Was 9/11 the greatest kino in the history of live television broadcasting?

Was 9/11 the greatest kino in the history of live television broadcasting?
>This just in. You are looking at obviously a very disturbing live shot there. That is the World Trade Center, and have unconfirmed reports this morning that a plane has crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center...

Attached: cnn 911.jpg (258x196, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:

truegamer.net/SA_911/911 SATHREAD/

Yes, literally nothing could top that. I have never got tired of watching those clips.

The CGI of the planes aged badly tho.

>we're overlooking the financial center
>three of us, two broken windows

Attached: 1548740883575.jpg (1200x1058, 117K)

this archive is kino:
truegamer.net/SA_911/911 SATHREAD/

Attached: Capture.jpg (1332x660, 77K)

That poor bastard...

History channel did a really good doc on this years ago
I think It won some award(s)

>that kinda sucks

No, it was just some people doing something.

>by the end of the year there will be people old enough to post here that were born after 9/11

Attached: spittake.jpg (300x225, 13K)

>Now this is weird, since last week was the first showing of that X-files spin-off "The Lone Gunmen" in Austalia. The plot of the first one was that some government group was going to fly a plane into the World Trade Centre. Life imitates art?

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>you can have sex with people born after 9/11

>greatest mino of all time
>a day some guys did some things

Hard pass

wow, time is a thing that exists!!!! who knew??

>Claims to be a young guy in hopes of getting quicker rescue
>Literal Boomer tier

I rememeber waking up for school and my just cooking breakfast, with the tv on and saying "they fucking attacked us" and just going on the bus. Pretty normal day after that

Awesome thanks.

Here's a famous radio broadcast from that day.


I got home from school
and then burning towers on the TV

>It sounds like something out of a Tom Clancy book. Specifically the one where the Israelis (or whoever) crashed a 747 into the White House.

/our guy/

Attached: 1555056432214.png (334x484, 67K)

>9/11 is closer to the fall of the Berlin wall than today

>hope it isn't some terrorist attack or anything nutty like that



Attached: daytoday.jpg (480x360, 23K)

You had to watch it live to understand. Kino now, but fucking horrific at the time. People thought planes would be crashing into shit all over the country, that this was basically the start of an invasion of the US. People were freaking out and buying jugs of water and lining up at the gas stations filling as many cans of gas as they could. Lots of crying and wondering if this was the end of the country. Faggots who don't remember like to joke about it but that first couple days was pretty traumatic. Still kino 10/10

Idk man that sounds more like the first few hours afterwards than days afterwards. In my area no one was panicking by evening of the eleventh


I guess people used to be dumber back when I was a kid


Attached: 6 seconds before impact and plane is invisible fucking mossad niggers.webm (712x480, 2.22M)

I was in the 4th grade and lived in Brooklyn when this shit went down, I was just excited we got off of school for so long



We were all alive back then, you moron.

I watched it live, it was cool. I was a 11 year old child, I liked explosions. Best news ever made to date.

Horrific may have been for a dumb American, but I ain't one of those losers.

Attached: WTC Southtower PLane out of fucking nowhere.webm (720x480, 2.79M)

>We are young men we aren't ready to die
Thats actually what he said you dumb zoomer.

Gtfo zoomer, if this happened again people would act the exact same way. And with all the preppers and nihilists and clown world types, it actually might be worse. And I'm no (((neocon))) I just understand how people en masse act.

This is generally pretty accurate I'd say, except people were paranoid for awhile after.

Attached: No plane hit the WTC south tower real time full motion alpha keying.webm (720x480, 2.4M)

How much better would things be if 9/11 simply didn't happen?

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>Be me, 13
>On vacation in Greece during 9/11 (I'm not american)
>Talk to some dude from Chicago in the hotel bar while watching the news cast on the tiny TV
>Remember him being despondent and very worried about going back to the U.S the next day
>Before flying home airport security took the pocket knife that I had bought in Rhodes
Fucking terrorists, they owe me a knife


I remember showing to work that morning and while preparing to open up a coworker told be a plane had hit the trade center. I was like "oh that sucks" and carried on. Then after finishing I happened to walk back to the TV sales section right on time to see the second plane slam into the tower on 100 TVs all at once. That was pretty jarring.

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Attached: no planes hit the towers11.webm (712x480, 2.75M)

we'd have wayyy more muslims in America

Attached: fucktard not realising his helicopter drifts proof that 911 was a hoax.webm (712x480, 2.59M)

I think it depended on if you lived in a big city or not. I was 7 in the suburbs but right next to the largest Air Force base in the nation (Wright Patt) so we could see and hear massive military jets takes off, it was surreal even for a child like myself.

Have you ever used Avid, retard?

does anyone still think 9/11 was faked?


Attached: Plane nose before and after (impact).webm (720x480, 2.52M)

Fantastic video if you want a real time playback


Interesting. Must've been crazy.

For anyone interested here's absolute kino of the Howard Stern show reacting to it real time. It's probably one of the best live reactions to the events. And hearing liberal Stern saying that we should massacre and invade whoever did this it pretty funny/kino to hear now.

