What's next for Sam's career?

What's next for Sam's career?

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Probably getting away with it


Nothing, maybe a handful of car videos behind a paywall and looking like a homeless person. That being said if sam ever returned to the old days some how I'd watch him again.

you think i'll ruin it?

How does he even support himself?

I heard he was doing anothr KSTV?

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homemade cartoons, you can draw with crayons right on the film

hopefully suicide

he's like a bitcoin millionaire or something

>charls made a legit short film
>at the same time sam releases a video of him and two fans smashing up a bicycle

comedy groups are a very fragile thing and they all eventually dissipate or end it or go on hiatus. WKUK, Derrick Comedy, Goodneighbor Stuff, the only ones who are still alive are Mega64 and they kinda suck now. I see MDE guys them their own little projects but always struggling in the future. The subreddit is dead, the show is dead,

Is this the cuck that Tim Heidicker embarrassed into oblivion?


he is just saying this so his fans will not see what an utter fucking loser he is

Releasing mediocre, half assed content while continuing to beg his paypigs for their precious 5 scheckles a month.

Meanwhile Charls and Andy Ruse will become the next DeNiro / Scorsese

"please give me my show back" sam whimpered pathetically
tims voice boomed, "NO!"


yea dude sam is such a jew while based charls is charging 10 bucks a month for 15 min clip inbetween 2 years

super epic

the chad bombstrap vs the virgin mde

probably doing freelance work in the industry, most likely a runner

>inb4 the vmudream fag
oh no he delet me channel where i only do service helping him by steal he content

Charls has so many loyal fans who want to give him cash that he just had to do it, meanwhile he still works a regular job and still releases high quality content for free, totally alpha

Meanwhile Sam sends emails out to his mailing list begging for money, saying he'll go broke without it and the only video he releases for free are him talking in his car or him destroying a bike with guys who look like gamestop employees, fucking disgrace

Charles is pregnant with sams baby (His child-bombstrap) after sam fucked him, and whored himself out online for money.


Custom video for donator of him smashing womans bike for a meme

He bought his bitcoins with high interest loan money, and he talks about how being in debt doesn't matter and how he can talk debt pursuers down into paying almost nothing by pretending to be an alcoholic boomer addicted to painkillers. He doesn't actually have any money. He'll spend the rest of his life on the run with zero credit, no home, nothing but the shittiest used car, no friends, and a mother who hates him.

Why does nu-Yea Forums hate Sam Hyde? Did this place also become infested with discord trannies?

It all started when he commited suicide by going to art school to be a graphic designer or whatever stupid shit he did.

And to think he can make a career out of making funny videos that arent advertiser friendly.

Sam was hilarious, but he's a literally a hobo now.

>Charls has so many loyal fans who want to give him cash that he just had to do it

jesus admit that charls is just as jew as sam is quit being delusional nowhere did i say that i like sam's current low-effort shit

Yea well after the right wins the culture war everyone will remember Sam epically sabotaging his own tv show that he worked 10 years to get so he could post BASED FACTS about race on twitter

No but he really did my boy charlie dirty, by leaving him out in the cold,,sucking dick for cheeseburgers. And he is way to invested in his fruity video game idea, even though video games arent going to be a thing by the time it comes out (and that he will probably charge 300$ for a copy of it)

>him destroying a bike with guys who look like gamestop employees
Too true. That last video and the accompanying email were truly pathetic. 40 year old Sam and his dumpster diving boi toys trying to break a window.

>how he can talk debt pursuers down into paying almost nothing by pretending to be an alcoholic boomer addicted to painkillers.

>Create a controversy by sabatoging show
>Profit on controversy

Because he's a retarded faggot who fucked over his friends because he just couldn't resist sucking up to The Daily Shoah boomers on twitter.

And that happyworld daddy was dogshit too. Literally all style and zero substance.

Hey sam I know you are reading this, but stop spending all your time editing your videos to be all colorful with fancy transitions and sound effects, and actually try and make a story or meaning behind them okay?

Imagine actually following these losers and knowing these details of their lives holy shit
The one selling antiques to hipsters is the only one resembling anything like a chad, he has accepted that they fucking blew their one shot and has put away childish things

Coming out of the closet.

His antique store went out of business once word spread he as alt-right. He's living with his rich dad again.

>Profit on controversy

how exactly did he profit? WP getting canceled was a big news story and there were fox news affiliates reporting it as a anti free speech thing, Sam had tons of momentum and could've easily done something with it but instead he decided to just gain weight and release shitty Hyde wars videos behind a pay wall, the man is a true fucking retard

how did he profit?
he is broke, no friends, mom hates him too.
this lad will kill himself before the turns 40.
he only hangs with teenagers too this fucking loser


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This, he should have went on Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Water type shows on Fox News and capture the boomer trump 2020 flyover audience
Instead he half-assed down on jokers rise up inceloids and wallowed in the mud he never crawled out of

>no friends
That's not true. He befriended every white trash scumbag in Rhode Island. He was some heroin addict editing his cringe Crush 50000 (boy what a hit) videos also. Haven't you noticed the huge quality drop?

