Seriously, what the fuck was his problem?

Seriously, what the fuck was his problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:


did you have a stroke typing?

>50,000 casualties vs 9,000,000


COPE harder

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He ran out of degenerate weak Americans to slay after they all ran home with their tales tucked between their legs like Americans do in every war where they can't jump in like a nigger after the enemy has already been beat down by some one else.

Mission failed vs. mission accomplished.
>b-but muh K:D!
It's not a videogame.

>vietnam is free of kikes and niggers


>American soldiers rape babies then eat them
>Vietcong get pleasure in revenge.
seems like a fair deal


amerifats got dabbed on

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The clip is from Ken Burns' documentary on Nam, right?

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And americucks still couldn't do actual relevant shit and lost the country to commies lmao


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Finished watching today.
The part where the North Vietnam started advancing and taking everything and Saigon pretty much goes into Anarchy of terror gave me chills desu.
I mean it was literally a state being desintegrated by sheer fear from the population.

Also that Vietcong is base as fuck, regardless of political view, he protected his country against Fr*nchoids and Amerimutts.

he's proud about defending his country from foreign invaders, stupid

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>commits literal treason for his political goals
>don't get at least hope'd

Why are americans such brainwashed cucks?

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The future president committing treason is a mutt national tradition, just look Reagan.

i don't think he was smiling, it's just what his face looks like. he had the same face talking about his friends or family dying i remember

He was laughing when he said that they were attacking them "day and night".

>the face of a man who fought to throw off the shackles of foreign imperialism.
I'd be smiling too if I won my freedom

>couldn't finish off the Vietcongs regardless of how many were killed
>had to negotiate in disavantage to save their POW's so they could gtfo Vietnam with the tails between their legs

>b-b-b-but the killcount

America fucked up, even to this day the American military can't deal with Guerilla Warfare.

Killcount isn’t that high. They killed everyone they saw and chalked them up as vc

I think this is a bit of a stretch.

Retards and commie apologists who don't know about South Vietnamese should be prohibited from talking about this war.

Pretty much.

Wasn't the military way to get results was to count "VC bodies"?

He's not that far off, a lot of normal people helped the VC but didn't actually fight or were part of the structure and a shitload of those got wiped off in villages.

>t. McNamara

Man, South Vietnam wasn't some fucking saintly state either. It was run by corrupt as shit nutjobs. The NVA won because at the end of the day, they probably had the support of the majority of Vietnam.

Yeah, but I mean just wasting civies and counting them as VC seems a little...I'm skeptical.

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It was in the same situation as South Korea. Run by dictators, generally poor, supported by USA. And what happened after it survived the attack from the north? Because they weren't run by ideological communists and their party they had the chance to change for the better. First rule of all communist governments is to keep the power no matter what and that includes murder and oppression of their own people. Because South Korea wasn't that, it could reform and now the same people don't make threads about based North Koreans killing American invaders.

I agree, who knows what are the real numbers of actual Civilians and Vietcong.

>The NVA won because at the end of the day, they probably had the support of the majority of Vietnam.

Actually it was the constant Soviet and Chinese support.
Once the USA backed out, NVA and Vietcongs took over the south in less than a year.

He is dabbing on amerimutts and they fear him for that

>The NVA won because at the end of the day, they probably had the support of the majority of Vietnam.
That's not true. They were a draconian regime propped up with external support.

But underneath it all you still have a weak as shit South Korea that's dependent upon us to survive. Without our troops there, Norks would roll them over in a matter of weeks.

So you mean to say that you think most Vietnamese people supported the Southern Vietnamese government? I'm pretty doubtful of that.


>America btfo by a bunch of of 5 foot chinamen living off a spoonful of rice a day
You just love to see it

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coping loser

No, i'm just saying that Soviets and Chinese were reliable partners while the US just straight left.

>So you mean to say that you think most Vietnamese people supported the Southern Vietnamese government? I'm pretty doubtful of that.

People in Danang and Saigon were scared shit and jumping into boats and officers were throwing ARVN choppers at USN ships.