>believing Media kikes
the fuck is wrong with you?

protip: never believe a Jew no matter what the topic is

Attached: names of cunts that need to hang.webm (712x480, 2.82M)

>time exists

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>people who failed science in hs posting videos about "physics"
yeah the earth is flat too

No. Shills say 9/11 was faked to make people who say the US/Israeli/Saudi government had a hand in 9/11 look like crazy morons.

>Hey did you guys notice how beneficial to neocon and zionist foreign policy this terror attack's aftermath has been?
>tHaTs RiGhT BrO tHe tOwErS R hOloGrams

>look guys this grainy camera angle from 2001 doesn't look natural to me haha 9/11 disproven
>uhhhhhhhh the other 100 angles don't matter
Why are truthertards this stupid?

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nice arguments

continue to seethe and rage please

I think it's possible that it was a false flag operation.

>most people in the media are jewish
what's your point?

Watch the impact from literally any other angle and you see that it's a plume of debris
Literally any other video shows this, but the fact that you fixate on this one says a lot about you

why are Americans such pussies
imagine if they actually did get invaded they'd all kill themselves lmao

I bet you are one of those nuts who think mini nukes brought down the WTC.

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it's actually incredible that there's so much amateur footage of 9/11 that you can stitch the entire sequence of events together without any gaps

no all the CGI fact shows is that Media kikes were very involved in the false flag process.
Media Kikes from CNN, Fox News etc. all of them need to hang on the day of the rope, this is what this is about.

>only kikes reported seeing planes
>all of them work for the media or are related to people who do, what a (((coincidence)))

every video of a plane hitting the building was faked.

it was probably an energy weapon, not a nuke.

Attached: no planes hit the towers12.webm (712x480, 2.78M)

post the angle instead of shitposting.

you think your opinions mean anything here? This isn't Reddit. Post the angles.

I'd like to remind everyone that the people in the Twin Towers were the same people who pumped investments into the housing backed securities market and would happily fire Americans and send their jobs to China or Mexico for a +2% ROI

Absolutely it was a false flag operation, but it was a false flag operation involving men armed with knives, airliners, and MAYBE planted demolition charges.

Anyone who says there were no airplanes is a fucking jewish shill themselves trying to make you look retarded.

if 9/11 happened today /pol/ would totally call it a falseflag operation

We generally lose our minds at first sure...and then we tend to steamroll those responsible.

>we are supposed to believe a plane was able to hit the Pentagon avoiding its anti-air defense system
>conveniently the only plane where people rebelled was the one flying toward a nuclear plant

My favourite truther argument is "the building was designed to withstand planes, but it didn't. This means they planted bombs in the towers". Like my dude the Titanic wasn't designed to sink, Challenger wasn't designed to fucking explode. Just because something is designed to do something doesn't mean it will actually do so when it comes down to crunch time

Attached: every channel had its own variant of the 911 matrix shot.webm (712x480, 2.62M)

Attached: ohwhatthef.jpg (744x858, 329K)

it was an Ion Blast.

9/11 was really the first big moment where everyone came together and used technology to record what they were seeing
If it happened today, we'd be getting livestreams from inside the fucking planes and whatnot

>every video was faked
OK retard

Of course the people REPORTING were in the media. They are REPORTERS. It's their job, dude

>tfw watching the second plane hit the south tower live on ABC News
I nearly shit myself in fear when it happened, like before that point I remember everyone thinking there was just an accident but then everyone's minds clicked realizing this way deliberate and thinking what other places might be next. It was pure nightmare fuel for the coming months.

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>someone predicting bin laden on page 2
zoomer here, but was it really that obvious?

>he thinks this looks real

LMAO only retard here is you kike.

Attached: no planes hit the towers14.webm (712x480, 2.7M)

/pol/ doesn't have a fucking opinion on anything anymore.

Case in point: The New Zealand shooter. I'm going to come right out and say I think the guy was great, but if you say it on /pol/ they're gonna tell you that killing Muslims is what the Jews WANT you to do, and the only way to stop the Jews is to bring even more based Muslims into your country and ally with them.

And yes, I know that's bullshit, and an amazing coincidence that bringing in way more Muslims is ALSO what the Jews want to do, but I'm just stating facts here and they piss me off too. Fuck /pol/.

How can conspiracy fags claim its a hoax when this is literally people witnessing it and liveblogging about it?

You're using an old meaning of the word, nowadays a reporter doesn't need to report. He is good as long as he says his version of the story.

Most folks started going that path real fast based on prior events yea.

>I'm going to come right out and say I think the guy was great,
what the fuck is wrong with you

>US/Bush knew or had involvement
>Israel had involvement
>Saudi Arabia had involvement

Nope, the people calling into the liveshow reporting seeing planes hit the buildings were all kikes or related to media kikes.

Attached: bombs only.webm (920x615, 425K)

here's literally 62 angles on film
there's like 40 photographs of the second plane on 911conspiracy.tv too
a truthertard like you LITERALLY thinks every single angle was keyframed and the silence of every single person involved in the world's largest """""hoax""""" was bought

>the only plane where people rebelled
the only plane where people were successful*

Yeah it looks real to me
What would you expect it to look like?

Clearly 0.05$ were deposited into those people's accounts

I like how americans went into decades of multi hundred billions wars to go after "those terrorists" when the obvious perpetrators of this crime are right in front of their nose. Just a quick look into Larry Silverstein and you know he's up to his neck into the conspiracy. And everybody stays in denial because it's more comfortable.

