is also stired up internet sensationalism.
I think it also had quite a few moments of clever writing. For example, one of the first thing Luke said to Rey was something along the lines of "What did you expect I would do? Face the combined forces of the First Order, slinging my laser sword?" - which is a nice piece of foreshadowing towards the end of the film, where it at first appears that he does exactly that, only to then give us some reverse-twist on the line where he actually stays true to it. It's nothing amazing, of course, but it is a nice little touch for what it is.

It's a flawed movie, but way overhated.

Rey should be naked

Attached: rey hot.jpg (1920x1080, 442K)

It is a DEEPLY flawed movie, and what you described as good is actually shit writing. Rian Jerkson only wanted to "upend people's expectations," and came up with contrived, unbelievable situations throughout the film as a result. It does not respect the movies that inspired it and ruins their legacy while being a poorly constructed wreck itself.

Not even interested.

Based. As the day she was born.

It wasn't good but it wasn't any worse than The Force Awakens which people loved for some reason.

How is that silly little line shit writing?

I watched the movie 5 times in theaters for those posters and I still really like the movie

-it feeds into Rian's explicit philosophy of "upend expectations no matter what" which is as retarded as M. Night Shamalayan's always having a tweest
-it's out of character for Luke, who has fought against impossible odds with less training and experience several times
-it infantilizes Rey's motivations and character wishes, which actually mirror Luke's from Episodes 4-6 (which is it, nu-wars fans; is Rey your unstoppable femgoddess or inept protagonist because writers can't seem to decide?)
-Luke never actually DOES the thing you say he does, he appears as an immaterial ghost and simply makes the first order waste a bunch of time and ammo, and only dodges Kylo's saber attacks as a distraction, as his dying action by overextending his force powers

And this is one dumb line, in one dumb scene from an entire movie of stupid. The prequels are more consistent than this horseshit.

You mean shit taste general?

I have to give it to you shills, I thought you would have thrown this trash fire of a flick under the bus by now.

Daisy a cute

I am glad I am not alone in liking The Last Jedi. I know it has it critics but it made the studio a lot of money and threw up legitimate questions, such as outdated notions of patriarchal dependency and the need to worship false white heroes. But anyway thanks for watching my movie and feel free to come around to my house and suck the shit out of my anus.

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Barren womb

>clever writing
>isn't amazing
>silly little line

You can't even keep your own thoughts clear on it, why would anyone else think it's anything but shit?

This board's obsession with headcanon supa-wizard Luke is one.

>'rey hot.jpg'
can't imagine having such low standards

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>actually, your opinion is wrong

It’s funny when I see people get mad at Rian for subverting expectations but that’s exactly what I was hoping for with these movies. I didn’t want some bland retread shit like we got in TFA.

I can’t stand it either. They get mad at Rey for being a Mary Sue but that’s exactly what Luke was in the OT and what they were hoping to see. And before some retard tells me he’s not, how the fuck did he blow up the Death Star using the force with no training? I’m dying for that answer because none of you have given it to me.

I might be in a minority but Luke really wasn't important. I mean Luke and Rey's arc boiled down to

>Rey: Rebellion in trouble
>Luke: wait we're still rebelling?
>Rey: That's not the point
>Luke: Go away
>Rey: okay
2 hours later
>Luke: So I heard you were in trouble

the fact that he had tried to kill Kylo who was already falling to the dark side is actually really minor and not even worth showing. I mean it adds more value

It objectively is.

Episode IX will probably be another retread. Looks like they are going back to Endor.

>how the fuck did he blow up the Death Star using the force with no training? I’m dying for that answer because none of you have given it to me.
He blew up the Death Star with proton torpedoes shot down an exhaust port, exactly like the military strategy was in the meeting before the sortie. He didn't use the Force for anything other than calming down and having good hand-eye coordination, he just needed to steady his X-Wing long enough for the targeting computers on-board to line up the shot and pull the trigger at the right moment.

