Hellboy 2019

Do you recommend Hellboy? It's out in cinemas. Wouldn't mind some fun action.

Well Yea Forums?

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>tfw no Ronny Poopooman

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Can't stand the actor anymore ever since he went full retard on social media.

I would recommend almost anything else. Little is surely a better movie. Dumbo is probably a better movie. Shazam is definitely a better movie.

That's one positive thing.

Just remember to punch a Nazi in the theater. Or just a white person, same thing really

The postrs in my city said “lit AF” or something instead of “GIVE EVIL HELL”

This didn't happened.

I liked it. Even though the narrative itself is pretty weak, the action and visuals are a lot of fun and take full advantage of the R rating.

I saw it yesterday and it's easily the worst movie I've seen in the theaters this year. I dunno how CGI that awful is still possible in 2019.

The gory scenes of monsters from hell ripping apart humans was pretty cool though.

This guy summed it up fantastically.
I'd see it if there really isn't anything else to see. Ideally stoned.

Angry Rodriguez summed it up same way.

True hellkino doesn't come till next year, m'lord.

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shills and jews hate it so im watching it

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Garbage when it's trying to actually be a movie, garbage if you watch it and the Del Toro one in the same year, pretty good if you just want to watch the Groffinator being a taser knight then having giants engage in anime DOOM combat to a Royal Blood soundtrack.

user you are shabos goim, this film is crap

I found the poster. It was “legendary af” instead of “lit af”. Sorry, I misremembered.

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This is the one I saw in the city.

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it was ok, i really wanted to like it but it was just meh, it had really high highs and really low lows. practical effects were nice and so was casting for the most part, some people in it can act, some cant

Your mother is watching Hellboy.

His left hand is so fucking small it's ridiculous.

Is it worth for Milla Jovovich as villain?

Ronald Poopman btfo

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never gets old

What did he do?

It's not Ron Perlman in this movie if that's who you mean

David Harbour is almost as politcally retarded as Ron, Ron takes the crown of feces because he literally wont stop talking about it.

See that poster ? This is the part where hope for the movie died for me.

yeah kind of
pretty generic, cgi fest, gore was nice at parts
this guy is pretty much right, the best parts of the movie were in the fucking trailer, everything else suffers from shitty direction and mediocre at best cinematography. i feel for the actors, they tried to put on whatever performances they could but were all kind of just waiting for the paycheks to go through at the end. the worst part for me was the godawful dubstep they overlayed on the somewhat metal score, like they took the idea mick gordon had when he made doom but completely shat in your ears when it came to distortion

Can you be a somewhat succesful actor these day in America and not have to signal political views?

I dunno how I feel about jamie foxx, but I like the idea of a cop drama mixed with a hellish horror vibe, sam and twitch are the best characters in the series and it's about time they got a shot

First hour is actually pretty good. it's campy, it's gory and it's fast paced. It does feel like a B movie at times, but it adds to the charm imo.

Then the movie just decides to fucking drag and have about a boring 45 mins of uninteresting plot and then some fucking terrible CGI when he takes the sword.

Characters were cool though and I like the ending, only sucks the middle is literally nothing and I could skip it next time I watch it.

I wish we could of gotten the knights longer, without them the movie would of been even worse.

You best not be bullshitting me user

her nipples are pretty obvious on her dress, so kind of.

I'm a simple man, I don't care about plot and shit if it's got cool action and violence. Even I didn't like this movie. Some parts are really awesome but most of the time it's boring shit. It's like they mashed 5 movies together into one garbage fire of a movie. The action scenes are the best parts but most of the time it's boring talking. The designs for the creatures are cool but they are barely in the movie. The acting is good but some lines are really bad. Save your money and rent it or pirate it. I still want to see a sequel though, because it had so much potential.

What kind of out of touch boomer came up with that?

I thinks it's a fucking great poster, it's just that shitty tagline ruins it. At least they changed it later.

Todd McFarlane is directing a Spawn movie. Main focus is Sam and Twitch. not Spawn.

Ignore the del taco shills, it's a decent movie

Tell me everything about Milla. I need to know.

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Milla Prime was Resident Evil: Afterlife unffff oof

Pic related.

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She's pretty good in the movie. However she spends the movie doing jack shit until the end and then she gets oneshotted by Hellboy.

>spends the movie doing jack shit
what kind of?

She spends most of the movie as a talking head until magic turns her whole again. Its cool seeing her monsters kill people at the end but It's over in literally 1 minute.

There's one scene where he he goes to see Baba Yaga at her chicken leg house child abattoir, that scene was quite good. The rest is shit, it's like if they did one of those early 2000 spoof movies of hellboy.

kek, talking head

>psycho killer
That's what im going to be after I watch the piece of shit that is the new Hellboy movie.


It was doomed to failure.

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>fails both commercially and critically

I had forgotten about that, and it was probably the best part that wasn't the hell invasion. good mix of cgi with practical
movie opens up with mcshane telling a story WHILE the fucking characters are talking about the story. del taco can't at least form a cohesive narrative that flows the story from one scene to the next, on top of actually having a distinct look and feel like he tends to have with every movie. here bland shots flow the movie together just so you can get to the next action piece

looks like a mexican wrestler

>First hour is actually pretty good. it's campy, it's gory and it's fast paced. It does feel like a B movie at times, but it adds to the charm imo.
>Then the movie just decides to fucking drag and have about a boring 45 mins of uninteresting plot and then some fucking terrible CGI when he takes the sword.
Guess what? The director ran away with an actress mid-production. Maybe that was the cause.

Sauce? Not doubting you I just want to read more about it since it sounds hilarious.

She's the typical "I want to kill all humans and set an NWO just because XDD" villain

>She spends most of the movie as a talking head
imagine having Milla's head... to give you head hahahah



wow go on

It's kind of hot but the thought of getting my dicked suck from a decapitated head makes me sick.

The ending with the floating turd-like father figure was the stuff of memes tbqh.
I was actually surprised someone saw this and decided to leave it in the film.

I'm surprised someone decided to release the movie

it's one of the worst movies i've ever seen.

>Main focus is Sam and Twitch
Reminds me of the HBO series. Did Mc direct that series?

He was a creative director for the most part. He already said that people can expect something similar to the HBO show, but I think he's going to make it even more cryptic/dramatic this time around.
The fact that Spawn will be mostly silent makes me wonder why Jamie Foxx was cast in the first place, but we'll see.

Well, he played a blind dude before, now he wants to be the mute one.