Attached: LiveLeak-dot-com-5b5_1387468069-2012062785637b.jpg (899x653, 488K)

lmaoing at all these dumb conspiritards
they killed him didn't they

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I don't think it's fake and I don't think it was a false flag, but I do believe the US had inside information from Saudi or whoever else that there was some sort of large scale terrorist attack in the works for months and just decided to willfully ignore it because they didn't want to risk losing middle east money.

>old meaning of the word
9/11 was 18 years ago

Bin Laden was all over the news after he blew up the USS Cole

A bloo bloo he shot some poor ragheads in their Saudi funded mosque that they used to recruit ISIS fighters, the only solution is to ban all guns and force every woman on New Zealand television to wear a hijab

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>millions of people watching from the streets
>IT WAS FAKED!!!!!1!!!

>in every footage the plane looks different
>in every footage the approach is different

what did he mean by this?

is the kike nose obstructing your view?

Attached: no planes hit the towers13.webm (712x480, 2.5M)

If you use the web archive on Craigslist you can find people looking for their dead loved ones. Pretty fucked up

Have you ever watched United 93?
Its a fantastic fucking movie about what happened in that plane


>If this was terrorism (which it appears to be), the smoking crater left over where Terrorist HQ once stood will be the start and the end.

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Yeah. We forget that non whites are so fucking insane and can't keep stable civilization. It's like when small town white people accidentally drive through a ghetto and go "what the fuck??" And when white people get pissed off, our high IQ can fucking end anything. There are countless examples of it.

/pol/ finally got the memo then. I left that shithole after I was excommunicated for saying joining the muslims was the right thing to do.

Guess they finally realized killing them is a mistake, we have to join Islam.

The only thing I find weird from that footage is that when a plane is flying close by you hear it and you should think he would aim the camera at the coming noise instead he just stares at the shitty building like if he expects something to happen. In real life, no one would stare at a shitty building for no reason.

I think most fakers mean that it was a falseflag operation, like pearl harbor

>he watched a 23 minute video in TWO MINUTES
are you EVEN FUCKING TRYING truthertard


But then you see the "there were literally no planes, everything was CGI" assholes right in this very thread.

Yeah that second plane was fucking crazy. That's when we thought our comfy life might be coming to an end.

No-one claims the crashing of the towers is a hoax people think the conspiracy is about who made the towers actually crash

That guy is baiting you lads hard

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Reminder there are actually people in this board right now, that wasn't born before 9/11

I've heard about it but never watched it

Damn this was pretty crazy to read through. Especially that one guy whose dad was in the building and he was talking about his mother and grandmother freaking out. Luckily his dad made it out.

It's not physically possible that those two planes were faked, CGI, anything. The question is (((who)) really did it and were there additional explosives.

only media kikes reported planes, most people were staring at the television not at the towers.

I have seen every 9/11 video already you dumb jew.

Attached: 911 looked worse than scorpion king CGI.webm (720x480, 1.35M)

most obvious JIDF post I have ever seen in my life

>our high iq
>Yea Forums

Bush didn't know anything about the attacks, but Cheney did. He also convinced Bush to hire Mueller as FBI director, one week before it happened. The same Mueller who was so incompetent he had two years and free reign to uncover Trump's obvious treasonous relationship with Putin and failed to do it. Also, this post:

>come home from school (euro)
>Dad is watching news, some towers are burning
>Fuck that shit I'm going to play some Pokemon Snap
Looking back I didn't even enjoy Pokemon Snap that much

Well-poisoning right on queue

Attached: .jpg (1920x1080, 635K)

The calm reactions some people have to the second plane hitting is blowing my mind, some of those newscasters just kept on going. I can't tell if that's a sign of professionalism or psychopathy.

You can't hear the boom of the impact in like any of these, is it really that quiet?

I remember first hearing about him about a year before 9/11 happened because of a news report that talked about his group kidnapping and killing American tourists at Saudi golf courses, it was surreal seeing the attacks turn out to be his doing.

>immersion ruined for this if you know how light and cameras work
i wish i could be a brainlet to believe videos like this.

If you don't feel like watching the whole thing, at least download it and watch the last twenty minutes or so
Some of the best action ever put to film

>It's not physically possible that those two planes were faked

Nice try but we all know YOU are the Kike here.

Attached: 911 hoax perspectives wrong on every livefeed.webm (712x480, 2.71M)

>I was excommunicated
>from /pol/

lmao wtf, you mean people gave you shit for your posts?

that guy is clearly low quality bait posting senpai

This the cucks who worked in the WTC were literally NWO libtards who were probably protesting for al gore a few weeks ago

Rural Americans shed blood against rural afganis to avenge the urbanites who hate them.

its not

a jet engine exploding makes an incredibly big sound. As big as 9/11 I would say

Reminder THIS scene got taken out of SpongeBob because of this. TV and Films really got fucked over because of the sensitivity for Al the 2000s.

Also serious question no jokes question, how old where you guys when this happened and where where you?
I was 7, in the 1st Grade living in SC attending Ladson Elementary, and enjoying morning Recess. Then later that morning teachers where acting weird and had tv on in each room. I remember Al staff members coming to classes and teaches taking attendance two times. And around lunch time every was getting pick up by parents and before we knew it the school got dismissed and we all went home early. All I did was sit home and watch cartoons like normal. At the time I just thought it was just a big story about a building fire like in the movies. Then tlater in the evening my parents came home making phone calls and had all the TV's on with the news. My child mind really didn't understand how big this was till years later.

