It's good but not *THAT* good

it's good but not *THAT* good

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It's good. Not great, but good.

name 5 currently airing shows that are better

it's not the best thing i ever saw, but it's definitely not the worst

Mmm yknow waltuh

It's good enough that contrarians had to start shitting on it


better call saul

>Mfw some people on this board told me Breaking Bad is better than The Sopranos or Mad Men
It doesn’t even hold a fucking candle

delete jessie it'd be great

he was fine until they made walt and jesses relationship the focus of the show for some reason

peaky blinders

i can understand why someone would think BB is better than mad men, at least something's happening in BB instead of just le funny misogyny and cigarette company drama lol.

Just finished Sopranos. Not that great


You wouldn’t get it normalfag

The x-files.

Game of Thrones
Better Call Saul

kill yourself

It had the fortune of being good non-HBO TV when none had existed besides Lost.

Of course now its aging poorly with all the great TV of the past ten years

At least Breaking Bad has an actual ending.

ozark billions LOL

God you're a boring and plain fucking person.

Just started re-watching it. Better than I remembered.

It's great and one of the best. You can argue that you think it's overrated, or more accurately that you simple have poor taste, you can't argue against its praise and quality