And in the next episode, amerimutt are getting BTFO by a bunch of arabs manlets

Alright but you'd probably see something similar if ARVN started getting close to Hanoi.

>casually forgetting all the agent orange deformed babies

Honestly Hanoi govt would probably just execute everone for treason.

Let's not forget that 10 years later they BTFO China.

Did they? I thought that war was inconclusive.

18 years fighting goat herders living in caves. OH NO NO NO NO NO NO

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I won't spoil the ending for you lol

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The Chinese got pushed back.
China was already a regional power and couldn't deal with a country that had literally no infrastructre left.

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I wouldn't say they BTFOd them but they did repel them long enough and got pushed back into their border for the chinks to reconsider and they also BTFOd those Khmer niggers pretty hard.

I mean, desu, the vietnamese units were probably either seasoned veterans, or were led by said seasoned veterans.

Yes, the Chinese were basically fighting an entire military made of war Veterans.
That guy who laughs of killing Americans probably sent some Chinese to hell as well.

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Why don't amerisharts apologize for war crimes?

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Jesus, people's understanding of the Vietnam war is fucked. The war was 'lost' through political incompetence and news media coverage, not by any traditional NVA victory. In fact, the US actually forced the North Vietnamese into a peace treaty, which was ultimately why the US exited Vietnam.
The US promised material and personnel support to the south if the North ever came back, and surprise surprise, the North came back. However, due to years of the US meddling with southern affairs leading to the appointment of corrupt and incompetent leaders, combined with America's disregard to their support promises due to the state side election cycle, the south was utterly shit stomped by the North.

>fights off China for 3000 years straight
>fights off France
>fights off Japan
>fights off America
>fights off Cambodia, then invades Cambodia simply to end the Cambodian Genocide
>does all of this with nothing but bamboo sticks and a handful of rice while wearing pyjamas

The Vietnamese people are the closest thing that human history has to a protagonist.

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>Mfw Ho Chi Mihn basically cucked everyone including the USSR and China

Was uncle Ho /ourguy/?

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>win every battle
>STILL lose
They didn't fight off Japan, Japan had to leave because they lost in other theatres. I think their hold on Indochina was pretty strong.

But the ones who fucked the US forces weren't the NVA, but the Vietcongs.

>take X hill
>loses 20 guys in the process
>abandon hill
>Vietcong takes it back

>watching doc
>episode where they talk about South Vietnam politicians
>each and every single one of them was an absolute mad lad
>The guy who said "Vietnam needs 10 Hitlers" and his crazy batshit wife

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>The guy who said "Vietnam needs 10 Hitlers" and his crazy batshit wife

That actually made me a little mad.
Imagine you, a South Vietnamese leader trying to hold the country together while NVA and Vietcongs are fucking you inside your onw country and your international image is as dirty as a obese diaper.
Then your wife comes and say some shit that cause internal and international outrage, which then only helps to get you ousted and murdered in the future.

They should have slapped these whores.

madame nguyen is a pure goddess

What a shit show it was.

Which got her husband and his brother murdered right after they were expelled from the palace.
Meanwhile she's living or lived the good life in US with the money that they stolen from South Vietnam economy.

Which documentary are y'all talking about?

>not posting the Based ARVN Tran Ngoc Toan

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Is there any Documentary with a similar format about the Soviet Afghan War?
Really want to see more about the "Soviet's Vietnam".

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Daily reminder
>Gulf of Tonkin incident
>US enters a foreign war because of a false flag that never happened
>Thousands die, maimed and returned to the US mentally ill
>Take in millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians instead

In what way did the US actually win? The Vietnamese population has also boomed astronomically as of 2017 its 96 million from 45 million in 1970

>buddhism is a religion of peace

Is it just like the Vietnam one or it's just on the spot commentary?

I think it's more on the spot but there's some interesting folk in it like the commander of the APC.
>Congratulations Comrade Americans you were born lucky!

I'll take a look.

I hope someday they make one for the Afghan war just like they did in the Vietnam.
It's a pretty underrated war.