Attached: ezgif-2-cc08644d8d84.webm (320x240, 1.96M)

Nice try kike but your badly aged computer composite images are not fooling anyone nowadays.

Attached: shit graphics.webm (712x480, 2.27M)

Of course it was, they had months to prepare

getting quit some second hand embarassment fromthis one

Attached: into the trash you go.gif (270x404, 1.21M)

I think the intentionality took a minute to sink in because, you know, an airliner disaster that kills 100+ people happens just about every year. It's always sad but well out of "OH FUCK OH FUCK" territory by now unless you're one of the poor fuckers on that plane.

Like imagine if there were no hijackers, no attack, just some ridiculous engine and navigation malfunction made a 747 slam into the North Tower, followed by a big fire, a collapse and a thousand people dead. How long do you think it would be a defining cultural event? Like a month?

I was three years old and I walked in on my mother watching it on live television
She was so transfixed that she didn't notice me until the second plane hit and I said WOW

>remember that Lilo & Stitch's climactic scene took place on a plane that flew through the CBD
>the plane literally skates off a rounded building like a skateboard
>after 9/11 they re-animated the scene on an alien ship away from the city

>mfw that muslim rep from minnesota saying "some people did something" on 9/11
I'm genuinely convinced she's working for some radical extremist group at this point, it's so fucking obvious.

Attached: image.jpg (400x677, 41K)

>Jew shill seething

Attached: same plane different appraoch fucking cheap mossad niggers cant afford high quality CGI.webm (712x480, 2.81M)

Literally a good 80% of Yea Forums

Sometimes when faced with something so awful on such a large scale it's difficult to process. It could either be a total inability to comprehend what is happening, shock, an attempt to distract yourself/stay composed, or maybe psychopathy in a few cases. It's like how you (or at least a lot of people) react more to the LESS horrible gore shit you see, because it's easier to understand and empathise with than some of the stuff where people get truly fucked up in ways you can't really identify with.

What are you talking about? Source?

Attached: brainlet.jpg (423x347, 16K)

The /pol/tard will be deported soon. Just do the right thing and he'll be sent back to his basement board.

>guy doing wheelies on a bike


wow nice argument stupid kike.

here watch this truthbomb:

>Jude boiling in his own piss

Attached: UA175 pierces through steel building.webm (720x480, 2.59M)

is this video literally true?

wtf I'm confused now


Ilhan Omar. She was talking about 9/11 to CAIR and she had this really weird flippant "Some people did something" line that you have to see for yourself because you could read any context into it.


But to a lot of people (including Drumpf) it seems like she just is flat-out going "lmao 3000 people got killed by muslims who cares?"

im a 3rd worlder latino and even I know the concept of machines interpreting light in order to produce recordings. cameras are not magic boxes that capture reality in quantum vortexes. shitty pixels are not proof of aliens phottoshopping planes in new york.
I really do hope this is some ironic conspiracy posting tho. for the sake of mental sanity

Attached: you got a private message.png (500x332, 174K)

some people did something

She's actually this fucking joke come to life

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>17+ years and still no good movie based on the event
How long will it take for an epic based on 9/11 to be made, romanticized and made sexy like the Titanic probably? Are the wounds still too fresh, and if so when will they be healed enough that movies can start having fun with the event?

Fucking based norm


yes, watch this

>im a 3rd worlder latino
found your problem bro.

Attached: no planes international shot.webm (712x480, 2.74M)

>was 5 when 9/11 happened
>was so confused by my mother being scared shitless and crying
>days later I realized my dad was there
Christ it was surreal

Attached: 1548723313968.jpg (500x375, 21K)

What the fuck, I'm amazed people can still be this dumb nowadays.

CAIR is such a shitty organization

was your dad okay?

>only version shown internationally

Attached: 1553276510372.png (331x132, 40K)

why is this kino? some people did something... big whoop

She's not dumb. She's a Muslim African. Watching 9/11 is as upsetting to her as watching Baghdad get carpet bombed is upsetting to Americans, it's footage of her side winning.

It was the day the 90s died. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the world entered a relatively safe and innocent era. The Cold War was over. America had won, and stood as the sole superpower. They were invincible, right? Wrong, 9/11 proved that. Explosions, hijackings, people dying, thousands of innocent people dead, Iconic buildings being destroyed, and in one of the largest cities in the world. It must've been horrifying, to think that America could be attacked easily by outside forces. People were scared, they were angry, they wanted to absolutely murder anyone who anything to do with this. It was the day everyone in the US lost their innocence. It was the day that the bad guys won.

Every problem we have here now can traced back to that day. Rampant terrorists, costly wars overseas, the refugee crisis in Europe, government overreach of our personal liberties for the sake of "security". Any hope of peace in the Middle East was effectively dead, and extremists around the world had just been inspired to take action, to kill.

In foul swoop, the world was ruined once more. We would all be so much better off if it never happened

Attached: IMG_3551.jpg (480x360, 8K)

It was kind of surreal being gathered around the television watching us bomb the ever living Fuck out of Iraq a few months later.

