This scene hit too close to home
Webm Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>that cheesy look over her shoulder
>running away from it for no reason
>ship doesn't shoot
>epic and totally not expected jedi back flip (training not included)
What this trailer doesn't show is the other 2 tie fighters right behind that one and she strikes all 3 in one strike, pretty amazing!
Why doesn't it shoot at her?
She should be naked
don't give your shekels to the rat.
still haven't seen this movie. But that chick is so fucking hot
This scene made me remember the fractured relationship I have with my father. God Daisy just knows how to bring out these emotions. I'm crying now.
>still haven't seen this movie
>retarded slow-mo shit never seen in sw
That would be sexist
isn't that tie fighter traveling at like mach 3
but doesn't the dust being kicked up imply that the ship is approaching very fast ? But yet when it reaches her its moving so slow she can just jump out of the way ? Does it mean the force can slow down time ?
This looks like one of those trailer shots that is definitely not in the actual movie.
Also would be much simpler for her to hit the dirt, lie down, and hold the lightsaber up vertically as it passes over her.
>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people
Why do whites make this face?
but then her clothes would get dirty
it's the "I hate niggers" face
Better visuals than all of the ST.
I'm guessing it's moving less than 100 mph in that sequence.
>it's another "daisy ridley won't close her fucking mouth" episode
ever since e;r pointed it out i can't unsee it
it's not fair crank gets a sequel while the infinitely better shoot em up did not
>isn't that tie fighter traveling at like mach 3
Yes and so is she. Stop underestimating women.
Imagine your movie is so dull, the only major thing you put in your trailer is some retarded scene crafted by the story group of cunts who thought wouldn't be that could if Mary Sue would single handedly destroy a Tie fighter?
>implying Marey Sue needs training
Rey should definitely take up nudism
>people actually had a problem with the prequel fights looking like this
Enjoy your baseball bat swings and CGI shit like the OP, faggots.
>What this trailer doesn't show is the other 2 tie fighters right behind that one and she strikes all 3 in one strike, pretty amazing!
Dude, she obviously splice that Tie in two with the lightsaber, it's not just a flip
This will be the most fan servicely movie ever created in the history of history. JJ will literally cup the balls and press the button.
it will still suck
Why have they made it look like some shitty slanty eyed cartoon?
Best capeshit
The Disney shills are out in full force, they must of rented an office building and filled it full of trailer 1 'shock troops'. This actually looks worse than the last one.
All that choreography is pointless with the 15 cuts they have in that single fight.
It wasn't a dream people.
That scene is one of the most intense things I've ever watched. It gets even more intense after the boat part.
does anyone else miss chubby Rey from TLJ? i do
All the fights in Marvel movies, (aside from Infinity War for some odd reason) are dog shit.
you know what i hate?
to shit.
to shit is shit.
im shitting and watching Ewan McGregor doing jedi tricks
kino fighting
Yes. Naked as the day she was born.
i dont get it. does Yea Forums liek chubbies?
> why is she in the middle of nowhere
> why is the plan to ram her with a space ship
This is the kind of shit future generations will look back on and laugh at us for gobbling up like plebs
why do asians look so soulless
All this wasted with 10 cuts per second
>Literally Reytrix
I want to see Rey nude too, based user.
Not really. American film making is just filming the same action from a couple of angles and seeing what works during editing.
This is terrible. Absolutely terrible.
Star Wars is worse than dead.
For you
>let's turn Rey into Poochie the dog
It's because they don't have souls
If a male character would do that, I bet you guys wouldn't nitpicking her so bad
This feels out of place in any of the trilogies
Yeah the prequel fights looked like shit, of course people would hqve a problem with them
Wouldn't it make more sense to turn the light saber on after jumping? Running with plasma seems like an unnecessary risk.
Based 10/10 aryan specimen poster
I would have run towards the ship and slid under it while holding my lightsaber up at it, seems easier and less risky
It’s those damn bong genes user, just look at Arya and Sansa.
You can run faster by cutting the air in front of you.
And it was like one week in the movies timeline
>>ship doesn't shoot
maybe they aren't fighting each other
Reminder that this actually literally happened to the six trillion
Holy shit I assume this is a foreign cartoon?
This is the best fight in the entire MCU.
Will Hitchcock appear as an alien cameo too?
has there ever been a scene in any of the star wars cartoons or EU in which someone actually does cut off the opponent's legs? it seems like every single time no matter who is involved, they always jump and miss getting de-ankled. youd think jedi would stop trying that move if it literally never works
*laughs in ong bak*
>6 million
Fixed it, stupid troll
WTF I like old movies now
Are you joking? How did she manage to become the universes best Jedi of all time in a week?
Mind Game
Holy ripoff batman !