All I know is Mr. Pregnant is the best video i've seen in YEARS, way better than Hollyjew crap and i've watched it several times.



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What has this guy done other than that TED talk gag? Is he a meme or does he actually have a career?

what are you talking about, retard? he won't shut the fuck up on instagram about his house renovations.

LMAO imagine following these loser on social media. Take a shower, seek sunlight, and have sex.

Are you really this stupid?

hopefully watching him record himself while doing a hero


This discord tranny shit is just as pathetic a comeback as cope or seethe think of something new faggot. Also we all liked him because they were together making funny shit now sam fucked everyone over and starting making laughably bad content and put it behind a 5 dollar pay wall like da jooz that he seems to hate so much. Hes a pathetic waste of life at this point and he aint ever getting those glory days back for screwing his friends over no matter how much his pathetic fan boys claim "stuff is coming!! based sam is gonna bring us another great video of him abling in a car to himself about how da joozs fucked him over only for 4.99, what a steal!"

>What has this guy done other than that TED talk gag?
He scored a gig at adult swim but he was posting edgy pol shit on twitter in the heat of the 2016 election and got his show cancelled.
>Is he a meme or does he actually have a career?
Neither. He's just a loser now. No one gives a fuck about him except for his pseudo-cuck paypigs.


Done all of that already. Can you say the same, discord tranny?

Haha. I got that reference bro!

How did he screw his friends over?

>mk3 supra
>shittiest used car
consider suicide

You first, Sammyboi.

Not paying them and/or screwing them all out of careers because his ego was so out of wack from /pol/faggots he thought he was untouchable while everyone else kept their mouth shut and just worked on the good shit, he couldnt contain himself and fucked everyone over in the process

>nu-Yea Forums
Are you an oldfag from 2017?

>anyone who likes the mk3 supra is sam hyde
brainlet trying to cope with his shit taste in auto

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Who cares? If they ditched him because of the fucking jews and buzzfeed then they aren't real friends. Sam's bit with Mike Enoch on TDS was funnier than anything (((Ruse))) or that faggot Charls have ever done.


Recently Sam sent the following email to everyone who bought his book or subscribed to his paywalled content:

Subject: Kickstarter TV 2


Yo bros......... Sammy here.

Lots of dots because I'm thinking :-O

I put some images in here to make it slick but this is a pretty heartfelt email... wanna give you guys the scoop, this is a pretty important turning point here my Gs

tldr: KSTV2 episode 1 drops on the 15th, new major video and new hydewars every month, please cop-- gumroad.com/l/hydewars

I am very excited right now man……..

I’ve previously talked about being out here in the Big BadWorld™ trying to make it as an outsider-artist type, and about how building momentum is like, having an ember in your palms and trying to stoke it into a fire… like fondling a fireball like Ryu or something but in slow-motion, and about the coldness and inertia and difficulty of getting these creative endeavors (esp. film/video) going…

It’s like youre in high school, year round 365 sensitivity brainwashing getting your head microwaved by know-nothing ass teachers, and youre dying inside while hot girls humiliate you, and you have this one fucking defective tamagotchi in your pocket.. That tamagotchi is your life’s purpose, your ambition, your vision for the future, and MKUltra knuckledragging shithead phase-jocks are trying to vanish it out of existence unless you focus all your dwindling low-IQ mental energies on it to make it stay real long enough for the final bell….

Losing the show, going back to the cold, watching our heat fall from our clutches and getting stomped on by Ashley Nelson’s boyfriend, that was hard enough. And I tried my best to come up with a solution or a way out of that but after the damage had been done (me getting us taken off the air by being too political on twitter)... I mean I’m not gonna get into it but it’s just been heartbreaking man, all the more so as it was my own fault and these people are like brothers to me. And after working towards this for over ten years. I think we’re not really talking about it but there are a lot of comments like ‘i wish mde would ____whatever’ and I just want you guys to know I’ve been more heartbroken and twisted up into a fucking ball over it than any of you have. You can do the math on that.

It’s been rough man I have a pretty thick patina on me now. When I first set down this path in 2006 I don’t think I could’ve imagined where it would lead.

b - u - t: but...

Getting kicked in the balls repeatedly is when I'm at my best... you know this, you love it, it's called CBT, look it up. Also, more importantly, I've always been an optimist...

