Where's the outrage?

Where's the outrage?

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Just like when Farmer 1 threw the ear of corn at Mr Salad Fork and it overturned his car!

>black on black crime
>nobody bats an eye
>white on white crime
>nobody bats an eye
>black on white crime or white on black crime
>everybody goes insane

>wh*toids still don't realise that it's officially open season on their heads
LMAO was there ever a dumber race of retards?

>asian "men"

We just leave it to the cops to gun down your coon asses.

I know somewhere up there you probably already do, but you should feel bad about yourself.

only outrage if it's not commonplace.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film
But yeah news don't give single fuck about black crime. If a white dude threw some Tyrone it would be a nation wide outrage.
Really makes you think, huh

lmao the boy fell not thrown

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>"asian" men

Whites aren't outraged because we'd have to be surprised and shocked to be outraged. This is just normal behavior for negroes. You have to be an idiot to let a nigger walk up to your kid anyway.

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You're retarded, there are biological reasons for perceived alarmism in interracial crime. Stop pretending it doesn't exist

>Where's the outrage?
He was arrested?

Honestly, we've all thought about doing shit like this.

he wants a full blown race war

It's just a shame that blacks have such underdeveloped brains that they have no impulse control.

based lbj

>allow hordes of subhuman somalians in to your country
>be surprised when they act like subhumans
Niggers get special attention for doing something right because it's the opposite of what people expect of them. This behavior is not.

Kid looks like a faggot and future cuck, it was for the best that he died

Not on Yea Forums but check /polddit/ I can hear the reeeeeeeeeeeingg from here
And don't come back


>black on black crime
>nobody bats an eye
>white on white crime
>nobody bats an eye
>black on white crime
>nobody bats an eye
>white on black "crime"
>everybody goes insane

>black on black crime
>nobody bats an eye
>white on white crime
>nobody bats an eye
>black on white crime
>nobody bats an eye
>white on black crime

Also if any white people do become outraged on black on white crime the argument is always “we were slaves so it’s ok”

fucking niggers.

>grow up in LA
>when I was twelve my house was within fifty feet of three gang related murders, all victims were boys around my age
>have to go to honors program middle school with rich kids and the girls harp endlessly about how much harder it is to be a girl
>when boys are murdering each other
>years later and smart phones increased awareness of police brutality since now most people can record video on the fly
>”Police brutality! Black lives matter!”
>Think to myself “Where was black lives matter when black people were killing each other in my neighborhood?”
>Never say it out loud because it’s racist to say for some reason

>black on black crime
>nobody bats an eye
>white on white crime
>nobody bats an eye
>black on white crime
>white on black crime
>everybody goes insane

Look mate
The media deems black lives worthless. So only when they are acted upon by a White man, who has a great deal of worth to these people, then their life is given some worth by the White man

When something worthless acts upon something with Worth it just brings down the value and nobody wants to see that bad for ratings

Best BLACK man making the world a better place one less wh*Tey at a time.
All you incels can do is seethe. Your race is going down, and we will rape all of your women in the process.

/pol/ is too busy going through the new wikileak releases

Racism is a mental illness.

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this isnt Yea Forums wtf. and good. that little white devil wouldve probly grown up to be a school shooter anyways.

Huh. That is a fair point.

>"Black man is victim of police brutality and institutional racism after young white supremacists falls from balcony."

who cares lmao

But then you suddenly remember who was paying for your welfare. Aw hell naw.

someone gets it

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>black on white crime
>everybody goes insane
Uh did everyone forget about the general apathy when those 4 niggers kidnapped a retarded white teen and branded him cause "Muh Trump"

Where's the Television & Film?

Lack of self preservation is. But it will make it easier to round your treacherous asses and throw you into the gas chambers.

Case in point:

I'm not going to vote for Trump, no matter how many bullshit threads you make from now till the election.
Fucker couldn't have mismanaged the country worst if he tried.

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>grown man throwing kid from balcony at a mall

LOL how does this even happen?

There's a decent chance he'll lose the Rust Belt if the Dems nominate a social democrat.

your english teacher mismanaged her job too, Juan

says the tranny with mutilated genitals lol

You actually believe that? Wow. You Americans really have the worst education.

That too is a mental illness.

>scared of imaginary boogeyman trying to take away his "identity"
probably some inbred american who doesnt know where his ancestors came from. [/spoiler]6% german 18% greek 39% welsh 47% swedish[/spoiler] MUTT

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Extremely low-T response from an extremely low-T wh*Te cuckold.

Woah.....now THIS is deep! Racism has officially been debunked y'all.

xhe says as xhe gets educated in the Qur'an from xhis government-appointed imam lol

>kid didn't even die
lmao the fucking state of black people or pas I like to cpall them, niggers.

>>black on white crime
>>everybody goes insane
on /pol/ maybe, nobody gives a fuck IRL

Whatever you say, Mahmut


You could bring attention to it in that context because people would sympathise with the dindus

>resorting to sarcasm because its true

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nobody gives a fuck in Europe*

Could it be because he ischarged with a crime?

spotted the leftist redditor

>black people were killing each other
who cares, nigs are not human thats why even liberals don't give a shit

>If you give people money for existing then they vote for you in elections
Wow deep, based Southern Democrat

Remember when white people had enough national pride to go to war over a murder?
Modern wh**oids are so cucked that niggers can openly rape their women and mutilate their children, and they will clap in approval.
One can only wonder (((which))) cultural movements caused such a change in mentality.

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one less future school shooter
this man is a hero

This is an 18+ site.

also one less discord tranny

Give him a break, /int/ is not a very intelligent board.

all according to keikaku, even if keikaku is horrifying.

proud he can spoil when he's still an inbred mutt

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Did he is kill

>man time travels back in time to rid the future of horrible white dictator
>/pol/ gets mad

news at 11!


have sex

Umm, u retards have been continuously at war since 2001 because "never forget" (of course you forgot who actually attacked you: Saudis and Israelis)

nice pic of WW1 tho, another war where wh*Toids killed themselves for no reason yet again

the kid survived

Your racism is not remotely founded on a concept of self-preservation

thank god. fucking hate white people.

>Every single human alive in 2018 is dead save for a few grampas to the butterfly effect.

Look at the time of the article you faux outrage faggot. Details probably hadn't been released by then.

You're thinking of other-people-preservation.

with you? no thanks don't want AIDS

white people like it. they all watch bbc cuck porn.

who hurt you discord tranny?

>one less white male in the world

What exactly is the problem?

fuckoff whitey. go hangout at malls as a kid haha.

>not even incels want to have sex with my mutilated tranny vagina
why live??

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