Why even use a light saber. Just force crush them all or force kamehameha them to oblivion
Lol slackers get the bullet
Why American cops are so racist & psychos?
is this a parody for some sketch?
You have an "the fights" in your post that you should remove
>run towards officer holding up something black
>get shot
It's not funny
What is the niggers role in these (((((movies))))), does he end up with the white girl? No I won't watch it
just the daily life of being a black man in racist america
>Run up to an officer and pull out something really fast
>expect not to get shot
imagine directing this scene thinking that the guy who got shot is not 100% at fault
Did you miss RotS or something?
what is this woke kino?
Wait, is this supposed to show the police officer in the wrong or something? That's hilarious, how can black people be this dense that they unironically think doing this makes them look like the victim?
new twilight zone
i miss it, bros
i really dont recall someone losing their knees. vader just loses another arm. what am i missing, specifically?
>Peele couldn't resist a race topic
yikes, and I actually liked his movies
>have with
The photon torpedos in episode 4 were in slow-mo as they went into the death star's exhaust port.
looks pretty corny
What better shoot em up?
>still wearing those stupid ass capris and little boots
>STILL doesn't have a double sided lightsaber
Why are kikes so lazy?
and barefoot
they did the matrix shit at the end of TLJ between holo luke and kylo
Damn, so he really was a good boy who dindu nuffin n shiet. Really makes a nigga think, blood.
did you really make these to shock people here? they do look pretty funny
for a sec I thought this was from that It's always Sunny episode where dennis is stuck in that warehouse with sinbad and rob thomas
Wait THIS is the new twilight zone? Looks like a $100 budget inner city black art school project LMAO
There is nothing funny about the death of innocent Jewish people
lol holy shit. racist propaganda is alive and well and blacks love it.
these webms both loop way too well
the irony of this post is astounding
you're serious aren't you? You're crazy.
Also that's an inefficient method of committing mass murder.
ugh...what could have been
He loses both legs and his arm.
They'll probably have some excuse of the tie fighter being out of ammo
>Why do whites make this face?
because we don't want you in our countries but we're too polite and morally conflicted to say it, even to each other most of the time. it's a fairly complex feel that subhumans couldn't understand.
We get it, you Aryans are really showing off those 10-15 extra IQ points with the ">innocent" comments.That's some real creativity right there!
Welcome to 4 chan.
They weren't. That was just FX being limited.
The only actual time I can think of was V when Luke had his Force hallucination test, and it was more shutter fuckery than "slo mo"
it's probably a training exercise between her and Kylo you dips
wait til you see a movie with naomi fucking watts.
>>"THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people"
No, this is literary a 4/10 Britbong with no tits and no ass who only gets fetishised by american homos.
I mean of course Star Wars Vietnam edition would have the most KINO shots.
the jump was cool but it makes no fucking sense. Would have been 1000x cooler is she ran toward it and jumped
Looks like Grimes
>tfw no Brothers in Arms style mini-series about the 501st in Felucia
goddamn the prequels truly had 'alien' feeling worlds
I think he means the movie titled Shoot-Em Up
The same cop chases the Dindus throughout the episode. He even sherlocks his way to find them at one point. At the end, he summons his League of assassin cops to the black college campus, but by then there is an army of Dindus with phones recording them, so they have no choice but to back down.
I honestly thought this was some John Candy comedy at first :(
so, is Star Wars saved?
and how close is it to the reddit leak?
seriously WTF is her problem
We're making kino. user, hop in.
either way, Luke is still better
Makes sense, when has JewJew ever made anything original? or interesting.
Lost to Star Trek to Star Wars, as is their way, they ruin everything they are involved in.
trayvon actually beat that fat jew-spic up though
She actually looks good with her hair let down. Why do they insist on making her look like a boy in the movies?
Cuz expecting women to have long hair is sexist and impractical in a fight user, I bet you can't even think of one example through history of warriors that had long hair.
This is some retarded looking shit
I feel your pain.
Why is she destroying the vagina-based TIE fighter instead of the penis-based x-wing? JJ really is /ourguy/
>just look at Arya and Sansa.
I only go for high quality British slags like webm related.
And she was a good friend
Jamie pull up that video where that cop quickdraws against a guy with a gun
she's the only reason to watch that shitshow.
>literal supersoldiers who eventually fight off world-threatening enemies including aliens and time/reality controlling mega bosses
>having a fist fight
What movie?
which episode of House MD is this?
yeah no other character in star wars has ever ran with a lightsaber on
Schindlers list, a very moving and depressing movie set around the holocaust
not everyone lives in a shitty third world country
Why did she do this?
based mount and blade loading screen poster
>(training not included)
There is no context to this scene. How can you know that? She stole all the Jedi books at the end of the previous movie.
is this what americans believe?