No. I only realized it at the funeral

>mask edge
this is like watching a clown car crash in super slow motion man, just stop.

Attached: original_result.png (512x512, 428K)

At least we have dune coons straight out of the brother-fucking desert elected to Congress to finally allay our fears about 9/11 because it turns out it was "just some people that did something".

These 9/11 videos are very strange. But why would they have faked only the second plane?

Idiot, literally the first video in is the clear and original source of the video in your webm
You're conflating shitty VHS recordings with the source footage


>some people did something
All the people outraged by this need a reality check.
Muslims are 1/5 of the world. Wahhabis are a tiny sect of Islam.
You cannot blame all muslims for 9/11. You can blame Wahhabis for 9/11.
Trump is selling nuclear secrets and doing business with the Wahhabis all the while shitting on unrelated muslims.

What's the issue? some people did do something.

Yeah, the "celebrate diversity of all opinions" thing has gone straight to, "Hey, some people think Muslims killing Americans is a good thing, we have to have their opinion represented in the American government too"

also watch this guys, explains more in detail how it was done:

>kikes in full damage control


Attached: and retards dont question this.webm (712x480, 2.76M)

shut the fuck up sand creature

Does anyone else get triggered by the way some people say muslim? Fucking cringe.

I'll blame whoever I want, goatfucker

>full damage control
Refute the fucking point you retard


Yeah. Some people go "Muzzlim" and some people go "Mooselimb" but in fact it's pronounced "Sand Nigger"

>here's literally 62 angles on film, there's like 40 photographs of the second plane on 911conspiracy.tv too a truthertard like you LITERALLY thinks every single angle was keyframed and the silence of every single person involved in the world's largest """""hoax""""" was bought

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Why do we have to "tolerate" muslims now?

were the moon landings real?

Attached: 1434154916929.jpg (573x640, 88K)

this looks real to you?
are you fucking retarded?

literally PS1 tier graphics.

>tfw will never return to that post-Cold War optimism we had
>tfw everything has just slowly been turning more cynical over the years
I just can't see a way out of all this shit, sometimes I wish the Soviet Union never fell so we'd still have a commie enemy to stay weary of instead of these suicidal nutjobs.

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Why did she say it like that, why couldn't she at least been self aware to say something like "This was a terrible attack but it does not represent us as a people blabla" or some shit, how is she that idiotic to let it come out of her mouth.

they outnumber you 2:1 and are willing to chop your heads off so you have to tolerate them or else

>watching clips of 9/11 documentary in high school
>tfw there was footage of firefighters at groundzero right before the towers fell and you could hear the jumpers going splat

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Not all Muslims are personally terrorists because just like most people, most Muslims are too pussy to actually go out and kill themselves/others.

Ever notice how every fucking mosque in existence at some point gets connected to suicide bombers/trucks of peace though? Yeah, they don't do it themselves, they just pass the collection plate around for the guy's widow and kids because he did something they approve of.

Because she overtly hates America and so do Democrats. They give her tons of cover to shit on the country.

I can blame them for worshipping a death cult and that their desert death cult is incompatible with western enlightenment based society as evidenced by every single western country having the EXACT same problem with their new guests. Not being able to process this information is the poster child for Demoralization from Papa Yuri

>PS1 tier graphics
Alright faggot, you got me
Good troll
No more (You)s from me

>some muslims do something
>white people keep shooting up places
>t-this is fine! based white people never hurt anyone!

>also watch this guys
everytime some retard writes this i expect a 2 hour video that says nothing but incoherent ramblings
>45 minutes
I do have a life.

A small sect of 1 billion people is a lot of fucking people user, especially when a sizeable chunk of the population supports shit like Sharia Law.

Glad to see you all admit that it that you are in the wrong.

Still fucked up that Trump is selling nuclear secrets to Saudi fucking Arabia.

Yeah he was America’s public enemy #1 after the 98 embassy bombings and the USS Cole bombing in 00

>What has happened is - now you all have to turn your brains around - the greatest work of art there has ever been. That minds could achieve something in one act, which we in music cannot even dream of, that people rehearse like crazy for ten years, totally fanatically for one concert, and then die. This is the greatest possible work of art in the entire cosmos. Imagine what happened there. There are people who are so concentrated on one performance, and then 5000 people are chased into the Afterlife, in one moment. This I could not do. Compared to this, we are nothing as composers... Imagine this, that I could create a work of art now and you all were not only surprised, but you would fall down immediately, you would be dead and you would be reborn, because it is simply too insane. Some artists also try to cross the boundaries of what could ever be possible or imagined, to wake us up, to open another world for us. It is a crime, you know of course, because the people did not agree to it. They did not come to the "concert". That is obvious. And nobody had told them: "You could be killed in the process."

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...and it's all the Jews' fault.

Because she's literally a fucking Somalian, user. She probably was biting her tongue, because if she was being honest she would have said "A bunch of Zionist pigs and their jew masters died screaming thanks to our holy warriors inshallah."

But she did realize that wouldn't go over too well on YouTube so she was just glib instead.

Who cares if you watch it you retarded jew.

based Tumblrite

You will never be a woman (unless you sell yourself to some muslim dude).

>this thread

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>hahaha we can hit you all day long and you can't blame us!!!

