Name ONE (1) thing she can't do

Name ONE (1) thing she can't do.

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Be penetrated by a man.


Take the dick.


Look like a young woman anymore.

find a hat that fits.

have sex

look at her future career with any hope

grow bangs

sexually arouse me



Post the webm of her getting super upset it replenishes my soul

Somebody should put Klingon ridges on her forehead.

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Act, be on a talk show without mentioning that Nova Scotia is Latin for New Scotland, act, bear children, act, reach items on the top shelf without help, act, pee sitting down, act, give me a boner, act, make these threads stop, act, earn my respect, act, accelerate critical terminals, act, build a Gundam using only her labia, act, not have yellow feet, act, grow 300ft and tear the head from Lady Liberty's shoulders, act, star in a good thread, act, look like an adult, act, fire a green photon torpedo out of her anus, act, bring Kanye's mother back, act, alter a radioactive element's half-life, act, menstruate properly, act, get nude on camera, act, produce sperm, act, end the reign of "where do you think we are what is that? a scar ITT: genuinely sympathetic bad guys ITT - movies you didn't think would make you cry, but did" spam, act, play Samuel L. Jackson in Samuel L. Jackson's biography "Nigga Balls", act, provide definitive proof of the supernatural, act, be on more than one season of Trailer Park Boys, act, play the spoons, act, be awesome, act, fathom OP's sad sad life, act, capture the true essence of life and throw it into the eye of the universe, act, light up the night, act, be hot, act, successfully conceal her massive forehead, act, look like a girl, act, look like a boy, act, solve Fermat's Last Theorem, act, travel at or faster than the speed of light, act, dance at the ballet, act, recite the Qur'an word by word from memory, act, make my dick move, act, be in a Stanley Kubrick film, act, transmute lead into gold, act run 100 meters in less than 10 seconds, act, make adults see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch, act.

fill a bra.

Have kids

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admit that coming out of the closet was a career ending mistake.

based and actingpilled

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Not be a bitch


Piss out a fire.

not be cute

Attached: oranges.webm (640x480, 2.75M)

wear headphones

Attached: download.jpg (192x262, 7K)


have a normal hairline

Are you an oldfag? This .webm with that same filename goes back years and years in the archive.

Shes full lesbo? i thought she was just bi

Pretty sure she's a full lesbo. That said I'm sure she's taken a few cocks at least given her line of work.

ive been on Yea Forums since '08 or '09, i dont really remember

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star in a major movie

come to the realization that 95% of her fanbase were male and she just fucked them over leaving her with nothing.

wish she'd juggle my balls like that during her Super days


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She probably can't correctly assemble an interocitor.

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Give me wood anymore

Does anyone have the webm?