Source on the image? I love these american porn comics
the cat is dead now
why does the white man have to steal from the black man?
I remember that I shed a tear in the cinema when I saw this
Why is this scene so powerful, bros? It's just a fucking plane burning
Because he didn't crash the plane with no survivors.
I'm not having that that's real
literally exactly how it happened
Why's the entire engine missing from the plane?
Which episode of Fawlty Towers was this?
Took it apart and swallowed it so the Germans couldn't get their hands on it.
Nice webm, nerd.
The amount of effort Ewan and Hayden put into training for the fights was incredible. An over-choreographed fight scene is a hundred times better than the jumbled mess in TLJ where the stuntmen are randomly running around.
Let me get a source of this whore please
That's a well trained airman
Emily Blunt
>he doesn't recognise emily blunt
How does a person age this much in 4 years
Everyone on the board thought to themselves "innocent" when you said that.
women are always returning clothes they tried on , its idiotic.
and the final result is a a bunch of shake shots that only flash on the screen for a less than a second making it look like a jumbled mess compared to a wide shot of the entire fight with no cuts.
sex comedy
>sex comedy
The best kind.
God I wish that were me
it's literally a training exercise
How the fuck is this even twilight zone, is there even a twist at the end? Any supernatural elements?
What the fuck was R2-D2's problem?
I'd give her my blade, if you catch my drift.
nice trips.
>some fly-over state, backwoods porker cop who in real life would have never fired in anger being able to draw, aim and fire like some sort of Clint Eastwood character
What is this
HK1 and its sequel, HK2.
I don't even give a whip I'm enthused. People that don't understand the means by which JJ is a good filmmaker are dumbeuxs.
Why isn't it shooting at her?
This whole scene makes no fucking sense and is clearly just meant to look "cool."
lmao you cut out the part where she taps into her inner femergy and defeats him? Woulda been better at least this way.
is that a version where she is not a mary sue?
Sexist much?
What made-for-TV movie is this garbage from?
yeah idk what's up with that.
I saved it because that's pretty much the opposite of how the Mary Sue trope would be portrayed. Having the final boss battle be the protagonist on their heels the entire time just defending against strikes and trying not to die isn't really very Mary Sue at all. Like look at Baby Anakin in TPM yelling yippee as he blows up the plot donut the first time he's ever flown a spaceship. Rey manages not to die in a fight where the antagonist is wounded and trying to recruit her. She has her use the force meme like Luke where she gets the upper hand she does a lot less badass shit than either of the other protagonists in their first movies, and yet she's the only one that gets memed about Mary Sue.
Almost like it's a meme that people only say because she's a gril. If Rey was a sexy boy protagonist everyone would have complained that he was a wimp.
Okay, this is funny and you have to admit it
I feel like if it was Peter Sellers underneath and he just sort of shrugged when they found him it'd be gold
jesus, that fucking run
>I saved it because that's pretty much the opposite of how the Mary Sue trope would be portrayed. Having the final boss battle be the protagonist on their heels the entire time just defending against strikes and trying not to die isn't really very Mary Sue at all. Like look at Baby Anakin in TPM yelling yippee as he blows up the plot donut the first time he's ever flown a spaceship. Rey manages not to die in a fight where the antagonist is wounded and trying to recruit her. She has her use the force meme like Luke where she gets the upper hand she does a lot less badass shit than either of the other protagonists in their first movies, and yet she's the only one that gets memed about Mary Sue.
>Almost like it's a meme that people only say because she's a gril. If Rey was a sexy boy protagonist everyone would have complained that he was a wimp.
imma disagree there hoss. luke had obi wan there coachin', baby anakin is in a retarded kids show for little kids to self-insert
they announced they will have a closed beta soon
in the meantime I'm doing another TLD playthrough
>to hell with the su-.. oh.
I literally cried during this part when I watched the trailer (and most other parts too LOL!) You guys should check out my reaction video over Make sure to SMASH that like button!!!
>Hey Bruce, what's with all the mirror reflectors with bat symbols around the outside of your house?
someone put this sound effect in
>how did you find my house
>why did alfred let you in?
It's an isolated house.
>imma disagree there hoss. luke had obi wan there coachin'
yeah and Luke started as a useless bitch with ZERO experience outside of farming moisture and one line about "shooting wamprats" with a fighter jet. He was a spoiled baby that got everything he wanted in the movie. He wanted an adventure. He wanted to save le princess and destroy the fortress. Him hanging out with a space monk for a few minutes didn't necessarily explain how he went from poindexter faggot to Hero that made an impossible shot using space magic. Not to mention that in the first movie there's no reason he should even have space magic, other than that he's the protagonist and he gets everything he wants out of the story. Like the reason Star Wars was such a big deal in 77 was it was wish fulfillment fantasy for all the nerdy kids that grew up watching Flash Gordon. Him getting some coachin' on a car trip doesn't undo the entire point of his first story.