What a stupid fucking question to ask. Did you even watch the movies?

A literal retread. Then they had to shoehorn in Palpatine because the biggest haters of TLJ are Sheev-posting prequel-memers that actually convince themselves that those movies are good.

I'm not one of those rabid haters of TLJ but I disagree with calling Luke a mary sue. Luke may have blown up the death star without training, but in later movies he does show signs of failure. In ESB he trains with Yoda and fails over and over, showing that he's not perfect. He loses the fight against Darth Vader and gets his hand choped off. Rey hasn't failed anything so far (atleast anything I can remember). This may change with Episode IX but I doubt it. I'm still looking foward to Episode IX because I like Star Wars.

Not OP but I liked TLJ too and I also acknowledge that most fans do not and Disney has a big problem they carefully need to address. I don’t really believe that SW is done and the fans have moved on. The reaction to the new trailer proves this. But Disney might crash and burn the franchise for good unless they fix the problem they made.

The criticism of TLJ is valid, I get it. But I still liked the movie. I’ll just use one example - hyperspace ramming. Criticism is valid because it does sort of create endless possibilities where you ask why it hasn’t been used before which does break the rules so-to-speak. But on the flip side, what reason was there to not ever use it? Hyperspace exists so the the SW universe is equally broken if you can’t use it to ram into things. Just ignoring that it can be a thing or inventing canonical offscreen rules that it’s an honor system keeping it from being used is also stupid. Therefore the two cancel each other out and we’ve all made a big deal over nothing. Sound doesn’t exist in a vacuum either, it’s fantasy. Why do we care so much? But I get it

He used the force to shoot the torpedoes at the perfect possible second and also was able to aim them without targeting. That was like pissing into a shotglass going 100mph and he pulled it off with no guidance.

>I am glad I am not alone in liking The Last Jedi.

I mean, by definition, half of all people are below average intelligence.

its bonkers and Im really glad that rian my boy is the future of sw

>Did you even watch the movies?
Apparently he didn't

What obsession, just not make him a coward and a potential nephew cold blood murderer and we're fine with everything else

All movies are deeply flawed, especially Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back is deeply flawed too but everybody thinks it’s the best Star Wars movie.

My favorite SW movie right now is Revenge of the Sith. I hated the prequels when they came out but for some reason I really like RotS now. It’s deeply flawed too but it’s really fun and has a little bit of everything. It also has most of the stuff we wanted to see in prequels beige they were released. The music and action are great and even the bad lines have become legendary. I love it

How am I wrong? Explain.

Only a sith deals in absolutes, user. :^)

My biggest complaint with the movie is that everyone with any amount of dialogue seems like their IQ is below 80.

The computers were only guiding him to level out his ship optimally and provide a timer. He was already getting that info, then switched it off when it was malfunctioning. It,s like being asked to hit a button in 30 seconds, you countdown with the timer the first 10 sec, it's shut off but you keep counting in your head, and manage to hit the button at the right time anyways. The Force is just Obi-Wan telling him to calm down and bomb womprats like in his hovercraft back home.

You make it sound like it was some wizardry, while in fact he just used the force to concentrate and do what was planned by militaries and was intended to be done by any pilot.

>implying using the force isn’t wizardry
It’s like you never watched the movies.

>turned it off when it was malfunctioning
It wasn’t. It’s like you didn’t watch the movie.

>tfw I like all the star wars movies
I've got nobody to talk to

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You missed the point. He used the Force to will them in. His targeting computer was turned off to emphasize this, and later retconned into he guided them in like Yoda lifts the X Wing and everything else moves or floats via Force.

It was wizardry, see

That wasn't shit writing, that was good writing. Calm down, sperg

>It objectively is.

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>Relativistic cuck
Don't you have some dildo parade to be dancing in or some mentally ill shit like that?

Not even him from a literary standpoint it's just a fucking mess and something you'd expect from a 5th grader and even then it'd get a C to B-