Attached: Screenshot_19.jpg (419x333, 32K)

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He may be a drunkard but his commercials are kino

Good fuck that guy and his smug ass commercials

damn he old

DUI? Trivago.

The Trivago guy is Omar Sharif. Did they do a remake?

Attached: Dr_Trivago.jpg (660x396, 35K)

Wot if he was framed by the Trivago thot

Attached: b528e26d.jpg (551x368, 28K)

Pigs are fucking bandits, does this guy look "too drunk to drive" to you? I cant wait until the day of the grill

For me it’s the Turkish girl

Attached: 139E6318-C7B0-4F5E-8FAE-CC1F377F83E6.jpg (1280x720, 80K)


Who? I live in Japan and the torivago girl is a qt

Attached: images (86).jpg (740x414, 26K)

Wow, she looks about as Japanese as anime characters do

>I live in Japan

Yeah right

smug fucking faggot
no really his face makes me angry

>watching commercials in 2019

Are you guys in prison? I have no idea who that faggot is or what he's selling.


She's a qt

It's not hard to move to another country user

Okay, that's pretty funny.

Post the ad where he gets kicked out of his house and he tells the audience they can watch porn at hotels with free wifi

Yea Forums

In Japan it is, unless you're a salaryman or teach English for below minimum wage

What is foreign exchange student


eat cum faggot

>He gets his Japan info from Reddit
I've lived here for over 11 years, I don't teach English or work for a Japanese business

a leech

He looks like he's drunk in his commercials so I'm not surprised.


But I was a foreign exchange student senpai

Ive always liked him

>beverage? jack daniels

>sleeping in his car instead of driving drunk
>arrest him for "DUI"
>will probably be replaced by a diversity hire
I wonder who could be behind this

>In Japan it is, unless you're a salaryman or teach English for below minimum wage

I work for P&G in Japan and make over 70k a year come at me bro

Hotel? Trivago.
Charge? Driving while intoxicated.
Based? Redpilled.

What do you do then? That's interesting.

Hope you had a good time

House husband and occasionally sell weeb shit on eBay to weebs for 5x what I paid

It was ayt. I was in college and wasn't white so there wasn't that much "hype" around me. Was in Toyko and I gotta say Citylife in Japan is depressing

>House husband
So a NEET leeching off of your 3D Japanese waifu. Livin' the dream, user.

being depressed as a college student in a foreign city is normal. Your broke, busy and can't speak well enough to integrate

Eh its not only that, how do I say this. Everyone felt like cogs, y'know? Minding their own business doing their own thing, it's not really a bad thing but its kind of unsettling in a way. I gotta say tho I can't believe they just sell porn/prostitute people out in the open.

What city are you from? You sound sheltered as fuck

Well I get that. I hate cities, hated New York when I lived there too.

I came to japan for a working holiday and stayed because a company hired me (database programmer) plus I married a girl and we had a son. So, I been like 7 years here and the payment is good enough.