...almost in a mentally exceptional way even though I’m a genius (6’5” perfect hight, 150+ IQ) if that makes sense, and always will be. A lot of people misconstrue my work or my personality as being negatively-oriented, because there’s notes of anger/dissatisfaction and yes i’d _ __ a fat woman in the forehead as a matter of fact it would make my day. But I’ve also said anger is the soul’s immune system. And who wouldn’t be dissatisfied with this shit. I am not retconning anything when I say that MDE/myself has/have been and will always be at its/my/their/they/them core about a better future. Punctuating the iniquities of our time so others may right the whirling gyres of history.. something along those lines

(by the way, lookup “Orgy - Stitches” on youtube)

So I’ve been working my ass off and I’m not kidding. Like fucking strapped to my computer chair logging serious hours, Lisa Nowak style (but in a good way). You know, putting the pieces together, trying to get that hadoken going again. Imagine a fat guy who has candybreath and he’s putting together freakish creations using doll parts in his basement and theres like weird music playing like caliope music.

Now take that same determination and attention to detail but none of the creepyness, and it’s a handsome guy (me and Nick) working on comedy videos while cool music plays. So instead of meticulously crafting some surreal monstrosity to horrify some stripper we've kidnapped, we're meticulously crafting 30% cool 70% funny (perfect ratio) videos to amuse and delight the nation (you).

Like imagine an older obsessive guy fondling model trains and building scale models of mass casualty events and listening to 50s radio commercials…

You know how fucking hard that guy works to get everything perfect?

Like that but it’s a guy who’s in pretty decent physical shape and looks great quite frankly (me) and is listening to The Matrix soundtrack and Galerians OST but is tapping into that same fixation on quality and workmanship for awesome comedy videos to make people happy. That’s been the situation.

You saw clips in the trailer (youtube.com/watch?v=OOTqLVoQJhkYouTube) but now it’s time…. Time for the real shit. I got all my files organized and my little photoshop tools loaded up, and we are ready to do:

One Major Release Every Month (such as Happy World Daddy, KSTV2, Theatre of the Aire, etc.) & one HydeWars every month... minimum.

(everything via gumroad.com/l/hydewars)

Is Sam gay? This is really fucking gay. Did his book read like this? What shit.

Attached: if_only_you_knew.png (470x482, 562K)

They ditched him because his retarded ass got them blacklisted from hollywood, something that clearly ruse and charles wanted badly as it seems theyre huge into film and making film, but sammy boy stopped that dream dead in its tracks. Sam essentially ruined their dream jobs, I would be pissed too. Sam is human garbage and will never redeem himself and you paypigs will be in denial until he somehow manages to fuck you over as well. Even then I think your pathetic paypig ass will be delusional enough to say "hes doing a bit!!! guys its epic!!!! he said some offensive shit LMAO BRUHH!!!"

This new promise which I call the "Rubbing Our Legs Together Promise" started March 14th with the first episode of MDE's Theatre of the Aire, titled The Thin Green Line (it's the latest thing you'll see in the list when you subscribe). And guess what Guy, it only gets better from here because: April 15th - KSTV2 Episode 1: Humble Beginnings May 15th - Happy World Daddy e04 - The SSRI Sunshine Sequence June 15th - Theatre of the Aire e02 - The History of the Comic Book July 15th - something cool and fun, possibly first ep of Ecstasy of Car and so on.....

And then along the way you're gonna keep getting ol' fashioned HydeWars too. The HydeWars™ you know and love-- super-pixelated fully nude webcam epithet screaming in the parking lot of a sex shoppe, talking about occultism, flat earth, binge eating... you know I go where Joe Rogan is too scared to tread...

And so on, and so on. And hopefully we can kick this up a notch and do a major release every 20 days. I’ll optimize it as we go along here. You’ll be happy. It’s five bucks. Just get in here already I’m losing my marbles over the value. C’mon guy. You’ll like the way you look, guaranteed.

There’s one catch…. I need like, 1/10th of you fine folks reading this to sign up. If you don’t, I go broke, which in a way is funny and could possibly lead to some good shaved-head helicopter chase type news stories, but that’s not long-lasting entertainment that nourishes the mind and uplifts the soul. I bet I could _ _ __ _ though. In a public type self-defense scenario with multiple innocents who I would try my best to avoid.


$5 a month is the pricetag, and the more subscribers we get, that just means more editors and faster content. If you rreaally can’t afford that, like five bucks is just a kick in the nuts and your overdrawn and your overweight girlfriend is just being a bitch… Like…….

