Why was 80's fantasy and science fiction so awesome?
Why was 80's fantasy and science fiction so awesome?
It was original in the 80's. They've run out of ideas now.
They cared about telling stories and there were still directors who were both talented and powerful enough to make movies the way they saw fit (most of the time). These days fantasy and scifi have been replaced by capeshit, which is a paint by numbers sort of deal, so you're not going to see any sort of creativity or passion coming out of it.
Back then black guys weren't in any lead roles in good sci-fi fantasy films. Black people thought they too cool for the white nerdy shit then. Black people ruin everything.
pic related "ay hole up ay body, check how much cooler I am den ow da white peoples, checks muh cool shoes an muh cool motown records".
>we will never have movie posters this kino ever again
Look at OPs pic
Excalibur - thousand year old regurgitated legend.
Conan - book from the 1930's
Aliens - a sequel
The Thing - a 1930's story and remake of the 1950's film.
Bladerunner - 1960's story
Where the fuck is the originality?
Movies today are better than the 80s. It's kind of like Olympic ice skating, compare how it was back in 1910 with how it is today--a century of innovation and improved methods in every aspect of filmography. I mean, actors didn't even fucking act until Marlon Brando came on the scene--they just did fake as shit overacting that's painfully obvious and makes every old movie look dated. And that's just one example.
I'd call this bait except I know there are pleb faggots who actually believe this
t. Pol
Blacks are not the problem. Blacks for the sake of blacks in movies is the problem
Name some better fantasy and science fiction movies from the past 5 years. Not baiting, I want something good to watch tonight. I really enjoyed the new Mad Max and Edge of Tomorrow but they're the only ones I can think of that I've thought were good in these genres and were recent.
No way, someone actually believes this shit?
Disney was at its weakest, so other companies didn't have to comply to their family friendly standards to make good box office numbers anymore. That paved the way to a lot of experimental stuff and new, cool IP's.
the only good movies there are Aliens and The Thing. (OK I'll give you Blade Runner too, though I don't personally enjoy it)
Massively disseminable exploitation of spectacular sex and violence only became viable due to technological and social advances. Now this is an old story.
That post ony makes sense if you don't think about it.
only the bottom three are actually good movies. the top three have cult appeal but are substantially behind as art or even as enjoyable movies.
While you have a point, movies based off older fantasy and science fiction books tend to make the best fantasy / science fiction movies, because that means someone behind the movie is passionate about the material (and less about money, since books in these genres tend to not be the biggest commercial sellers). So not that original, sure, but better than most things that are.
I dunno, agree they aren't original in source material but they are at least original in their exploration and execution of it.
Movies now are impressively by the numbers, blame it on corporate culture or people demanding very specific things but there's a lot less wiggle room for bigger movies to do their own thing.
No original story was copied. They built their own narrative on a vague existing universe and trooe
>Excalobur, Blade Runner, Thing,
Sequel but different
You see how all of these make things BETTER instead of inventing new but shitty things
BR 2045
Bridge to Teribithia.
The Martian
Attack of the Block
Source Code
I robot was a bad adaptation of the books, like real bad. They tried to combing caves of steel with robot dreams and some of I, Robot and it didn't work. Thats not Will Smith's fault
Theres still some decent parts in it though
Reminder 80's fetishists are reddit incel goobers
People weren't pussies back then
>BR 2045
>The Martian
All mediocre imo. Dredd is great though, I forgot about that one. I'll look into the others, thanks.
Instead, people voted and rooted for actual politicians rather than clowns to take over the White House.
70s fetishists are worse
This if they don't make it a topic and the black guy is just a guy like everyone else it is fine.
Same for women.
The in your face writing is what annoys me.
Dredd and Source Code sure. The rest are meh. . > Interstellar Fucking love Tars, love. I'll never get over that gay shit.
The last real politician was Bush and we saw how that went.