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Why are you leftists incapable of any degree of intellectual honesty?

JDL astroturfing as usual

She genuinely hates America as with the rest of that leftie group that won house seats like AOC and Tlaib.

apparently only you because no one is buying all these stupid ass literally nothing videos. im pretty sure randy quaid made half of these

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Because she is 100% in the right. She has zero blame and neither do other muslims and she had no reason to feel like she is somehow connected to 9/11 because of her religion.

Do you feel like you are personally responsible or at all connected to IRA terrorism in Northern Ireland because of your religion?
That would be completely ridiculous.

fucking (((coincidences)))

I can actually give you the example that's 100% consistent.

>Muslim kills a bunch of white people
>this just proves we need to be more tolerant of Muslims and invite more of them into our country

>White guy kills a bunch of Muslims
>this just proves we need to be more tolerant of Muslims and invite more of them into our country

The only question I have is why the fuck every secular feminist LGBT social democratic cunt on earth LOVES Islam.

I don't care. That bulbhead needs to get the fuck out my hemisphere.

>the Muslims who flew the plane into the world trade center were having sex with people born 3 weeks before 9/11

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Hi Ilhan

Won't vote for Trump.
No matter how many threads you make.
This is pathetic.

norm is truly /ourboomer/

Attached: norm swalwell.png (759x429, 61K)

I was 8 years old and home from school sick as a dog so I saw it all on TV, not just talking heads yacking about it hours later
I saw the 2nd tower get hit by flight 175 live on CNN, it was a god damn 767 and nothing else
It banked at a steep angle, clearly showing wings/engines

To spite you

She considers herself an American and also thinks 9/11 was no big deal.

And right now the stupid fucking bitch is saying that anyone who reposts the video of HER TALKING is "threatening her life," excuse that shit from her if you dare.

You realize that has nothing to do with the retarded way she talked about the event? She phrased it in a way that makes her entirely worthy of the shit she's been getting thrown at her.

Islam promotes violence, Christianity doesn’t, moron.

They're dumb cunts who have been brainwashed by the jewish media, it's that simple

Worst boogeymen yet.
Fix your optics and find a more scary boogeyman, conservatards.

>he thinks this looks real

holy shit

you also had friends at sandy hook?
stupid kike.

Attached: LOOKS SOOOO REAL LMAO.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

>not even /x/ believes this and they think they can clone and mentally torment themselves untill death.

>muh white people

>Christianity doesn't

>forums will never come back

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>says Christianity doesn't promote violence
>LARPS as a CRUSADER on /pol/ on CRUSADE to kill MOSLEMS

And she's still running damage control, saying that calling her out for her retardation is a form of violence against her and anyone who doesn't agree with her sentiments 100% is just a racist sexist.

I think people need to start grappling with the fact that there's no deeper motives here, she's legitimately an 80IQ schizo passive aggressive bitch and that basically drives everything she says or does.

9/11 was no big deal, everyone just made it a bigger deal than it was

here comes the cringe

>Christianity doesn’t,
t. New Zealand shooter

It does look real

It's stupid that people glorify this schizo faggot.
Literally an eco terrorist that identified with China because they imprison Muslims.
If you really want to stop the "Muslim" agenda go for politics where you'd actually be able to do something.

nope, looks like the cheap CGI that it is.

Muslims are fucking crybullies. If you're so afraid of Christian oppression stay in the fuckin Middle East and Africa, why are you niggers getting on boats to come be oppressed and exploited


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>le bush did 9/11!
>le the planes were CGI!
>le fire cant melt steel beams

Fucking sheep, falling for the falseflag conspiracies. The real truth was right in front of you the whole time. There never were any Twin Towers to begin with

Wake the fuck up

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>Christianity doesn't
Kek wut?
2000 years of Europe fighting each other, then TWO World Wars.

>Was out making deliveries. Got bAck to homebase.
> Everyone is way way way up front someones hugging another person. >"Whats up?" Must be a meeting. Go take a shit. Suck down a joint will shitting out the nastiest number2 in a long while.
>More people are way up front. Still reeks of shit and weed.
>Go to truck. Air Conditioner on. Fall sleep.
>Woken, "user its crazy, right."
>What the fuck is this asshole gripping about?
>"You wanna see it again?"
>He recorded it on his vhs recorder.
>A tower is on fire, it's the twin tower.
>Second one is hit. I felt revulsion and throw up. My heart is beating uncontrollably.
>Im overcome by more revulsion, Im overwhelmed and lay on the floor.

Have you ever seen a plane fly at low altitudes before

It's not Christian oppression.
It's a bunch of religiously apathetic losers that are larping as the fourth reich.
Christian and Muslims are brothers in this increasingly atheistic world.

yes, looks nothing like the shit we saw at 9/11

Because Christians have bombed those places no stop or financed terrorist groups like ISIS until it went sideways.

Tarrant achieved more than your pathetic ass could ever hope to

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Simple question: Is this a death threat?

Omar says it's a death threat against her. Cortez agrees, New York Times and Washington Post are running with it.

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9/11 ended a golden age, the 90's would've kept on rolling

The whole fucking thing was fake. I never even heard of the WTC before the kikes started saying it got blown up.

Fuck off Ben Affleck


>stay in the fuckin Middle East
where they're being bombed and droned by Christians?