> baby anakin is in a retarded kids show for little kids to self-insert
they literally all are. And Rey is the only one that DIDNT WANT SHIT. She spends the whole first 2 acts of TFA wanting to go back to Jakku. Not wanting to accept the call to action. Being conflicted and defensive and skeptical and junk. Then she finally makes some friends and they all get fucking murdered or crippled at the end. She doesn't even get a medal at the end, when Luke and Anakin did. And niggers still complain because Leia gave her a hug.
Like just in terms of characterization she's the only one in the first movie that's stressed out and miserable and conflicted about being involved at all
And I kind of agree with Max Landis' original tweet that TFA is like fanfiction, making Rey the Mary Sue Kennedy insert, but the problem is everyone that latched onto the Mary Sue meme didn't really care about the whole fan fiction part and "Mary Sue" just turned into dogwhistling or whatever for "bitching that the hero isn't a sexy boy self-insert.
aw yea, fucking hans albers
what's this?
so Batman's special in Injustice 2 has your enemy dragged up and flung up into the sky by the batplane just like this webm and then it shoots the enemy on the way down the whole way. It's hilarious when you're fighting regular mortals like the Joker or Catwoman, like Batman's finally lost it and gone full murder.
>watching gross tiddy lesbian porn in the first place
If she was smart she'd run with her hands held behind like Naruto. Everyone knows thats how you really run fast.
I agree but sometimes needs must.
in a country where literally anyone can just buy a gun and carry it with them
it's more like a black black mirror but with black people instead of technology
me too
Women are so badass and cool
I miss non-Disney Burton
There's no way this film won't be shit. Just imagine how they will fit this scene into the actual film
Not quite Spider-Man 2 (2004) is it lmao.
>Still jump/fly like they're weightless
You'd think marvel would have mastered that kind of computer fx by now
It doesn't matter what they do with the camera, Daisy is never going to look badass or have screen presence.
In that universe everyone has taken a pill that gives them Superman tier strength and durability.
Is this what women think men want?
Why doesn't she just run to the side?
>if it's not a sexy boy that I can imagine is me I'll never like it
She was only cute while her mouth was shut.
To bad it's open for 90% of the movie.
>get sent to work camp for your country during war for its survival
>refuse to work
>get shot
play stupid games win stupid prizes
Wow such charisma
Star Wars making Nike commercials now?
When can I scoop me up a pair of Rey Force Ones or Kylo Shox?
Sheev and Windu go slo-mo at 1:26
I miss Wushu-Wars.
SHE DOESN'T JUMP HIGH ENOUGH. Look closer. The trailer implies that she will cut the ship in half, but she's at least three feet too low. Rey is going to splatter all over the tie's windshield.
The cancelled one.
The fire is really rising from that plane. Guess it didn't fly so good.
she's training. She jumping onto the ship.
dooku cuts obi wans leg in Aotc
I think there's room in our cinema to let go of this stuff, to stop using subtext and innuendo, and to speak frankly about black male superiority. Their testosterone, their huge cocks, their alpha demeanor. All this must be explored in the open, and I think that will release a lot of the pressure that's been building in society, where weak and soft white men are forced to live alongside them.
I think we're working toward a cinema where black male sexual superiority is acknowledged. I look for JJ Abrams to make progress in this area.
Hard living, coke, and weight gain and loss. Also probably stress from Adam Driver breaking her heart.
I thought "people"
You're welcome, Satan.
Brit DNA decays fast. It's literally falling apart from centuries of inbreeding and the gutter people being the only plague survivors.
Does losing limbs still count in decreasing your overall force power?
was this rendered in source filmmaker or something? jesus christ
I'm not entirely sure that a Goalkeeper CIWS could take out missiles like that.
As far as I know most CIWS are only efficient at shooting down missiles that are coming towards the ship. If the missile is coming towards the CIWS, the CIWS can throw thousands of rounds down range and hopefully one bullet in this cloud intersects with the incoming missile. Now, if the missile is coming in at that sort of angle, attacking a vessel a quarter mile away, the missile would have to intersect the stream of bullets at a perpendicular angle, meaning there'd be much less chance of the missile being hit.
Plus Goalkeeper wouldn't have even been used initially, the ship would have fired off a number of Sea RAM point defense missiles at medium range. CIWS is a last ditch system.
Yeah like some okuyasu za hando shit from jojo, I see what youre preaching
Iirc it's supposed to be like a year between TLJ and the new one.
It's still retarded if it's training
Nice bait retard.
Enjoy your cup of battery acid.
reminds me of mass effect
Here is the REAL movie footage.