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There's mini docs that exist but they're all in Russian and haven't been translated or subbed unfortunately. I too would someday like to see one with Ken Burns level production value but unfortunately most Americans have a hatred-boner for Russia.

I'm sort of lumping together for the sake of brevity, but yes, the VC were a massive problem. But there were a problem that stemmed mainly from political interference and incompetence. The VC were effectively just a bunch of ricebois who felt like they were getting shafted by the current system, a never ending stream of pissed off farmers and patriots.
One of the biggest fears for the Vietnamese people as a whole was being subjugated again by foreign powers. They saw the US as the second coming of the French essentially. The US propped up a Christian minority faction instead of the majority Buddhist faction, for one, and then flooding the domestic markets with US goods, and cities and towns with US troops.
Pretty much every policy the US forced onto the Vietnamese people was received negatively, and the bureaucrats and politicians in America just ignored them because they didn't trust the Vietnamese to govern themselves.

The whole 'take a hill, leave a hill, lose a hill' was a symptom of that, as much as it was the US's absolutely Fubar military strategy.

Maybe the Russians could do it, they have some good production, specially Combat Approved videos.
Although they can be a "little" biased.

Pretty much on point.
Maybe you can say VC weren't even commies, just really pissed off Nationalists against foreigners.

As far as i could see from the NVA Soldiers and VC soldiers in the documentary, they don't seem as "commie" as they were back in the good 'ol days.

I can be horribly wrong too mind you.

>Those comments on that video

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>pol pot was based and he could revive the country
>the Vietkong gassed us
Is this guy redpilled?

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Vietnam nowadays is barely even communist, especially in the South.

Tbf Cambodians were cucks by letting NVA and Vietcongs letting them use their country as a supply lines.

Vietnamese were based for gassing them and Chink.

Not even China is communist now.
Saigon doesn't look too bad for ASEA standards.

Wh*teboi lost in Hanoi

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I don't actually think many of them were commies at all, and I don't think many of them actually cared for, or even understood, the concepts of communism or capitalism. For them, they just wanted to farm their fucking rice under their own country.
That's what I gather from the VC, anyways. The same sentiment existed in the NVA as well, but communist influence was often significantly more present in their soldiers than with your average pajamaboi.

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I always cracked up when this guy came on

He fails to mention that the VC routinely engage in worse tactics against their own people, simply to brutalize them into submission.

>During the early years of the war, assassinations and other similar activity was organized via "special activity cells" of the VC. As the conflict extended, efforts were centralized under the VC Security Service estimated to number 25,000 men by 1970.[102] By 1969, nearly 250 civilians were being murdered or kidnapped each week. The total tally of the VC/NVA terror squads from 1967 to 1972 stands at over 36,000 murders and almost 58,000 kidnappings according to one US Department of Defense estimate, c. 1973.[103] Statistics for 1968–72 suggest that "about 80 percent of the terrorist victims were ordinary civilians and only about 20 percent were government officials, policemen, members of the self-defence forces or pacification cadres."
>1967 the VC used flamethrowers to incinerate 252 civilians, mostly women and children at the village of Dak Son, in Đắk Lắk Province.
>In 1970, at the village of Phu Tan, near Da Nang, the NVA killed an estimated 100 civilians as they huddled in bunkers for shelter, by tossing in grenades and satchel charges.
>Communist forces and spokesmen consistently denied using any terror, and attributed the mass graves at Hue to spontaneous action by various aggrieved peoples of the city.[3] The use of terror however is encouraged in official NLF documents, such as COSVN Resolution Number 9, published in July 1969, which noted: "Integral to the political struggle would be the liberal use of terrorism to weaken and destroy local government, strengthen the party apparatus, proselyte among the populace, erode the control and influence of the Government of Vietnam, and weaken the RVNAF."

I lost it when the bitch called the monks who burned themselves in protest a nice BBQ and said she would have gladly added some gasoline. This cunt was on another level.

This the war wasn't military lst but the US had no political objectifs there

This is the biggest cope ever.

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I guess so.
After all VC's probably haven't went under training or had "education".

She was a massive cunt and she fucked his husband govt more than helped.