But Christianity doesnt.

Tom Clancy wrote Debut Of Honor in the early 90's about a nutcase Japanese business plot having a do-over of the Pacific War, that after the Japanese get their ass kicked, a random pilot whose son died decides to slam his plane into the Capitol building and kill everyone so Clancy's OC donut steel self-insert becomes president.


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Should have killed more

oh shit, this quote is really fucking with me

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oh m god here it goes
im out of heeerreee

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>retard agrees
>anti-Trump publications agree
Gee what a surprise, of course it's not.

Muslims are not People.
it was a good deed removing them.

You apparently haven't because planes flying look exactly like that. It's not CGI.

That’s a cartoon.

>Muslims aren't violent
>when we kill you it's revenge and justice it's not violent at all
Okay Mohammed.

Arab Christians face more persecution from Israeli Jews than from Muslims. You never hear about that because it is not convenient.

cool story kike

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Probably because it's not true Ahmed

we could still carry firearms on an airplane and not get our anus fingered by TSA on the way into security

yeah but you would have heard of the World Trade Center if you watched it


Now you show your true colours.

5 Years ago, I was watching 9/11 videos in the stairwell of my university building. One of the security guards must have had to go to the roof or something. He found me up there giggling like a little girl.


That cameraman is a true professional
Everyone else ran away at 5:12 and he stays behind to make sure he gets the shot

very lynchian

how can anyone disprove this? there is no way in seven hells a front of the plane would EVER in ANY cirumstance exit on the other side like that.
why isnt this brought up more often?

Absolutely kino

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Still no source for your claim Ahmed?

>go to trouble of faking an aircraft impact into towers, pentagon and stage a crash in the middle of nowhere to create an murican hero story mythology
>fuck up the CGI and never bother fixing it.

I was only sixteen and in school all day when this happened but I can’t imagine having been over 21 and having the day off work. I totally would have gone out and got a bunch of booze and snacks and just been glued to the tv all day

I never saw or heard of that ep until the likes claimed to be pulling it.

Face it, shill, the WTC was fake. The whole thing was a Jewish pay-op.

What did he achieve? Killing people who never committed a crime? Helping to restrict the freedoms of every other gun owner in New Zealand? Accept the fact that he was mentally ill and needed an enemy to shoot. If it weren't white nationalism he was fighting for it would be animal rights or whatever movement he could cast himself to.
The only thing he's done is help reinforce your so-called "replacement", now you have police officers in New Zealand wearing hijabs.
I'm assuming it's all ironicposting and I'm getting baited.

>those guys asking him to shekel his pics

Jesus Christ this feels more like an alien invasion movie than real footage of a terrorist attack. Everyone hiding in that parking garage is right out of that one shitty movie, Skyline or something? I never knew how heavily those movies borrowed from this event.

Good to see internet culture hasn't changed one bit

They were muzzies not people, libcuck.

>Killing people who never committed a crime

It's not ironicposting. Accelerationism is a thing.

You can say it's wrong-headed and you should have enjoyed the 30 years it would take before your peaceful little secular country became an authoritarian islamist shithole, but Tarrant feels that you shouldn't have been allowed to enjoy that reprieve because you're a pussy. Rip the band-aid off, then fight or submit.

The Prime Minister wore a fucking hijab and broadcast an arabic call to prayer on national television. Her message was "There will be no war against Islam, Islam has already conquered us." If all Tarrant did was expose this, so be it.

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You are not people to me and to most others sharing the same country with you.

Because Kike shills are spamming their (((official version))) everywhere on the internet for almost 19 years already.
Many things went wrong during the 9/11 deception, but nothing that couldn't be hidden by kikes arguing like kikes normally do. Its sad to see that even after so much time people still fall for the shitty CGI and (((their))) story, just look how many people still trust the mainstream media. sad!

doesn't even matter that they fucked some things up, they have enough shills to drown you in their version of the story til you stop asking.

Attached: hard impact sexual violence CGI meets steel.webm (720x480, 2.47M)


you can die with your muslim allies then

Dubya would have fucked it up anyway, there was zero chance he would have kept his paws off the middle east. The republican chickenhawks were planning their fictional Iraq WMD's story before 9/11 even happened. The only difference is they would have gone after Iran or Syria/Lebanon instead of being sidetracked by Afghanistan.

Eye for an eye. Muslims targeted innocent whites, so he targeted “innocent” muslims

You are in the minority.
I'm not the one dying.

So? Win or lose, the neonazi types are right. The Islamic wave is coming. Most people will simply accept it, even if they themselves claim it's against everything they believe right now. Michel Houellebecq recognized this.

The counterargument is "We can't provoke a fight with Islam, that just means Islam will win. What we need to do is just take our time, sit back and let Islam win slowly." Fuck it.

He literally stated in his manifesto that he wasn't a christian
Source of your disbelief?
>2000 years of Europe fighting each other TWO World Wars
It was based on christianity?

survival of the fittest pal

We're working on that

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Somalians like you are no threat to whites in a real war.

>time is a thing that exists
>unironically thinking this

You think society will just remain complacent and let you terrorists keep sperging out like that?
You think you aren't already on multiple lists?
Enjoy your future prison anal rape, fuck head.