God man…. God…. help me… I had one girlfriend….. I’m getting chills just thinking about it, and this is ya know one of the "normal" ones that didn’t try to kill me…. She cooked pasta IN OIL… and then took it off the burner before it was fully cooked

because letting it sit in lukewarm oil conserved energy to save the planet. “It’s not the same as car oil so it’s OK but I’m letting it sit to use less heat”.. and then I wish I had like, high quality medium-format still photos of the c**ty look on her face when I was not happy eating this food… Man… God damn…….. Anyway if your life is like that and you’re overdrawn and pissed off all the time, here’s a free code, put this in the offer field on gumroad and the price should drop to $0 (do not enter payment information):

4Dchesslesson (case sensitive, do not enter payment info, price should drop to $0 if the code hasn't been used up)

That code is good for 100 peeps, so if you’re the 101th freeloader you’re out of luck, I guess you’ll have to head over to youtube and watch mukbangs and marble racing for a while. The rest of you, sign up. There is good shit and now is the time. I love you guys… thankful every day you find me funny enough to watch, to those of you who are already signed up triple fucking thank you, and it’s my honor to make stuff that makes you happy/laugh/etc.. would be dead without you and I take my obligation very seriously.. pink pussy hat locked in lets rock :) peace

The Man of The Hour


didn't you get the email?

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How the fuck did he get them blacklisted from hollywood? Buzzfeed, Vic Burger, and that fat cuck Tim got their show cancelled. The only thing Sam is guilty of is naming the jews responsible after the fact. You're a fucking punk ass pussy. Fuck you.

the real reason Sam fucked up the show was by fucking some lady who worked at adult swim and being a dick about it to the point where she went after him trying to get the show taken off air and even tried to delete their footage. Sam tried to cover this up and maintain some sort of career by catering to pol. He even admits this happened in 2 videos(blacklisted desperado and the porsalin doc). It also didn't help that Sam's habit of buttfucking 15 year old fangirls was revealed to his higher ups at adult swim. Sam's dick ruined their careers basically because he acts like a compulsive sex freak.

he admitted it
>Losing the show, going back to the cold, watching our heat fall from our clutches and getting stomped on by Ashley Nelson’s boyfriend, that was hard enough. And I tried my best to come up with a solution or a way out of that but after the damage had been done (me getting us taken off the air by being too political on twitter)... I mean I’m not gonna get into it but it’s just been heartbreaking man, all the more so as it was my own fault and these people are like brothers to me. And after working towards this for over ten years. I think we’re not really talking about it but there are a lot of comments like ‘i wish mde would ____whatever’ and I just want you guys to know I’ve been more heartbroken and twisted up into a fucking ball over it than any of you have. You can do the math on that.

Fake news. He didn’t write that.

Yeah he fucking did you pathetic shill, from now on they are the dudes who made the "alt right nazi show" and thats gonna haunt them forever, you seem very mad that Im pointing out how pathetic your big guy is, makes me wonder....is that u big guy? you doing alright? whats wrong big guy? did I hurt your feelings? Good, you honestly deserve all the shittyness the world will bring you.

you could apply the same to charls you dumbfuck except he charges an even higher price for even less content
dont let your faggot feelings towards him cloud your judgement

Yeah but charles delivers old mde quality level shit while sam isnt even fucking close, but keep on shilling him you sad waste of life.


Sam admittedly going full /pol/ on twitter got the show cancelled

Attached: based sam.png (890x698, 631K)

Crossover when?

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Mr. Pregnant was sublime. Charls is a genius.

just get it through your skull that these guys are not worth defending and are both scum rats sucking your money,

sam and charls are not based or your friends, they are pieces of shit that are jewing their fanbase

>implying im giving money to either of them
yeah nah, after the book never giving them another cent, but in my eyes sam is 1000x worse than charles because of all the shit he did, not defending charles but not attacking either cause he doesnt deserve it like sammy does.

>jewjewcum jewjewcum
LMAO MurdochMurdoch BTFO Trump HARD last episode.

There was nothing alt-right about WP, faggot. Again that was a media smear campaign by jews. Sam is not responsible for that.

wtf did Charls do? I thought Yea Forums liked Charls and Nick and had mixed opinions on Sam

Yea Forums loves based Hyde and Charles. It’s just screeching discord trannies.


>The Right Stuff is a white nationalist, neo-Nazi, neo-fascist[1][2] blog and podcast network founded by Mike Enoch that hosts several podcasts, including TDS, formerly The Daily Shoah.

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fuck off sam

>WP = white pride
>1488 symbol
>lol you guys are dumb goys

had they been more subtle they could have gotten away with it, but MDE ran out of decent ideas in 2014-2015 and had to resort to le nazi humor to be edgy and remain relevant

Attached: WP 1488.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

I can’t stand Sam

Nah most still think charles and nick are based, its just sams weirdo cultish fanboys who are really loud and probably even sam himself, considering hes that pathetic

hi sam, youre shit now stop shilling here

Yeah I fucked your dad

hi sam

WP= World Peace
That isn't a 14/88 symbol, idiot. That's a symbol the Aurora movie theatre Batman shooter scribbled in his notebook.

Attached: sam and weev.jpg (638x960, 52K)

Damn. weev? Shame on you, Sam.