It was huge because the internet wasn't as big as it was now. Internet had made instant news e-z-p-z. This is why previously reputable sources like the BBC are dire.

You might be a sociopath.

Remember that time Muslims shot up a newspaper office and the general response from everyone was "Well, they shouldn't have said so many mean things about Islam then"

Fuckin comedians and pundits and journalists lined up to tell us about how Islamophobic speech isn't real free speech anyway so it ought to be banned just to keep everyone safe

Every durka who runs over 10 people with a van and then jumps out and starts cutting throats turns out to have been on "multiple lists," how come the lists never stop anything?

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This. The US government also wanted a pretext to reinvade Iraq.

>You think you aren't already on multiple lists?
See if I give a fuck

If 9/11 happened today it would be even more kino because of better cameras.

Also here is a DBZ amv tribute to 9/11

>religious wars all over europe
>American crusades against the Islamic world

I loved all the silent generationers that were in their retirement homes sipping their second piping hot coffee mug reckoning it’s just another Hollywood picture

I was in late high school, happened at like 11pm everyone was in bed. Next day pretty much no-one did any actual work. The only other time school was like that was when that Kursk submarine accident happened.

what a retard do u know how long 6 seconds is

What's the difference? Is this what you are fighting for? A community that you and 3 other mass shooters can live in? The world is changing, Islam could keep itself contained in it's own countries but Westerner's prefer to import it to their own countries. That's purely on your own fault, it doesn't even make sense why you'd want to keep living in some shithole such as this. If you want actual change then get into politics and make moves there. Shooting innocent people will only unite more and more against you, further removing rights from people who don't want to be associated with the mentally ill.
Whites targeted themselves by importing people of a non-compatible culture, they have nobody else to blame. Eye for an eye will lead to nothing, lone actors are lone actors and a civil war won't happen in first world countries. Technology is instant now, what Rome lacked is countered with numerous checks and balances and the ability to communicate within seconds, your hope for a civil war is only a hope because every government is smart enough to work around that.

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if they were all saudis why did the us invade iraq?

Why did the good times have to end?

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So because I left my front door open and a rat gets in, I have to let him live in my house?
Fuck that

President Bush 2 wanted to "succeed" where his father had "failed" in conquering Iraq.

People forgot about this guy a month later
Bush was a legit retard

This shit is in no way sustainable. It can't support the very baseline of technology that created it. At some point there's gonna be so much diversity and so much corruption that there's not gonna be any more electricity or orchestrated shipments of refrigerated food and clean water, and at that point it's just anybody's game.

Still not voting for Trump.
You had your chance and ya blew it.

user, they were much much worse. That's the whole reason he was sent back in time, to make sure 9/11 happened.

haha what that doesnt make any sense

Attached: peter_has_a_dog.webm (854x480, 2.32M)

Oy fucking vey

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reminder that they faked Kubrick's death so he could direct it

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>Was in school
>Thought it was some action movie on Yea Forums at first
>Next day teacher makes us have 1 minute of silence, even though nobody really gave a shit


In the first shot it takes 4 seconds from the start to the crash.
The second shot starts at 0:14 and the impact is at 0:27, 13 seconds later.
The "dive" isn't part of the first shot because the plane has already levelled out.
There's 9 seconds of flight time in the second video that isn't in the second one, at 950km/h.
It travels 2.25 km in that 9 seconds of flight time or 24.6 american football fields.
The last 4 seconds of the second video match the only 4 seconds in the first video. It's also made more dramatic because it's a head on shot so the descent looks a lot more steep than if the first video showed the plane the entire 15 seconds before impact.
In short, this is a disingenuous attempt taking out of context two pieces of film in order to push a narrative.

>even though nobody really gave a shit

EDGELORD MCGEE OVER HERE. i didnt really give a shit either until i got older and it really sank in how fucked up the world is now because of it. trillions of dollars wasted on a war just as Bin Laden predicted.

The people influencing the people in charge calculate for everything. It's predicted that within the next 100,000 years that race will no longer be a thing, instead it will be a mass homogenization. And once that characteristic in us is universal we will find another enemy to attack, perhaps back to religion, maybe ideas. But due to our biological tribalism we will always look for another enemy to fight.
I think humanity isn't worth it, everyone is depraved, maybe that's why religion exists. Not because we are stupid or weak, but because we can't fathom that humanity is truly this worthless.

>jew makes his mental gymnastics
nice try kike but the 9/11 footage makes no sense.

go correct the record somewhere else, jew subhuman.

unabashedly BASED as fuck Norm

We live in a poor Eastern European country, dude, why would we care about your first-world american problems?

Even in times of crisis, a janny’s work is never done

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I understand why a bunch of kids wouldn't, but you have to admit that what happens in America defines what happens in the rest of the world
9/11 didn't just affect America, it changed the world forever

thought u were american

>any who disproves truther idiocy is a jew

Why do you think we went to Iraq? To Afghanistan? What about Saudi Arabia? Why are they our allies? What were we hoping to achieve in the Middle East? What did Osama Bid Laden want us to do?

you didn't disprove shit you stupid braindead kike.
its comfy to know you faggots are slowly losing grip over the situation as more and more people become aware of the truth and that Media Kikes need to hang on the day of the rope.

>muh day of the rope

based janny

>muh beloved media kikes dindu nuthin